PROVINCIAL COURT June 14, 19771 Judge Bark presided with Assistant Crown Attorney N. McCrank and duty counsel K. VanNest. Ross F. Ward, age 24, 1568 Simncoe St.N., Oshawa, plead- ed 'guilty' to speeding on regional road 57 on April il. A cotnstabie observed ihim pas-, sing a northbound vehicle at 87 miles in a 50 mile zone. The fine was $150 and costs or 15 days with 3 months license suspension. Given 2 months to pay. Gregory Bradshaw, 240 Dur- ham St. Oshawa, and Peter S. Hudson, 59 Beatrice St., Osh- awa, both pleaded 'guilty' to having motor vehicles in Darlington Park on May 7 af ter the park had closed for the day. The electric gate was broken but restitution, bas been made, Each were fined $35 and costs or 3 days. Martin Krishko, 25, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' to a charge laid February 21. 'did drive while disqualified on highwav 35'. Const. Whitp.- ley proceeded to a one car roll over. His license had been suspended for default of a prevîous fine payment. There was $800 damage to the car. The fine was $350 and costs in default 35 days. He was given 60 days to pay. His driving privileges were "further, can- celled by this court.' Tracy Embley, 21, 1.R1i Orono, was charged March 10 with causing a disturbance in the Elmhurst Hotel parking lot, Newcastle. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. Both parties were intoxicated. He has no pre- vious record. The fine was $150 and costs, in default 10 days. Given one month to pay. Ian Stuart Wilcox, 19, 70 Lambs Lane, Bowmanville, was charged with careless driving on April 30. H1e pleaded 'guilty'. Const. Park observed him driving north on Liberty St. and seemed to be having trouble controlling his car. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 10 days. Given one month to pay. The judge told him 'to let this incident be a good lesson to him.' Nicholas Shewchuk, 44, R.R. 1, Orono, pleaded 'guilty' to break and enter at an apple storage shed to commit theft. H1e also pleaded 'guilty' to two charged of false pretense. H1e was placed on probation for two years, with orders to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, he is to report once 1Mrs. Barbara- Littieford, Toronto, was a Friday night visitor of Mrs. Mildred Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin and Paul. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Anderson, Port Hope, visited the Trewin family on Monday. ,Mrs. D. Malcolm, Scarbor- ough, is spending a few days with the Arthur Trewin family. Mr. Jim Jones, Scarbor- ough, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones on Saturday. Mrs. Wilfred Bowman, En- niskillen, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Michael Strenge and David, Mr. Ross Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's.. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Strenge and David, Missis- sauga, spent the weekend with a week as long as required to try and help him. H1e is to take such treatment from a psych- iatrist and get help that is necessary. H1e is to make restitution to the orchard involved and also to the local store. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family. Mrs. Ruby Lock, Mrs. Doris Ashton, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Benson, Bewdley, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Power, Cookstown, Mr. and Mrs. Les Taylor, Blackstock, Mr. Weir Swain, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Robert and Stephen, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Meta Read. Several from Haydon, attended the Decoration Ser- vice at Hampton Cemetery on Sunday. Mr. Jack Potts, is still a patient in the Oshawa Hos- pital. Run around with your wife again. Te rýaoaro-rrtOrpenatfess Fitness. In vour heart you know it's right. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Duetta of Newcastle, Ontario are, pleased to announce the forth- coming marriage of their youngest daughter, Deboran * ON DISPLA Y, 1Mon*-Tues,-eWe d,,June 2Om21-z2 MacDonald Ford Sales, Bowmanvillle *~ THE VANTASTIC -* * *I- . ..* ...... *Pr * *c . .* ........ . .. . * * *RE *RW AL F *e rw - oyfrLv' ei uft *uple * *o *-lr ak o oacl, *uple * *o bl' *eeae t. 42 KigS.W*ow a-ni IL Yur, evV Reaquarers * toi * in St atKigS.EatHMLY EE*GSLD *UHRIE *OT F OACL *0McoadBewrlDmno 1 Str NE OTAT IHCC-OALD *o rd Rta* Irene Duetta to Gordon Wil- fred Knapp, youngest son of Mrs. Ruby Knapp and the late Herbert Knapp of 'Bowman- ville. Marriage to take place at Newcastle United Church at 4 o'clock, July 30, 1977. Reverend David Spivey offici- ating. Native, of Newcastle A native of Newcastle Vil- lage, Lynn M. Dudley, was elected Chairman of the Canadian Gas Association, during their three-day conven- tion in Jasper Alberta this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Walton of Newcastle flew to Jasper to be present for bis installation. Mr. Dudley was born in Newcastle, but be bas been a longtime resident of Toronto where he receivedhis primary and secondary education prior to graduating from the Royal Military College and receiving a commission in the Canadian Army. LYNN M. DUDLEY 11e served over six years in World War II in the European Theatre in armoured recon- naissance and communica- tions, returning to Canada in the Faîl in 1945. After receiving further training at the University of Toronto, Lynn was employed in a special brancb of the Federal Department of La- bour to assist in the rehabili- tation,,and employment of youths and handicapped persons. 11e later accepted a request by the Director of Reform Institutions of Ontario to establish a rebabilitation programme for both dis- charged offenders and paro- lees from Ontario correctional institutions. In 1950 he entered manufact- uring as a supplier to the plumbing and heating indus!- ry in hydraulic and heating equipment, wbere he bad responsibilities in design, manufacturing and marketing for many years. In 1965 Lynn founded Ray- pak Canada'to manufacture the heating boilers, hot water supply heaters and swimming pool heaters of Raypak U.S.A. a California Corporation. Raypak Canada now has three divisions which supply the Canadian and United Kingdom markets with gas and oil fired hydronic heating products, solar panels for pool heating, hot water supply and central heating, reverse Osmosis machines for pollu- tion control and ultra fltIra- tion. Since 1968, Lyti las been a Vice President and t)irec!or of the Parent Company, Raypak International ic. which in- chîdes the direct ion of Raypak Net heIrh1nds, a mianufacturîng facility wlîich serves Contin- ental Europe. Lynn lias served as a 1)irector of C. G.A. since 1971 irepreseiinig filie Manufactur- ers' Section, and is a Past (brhîian of Ibis Section. ln adidition he is a member of t lie Anmerican Society of tteating, llefrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, the Gild of Ancient Supplers, C..G.A., and is a member of several committees. Lynn and his wife, Aima eeside in Etobicoke and share the enjoyment of golfing and boating in their leisure nîours. HAYDONf Forthcoming Marriage HELP WANTED TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE DOG LICENCE COLLECTOR The Town of Newcastle requires the services cf a persan ta work with the AnimalI Contrai Department ta collect averdue dag licence fees. The remuneration is at the rate cf $2.00 per licence fee collected plus car mileage. tnterested parties please apply in writingto J. M. McILROY, A.M.C.T. Town Cierk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontaria.