ýoxer Gives His ý Support to Particiio Hoi usqe Former Organist Ordained as Canon TheCanadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 15, 1977 17 Celebrated First Birthday Heavyweight boxer George Chuvalo raises Mrs, Saturday night by the Durt Ralph Campbell's arm as an indicationthat she Mrs. Campbell is secreta. and the Participation House fund raisers in directors. At lef t is Dale Fi Durham Region are going to meet their objective Jaycees who headed up theE of $360,000 to build a Participation House in Strike, Chairman of the fun( Bowmanville. Chuvalo was a guest at the Casino the Casino Night have beE Night held at Oshawa Civic Auditorium on crowd was not as large las e: Celebrate Golden Wedding, Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald ~celebrated their 5th wedding an- niversary at an Open House on Saturday, June llth, at the home of their niece. It was organized Iby their daughter Karlyn who came home from Hope, B.C. for the occasion, and nieces Jean Stevens and Sharonr Whalen. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald received many tokens and expressions of good wishes from, friends, relativýes, neighbors and members of parlia- ment. Father's Day F7, is celebratted with a S MORGASBORD and a little music at the COACH AND' FOUR Restaurant and Tavern PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF - BARBEQUE SPARERIBS LOBSTERS - WHOLE SALMON a long with a full selection of SALADS, COLD MEATS AND DESSERTS ALL YOU CAN EAT! AdWs$7.95 Children Under 12 - Special Prices Chidren Under 6- Special! Special! 0f Course ... You may also order from aur Daily Menu <You wiII be entertained by the sensational CHERYL at the organ On Father's Day our Smorgasbord wiII be served from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m ., closing at 10: 00 p.m. WNeekdays, 12 faon to i-:oo a.m., Saturdays, 9:00,a.m. toi1:00 a.m. Sundays 9:00 a.m. ta 10:00 p.m. COACHI R. R. 2Oronc We alIso Cater to smi in ou. U FO0UR1 Restauririf &Tavern D, Phone 983-5560, Hwy. 115 and 35 ail Banquets, Meetings and Receptions ir Private Banquet Room 7~I**I*-1- "-M The Rector, Wardens, and people of the Anglican Parish of St. John's Darlington were honoured by the presence of the Right lteverehd Harold L. Nutter, Lord Bishop of Fred- ericton, NB., when Mr. Clif- ford Evans was ordained Deacon on Wednesday, June 1 3at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Evans, a recent graduate of the Epis- copal Theological Seminary, Lexington,, Kentucky, is a former organist, choirmaster and lay reader at St. John's. Besides members of, the Parish, the near capacity congregation, was composed k , of out-of-town clergy, Bow- manville and out-of-town friends of Jean and Cliff Bishop Nutter officiated at the service in which Mr. Evans was presented as a candidate by the rector, the Reverend Thomas Gracie. The sermon was given by the Reverend H.J. Frampton, Church of Our Saviour, Toron- to, a personal friend of the Evans family, and the Epistie 4 was read by the Reverend Canon Arnold Herbert, Oshawa. Both Rev. Frampton and Canon Herbert were rectors of St. John's when Cliff Evans was organist and choirmaster. Also taking part ,ham Region Jaycees. in the service was the Rever- 1r ft oado end Roger Maggs, Chaplain of .ry f th boad of Oshawa General Hospital ýoran of Bowmanville where Mr. Evans was em- event. At right is Alan ployed before entering the d drive. No resuits of ýen received, but the Lot Levies expected. M k r e t TYRONEL Too Expensive UCW Meeting Tyrone United Church women met at the Manse at Enniskillen on June 8, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. J. Vaneyk, Vice-President welcomed the ladies and thanked our hostess Mrs. H. Kempling. The Devotional was presented by Mrs. T. Pleasance, Mrs. D. Southwell and Mrs. H. Stain- ton on "Hands, Head and Heart. " Offering was received by Mrs. D. Southwell and dedicated. In the absence of Secretary Mrs. A. Haines, Mrs. A. Hoar read the minutes. Correspondence in- cluded a note of thanks from the Church Treasurer Mrs. L. Slemon for our generous donation to the Stewards, a letter of thanks from Strat- haven and one from Mrs. L. Phare for our gift to her. Mrs. G. Aldread received donations for- our foster child in the absence of Mrs. Lorna Davey. A motion to supplement finan- ciaiiy ivirs. Lavey for the child during the summer, months. Treasurer Mrs. D. Southwell' reported a healthy balance in the reasury. t was decided to have a bee in the evening on June 27 at the church. A letter from Presbytery informed us of camp at Quin-mo-lac Sept- ember 9, 10,, il or Perth, September 20, 21, 22. Fal meetings of Presbyterial are slated at Brooklin, October 17 and Newtonvilie, October 25th. Money was voted for sub- scriptions to the Upper Room. Mrs. J. Woodly reported on our June, caterings. A Skit, "Sales Resistance" was pre- sented by Mrs. Southwell, Mrs. Pleasance and Mrs. Stainton. Mrs. Southwell con- ducted a contest with prizes going to Mrs. J. Vaneyk and Mrs. L. Richards. Delicious refreshments were served by the Committee assisted by Mrs. Kempling. Advertising.. . helps you know why. Members of Newcastle council were told Monday evening, June 6, that lot ievy fees are driving up the cost of a non-profit senior citizens housing project being planned for Orono. Seven directors of the Dur- ham County Senior Citizens Lodge were on hand Monday night when their lawyer, Dick Lovekin, told council that it will cost about $132,000 for lot levies imposed on the project by the Durham Region and the Town of Newcastle. Mr. Lovekin said that if architectural, engineering and'legal fees are added to the lot levy expe.nses, the total cost of the project would be about $6,000 per unit, even before one brick is placed on top of another. If costs of the 40-unit building rise too high, there is a danger that the senior citizens lodge may lose its boan from, the Central Mortgage and Housing Corp- oration, Mr. Lovekin stated. He said that the lot levies could haVie the effect of "1putting us down the chute." He pointed out that the' senior citizens lodge has $100,000 in assets and plans to use a boan of $800,000 to cover the cost of the projcct. Councillor Ted Woodyard suggested that the town could not do away with lot ievy fees, for the projet but it could make the project a grant equal to the lot levies. The councillor said later in the meeting that grants for the senior citizens project would save the region from building facilities such as Hillsdale Manor. "I think we should takeý some steps to look into this matter", said- Newcastle Mayor, Garnet Rickard. He added that there could be no quick answer Monday night. The subject was referred to' the town's finance committee for further discussion next week. In addition, it was suggested that representa- tives of the senior citizens project discuss the regional lot levies with the region's public works committee. Seminary in 1974. Mr. Peter Williams, student minister, attended Bishop Nutter. The present organist and choirmaster, Terry Dawson, enlisted the help of the choir of Ail Saints Anglican Church, Whitby, to support the St. John's choir, and their pre- sence enriched the musical portion of the service, espec- ially during the singing of the antfIem, "I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me". The ordination ceremony was followed by the service of Holy Communion which ail of....... those preent were invited to receive. At the completion of, the service,, the Great Hall was the scene of-a joyous recep- tion, arranged by the choir, assisted by the various parish groups. Presiding at the head table, which was tastefuliy decorated by a lovely arrange- ment of yellow, pink and white flowers flanked by yellow candies in crystal candelabra, were Mrs. L.G.* Pridie, wife of the Rector's Warden, and Mrs. J. Hartweii, wife of the People's Warden. During the reception, Bishop Nutter spoke briefly and announced thate the Reverend Clifford Evans has been appointed to the parish of Gagetown, N.B. On behaîf of the people of St. John's, Mr. J. Hartweil pre sented Cliff with a cheque, -and Mrs. Gracie 'presented Jean with the red and white carnations which had, graced the altar during the ordination ceremony. 1 The Reverend Clifford Evans and Mrs. Evans will be Hi My name is Amy Melissa staying in Bowmanviile ulitil Dwl n a n erodo the end of June, when they will eufadI-son yarl n leave for their first parish June 14th, 1977. My mom and dad rectory in Gagetown, NB. are Cathi and Ron Dewulf of The Central Lake Ontario to . be held on Monday, Conservation Authority will be Wednesday and Friday even- conducting siide talks and film ings and Sunday mornings. presentations at 9:00 p.m.'on Meet at the C.L.O.C.A. office, Tuesdays, Thursdays and 1650 Dundas Street E., Whitby Saturdays at Heber Down (opposite Whitby Maîl) at 6:30 Conservation Area. June 25- p.m. for evening walks and September 4 inclusive. Dir- 9:30 a.m. for Sunday waiks. ections-from iHWy. 401: Brock Wiil be held "rain or shine." Street (Hwy. 12), N. to Please dress accordingly. Taunton Road, (Durham Re- Saturday, June 25 Talk-In- gional Rd. 4) W. 1 mi. to troduction to the Central Lake Country Lane, N. 1 mi. to Ontario Conservation Author- Conservation Area. ity. Nature andllistôdicai waïks Sun;day, June 26' ~ti at various conservation areas walk at Lynde Shores Conser- Bowmanville. My grandparents are Ernest and Eileen Reader of Bowmanville and Tom and Claire Dewulf of London, Ontario. 11 vation Area. Monday, June 27 Nature walk at Purpie Woods Conser- vation Area. Tuesday, June 28 Taik- Physiography of Southern Ontario. Those interested may remain afterwards for some informai stargazing. Wednesday, June 29 Nature walk at Harmony Valley Conservation Area. Thursday, June 30 Talk - Life in the Woods. hike at Enniskillen Conserva- tion Area. For more information con- tact: Steve La Forest, Inform- ation and Education Office, 1650, Dundas Street East, Whitby,' Ontario. LIN 2K8, (416) 579-0411. RED CROSS WE HONOR CHARGE'X - MASTE RCHARGE FORiJ YOUR CONVENIENCE CLOCA Planning Many Activities PIZZA, Once you've tried our subs, there's nowhere else Io go. This Woek's Spociol, Thurs., Fri, and Sat. ALLS $1,00 PIZZA AGeON 623-4134 ......... lu'%