12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 15, 1977 'Section Two Lettor to the Iditor (Coninued fromn Page 4) (Also sung to the "Land 0' the Leal" by Lady Nairne) and challenging message always meant so much to me. Then imagine how I feit as I stood on the field of Bannockburn viewing the statue to Robert Bruce and questioned some native boys old enough 1 thought to understand better, when 1 discovered their minds were blank about the history of their own dwelling place. My wife's comment about the foregoing, chiding me, thuhsharîng my feeling more than she readlly admits, reminds me of a story Mr. Stewart, former minister of Agriculture tells, about re- ceiving a very complimentary introduction to an audience as one of Canada's greatest men. He asked her, as they were leaving "I wonder just how many great men there are in Canada." Her prompt reply was "I don't know but 1 know the numfber is one less than you think." That's one of our great needs for wives--to keep oui' feet on the ground. Is it not? She continually chides me forbeing too lengthy, maybe rightly, but what I am coming to is to warn against a false sense of values allowing us to " sell our birth-right for a mess of pottage." We cannot properly discharge oui' awe- some responsibility to suc- ceeding generations with mere material provision. "Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. " As we shower on the young ahl that money but "so little for the mind" and soul that money cannot buy-what is unseen but eternal" and priceless. Are we selling the priceless, for a price. When 1 look into a certain large hospital which carnies a Christian name, and find there are several dentists on the staff there doing no other dentistry than oral surgery and their head dentist telîs-me when I ask hlm why they do no preventive dentistry (He hap- pens to be Jewish), "There's no-money in it," how can I help wondering if even under a Christian name the priceless is being sold for a price? When I look into one of our secondary schools and ask the principal why $1377.00 worth of confectionery was sold to the pupils in that one, school last year and he tells me in whispered tones "You know Dr. Blair, money talks," while at the samne time he readily admiits it is oif no benefit to t-he pu,!pils but very harmful both to the teeth (where it is bloody murder) and their general health and poor moral influ- ence what am I to thmk? Are we selling the priceless health of body, mind and soul of our children for a price? When a 19-year-old sits in my chair, looking like 'the wildest long lost ship-wrecked sailor that ever was and I chide him about it and he tells me he would much prefer to tidy himself up and look decent and respectable, but 1 wouldn't dare go to'Durham College like that, what am I to think? Are we sabotaging the priceless heritage that was passed to us for shabby material profit, popularity and empty pleasure, because we do not have enough ambition or reponsibility to even give your youngsters moral support in their own effort, to develop character, leave alone guide thern ito iLs development and nourish it. That young man said to me in utmost seriousness, "My, I wish more older men would talk to me like you do. Then things would be so different for us. Nobody ever talked to me like that before, not even prayers. He was 56 years old and that was 1930, the worst of the depression. Are we in any lesser crisis today? Can we afford to turn over the helm of the ship of state to untested, inexperienced leaders-to "Isend a boy (or a girl) on a man's errand?" Does any -sane mountain- climbing expedition put -the young ones at the upper end of the. rope, and then "let themn make their own decisions." Is that any favour or honour? Is it not more insuit if not bloody murder? Are we operating a sane society? That is the real issue in this election, and its solut--i is no child's play. Thank you. 1Your-srespectfully, Angus McDowell Blair, D.D.S. i RIO BRAND PIECES & STEMS MUSHROOMS IN0 We pick the best fruits, vegetables, meats and poultry just for you. Our buyers are constantly searching to bring you the finest produots money can buy. Our meats are federally inspected. Everything that can be done to assure ' O * . White, Pink, YeIIow, Green, Lavender Box of 200 sheets KL E ENa E X FACIAL TISSUE LEAHY, FANCY ACTION PRICEDI APPLE 28-F-OZ LÈl SAUCE JAR 6 DETERGENT SAVE 26c 24-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL SUNLIGH T 59ý PLUS 20c PER BTL DEPOSIT 750-ML RET BTL MARVEL BRAND, SLICED SAVE 17c 24-OZ LOAF WHITE 10 BREAD 3Jq'Il0 TOMATO SAVE 12c 20«FL.OZ BITL KETCHUP_9 LIOUID JAVEL SAVE 20c ACTION PRICEDI 128-FL-OZ A &P PLSTICJG BL EACH u79 GRAPE, LEMON, ORANGE, RASPBERRY, SAVE 20c C U HWILD FRUIT FLAVOUR 23.3-OZ I Bevera ges * Quench Crystals 16 ________________FABRIC SOFTENER ACTION 'PRICEDI DIXIE HOME, Frozen, Apple, Bîueberry, Cherry 8-oz P ie %la# 3 litre plastic jug 2.79 Fr i is {r10 BATHROOM TISSUE - WHITE, PNAUYLO il FLAVOURS MIX 'N MATCH ACTION, PRICEDI ACTION PRICEDI PKG 0F 4 ROLLS Jeu-O 3oz pkg 4for99<ý Marboro Tissue 59< DESSERT TOPPING ACTION PRICED! VARIETY PACK 21/2-LB PKG ACTION PRICED! DreamnWhip 85 gpk 69W Manning, ookies 1.59 TOMATO OR VEGETABLE Clark Soups OCEAN KING Piink Salmon 10- f 1-oz tin 5 for 1.0 0 73/4-oz tinl 88< COFFEE SAVE 30c ACTION PRICEDI Max,&well MHouse 1b bag4~ A&P REGULAR OR MINIATURE Maàrshmrlallows SUGAR CRISP 400 g OR ALPHABITS 450 g Post 1Ceýrealso% 1O-oz ceilo bag 39< pkg 99< CHEESE 'N WHEELS, CHEESE 'N BACON, TOMATO 'N CHEESE ACTION PRICED! Lanctia Lunches 7W/.o Lpkgfr 99%<Or A QUALITY BLEND RICH IN BRZAZILIAN COFFEES - PERC, ORIP OR ELECTRIC PERC AmP Vac Pac Coffee -lbn39 MIX 'N MATCH - 10 VARIETIES INCLUDING SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SALIS & BEANS WITH PORK ACTION PRICEDI 8-FL-OZ TIN Hein Z Lunch Box V arieies 3f,,89 ITAIANPRODUCTS! READY CUT MACARONI, SPAGHETTINI OR PRmO 2-LB PKG SPAGUHETTIý Unico Beans UNICO Tuna Fish GEM OR, SELECT Unico Olives 100% VEGETABLE Unico Oil ACTION PRICEDI 19-flti In39 SAVE 16c 3.5-o tnim49< SAVE 10c 14-fi oz ar49< SAVE 48c 128-ffi ztind4,d49 you of the utmost in quality is being taken care of at A&P. Our standards are hiph, but we don't stop there - we guar- antee every purchase you make. If it's proof you want, corne on in - we do pick the best, so you can, too. CALIFORNIA, SEEDLESS, PERLETTE RlbE ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1977. fOR69 2 for 89< 3fOrlOO 2-lb tray 99< NO. 1 GRADE' IMPORTED, SWEET__ o ûREEN PEPLARGE%3SI 9 - NO. 1 GRADE, TEXAS, VINE RIPENED, each7 LARGE SIZE 79 FLORIDA, e #, /-% SWEET, RIPE ec ONTARIO, f» FRESH OAILY fo O-FRESH DAILY c for 0' GE BUNCHES 3 ONTARIO <bunbhes59 >FRESH DAILY %Jý 4-lb cello MARY, MI LES-CANADIAN QUEEN-BONELESS-SMOKEI Ham MQuadr ts D A&P-SLICED 1688Side Bacon TOWN CLUB-SWEET PICKLED-VAC PAC BURNS Coeýttaâge RoIlis lbi.9 Sausagtes Beef & Pork, 9 SWIFT PREMIUM-SLICED-6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS-FROZEN "GREAT ON A GRILL!" Cooked Meats 6oz VacPaC 39< Beef Steakettes 116pkg9&8 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF 7-INCH CUT - FIRST 5 RIBS PRIE IBROAST (PRIME RIB STEAK LB 1.58 IbliS8 I GRADE ' VWEET, JUICY LRGE NO. 1 GRADE, FLORîDA, TENDER, GOLDEN cIR s NO. 1 GI P E ACHES IMPORTED, SId NO.- 1 GRAU C A B BÂ G ECAROLIINA, LJ qL NO. 1 GRADE, U R-% RA' LONG GREEN SLICERS NO. 1GRADE, 'T"l u MIV ,-T uE bS FLORIDA, FIRM, RIPE CANTALOUPE WATERMELON LEAF LETTUCE ONTARIO RADISHES ,LARG GREEN ONIONS We pc the hest meut- andpely.S yeu -Cu-i tee! FRESH- 15'PIECES "GREAT ON A GRILL!" BOX C> ICKEN lb 3 Leg Quarters. 3 Breast- Quarters 3 Wings, 3 Necks, 3, Giblet Packages FRESH -- "GREAT ON A GRILLI" Cy HICKEN PARTS Breast Quarters Leg Quarters Ib r 10 ZG 1-lb Vac pac lm48