Bowmanville, JUIY 13, 1977 13 DEADLINE :FOR CLASSIFIED 12 623-13303] tel BROWN - Jerry and Dariene are pieased ta announce the -arrivai af a son, Ryan Geraid aon Saturday, July 9, 1977, oveighinq 9 lbas. 3 ozs. a brother ,ýor Gregory. Grandiparents Sare Mr. and Mrs. AI Ian Brown of Hamptoniand Mr. and Mrs. ýGeorge Nugent of Oshawa and lSth great grandchild for MrpS. tydia Brooks of Bowmanviiie. KIMMETT - Carl and Mary Lynn (nee Bailey) are deiight- ed ta annaunce the birth of their dlaug hter, Rebecca Mary, an Ju ysth, 1977 a t Roýs Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. A wee sister for Warren a nd Joel. 28-ix VanWIERINGEN -John and Elaine proudiy announce the arrivai of Karla Faith, 6 lb. 10 az, in Kincardine on Thurs- day, Juiy lth - first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Wieringen and second -mrndchiýid for Mr. and Mrs. i iff Failis, Pontypool. Mrs. Anthony Deane, Wil- Iawdale, is leased ta an- nounce the engagement of her daghter Doreen Barbara ta -Wes loy George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. The marriage ta take place August'2Oth, 1977 e t 4 p.m. in St. Edwards - hurch, Wllowdale. Mr-. and M-s. Trueman Henderson, Newtvonvllle are ý,leased ta announice the en- qagement of their only daughter Brenda Lynn ta -Jamnes Lloyd St. John, Agin- cýourt, oniy son of Mr. and Mrs. Narald W. St. John. The mrrarniage will tako place on ~StraAugust 6th in New- ,tm*nile United Chîjrch. -Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wooýi (formerly Remle)are -happy tao announce the en- 'ýage;-er; of their chiidrep Miss iene C.E. Remle MrJhn M Wodý -ll ABRAMS - Jeabn. At Mem1,-, o*lalHoiaiBomvie cn Thursdaýy, July 7. 197ý7. J~LeavonPoýf-yof ;i ht'ei' ifyear. Dear mother of -jndRalph, Mrs. V. R. Ctarke ý(Aice), Mrs. R, Tim- merman (Bernice) and Lyje end Leslie. Rested at ftho Northcuff Elliatf Funeral Home, Safurda y atternooni and evening. Then ta the Lindsay Funeral Holme, Sy- denham, Ontaria for visiting Sunday affernoon and even- ing Funeral services was held at. lo'clock Monday marning. informent Belleville' Ceme- tery. 28-1 HARDING - At Memorial Hos ifai, Bowmanvi lie, Sunday, July 1lOth, 1977 Reginald Harding,, aged 86 yoears. Lovne brother of Beatrico Harding, Monmouth,ý England. Dear friend oft fho late Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Richards, Bowmanville. Ser-L vice was held in the Mrris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanville on Tuosday atternoon. Infor :- ment BownanvilleCemefery!. 28-1 SCOTT - Flarence. At Marn-' woad Nursing Home on Mon- day, Juiy 11, 1977. Florence Stewart of Bowmanviiie. Wife, of the late Ronald Scott, sister of Ernest of British Columbia. Dean aunt of Bruce Macdon- aid. Resfed at the Northcutt Elijoft Funeral Home. Funeral service was held 1:30 o'clock Wednesday affernoon, Infrment Befhesda oCeme-! tory. 28-i1 Mr. and Mrs. A.D. Brook- i ng, 281 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilie, wish ta an- nounice the farthcoming mar- niage of thei r daughter Alanna Jean, ta Mr. Vernon M. Bal, a !son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bail, R.R. 2 Orona. The wedding wiii take place Satur- day, August 2th, 1977 at 3 ý .m at Trinity United Church, owmanvilie. 28-ix Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Malcolm of Yelverton are pleased ta annaunce the forth- cam ing marniage of their eider daughter, Iiitzi Ma rie ta Robert Douglas Fick, son af Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick of Scarbarough. Wedding ta take place an Aug. 13, 1977 at 3:30 p.m. at Yelvertan United Church. 28-t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neai af Kendai are pieased ta annaunce the forthcqmîng marriage of their daug hter Neisha Ann ta Ranald Doug- las, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mumby of Belleville, Ontario. The wedding ta take place on Saturday, Octaber 1 st, 1977 at 4 'ciack at Kendal1 The famîly of Joanne and Donald Staples invite rela- tives, friends and neighbors ta an Open House for a silver wedding anniversary celebra- Coan. if wil11 be held an Sunday, July 17 tram 2 p.m. an, atternoan and evening af their home, Broadlawns Farm. Best wishes oniy. 28-1 ,OY -ln lovi..ngmmayoa dlear daughter and sîs>ter, Brenda, who, pas-sed away July 19, 1966. We do nat need a special day To bning you fa aur mind, For the days wo do nat think of you Are very hard ta tînd. - Aiways remembered by Mom, Dad and Larrv. VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivory ta .., Oshawa - Bowmanvllle Area Phone 623-4441 43-tf "Fîowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundays and Hoida ys Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623-7259 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOUS, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N E EDS Durham County's rldest Funeral Servii MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480n Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THODUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Service to your needs... our f inst concern. So that you will be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREETr, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Establisheci 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Ontario LIA 3W3 Wr-<ASî uLr High Quaiity at Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 Home85-5222 - i e ALLDREAD- In laving memory of a dear son, Danny Alidread, wha passed away Juiy 5, 1975. No faIreweii1 was spoken,, Na time ta say goadbye Yau were gane betore wve knew if And anly God knows why. it broke aur hearts ta lose you But you did not go a lane, For part of us went with yau The day Gad caleéd you home. - Sadi y missed and lovingly remem bered by Mother, Father and family. 28-1 COUCH - [n 1iaving memory of a dear Grandson Bradley James who passed away Juiy 16, 1975. Sadiy missed alang the way Quietly remembered every day Na longer in aur lite ta share But in aur hearts he's always there. - Neyer ta be fargatten by Grandma and Grandpa Couch. 28-1 GILBANK - In laving memary of a dear father and grandfather John Leonard, who passed away July 11, 1974. The gates of memary will neyer close, We miss you mare than anyone knows With tender lave and deep reg ret, We who loved you wili neyer forget. -Loved and remembered by Doris, Duane, George, Johh and Daniel Chrysler. LUXTON - In loving memory of a dear mother Chrîstina, who passed away July 15, 1976. The rolling stream of lite rails on But stili the vacant chair Recalls the love, the vaice, the sm le Of the one who once sat there. - Lovingly remembered and sadiy missed by son Fred, daughter-in-law Kay and grandchildren. LUXTON - In memory of Mrs. Percy Luxtan, a loving mather and qrandmofher, who passed away Jul y 8th, 1976. Yau gave me litle, you were my life Through every single day. Yau cared for me, gave your Slove ta me In every human way. The sacrifices yau made for Were Ifmifless truh tine. I ~ ~ ~ ~ aC naeI.l* hr a -1nw You gave the lave of nine. The lave i feel for yoýu inside, Is mare than a litet'ime can hol d When God creafed you He surely brake- the mold, - Ever Iaved and sadly m issed by daughter Mil1ie and famlly. 28-1 x MORRIS - In memory of a dear gnanddaughter Michelle wha passod away July 16, 1971. Thaugh absent you.are very near, Stili ioved, stili missod and verýy dean. v Lvngly remnembened by Gran Smith. 28-1 MORRIS - In iaving memory of a dean daughfer Michelle Andrea (Mick) who left so suddenly July 16, 1971. Deep in aur hearfs, a memory is kept To lave, ta cherish, ta nover target. - Sadiy missed by mommy and dad. 28-1 MORRIS - In memony of a dean sister, Mick who passed away July 16,,1971. As the days grow info manths And the monfhs grow into years, We seek a sulentL solit1ude, With memonies - a smiie - a tea r. - Always missed by Babby, Claire and neo)hew John. PETERSON - In, ,Ioving -l memory of a dean son, brother and father, Wilson Wayne Peterson, who passed away July 8th, 1975. 14-tf Two years hav e passed, since that sad day, When aur dean son was calied) away ice If we had ali the waldto give To hear your vaice and e youn smîle, And greot yau af the doon But ail we can do dean son s go and tond yourgrave And leave behind tokens of love To the best son God even made. - Sadiy missed and ever tf nemembored by Mom, Dad, - hro-ther. iîm and daua,,-h+o,- Angela. 28-1 TERRý?'-- In loving memary oftadear Dad, Willi am Wesley Torry, wha passed away July 12, 1950. Naf justat death I think of you Your memonies always, linger on. Till my time cames ta soe you i hope yau'll wait with open a rms God biess us bath tram ai and ,who And gosh, dean Dad, i stili miss youi. -Lovingiy remembered by da Ughter Helen Nicholson, Oshawa, Ontario. 28-1 WRIGHT- Chuck. In laving memony of a dean husband and fathen who passod away July 18, 1976. Looking back with memanies Uponthe pafh you tnod Wo bless the hours we had ,wifh yau And beave the nost with God. - Sadly missed by wite Bubs and son Stephen and family of 24-ff Bowmanvilie. 28 lx I s MACMAHON - In Iaving memnory of a dear father and mocther, Arthur and Giadys McMahoni, who lett us on June 23, 1970 and July 30, -1975. As time unfolds another year emories keep y ou ever near, Silent fhough ts of times together, Hold myemaries that will iasf torever. 1 -E-:ver remembered by Wes andý' Jeanine. 28-1 SMITH- Lilla Adelaide. In iaving memary of a dear wife and mother Lilia who passed away July 17, 1975. Two years have passed and gane Since one we laved s0 well Was taken tram aur home on ea rth, With Jesus Christ ta dwell. The fiowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shal neyer fade away. - Sadiy missed by husband Edwin, daughters Camille, Beverly and Carol and fami- lies 28-1 x I wish fa fhank Pontypoal United Church and chair and relatives, friends and neigh- baurs for the flowers, gi fts, cards and visits while in Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville, and since returning home. Mrs. Roy Cochrane 28-1x Our sincere thanks ta rela- tives, friends and neighbours for g ifts, ftlaweCs and cards an the occasion of aur 45th Wedding Anniversary. Speciai t'ianks ta aur nieces Doreen Taylor and Lena Clysdale and ail those who assisted themn in making the cele bratian at Waltona Park a very mem- arable event. Clarence and Olive Burley 28-1 x Iwould like tai extend my thanks and appreciafion ta my friends and neighbours for cards, f lowers and visits and their many acts of kindness while a patient in Memarial Hospital and sinice returning hkome. Mjany thanks alsa ta e rl î~n fn.we stff on m-tedical and surgical floars. Special thanks ta Drs. Ewert ,Selnga' and Long. Sincerely, Art Col lis Pontypooi Fun Fair and Summerfest - Pontypool Park - Friday, Julyl15, 6- 1 a.m, and Saturday, July 16, il a.m. - 1 a.m. Chiidren's rides, games of chance, refreshments. Park admission - $1.00 - 16 and under FREE. Dance bath nh fram 9 -p.m. -1a.m. Specia Events: Cross Country Run, Parade, "Kins- men 500", Tug of War, Men's Bail Game, 27-2 The 104f h Annual Reunion of the WerrY Famll'y descen- dants will e heic at the Cart- 'wright Rocreation Centre an Saturday, July l6th at 12 noan. Pot Luck dinner. Drink and dishes supplied. 27-2 NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB Auction Sale-i1 GRAFFITI NIGHT Saturday, Jul y 30,1977 Music of fhç 50's by a D.J. Newcastle Community Hall Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. $5.00 couple REFRESHMENT GARDEN 1 pm. - 1a.m. For Tickets 987-4976 or ;1987-5293. 2- Club Annrene Scugog Iland Dance Band Schedu le JuIy 16 - Little Caesar and the 1Consuls July 23 - Par Four JuIy 30 - Little Caesar and the Consuls DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST SINGLES DANCE Doors Open 8:-30 p. m. Information 576-6599 New Shop Hou ns House of Amnber Antique and Gift Shop (Northend Hampton Village) Monday and Tuesday 12 noon - 9 p.m. Wednesday ta Friday 9 a.M. to 9 p.m. Satun.iday 9 taS5 p.m. Sunday - by chance only 28-1 28-1 The tamily of the late David Bat hwell wish fa express theinr sincero thanks to ail their wonderful relatives, friends and nieighbars for the many 5 acts of kindnesses, faral56-5522 tnibufes and donations ta the Cancer Fund. Special thanks fa Rev. Amacher, Marris Funeral Chapel, Dr. Hubbard, nur-ses and Memorial Hospital for the excellent care given fa David. Also a speciai thank MONTMOR you fo the Enniskillen U.C.W. pick your ladies for their lunch served quart or tre affer the funeral. Sincerely order. HighN Bernice Bothwell and tamily. ot Bowm 28-1 987-4406. I wish ta thank my family, relatives and many good friends and neighbors for their flowers, gifts, cards, visits and thoughtfulness during my stay in Memorial Hospita , Bawmanville. Also a special thanks tathe Emergency Staff and Dr. Cunningham, the I.C.U. staft, nurses on the first floor and Drs. H. B. Rundle and ot La~ Wiseman 28-1 The Newcastle Parks and Recreation, Pla ygrounds would like ta thank the Bowmanvîlle Ja y cees for their generaus offer of help and the use af-their facilities at Saper Creek Park. 28-1 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanvilîe, Ont. Phono 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-ff StJMMER HOURS Saturdtay Only 7:00Oa.m, - 2:00Op.m. U nt!Il Sept. 3, 1977 MONDAY 9-6 TUESDAY 9-6, WEDNEsDAY 9-6 THURSDAY 9-8 FRIDAY 9-8 SATURDAY 7a.m.-2:00p.m. Kut 'n KurI Beauty SShop Ki King St. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-5019 27-3 Congratulations ta Clif Dodswonth winnor of the Zion Senior Soccen Team dnaw held IastSatunday. Ticket 507. 28-lx Thene wilI be no bingo af the Logion 'Hall July 2th and 27fh, Aug ust 3rd and lth. Bingo wil i commence August 17fh. 27-2 Craft Program Chi ldren age 6and Up. Free. Everyone Weicome. Tuesdays 2 - 3:30 p.m. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY, 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 Film Programro For Chi ldren. Free. Everyone Welcome. Wednesdays,,2 p.m. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 623-7322 27-2 PUPPET SHOW For Chi dren of Ail Ages. Free Admission. Friday, July 15 2:30 p. m. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322. 27-2 BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., July 19, 1977 Early Bird Gamnes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT .2purlsrec NEWCASTLE APPEARIN The Queen': N EWCAS1 THE WESTER Fri. and JuIy 15 - Dancing 9 Biackstack A Society sponsors Tractor Pull, Au Blacksfock Fair, For turfher infai either event coi Gerald Kelly, 986-4257. Reserve now., Dutrham Count ClubA twiligqht meet 213t af 7 p.m. ati Peter Sikma,so ca si le. This Friday "LOC KE RBIE" Kinsmen Hall Oshawa Information RENCY cherries, awn. $1,50 per 6 esh picked $3.00 by iway 2, 3 miles east anvilie, -Phono MOFFATT 32" "Fiesta" range, aven on top, slide ouf elements, storage campak-t- ment (lazy susan style on boftam). Phane 623-4322. 28-1 WATER truck, 1968 Dadge, 1,700 gallon stainless steel tank, pump and 100' of hase, good condition also 1500 gallon water tank and rack campiete. Phone 725-0302. 28-1 ONE 6' x 3'weided steel tank, 3 apenin gs- on top and one on battam. Phone 1263-8169. 2- WASHSTANDS, continental beds, assorted dishes, round glass china cabinet, oil lamps, round mahogany table, kitch- en pantry cupboard with rall top. Phone 987-5351 after 3. 28-1 GRAVEL trailer an air, one Chev. truck with racks. 15' and one D4 Cat with blade, one backhoe ta fit bi.g tractor or small crawler, one Chev. dump, truck. Phone 263-8046. 28-1 VIKING freezer (large> and odd f urniture. Phone 623-6892. 28-1 FRIDGE, 24" stove, washer and gas dryer. Phone 623-6381. 28-1 Montmorency Cherries PICK YOUR'OWN $2.00 Six-Quart Basket C. R., ELLIOTT Concession St. East R. R. 4, Bowmanvilie Please bring containers. 28-1 OSHAWAsi SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTSi ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOI L &DI RT FILL Phone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 22 ACESof stand! hay. Phone, 263-23 answer 263-8497. SET of righf handc Phone 1-983-5052 aff Myrt's Haulage TOP SOIL, SAND FILL, GRAVEL, STONE. Delivered by truck load. CaIl 579-5299. 27-4 TEAKWOOD and Rasewoad Scandinavian furniture, bed- raom suite - 8 pc., dining raom suite - 9 pc. chesterfield and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, reasanable. 1-247-4377. ý27-tf 14' ALUMINUM Doat (Chrys- ler B ig Fis herman). 6 h. 'P. Mercury matar, $600 or best 2offer. Phone 623-5672. 2- BUCKWH-EAT for sale, stand- ing hay, baied hay. Phone Bill Cooper 623-2118 affer 5. 28-ix TWO girl's bicycles, gaad condition. Phone 623-5427. 28-ix 1971, 450 HONDA, many extras, $900. Phone 623-4157. 28-1 LAWNmawer, 21/2 h.p., B and S engîne, reel type, used 2 years. $45. 623-7781. '28-1 AIR canditioner, 5000 B.T.U., Coidspat, used 1 season $95. Teak corner table 30" x 30", $50. 623-7781. 28-1 d by YARD sale. July l6th. Middle LIONS Raad norfh ta 3rd concession, 28-1 funn left, watch for signs. 4G AT 28-1 'S Hotel USED Furniture and Appli- LEances. Paddy's Market, N AOY Hampton 263-2241. 26f Sat. J and M TIRE Service for 16 Michelin tires, your one-stop -1 radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., 28-1 Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-fi ýgriculfural Biackstack PADDY'S Market naw has igust, 6 and new furniture, appliances, Augusf 27. T.V.s and steneos and also 'mafion an used furniture and appliances. )tact Mrs. Wili accept trade-ins. Paddy's Blacksfack, Market, Hampton, phone 263- bot h dates 2241. 33-ft. 28-1 - ~CARPETS oftaIikinds, custom tyHolstein made drapes andý sheers, Ytn jýî hard-surtace flooring, protes- ng on-Juoy he trm f sinaiy isfld ree stip turc, Car pet and Drapes. 13-ti Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Tol! Lowrey, Hamnmond, 576-6599Heintzman 28-1 OSHAWA ORGAN CENTR-E 1 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 ing mixed ANTIQU E CLOCKS 330 if no 28-1 -REPAIRED- - ~Parts available ton masf an-' g It clubs, tique clocks, pocket watches [Cr 5.8- and modemn watches and d81 cocks, and 400 day dlocks. 26' CASE hay and grain elevator. Phone 623-5485. 28-1 HORS E manure, free for the taking. Phone 263-8255. 28-1 x KITCHEN table with six chairs (bronze faone), gaad condition. Phone 623-7657. 28-1ix Used Tractons IHI066 (goad condition, with ail now fines) was $15,700 Now ............... $14,500 1 H4314D............... $3,750 Used Equipment 1H40 Forg Blower ..$200 Dion(8" Forage Blowen $500 Gehi FH84 (1 row) Forage Harvestor ..... -......$1,675 1nterest F ree Pnognam New Balers and Mawer Canditionors unfil March 1, 1978. New Tractons (under 80 h.p.) until March 1, 1978 New Manure Spreadens until Februany 1, 1978 Used Tractons until Navemben 1, 1977 Customers in Bowmanviîle, Blackstock, Hampton, Newcastle and Orono cal 1 Zenith 34400 Robinson & Kitchen Farm Equipment Ltd. (Your International Mai-veston fat-m machinery dealer) 1/2 mile east of Junction 7 and 35 highways south of Lindsay 28-1 îAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY Our repairs are done wifh modemn up-to-date equîpmenf and quaiified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS 1LTD. 29 King St. East Phono 623-5747 22-tf CB radio, base or, mobile. Phono 623-2807. 28-1 See the Magnificent Colemnan Camnping Trailers at 1 NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK AND SALES Hwy. 2, Newcastle 987-5131 Open 7 days and evenings. 23-tf VACUUM cleaners and polishors repaired at Reid's Smati Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Lino Road East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf WHITE-'S T.V. TOW ERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerialse Rotai-s Ropai-s Apartment & Homos Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 S E. WHITE 18' FIBREGLASS boat, 100 h.p. Merc, mafor, and tandem trailen, Cai 987-5152. SCRAP PAPER' Suitable for homnework, letter- wiiting, grocery notes etc., end of nowsprint raIls suitable for making patterns, lining, shelves and drawe,-s, wrap- pfing china, etc. Aluminum plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craft pro jects, pro- tection of young trees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville CU STOMIZED dune buggy. Phone 1-705-277-2512. Ponty- pool. 27-2 J and -M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZINGI Phone 723-11ý5 for Rustproofin g on new or used vehicles, Witten war- ranty. Durham Vitaîizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tt Darlin gton Auto Centre 19 Silver Street Bowmanville, Ontaria Telephone (416) 623-6900 '74 Gremn lin X, 6 auto. HEW-744. $1895. '73 Gremlin X, 6 - air 1HCN-005. $1795. '74 Hornet wagon, 6 cyl., super dlean. JAV-038. $2195. 71 VW 411 auto, 4dr. AYL-500. S1095. 71 Toyota Corona MKII1, auto. AXE-668. $1195. '71 Pinta, auto, cdean. B BL-569. $1395. '71 Maverick 2 dr. auto. Low miles. EBD-473. $1395. Several'other ta choose from. Above prices include Safety Inspection and 30 Day Warranty. ROGER SWAN LLOYD AVERY RICHARD GREENING 28-1 1970 DODGE Polara, V8, power steering and brakes, as is, $200 or best offer. Phone 1969 CH EV, 1/2 ton Fieetside. Best offer. Phone Orono 983-5669. 28-1 CAMARO, 1974, autamatic, 350-2, new radial tires a n d mare. Excellent condition, 623-3079. 28-1 1976 MALIBU CLASSIC LANDAU Undercoated, 350 m 2, Vil, air conditioning, .wlieel discsi, radio, power door locks, lighting package, ail mould- ings# front armnrest, rear window defogger, tinted glass, accent stripe, convenience package, elec-trir.c ock, radial tires, sp rt ii- r, Vnyl roof, sport steeerig wheel, Aavarïan c-rne ith tan intonior. ,24,,500 hwyv. miles. Bost offor 6à3-7996 a fier 6 part. 25-tf '75 CHEVY Nova, power steering and brakes. Phone 983-9438. 28-ix '72 CHEVELLE, 350 power steering, power brakes, Ai condition), certified. $1200. Phone 623-2165. 28-1 x 72 FORD Cortina station- wagon 4 door, 2000 cc, 4 cyl. eng i. New motor, paint, ex haust, air shocks, brakes and tires. 1800. certified firm. Phone 623-7044. 28-1 '75 IMPALA Custom,- fwo doar, 27,000 miles, certif led, excellent condition. Phone 623-4104. 28-1 '69 CHEV, station wagon, 396 engine, needs body work. Best otter. 623-7781. 28-1 71 DATS.UN 510, 4 door. A. Short, 623-2479. 28-lx Roberta McCann, C. E. Permanent hair removai. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bow-, manville. 25-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewel lers Ltd. Roguîar Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Spocial 10 per cent roduction on f irst purchase of earrings with the reloase foi-m Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 14-tf 2nd, and 3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year termn - Open Mortgaesfr the mont ýyensfr he -No bonuses No Credif Checks -o Nainquiry tram neighbors -Contidential arrangements made in your home -Borraw as low as $1,600 -Fast service -First Mortgages aiso arranged Calil Mr. WiIks Mortgages boughf and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) RE NI-A-TE NT TRAILER 623-3528 Weekly Rate: $50.00 + deposit 8 DUKE STREET BOWMANVI LLE 27-2 BOWMANVILLE -. modern japartment, 4 raoms and bath, heated, Cable TV, parking ýdowntown. Available now. Phone 623-7523. 20-tf THREE bedroom apartment, three piece bath, kitchen, frldge and stove, large bal- cany, country setting. Two references asked. No pets. Phone 623-2160 after 3 p.m. weekdays, anytime weekends, 27-3 TRAILER RENTALS Rent new hardtop tent trai lers and 1Iight welght travel trallers fuliI, equIpped by week or wee end. Sieeps 4 or 6. Phone 1-986-4264 or 1-986-5373. 24-7 3 BEDROOM townhouse in Bowmanville. $300!month plus hydro and heat. Close ta schools and, shopping, ideal family dwelling. Cail Marylin Simpson or Sam Venn, 623- 3393. 27-2 LARGE apartment, ground f loor of house, two miles east of Bowmanville on Hwy. 2. Four bedrooms and garage. No appliances. Phone 987-4474. 28-2 HOUSE for rent. Detached three year aid, large home in q.uiet court, 7 Hetherington Drive, Waverley Gardens, Bowmanville, $450_per manth plus ail utilities. Phone 723- 0575 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 28-1, BOWMANVILLE, nwcom- mercial space for rent, coice downfown location. Areas of 500 ta 5000 sq ý'O tal 1ý5,000 sq. ft. Avaliabie novi. Tele- phone 723-0575 or 623-4172. ONE bedroom apartmenî. Apply 13 Lberty St. N. 623-2848.' 2b-1 SMALL. office ta renit, graund f baor, cl 1ose ta l.-G.A, Available immediately. Phione 623-7664. 28-ix SHiORT term rentai - Newiy decorated 3 bedrooM. Atta ch- ed garage. Large lot. $300 monthly. References. Cail G. Van Dyk Realtor, 623-4428. 28-1 HOUSE - 6 rooms centrally located in Bowmanvilie, Available September 1. Referenïces required. Adver- tiser 701, c-o Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bowmnanville, Ont. LI C3 K9. >28-lx BOWMANVILLE, 4-bedroom house for rent, 4 years aid, garage, semi-detached. lm- mediate possession. Phone ,623-6860. 28-tf I WL soven woek aid pups, $75 oach. Phono 623-6892. 28-lx SMALL house ýups, $25- Lhasa Apso an~ Maltese. Phono 623-5197. 28-2 MALE fay poodîe, 11/2 years aid. Blonde coloned, very fniendly, best affer. Cal 623-7807. 28-1 FREE fa gaad home, 3 beautiful 2-week,-old puppies, part Border Callie, Came and choose your puppy now and fake if at 6 - 8 weoks. Phono 623-9277. 28-1 3 FLUFFY kittens need good home. Phone 623-3396. 28-1 DOG GROOMING Big and Smnal We do them ai 1 Phone 623-7764. 16-tf FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Ha ptn 263-2721 30-tf WesernCa nada School of Auctioneering Lt. Canadals f irst, and the only completely Canadian course efforod anywhere. Liconsed under the Trade Schools Liconsing Act, R. S. A. 1970. C.366. For particulars of the nkext course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phono 728-6215. 21-9 111WI11,11