16 The Canadian Statesmpn, B owmnanvl, July 13, 1Q77 Stothaven Bazaor Strathaven Nursing Home residents in the arts and crafts program will be able to continue their activitieS through the coming year as! a resuit of their recently held bazaar.i The 1977 bazaar was evOn more successful than a#y Previous effort, organizers for the event have said. Co-ordinated by crafts dir- ector Sarah Elliott and knit- ting instructor Win -Bird, , a tropical flavour was added by an Hawafian theme this year. Funds brought in from the sale are invested directly back into the arts and crafts program to supply the group with working materials.l Residents worked exten- sively on leather goods such as beits, purses and sun visors along with other crafts ranging from knitted afghans to fancy scarves and stuffp'd toys. The sale was satisfying for both sides of the counter, with shoppers finding many worth- while bargains while the residents sold enough mer- chandise to come through with a profit., The artsand crafts program is self-supporting, raising its funds through the bazaar held annually in the recreation centre 'of the residence. B E THTANY The Grandview pupils',had a school paper with Mona Mal- colm as editor and her co-workers were: Mickey Burns, Donald Manning, Robert Parkins, Angela Pres- ton, Shelley Sisson,' Jennifer Snushall and Wilma Van De Valk. These are a few of the interesting items taken from the school paper-David King and Dale Gilbank received honourable mentions at the Science Fair for their project on "Taxidermy."i In the House League FIoor Hockey Apollo won' 80 points for their bouse, Massey wonj5l points, MacDonald won l24 points and Durham, 21 points. At the Millbrook Legion PublicSpeaking contest Lapa Malcolm won first place in t h e Junior Division and Mickey Burns won second place for the Intermediate division, then Lana went to Lakefield for the zone finals and won runner-up honours., i The grade 8 pupils motored bused to Ottawa and visited the Museumi of Science and Technology, then watched ia political discussion at the Parliament Buildings and they saw the War Museurn, also the Emibassies, R.CM.P. Barracks and Primýe' inis- ter's residence and the Rock- lif fe Airport. The paper contained "tal stories", puzzles, riddles, horoscopes, cross word puz- zles, floodlights on fashions and "artistie" efforts. Go od work students! iianvers Community Centrle and Arena The building* committee for the Manvers Community Centre Arena and the M4n- vers Council, as well as several interested citizens, met on July 6th to discuss tenders'received for the con- struction of the Centre. The tender from the Roxson Con- struction Co. of Maple, On- tar,'io to the amount of $490,000 was agreed upon, subject1 to the approval of the Ontario building codes. The land'site for the arena, east of the Township Rolad Department shed, bas been purchased. The approach will of 7A ighway. The financial report statedý tht $65,000.00 has been raised by donations, dances, walka- thons, bingos etc. and there are securities close ýto $100,000,000. The Roxson Construction Mr. and Mrs. U.eorge Neals And Lewis enjoyed a De Nure's guided tour to the West Coast. They travelled over 6500 miles in 21 days and visited the western provinces and on the return trip went through the states of Washirqg- ton, Wyoming, Montana, Iowa, South Dakota and Michigan. Sights of particular interest were Beuchart Gar-- dens, the Columbia Ice Fields, OId Faithful Geyser, the Badlands and Mt. RushmoIre. Three buses followed 1a sîmilar route, but Ieaving consecutive days. Mr. and Mrs. George Timms were travelling on a guîded tour to the West and returned with memnories of many beautiful natural scenes. _-Iqmm CUl FROM CANADA GRADE IAN BEEF PORTERHOUSE & 1-BONE LOIN LIMIT 0F 6 STEAKS PER CUSTOM ER. LB. rCUT FROM CANADA GRADE' URAS4 ROASTSPEI I CUSTOME..-, ~CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'AN BEEF DOMINION TRIM SI 1RLO IN LIMIT 0F 2 STEAKS PER CUSTOM ER. 'A BEN SWIFT'S SUGAR PLUM 1/2 BONE IN 18 COOKED HAMS LB. SWIFT'S SUGAR PLUM FULYCOKEBON ELESS 2.08 DINNER HAMS LB. BITTNER'S SPECIAL! POLISH COIL 1 02 SAUSAGE LB. BITINERS FRESH SPECIALI SA USAGE BRATWURST LB.29 SPECIAL! BITTNERS SKINLESS WIENERS PKG 89 SPECIAL'! BITTNERS SMOKED ç PORK SHOULDERS L 9 COORSH SLICED CORNED BEEF 4XK i .3 SWIF PREMIUM SLICED DUTCH, MAC & CHEESE. MOCK CHICKEN OR PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF S AO. 4 COOKED MEATSPG 'KE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE 7 r0 DOM IN ION SPECIAL' CANADA FANCY 4F1 Z TOMATO JUICE 48IFNOZ 48 RED KIDNEY OR SPECIAL' WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE28FOZ5 LIBBY'S BEANSTI5 SPECIAL! STAR KIST SOL ID7OZ WHITE TUNA TI N SPECIAL! CLUB HOUSE BLACK BLACK PEPPER CT SPECIAL! IMPERIAL SOFT 7OFl MARGARINE 1COZ.7y SPECIAL! DOMINION PREPARED 24OZ. MUSTARD JR48 MAPLE LEAF MILD SEIL MEDIUM OR OLD, LOLOURED SEIL ~LIrr%~An#~Lrr SE12 OZ.4~ CANADA FANCY SPECIAL! DOMINION FROZEN - PEAS & CARROTS PK75 DOMINION FROZEN SPECIAL! CANADA FANCY, SPEARS 4 BROCCOLI PG.49 GERBER STRAINED EXCEPT MEAT 4.5 FL. à BABY FOOD OZ. JAR 2 PROCESS CHEDDAR SPECIAL CHEESE SLICES 16 OZ. 1& KRAFT SINGLES P KG.1. à HIGH LINER FROZEN SPECIAL! FISH PORTIONS OR FISH STICKS PKG. 17 p FEA TURF S RED HOTS & DUTCH TREAT SPECIAL SCî'Àm"H NED ER'S7 WIENERS 1L PRIMO PLAIN, MEAT OR SPECIAL WITH MUSHROOMS SPAGHETTI' C SAUCE 28FL CHOCK FULL O NUTS IN STANTrÀw"I SQU IRREL PEANUT BUTTER SPECIAL! CLOSE-UP SPECIAL! 2L.RED OR MINT 15 i 4 'É JA 1,79 TOOTHPASTE TUBE 1.a7 TREBOR ASSORTED JELLIES JU JUBES OR JELLY BEANS 2KZ . U ASSORTED FLAVOURS JELLY POWDERS3OZ JELL-O 30Z. 2 CHAMPION BEEF, CHIOKEN SPECIAL! LIVER, KIDNEY, BEEF & CHEESE'$ DOG FOOD TIN 4/ KINSFORD CHARCOAL 10 LB. à BRIQUETS BAG S. 1.89 SPECIAL! DOMINION LIQUID 12FLOZe BLEACH 18 LOZ yy9 SPECIAL! ALUMINUM FOIL 100 FT A ROLL, I REYNOLDS WRAP PKG. SPECIAL! PLASTIC FOOD WRAP R00OLL à% 9u STRETCH'N SEAL PG REGULAR, POWDER OR SPECIAL! DOUBLE PROTECTION DEODORANT 9o, 3 RIGHT GUARDAEO OT GILLETTE TRAC Il SPECIAL! CARTRIDGE PKG. RAZOR BLAL>ES F SPECIAL! EVE DROPS REGULAR, SUPER OR PLUS SPECIAL! SANITARY NAPKINS K.Me KOTEX OF12 8f 1 ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIAL! CHUBBY, FACIAL TISSUE PG j KLEENEX 3/F 501- ALL COLOURS INCLUDING SPECIAL! BOUTIQUE, KLEENEX S 2 ROLL à%96 PAPER TOWELS PKG. Y WHITE & RAINBOW SPECIAL! RITE P 99 Values Effective, Until -Closing Tuesday, Ju.ly 19, 1977 FREE" 10 S»EPS" TICKETS SPECIAL wE RESERVE I HE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITILS TO N4ORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS, DOMINION STORES LIMITED. amalim- olew- Tý