District Health' Council To Serve Advisory Role For Region to Ministry Association Donotes Playground Equipment Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville,,July 13, J977 i Sen&%io-mr Ciltize--ns Club TakeEnjoybleBsus Tp On June 22, at 8: 30 a.m. two Charterways buses left for Kitchener. The trip was spon- sored by the Senior Citizen's Club, and arranged by Mr. Woolley, Mr. Bradley, Miss L. Smith and Mrs. G. Rahme. The first stop was at the famous Kitchener Farmers Market where there was time for exploring and buying. Later, Victoria Park was an ideal spot for a picnic lunch. In the early afternoon after a short drive, the buses entered the grounds of Wood- side Historic National Park where a guided tour of the residence had been arranged. There William Lyan Macken- zie Kings' parents had lived. Mackenzie King had resided here in his youth. The 10-room house is now filled with the furniture and decorations, of the Victorian period. A drive followed to Elmira and St. Jacobs and through the fertile rolling farmland of the Mennonites with their well- kept barns and houses and attractively white-washed fences, it is quite usual to see horses and buggies driven by Mennonite farmers in their traditional dress.- On the way back to Kitchen- er, the well-informed bus driver pointed out such histor- ic places as the homestead of John Diefenbaker's grandpar- ents and the Pioneer Tower, which was erected to com- memorate the arrivai in Waterloo County from Pen- nsylvania of the first Mennon- ite settiers in 1800. A welcome stop for dinner on the outskirts of the cîty, and an early evening drive home brought a very pleasant day to a close. The Bowmanville Senior Citizens' Club enjoyed a pot luck supper at its June meeting with a large attend- ance present. The supper was arranged by Mrs. Enock Bain, Refreshment Convener assist- ed by Mrs. L. Luffmnan and Mrs. W.. Mallev. Ontario's' Health anda Welare priorities and advise the min*str of Minister Dennis Timbreli was guest the region's most important medical speaker at the first, meeting of the needs, Mr,' Timbreil said in an Durham Region District Health interview prior to the meeting. The Council held in Bowmaý ill1e Wed- group, chosen to give representation newday, June 29th. The newly to each area of the region, is one of formed 17 member comrmittee has 16 health councils now operating in been established to set health care the province. A district health councill which bas been established in' Durham region is attempting' to bridge the gap between the government and the commun-' ity's needs, Minister of Health! and Welfare Dennis Timbrel anucdWednesday, Junel 29, in Bowmanville. The council, a 17-member committee comprised of rep resentatives from the public, government and the medicalý profession bas been organizedi to indicate priorities, outlinel programs and identify healthl care needs in the area. Mr. Timbreil, who stopped in Bowmanville to speak to the newly formed council twoý weeks ago, outlined some of the major goals of the group in an interview, prior to the meetinlg. Its main purpose is to advise the ministry and himself of priorities for health care -for the region,' he said. t will also serve as a link between hospitals and the government, with the council acting as a mediator between the two bodies. The Health and Weif are Minister said he feit there was greater benefits from a local committee making decisions on health care than having the bureaucracy directly in- volved.i The council will require a fuli-time director and secre- tary to co-ordinate the object- ives and programs organized by the group. Henry Polak of Ajax has been appointed as chairman of the committee,, with repre- sentation to come from the various areas in the region. Organizing the council along the lines of a team is one of bis top objectives and will prob- ably take up the remainder of this year, Mr. Polak said. The organization will be split into a number of smaller committees responsîble for examining the various aspects of bealth care throughout the region. The council has been care- fully chosen to represent a cross-section of the region's districts, be added. The Durham Region Dis- trict Health Council is the l6tb body f ormed since the first council was establisbed in 1974. The playground site at Memorial Park has been given a boost by the park association witb the addition of several new pièces of equipment. The new facilities came just in time, as those who are most iikely to benefit have already started their school vacation. The additions made by the Memorial Park Association include teeter-tot- ters, a new bleecher and a number of metal animais perched onsteel couls, such as the one which two regular park patrons are shown sitting on above. The association alsn gave over $500 to sponsor local atbletics, $200 to cover camp transportation costs for crip- pied children from Bowman- vijie, $1000 to resurface the parking lot, for a total of $2,725 in donated equipment and materials. Above, Memorial Park Association representa- tives, lef t to right, Marg Jeffrey, Garfield Clark and Vi Tbompson are shown with Tammy Ridout and Kim Thompson on one of the new playthings. JMJ WE ARE NO. 1 ON THE SALE PARADE MU RRAY JOHNSTON'S 1/2 YEARLY SALE of fi!ne clothing and furnishings has become flot only a habit for many of our old customers but actually a way of life. Itfs our pleasure to be friendly and no one doubts our expertise. Sale starts Friday, lSth July. 8 SIMCQE ST. NORTH DQWNTOWN'OSHAWA SQUARE 725-4511 Our TLhanks- to YouI.. B)ow manville and Area for r loyalty for over 6b4 years. We trust you wiII sf111 be enîoying Glen Rae Dairy milk for another 64 years., (Year 2,039) We. at Glen Rae, are proud o serve overt8u0 of the people in the area. There must be a reason!1 High Quality Produets and The Tops In, Service is our motto. IF IT'S Glen nae IT'S GOOD! i Darlingto:n Auto Centre Usod Cars Sales und Servîice Bowmanvillle- TRY USII Churth and ýSilver Sts. 6240 For Home Delivery ervice Phone 623-5444 GLEN RAE DAURY MILK SOLD AT YOUR FAVOURITE STORE. Murray Taylor Doug Johnstoni Shop cat: A&P Store- Barry's -Variety and Hardware (Wasverley Plaza) Dairy Barn Dykstra's Delicatessen Frank's VaIriety Goheen's Graham's l.G.A. Geratschek Variety Liberty General Miracle Food Martf Neighborhood Store 1 ............. e-Jýll -1 .., U ý> . . . . . . . . . . . SINCE 1917a