Jul, 10, 1977, mrngschurch ser Hope Township P chaýrge of the United was held in "the Cati the Pines" on Lavei row's farm. It was a moirning and the wellt grassy area surrour thiree sides by stately and- mature pines ne hielp fromn the floweri tee. to make thep woüship one of beat bright patterns ofÉ both men and women1 olenty of colour. The Sin charge of the j, AOTS and IJ t.iroeneveld led the c( tion of well over 100, in sing before the servi instrumental accomp of autoharp and banjo by John and Roly E The welcomne and worsbip was given by and opening devotion George Tufford us hymnns, "Corne Let Lý a Wonderful Love"a the Beauty of the Eai latter read by ahl in w a prayer. Dr. Mac Fre Kingston, former we mînister, was the speaker and reader( ture, t4e chall enge in1 and the ansý,wer Lt Matthew's account of judgemient in chapter choir of 15 men led music and also sang Love to Thee" and "M Anchor Hold." Allen angounced next Suncý vice would be held, WE.SLEY VILLE Sunday' penmittmg, at thse home of Mn. lber mn ýrvice for: and Mns. Howand Harris, the ev Pastoral' Canton, with Mrs. Henry interrn d Cbunch Marsbh of Baltimore as guest Gloria1 hedrai of speaker. use ti ern Fan- Dr. Freeman's address was after b gto=ou on Brotberhood and beid bis for timdlistener's attention by teiling Piano. nided on a fantasy of wbat it wouid be bier foi y maples! like for mystenious beings nepheu ýeeded no! from outer space to corne to Chatha commit-i our home, destroy,,not with family. place of malic ious intent, tbe land and Men tuty; thie work of oun bands, then plant Historf dress of a sign signifying tiseir take- their pnovidedi over of oun land and nesources recordi ýe service,!80 that enengy could be tions ir e men of provided for another pianet. teries. ohn A.' He used this illustration to week ongrega-: make dlean the feelings of Osborr n a bymn many of our, nortbern neigh- Thomp ice, with bours, wben they see tbis and M panen sane tbing actuaily happen- were opae ing to tbem. Brotberbood in workip Bowman.i every sense of the word means tery, w caîl to more awareness of the rights townsl ýy Lavern and feelings of othens tban is Arno ns led by often shown. We live in a very Toront sing tbe complex world and requires wif e, K rs Sing of carefui study of wbat means Street and "For we use to ovencome pnoblems froma rtb", the caused by our very extrava- is' a la inison, as gant way of life. Brotherhood doing eeman of is for all people. The service wardt rel loved losed witb the bymn,' "In cast th ie guest Christ there ia no East non WooÉ of Scnip- West" and thse benediction. intere saîab 58 Following it coffee and fruit tbey i oa it in bread was pnovided by the explosi )f thse last men and the ladies of Wel- for dil ýr 25. The corne unit of the UCW, s0 tbat takest ýd in the ail migbt bave oppotunity to ment o g, "More visit and greet Dr. Freeman. The ot Wiii Your Gloria Nichois was home cailedi iOsborne from Toronto for a short werea iay's ser- weekend. Her working bours they in. weather at the Musical centre requine leg in L),ý e'âe thw e et l U t * 30 KING ST. WESTMISGZELR BOWMANVILLE DISES G IGLERICA PHN.623-4477 1:DSESN PIAS TEL-EPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A* income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmnanville, Ontario LiC 1N4 cats or the larr than sh aftera the leg mustb ony of( four ne pellets, bouse cliff m livelyi cation it. DVI lU 1u I '-bV I01 uppîi iy iviap 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Qshawa 576-7152 ire on Saturday and in vening. After many uptions in her course, àhas earned the right to he letters, "A. Mus." her name which stands Teachers' Associate .I' Congratulations to )this achievement. Her .v, Michael Jiggins of im, is visiting with the mbers of East Durham ical Society resumed work last week of ding cemetery inscrip- n> Hope township -cerne- Those working last were Mesdames E. 'ne, B. Wheeler, M. ison, E. Barrowclough vlarlene Moore. Some outside volunteers, ig in Welcome cerne- which will complete the ;hip. 1d Thorndyke -was in ito on Sunday to visit bis Kay, who is ln Wellesley 4Hospital recovering a vertebrae fusion. That lng process but she 18 well and looking for- to having a change of tis coming week. odchucks and rabbits are esting neighbours but ignore the population sion and their appetite .11l and many flowers, the edge off the enjoy- of watching their frolics. ther day a friend who 1wanted to know if there any cats or dogs that .îight let their dog, with a ia cast, have a run. No )r dogs, but, no sooner had me dog got out of the car, she took off on three legs a rabbit. It wouldn't do ýg any good, but surely have helped the monot- fconvalescence. A row of iests made of round mud s, under the roof of the show the presence of swallows, even if their and different communi- asounds do flot announce WhenYOU give to RED CROSS YOU mak-e good things hapen o ~«rt'B c ~Thigscrncclurn1w COATS - DRESSES - SKIRT SUITS GOWNS - PANT SUITS SEPARATES (Slims, Tops and Blouses) Aiterat ions Extra Ail Saies Final SQUARE "A Speciai Shop for Special Women" Orono United Church was the lovely setting for the marriage of Kathleeni Marie Gustar and Pte. Jacques George Dean, on Saturday, April 2nd, 1977. Rev. B. bong offîciated. "The Modemn Trend" barbershop quartet- Liz Bowmer, Shirley Marconi, Esther Prentice and Rita Boaeham, sang at the wedding and at the reception held at the New Dutch Oven. Kathleen is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Gustar, R.R. 2, Orono and Jacques is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dean, LaSalle, Quebec. Given in marriage by ber parents, the bride wore an old fashioned gown of polyester crepe with lace overlay em- broidered in crystals and pearis on the bodice and deep cuffs. 511k lacing accented the bodîce anid soft ties formied a bow in the back. Tite ful skirt fell to a deep ruffle at the hem accented with heavy lace and yellow ribbon. A Juliette cap held a fiagertip veil scattered with lace flowers and a full length veil1 edged in lace and she carried a nosegay of white daisies, yeliow roses and- baby's breath. The bidal attendants, Mrs. Barbara Ana Swan, sister of the bride and Miss Tracy Stutt were gowaed alike in pale green jersey with white pin- dots.,They wore large floppy bats to match and carried nosegays of white daisies. The bride's gown as weli as ber attendants were designed and created by the bride's mother. The groom, la bis Canadian Armed Forces uniform. was attended by the best man, Mr. Peter Swan and Mr. Tom Gustar, brother of the bride in dark green tuxedoes with each wore a daisy bouton- niere. For the reception, the bride's mother received the guests in a formaài gown. of apricot jersey assisted by the groom'smohr in a gown of muted oranges and browns, both wearing corsages of white daisies. The bride and groom are both members of the Canadian b)Y Ruth Dodier ARIES [Mai.2i-Apr.20] Promote yourseif at this time. Job opportunities are available so put your best foot forward for best resuits. A fiendship could become a more lasting reiationship. TAURUS [Apr.21- May 20] Money mattens should be given attention. Dissatisfaction may interefere with your ability to produce your best work. There is a strong possublity of a career change. Use diplomacy when, conversing with others. GEMI [May 21 - inne 211 A young personf couid easiiy be hurt if you are not careful of what you say. Try to be en- couraging to everyone. Decisions should be made with care. An -optimistic attitude is strong. Your aiways on the go pursueing new endeavours. CANCER (June 22-July 221 A gif t for someone special lsaa good idea. Heiping someone la need will be returned later. Remember that those who give are those who receive. LEO [July 23 - Aug.23] Opinions of others could be very heipfui to you in your profession. There may be some financial gains. Emotions may cause you some axieties this week. VIRGO [Aug.24-Sept.221 Money shouid be spent oniy on essentials at this time. Business dealings and investments should be carefuily judged before any decision is made. Improvement ia social life la forthcoming. DRY CLEANING LIBRA [Sept.23-Oct.23] Your social life wiii be highiighted and new fiends will be made, A iýaise or other benefits are "forchoming. Studies and the gaining of kaowledge are important to you. ,, SCORPIO [Oct. 24-Nov.22] Romance is highlighted. Good qualities are strong, indicating success in promotion or a raise. Ideas are expressed weil. The opposition of others may cause probiems. Ignore any undesirabie attitude. SAGIlTARIUS [Nov.23 Dfc.21] Your optimism and enthusiasmi can. be shattered by the resistance of othens. It's best to ignore those indifferent at- titudes. CAPRICORN [Dec.22 .1m.201 You may find s ome restrictions of freedom at this~ time. Helping others wii give you some peace of mind. There couid be some good news in' money matters. AQUARIUS [Jan.21- Feb.19 ' Stay within your budget and take cave not to overspend especially now. Use your good judgment to avoid doing thse same job twice. Spend extra time with your family. PISCES [Feb.20-Mar.201 Your temper couid flare at any time. New projeets have al your attention and domestic duties suffer. Group and club activities are of importance to you at tuis time. 84 King St. W. 623-5520 ý"We Speciaiîze in Shirt Laundering"" Armed Forces, Pte. Kathleen Dean in medicine anid Pte. Jacques in communications. They wîll complete their training in Ottawa, Ontario. Guests were in attendance from Edmonton, Aita., bondon, Oshawa, Windsor, Toronto, Port Hope,ý Orono and baSalie, Quebec. McRobbie Photo Miss Sally Brock, age 14, Aylesbury, Buckinghamsire- England will be spending holidays with relatives in Peterborough and Orono. Sally will be met at the Toronto International Airport by Mrs. Herb. Abby and daugbter Gillian. Miss Valerie Howe of Peterborough 'and others were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tansley, Michael and Janette. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn of Miil Street North on their 5th wedding anniversary-also Mrs. Ginn's birthday. The foliowing were among the guests, Mr. Bert Gian and son Tim, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lockwood of Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gina of Nestleton, Mr. Art Crozier of Strathaven Nursing Home, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. John Challice, Shalley and Roddy of Bailieboro, Mr. and Mrs. Ken'Gimblett of Les- kard, Mrs. Arthur Tennant of Orono. Buffet supper was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tennant, son Bob and Jo Ann on Sunday, July ltb. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blewett (the former Miss Margaret Milîs of Matachewan) on their mar- niage on Saturday afternoon, July 2nd, 1977. In the Matche- wan United Church. Reception at Camp Matacbewan, home of the bride, Rev. bof those officiated. Among the out of town guests were the parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Blewett of R.R. Orono and their other son Donald Blew- ett, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blewett of Long Branch, Mr. and Mrs., Donald Staples, Mr. Mr. and 'Mrs. David Schneider of Sundèridge, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapies, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colville and Melissa of R.R. Orono and Mr. and Mrs. James Colville of Bowman- ville. Mr. Ken Biewett is a Geologist and graduated in 1976 front the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg and received his Master's Degree. The Canadina Statesman, Bowmanville, July 13, 19773 ORONO NEWS Mrs. Ken Blewett is a scbool teacher near bier home at Matachewan. Dr. and Mrs. Roger Nagara- jan, daugbter Delphine and son Mark of Scottdale, Penn. U.S.A. are visiting with Mrs. Ernest Gîlbank and family. Note to my readers-Did you notice the two Orono News in last week's paper? Please cbeck pages 14 and 15-opposite each other, at bottom of the pages. Congratulations to Mrs. George Morton, (nee McKay) of Church Street North, on bier 8tb bîrthday on Sunday, July lth, more re sanie at a later date. Mvis. ieth West of Division Street, Orono and bier father Mr. Wm. Armitage (age 81) of Cavan are visiting his sister Mrs. Chas BeweU. anid family of Winnipeg and traveiled by train. Belated congratulations to Miss Addie Milîson wbo was 80 in June. Mrs. Davis of Church Street South-tbe '(former Lizzie Bur- gess) bas been a patient in the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Mr. Charles Harris and bis mother Mrs. Lawrence Harris spent Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford, Kevin and Anita and Greg at Meaford. Mrs. Harry Freeman of Maple Grove, Mrs, Les Jack- son of Bowmanville,' Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden of Eben- ezer, on Wednesday evening of last week were dinner guests of Mrs. Ernest Gilbank and sons, Bill and David'. Donl d Fr ew Ltd. R.R., 11 Nestoeton &86S568 1 Ontario Wheat under the MARKETING PLAN for th'ecrop year beginnîing July lst. Ill erefifle itoontGW *A IR-ASE I Iv e foIusadGl I1 * Il I I ý I Iý r"Z' Uý * -rlý_4I V-I MI MW a ââ mILL!ý l là u i r. " wnoin m a " ic m lým l fl ZR n- m.m m I Dean - G custar Wedding OSHAWA