The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 3, 1977 9 Competes in Hamiton Mrs. Inez Bristol, the eldest daughter of Mrs. Wnifred Cameron and the late Ray Cameron, formerly of Zion, was a competitor in the Ontario Open Trap Shooting Meet at Hamilton last May. Mrs. Bristol shot 96 out of 100 ata distance of 16 yards in, the morning of May 28 and she had a score of 91 out of 100 in the afternoon. The combined totals made her eligible to compete in another meet to be held August 27th. She said she hopes to be able to make a good showing at the Summer Games this August. NwJust We musti make room for the Hockey, and Ski now arriving! 85 Kïng St. West 623-3421 On Sunday, May 29, Mrs. Bristol shot doubles in the morning and came third highest overaîl. After compet- ing in the afternoon, she was chosen high lady overali. By the end of the shoot,,she had the high overaîl score in the handicap. Mrs. Bristol, a native of Hamilton, says she has always loved hunting and any sport connected with guns. She was recovering ,from major surgery and a tomn wrist tendon at the time of the competition in Hamilton last May but she said the love of the sport plus the strong competition kept ber going. Mrs. Bristol said she prefers to shoot in cold weather or ramn or snow. PONTY POOL Regular church -services, will resumne this Sunday, August 7th at 10:00 a.m. Mr. W. Graham, the new minister for the Bethany - Pontypool charge will be in the pulpit. Induction service for Mr. Graham will be held in Bethany UJnited Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. Terry Slack was hos- tess for a bridai shower recently for ber sister-in-law, Miss Joanne Slack. Recent guests of the Slacks were Mr. and Mrs. Borden Slack, Jo- anne Slack and Steve Haring of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ballentyne of Brock- ville. Guests at a Saturday nigbt barbeque were Craig and Mary Houston and twins, Darrell and Larry and Sherry and Steve Dixon.ý On Sunday, visitors were Jan, Bartlett, Steven Bartlett and Lockie McNair of Toronto and Bruce Ballentyne of Brockville. Mrs. Larry Bradiley was present at the fiftieth wedding anniversary of ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Finley of Omemee on Sunday. Several of. our local young men holidayed at Wasaga Beach recently. Others are taking off this week for Atlantic City, New Jersey. Congratulations to newly- weds, Mr. andMrs. Peter Jackson (nee Debbie Knapp), who were married in Ponty- pool United Church on Satur- day, July 23rd by Rev. Gerry Hofstetter. Reception and dance followed in Pontypool Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will be living in Lindsay. On Saturday, July 3th, Miss Sharon Bairstow,,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacek Bairstow of Orono was married to Mr. Gary Bickle of Oshawa ini Orono United Church by Rev. Basil Long. Reception -and dance followed in Pontypool Comrmunity Centre. Best wishW es are extended to the newly-weds. Miss Viella Curtis (daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel Curtis) and Mr. Doug Wilson are to be married this Saturday in Pontypool United Church. To all those local people whc are presently in hospital and to those who have recently returned home we send along wishes for better healtb. Among them, are Mrs. Mau- rice Mitchell, Mrs. Walter Fallis (Elsie), Mrs. Margaret Curtis, Mrs. Earl Armitage, Mrs. Allan Fisk and Garnet Porter. Sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Rod Porter of lIanetville. Mr. Porter, well-known through- out Manvers Township, pas- sed away on Tuesday, July Equipment Bowna nvilIle Darlijngton Park Welcomnes Local Vis itors WAG-ON presents "Penny-Pi*nchin"' Night every Wednesday night. Large Pizza (4 items) Reg. Prîce $5.50 The OnIy mes,, you'fII et fýrom us s. Botter CALL THE PIZZA WAGON 623-4134 KRAMP'S SUMMER SALE ORONO NEWS Mn. Paul Jones returned via parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald ab Toronto International Airport,' Hamm and other relatives, th Toronto to Edmnonton, Aberta especiahly bhis grandmother, W( on Tuesday - after attending Mrs., Ernest Hamm, wbo on the funeral of bis mother, Mrs. recently celebrated ber 93rd (hi Elsie McHolm Joner, wife of birtbday at the Marnwood Hi the late Cecil Jones wbo died Nursing Home, Bowmanville. ci Thursday, Juiy 28, 1977. Mrs. Clarence Martin and g Rev. and Mns. M. C. Fisher daughter Mrs. Art Young and lin of Peterborough called on ber daugbter ieft on Tuesday de] Mrs. Fred Lycett 'on Tuesday by car (o visit relatives and thi, afternoon.l friends in Alberta. ha Lisa, Marjory and Pattie On Sunday, August 7th, the rai Burnett of Oakvilie are visit- Annual Decoration Day Ser- (il] ing their grandparents, Mr. vice will be beld at 2 p.m. at us, and Mrs. Ed Graham, Churcb St. Mary's Anglican Cburch of Street South, Orono. and cemetery at Lifford (near ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bethany). goi Plumbl-of Willowdale and bis Mr. and Mrs. Raye West, sei mother Mrs. Ida Plumb of Mr. and Mrs. John Clapdorp th( Bowmanville Hospital visited and family visited Mr. and Ba ber sister, Mrs. George Mor- Mrs. Ron Taisma and children Su: ton on Friday. at their trailer camp, Balsam hoi Mrs. H. H. Barlow and Lake on Tuesday of last week. Big grandson Danny spent the Mrs. Herb Murray bas of long Simcoe Day weekend returned home after spendîng kn, witb ber daugbter, Miss Bon- severai weeks- visiting rela- of nie Barlow at Sarnia - Bonnie tives and friends in Oshawa mi is a despatcher for the O.P.P. and Whitby. fin office. Simon Spivey, 1-year-old Mrs. Alex Watson bas re- son of Rev. and Mrs. David A. wa turned (o the borne of Mrs. Spive f Newcastle left this eni Reg Sutton'after visiting ber weekto visi1t relatives and -toc sister, Miss Nan Ferguson and friends in England.' inm, Mn. and Mrs. James Ferguson The time for the joint of Rochester witb ber son ând summer services is 10: 30 a.m. daughter-in-iaw, Mn. and Mrs. in the Newcastle United Archie Watson of Waterdown. Cburch for the montb of Mrs. Sybil Sneli, nee Com- August as Rev. Basil Long is stock, age 99, wife of the late on vacation. Please note. Rev. Isaac Snell, loved aunt Of Mrs. Leslie McGee (formerly of Orono) and Mrs. Clifford M NSTW Anderson both of Bowman- M NSTW vill e, passed away at tlhe SOFTBALL STA« Nel-Gor Castie Nursing Home, (as of Thursday, Jïi Newcastle, on Wednesday, July 27th. Funeral was on1 Games Team Friday afternoon fnom the Left Morris Funeral Chapel. Inter- ~ TmsRn-i ment Prospect Cemetery, 4 Fran'srietyl Toronto. 4 Fak, ait Dr. Douglas Hamm and 5 Kramp Furniture (hein young- daugbter Karen 6 D & R Sports Louisa of Kingston visited his 5 Port Darlington Marina WESLEY VILLE The weatber remained suit- ble for the outdoor service at .e home of Mr. and Mrs. Veston Banister, Garden Hill n Sunday morning, when the iree congregations of the [pe township pastoral harge of the United Cburch athered for worship. Shrivel- fig grass and parched gar- ens were so, in need of ramn at ail would have been appy to move to the church if aid did come - but none came Il very late afternoon. As W.~ sual, there was a fine service fsong and worship, conduct- dby Rev. R. Bartlett'and a ood message concerning a ense of responsibility, froiri ie guest speaker, Judge R. ;xter of Port Hope. Next unday's service will be at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Morley ;ckle, Canton. The memberF, fthe charge are happy ',o now that Rev. Wm. Kennedy 1Omemee will be their iinister beginning Octobe- rst. Visitors from Prince Ed. Erd County during the week- nd tell of dry conditions there o, witb many people draw ,- iý water. Suppr REU CROSS .EAGUE NDINGS uly 28, 1977) Won Lost Pts. 14 8 il il 10 il 9 il 9 12 1Enjoy Excellent J Savings throughoui J our 3 Floors of Fine Furniture \2'- Piece Colonial Pine 'VDining Room Suite, Finished in a rm elIo tobacco finish. Table extends f rom 40" - 60"4 to 90". HI-back cane chairs, 5 sides and 1 arm chair. 55" buffet-hutch, all1 plece. This particular set isa floor sarnple.1 REG. PRICED AT NOW $1,649.00 ONLY Same finish and style - 1 only $129500 Odd Buffet - Hutch " REG. PRICED AT NOW $A .00- $649.00 ONLY '$4 STILL IN CARTON - CASH AND CARRY $449.00. 4 OnIy - Kroehler 2-Piece Suites Out of a dozen purchased at a special price.' Coil spring, construction, 100 per cent nylon fabrîc, Scotch-guarded, arm caps. OnIy Kroehler gives you: 1 year f abric warranty5 year construction warranty THIS SET REGULARLY NOW $ â%«1,0 during the SELLS FOR $869.00 ONLY 6,1 August Sale! Many More to Choose f rom. 26th with burial on Friday in St. Mary's Cemetery, Lifford. Mr. and Mrs. John Mangan enjoyed, holidays (bis past rweek. They spent severai days witb Mr. and Mrs.Mihe Mangan and family at a cottage near Huntsville. Helen's Beauty Salon is closed this week while Helen jand Denise Brown are on vacation. They spent the weekend with Keith and Dorothy Dewar, on Stoney *Lake. f Our local Pontypool Gene- Srais participated in a weekend tournament in Lindsay. They were eliminated when they iost two close games to Minden (3-2) and to Fenelon Falls (1-0). Winners of the tournamnent were Scar'boro Beachebs, cotts oFPeterboü- rough, and Minden. Port rPerry also hosted a tourna- )ment over the holiday week- >end with Nestieton defeating 1Velverton for the top money. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Ste- wart, Sandra and Angela spent a holiday travelling in the Maritimes. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Pingie spent the weekend with fri- ends in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cail have tseveral relatives from New Brunswick visiting with themn this week. t Local Kinsmen, their wives and familles camped at Bea- vermead Park in Peterbo- rough over the holiday week- end. In playoffs, our local Junior Girls have eiiminated Cavan - the Bantams have taken three straight fromn Millbrook by defauit - the Pee Wees are presently tied with Millbrook at one game each and the Pontypool Senior Girls are leading Janetville 2 to 1. Richardson Farms wind up their regular season this -1eek. L WESLEiY VILL Mrs. C. Dickinson and Mr, K. Ashby were on duty at ti. Historical Centre in Port Hïole on Friday, and Mrs. Carmen and Mrs. M. Irwin with Berniece Best on Saturday. Ail report pleasant after- noons, even if the attendance was not large, they, had interesting vîsitors and there is sufficient to see and study that-even the custodians find something new. 'One visitor from Connecticut brought the interesting news (bat Ameni- cans are trying (o correct (hein history texts concerning the steamboat. Evidently John Fitch was operating one some eighteen years eanlier (han Fulton. Foxes are not too common a, sîght any more but there are stili some around. One was kilied on the Lakeshone Road last week, and anothen came quite close (o a farmer's house - flot a very natural (bing to do. Connýie Barnowclough 'of Pveenborough spent part of last week with ber grand- father, Harold, Banrowclough, and David had spent bis holiday thene a short time ago. Matthew Jiggins of Chatham is spending a few days with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carnoll Nichols. Malthew is vcry young to be holidaying but bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gartb Jiggins andl his older brothens, Michael and Patrick are away l'or a short trip. Former ncighbouns of Mrs. Elsie Joncs of Onono wene sonry to bean of her sudden dcath in Toronto last week. She had not been well for some time but ber sudden going was unexpected. 7- Pie ce THIS SI PRICI Ponderosa Coloniail ,Table 36" - 46" - 62", 4 side chairs. Solid maple rustic finish. REG. PRICEDAT $499.00. AUGUST $ o SALE $389-0 Bedroom Suite Twin mirrors, 66" dresser, 5-drawer chest, 2 night tables with drawers, 54" headboard, framie with rug rollers. Finished !i brown oak. ET REGULARLy Slightly Marked AUGUST $oc0 :ED AT $895.oo. Floor Sample - SALE I a Chrome Kitchen Suite Oval table with 4 swivel chairs with casters, 100 per cent nylon seat and back, Scotch-guarded. REG. PRICED AUGUST $ 95.0 AT $469.00. SALE $39 F. A. KRAMP FURNITURE LTDS - p p ppflppppppp Cape Codi by Kroehler Dinette Suite Large table extends to 88". 5 hi-back side chairs. 1 hi-back arm chair. REG. PRICED AUGUST $700t.00 AT $1059.00. SAL Golf and Tennis Equipment Drastically Reduced to Clear Basebail Gloves 3 5%/ooff Pony Reg. $20.95 -$l1,95 D &R SPORTS and Ski Shop Park officiais are encouraging local people to use the 360 acres of grounds on a daily basis as well as a p lace to set up camp for a longer period. Those coming to the park for just theday are charged $1.50 per car. The price covers participation in regular camp activities such as Saturday night films on the park's hitory, craf t programs and even square dancing, the latest attraction scheduled to begin soon. The cost of a campsite is $3.50 per night and an extra 50 cents for electricity.
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