16 The Canaàdian Statesman,.BoWmanville, August 3, 1977 BAtINER, WAV ERL EY CENTRE 104 Waverîey Road, <Suite 202), Bowmanville, 1Phone 623-6121 BOWMANVILLE -2 store ytwin home, finished rec ro om with built-in bar, fenced and Iandscaped lot, walkaut f romn basement. Asking $44,000.00. 40 ACRES - of vacant land, 5 minutes from Bowmanville, 2 road frontages, with a reasonable dawn payment the awner will hoid a first mortgage. $3,000,000 - dlown, 3 bedroom 2 storey semi, 2 blocks from Bowmanvile's main street, living room with fireplace, sun porch, detached garage. COLE AVENUE- Bowmanviiie, custom bulit brick bungalow, ravine lot privacy, sliding glass doors ta patio, many extras included. Asking $66,500.00. See it tonight and make an affer! I $42,900.00 - 4 bedrooam backsplit twin home, with two 4 p iece washrooms, fenced and private ravine lot, paved drive. Phone now! 1 COUNTRY LIVING - aimost 2 acres of land, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 4th bedroom in basement, barn 40' x 24'. Asking $69,900.00. 123 King St. E. 'M Bowma nvi île tHOSN SMA LTXPSA1OflPhone 623-6622 DON'T BE A SLOW POKE! You'Ilibe surprised at the amount of living space in this duplex; - one three bedroom, living roam, dlning room and Hollywood kitchen; and one bedroom, living dining room, kitchenj; double car garage and workshop; - ail this on a large 100 x 200 lot. Open for today. Cal Mary Pi ke 623-6622. PEACE AND QUIET Beautiful home on north'end court in Bowmanviile, large master bedroom, rec room, waik-out from eating area ta wooden deck. Attached garage, professionally iandscaped. Asking $69,900.00. Cail Shirley Hogg 623-3500 or 623-6622. SCHOOL AREA This attractive 3 bedroom sidesplit is on a large lot. It has separate dining room with sliding glass doors. famly raom with fireplace, clased car part and double paved driveway. Onfly $55.900.00. C ail Ed Jeans 623-715;2 or 623-6622., BOWMANVILLE AREA - 108 ACRES Beautiful view ta Lake Ontario tram this roliing land franting on excellent roads close ta village of O rafa., Large barns and utility buildings, well and some machinery. Asking $124.000 - 0ith good terms. For details calElfie Jost. BOWMAN VILLE Hury, came and see why only 6 left out of 130 quality hoes Top quality braadloom, cushion fîoaring, 2 baths, famly romr with fireplace. Oak cuphoards. Complete decorated and fully sodded lot. Starting at $53,999 wih terms. Act fast and cali Phylis, Abert, Christa or Bil at Bow: 623-3393, Tor: 923-9174, Ext. 52. CENTRAL LOCATION - BOWMANVILLE Excellent 3 bedroomn 11/2 storey brick home. 11/2 baths, separate dining room,,floor ta ceiling fireplace in 24' x 24' family roomn with výalkout, Exceptionally weil kept homne. Spaciaus kitchen with indirect ightin g. Only $58.900. Terms arranged. Calfi Phyllis Mc Robbie. BOWMANVILLE - CENTRAL Exceptionally fine twîn home, Tap quality broadloam, drapes and sheers. 3 bedraoms. Fenced and Iandscaped lot. Only $42.500. Terms arranged. Cali Phyllis Mc Robb le, BOWMANVILLE Vendor must seli. This 3 bedroom. 2 starey, semi property is now vacant for your inspection. Lot 39' x 150'. Try an offer. Asking $42,000, Cali Jan Oudshoorn. ORONO AREA The quality of material and craftsmanship is obviaus when inspecting this home. Styrofoam insulated is this 1700 sq. ft. sidespi it with fireplace in living raom. Situated on lot surrounded b mature agple archard. Asking $80,900. Termns. &11l Jan Oudshoorn. BOWMANVILLE - LIBERTY ST, N. Lavely starter or retirement home featuring fireplace, separate dining room, 2 bedrooms, garage and large landscaped lot. A pleasure to show, at $49.900. Cali Tony Kîompmaker. ORONO SOUTHEND Attractive 3 l.edroomn brick bungalow with double qjtached garage. Ail electric heat and 91/4 per cent mortgage. Asking $65.500 wlth terms. Cali Bill Morrmon Sr. STARTER HOME -'BOWMANVILLE 2 bedromr semi. Close ta shopping. Price includes al appliances. Asking $32.000 with terms. Cail Bill Morrison Sr. 4 BEDROOM -HOME - ORONO Situated an lot 66' x 165', this eleganit hame has separate dining roam and living room. French doors, stained trim, extremely large kitchen with new azite carpet, laundry room, single car garage. A wonderful home ta show. Asking $52,900, Terms. Cali Charlîe Reid. 6 ROOM, BRICK BNAO 8 miles east of Bowtnan.ville on lot 100' x 150W featuring open fireplace, sundeck. attached garage, finished rec room. This 7 yr. aid home is itnmaculate. Offered at only $58.900 with termtg, Cal Paf Yeo. Cc Coasto Coas-.vi COMMERCIAL - Immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow, large living and dining room plus garage. Frontage on King and Ontario St., Bowmanville. $49,900.00. LARGE FAMILY HOME - on large lot just outside of Oshawa. Hais 5 bedroomrs for a growing family. Asklng $521900.00. START HERE - at $35,000.00. It's a goad deal. 4 bedrooms, famly room and country sized kîtchen. Large lot. Easy commuting distance. IMMACULATE 2 STOR EY -offering4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, dining raom, garage. This home is only 3 yrs. aid and tastefully decorated. Full basement ta, plan your rec room needs. Asking $53,500.00. R. "6BUD" GVirtu 118 King Street East, Bowmanville 623-2967 HOSPITAL AREA - 4 bedrooms 11/2 storey brick and stucco home, separate dining room, attached garage, large lot nicely landscaped. Ask ing $52,900 with $10.000 down. Terms at 9 per cent. Seo it now. FARM REDUCED PRICE - Rice Lake area, 110 acres, excellent for crops, horse or cattie operation. Large oarn and driving shed, chicken coop and pig pen. House has 7 rooms nestied among mature trees. Askinlg $115.000. Try your offer. BUILDING LOT - 132 x 165, only 20 minutes tram town, Asking $11,900. Terms. Porc Leach .............................. 623-5997 Harry Coutts.............................. 725-2649 garae, as 3 bedroomsfreplabc i ng omarea bro2aloom ancuhon baverivofanyourpoie, lsota53elx 153', . od oato close t school ,sppn andchr.Caifrme BOWMANVI LLE - 2nbriutifungaedrom2 o ey cdpaved ciu pla dreali nd ilurdnfron taporch arage,/2 as,32 irepacs, suke taily croom, 2 eas an roadloom n csirogflotofexcellent buy lt $9500.x BOWMANVILLE - eul 4 bedroom rickand ea bualow12wth 1/2 ipahs,sec room l r covereto also a basement apartment with 3 pc. bath, situated on large 60' x 259' ravine lot on quiet street. Asking $69.500. PIGEON LAKE -- cottage lot in sugar bush development with 140' frantage and access ta lake. Asking $7.900. ORONO - 3 income properties on main street, 2 are duplexes, the other a 4 plex. Good potential for offices, hairdressing etc. Ail are brick and ln good repair. Cali for information. )SHAWA - 3 bedroom 11/2 storey brick home with paved drive and car p rt, situated an quiet street close toschaol'and park. Good starter home, asking $37.900. 52King St. West gowmanvillo 623-2453 NEWCASTrLE - Charming aIder 5 roomn bungalow on nice lot on MilI St. S., has two bedrooms, living room with fireplace, dininq room, kitchen and bath. Heated by ail f ired forced air furnace and Is-on town water and sewer. Asking $42,000 with $6,000 down. Balance at 10 per cent. BOWMANVILLE - Near Lord Elgin School. 4 bedroomn home on corner lot. Has bri ght living room, large dining room, nice kitchen and 4 plece bath. Forced air ail f ired furnace. A good buy at $44,900. Terms availabI e. BOWMANVILLE - central. Lovely aider home on large lot. Has living room, dinfing room, large kitchen, den and 2 piece washroom an ground flbar, and 3 bedraoms and 4 piece bath on second f baor. Oil1 heated. Neat as a pin. Asking $55,000. Terms may be arranged. AFTER HOURS: J. A. Ba rton..............623-3098 Peter Kowaî Jr...............6356 1377 King St.Phn East 623-7694 Bowmanville .l~ 64 623-7661 $17,900 - Lougheed Trailer Park, Cobourg, 3 bedraams, lot 30 x 100, included in purchase price are air conditioner, fridge, stove and wooden storage shed, must be seen. ASKING ONLY $39,900 - for this 3 bedroom brick sem i, completely carpeted, finished basement apartment, cail ta inspect. BOWMANVILLE - centrally located 3 bedroam bungalow, separate dining room, 4th, bedroom in basement, finîshedrec room, inground ceramic pool. large sundeck, caili ta inspect. ASKING ON LY $39,900 - for this 3 bedroom, 2 storey semi, single car garage, full basement, mature trees on property, make an offer. MUST BE SEEN - 3 bedroomn brick semi, finished basement apartment. Asking $41,900, caîl now. jN EWCASTLE Iimmaculate. 12 year aid brick bungalow, three Ibedrooms, paved drive, carport, garage, large ilandscaped lot, rec room. Ideal commuter home.I Excellent value at $54,900. PRIVATI SALE OWNER TRANSFERRED 4 yr. old bungalow on 78 x 105' lot, 4 bedroomnns, diningroom, large living iom eat-in kitchen, fil bath ensuite, 2miuetoO aw.Price $48,0M0.Caîï Orono0983-9641. REALTY LIU. BROKE e a v a nsflws 987-4733 R E ALTORtMOoR T G A GE S *A P PRAI SAL S HORSES, - gairdening, nursery stock. You can have any.of them on this 12.78 acre country lot with 2 - 3 bedroom home and large barn. Just a couple of miles off 401 at Newtonille'(. $64,500 or offer. Caîl Ed Vanhaverbeke toaiarrange an inspection. USE YOUR OWN PLANS - Newcastle Village building lot. 76' frontage. Mature trees. Town water and sewers. $23,500. FARMS --We have two in the scenic Kendal His area. Bath -have mostiy workable land and gaod bu!ildings. From $125,000. Cail for details. COUNTRY ACR EAGES - Il - 27 acres. Some wooded, Good access for commuting. From $33,000 with terms. KEN HOCKIN - ýJjîLTD. REALTOR 80 WMAN VILLE 623-4115 Commissioner H. H. Graham today announced the following promotions and transfers in senior positions of the Ontario Provincial Police Force. Staff Superintendent J.A. MacPherson is promoted to the rank of Chief Superintend- ent, Policy Analysis Secretar- iat, ta replace Chief Superin- tendent D.D. Higley who will be retiring frorm the Force. Chief Inspector F.R. Bluch- er is promoted to the rank of FOR SALE 16 ft. fibergîass run- about with 100 h.p. Mercury outboard including tandem trail- or. Best offer over $1500.00. May be seen at 107 Lawrence Croscent. Phono 623-7684. years old and their assistant, Rob Stefaniuk, is five. The performers said they first became interested in magic two years ago after watching magicians on television. Start- ing with small, sleight of hand tricks, they worked their.way up to performances such as the one that took place in the library. Hon Stefaniuk and Craig Staff Superintendent and transferred tram the Com- munity Services Branch, Staff Services Division, ta the Training Branch, Staff Devel- opment Division, replacing Staff Superîntendent J.A. MacPherson. Chief Inspector J.A. Fuller- ton has been laterally trans- ferred tram the position of Director, Auxiliary Police Branch ta replace Chief In- spector F.R. Blucher as Director, Community Ser- vices Branch. Inspector P.M. Caney, Career Management Branch, has been iaterally transferred ta be second-mn- command of the O.P.P. Com- munity Services Branch. Th~e promotions and trans- fers are effective1ýuly 22, 1977. Haîket perform about 100 shows a year at places such as libraries and chîldren's birth- day parties. The magicians live in Ajax and have put on, several shows in the Ajax~ public library. In this photo- graph, Craig Haîket is on the left. With the rabbit is Rab Stefaniuk and on the right is his older brother, Ron. Beer Garden Is Approved A beer garden ta help raise money for the Newcastle village arena was approved by town council last Friday afternoon. The beergarden is ta be held Saturday, August 13 at the Newcastle Village hall. In addition, the Newcastle Village and District Arena Funding Committee is spon- soring an outdoor dance, a bake sale and% barbeque te, be held at the hall August 13. PRIVATE SALE Brick bungalow in Newcastle,, 3 bed- rooms, den, f ull basement, carpori, large Iandscaped lot. $50A000. 987-4790 or 623-6870 Young Ma giclons Present Show at'Library OPP Announ.ces Four Senior Appointments A magic show, complete with rabbits, hats, card tricks and even a disappearing act was presented ta about 100 children in the basement of the Bowmanville Library last week. Probably one of the most unusual things about this performance was the age of the perfol-mers. Hon Stefaniuk and Graîg Haîket are both 14