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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Aug 1977, p. 11

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ian, Bnwmanville, August 3, 1977 il DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED Tues., 12 noon arilyn BARCLAY - Sharron and mride Steyvo wish ta announce the -ete arrivai of their daughter Lîsa eremy Rae, 6 ibs. Il ozs., Tuesday, n Juiy Juiy 26, 1977. A sister for Scott. ýestern 31-ix Donto. e Gar- s, Port Hilda great s and e and Connie happy ta an- ýfe arrivai 0f dley ichard ais. or, Wed., gston Generai 'hem for Tonya Proud grand- on and Fern -nanville, and Selle, Cobden. I.. GRAHAMA, Annie L. - Sud- denly at Creemnore, Ontario on Wednesday, July 27, 1977, Annie Morris in her 85th year. Beloved wvife of the late Henry H. Grahamn and the late Thomas R. Buier, cherished mom of Edith Marie (Mrs. J. Jones), Gladys (Mrs. G. Burns), Rober and Marion, dearest nan of Isobel (Mrs. J. Mason), Richard and Glenn Slumnan, great gran of Darren and Nicole Mason. Rested af the' Giffen-Mack Chapel, Tor- onto. Service was held on Sàturda y at 12 noon. Inter- ment St.* John's Narway Cemetery. 31-1 MANTLE, joseph A.E. - Suddenly as the resuit of a boating accidenti at Rice Lake on, Saturday, JuIy 30, 1977, Joseph Mantie ef 6 Waverley Road, in his 76th year.. Bei.oved husband of Ed ith May Chandler. Dear father of GoVdon.and Jack<, brother of Mre. Hubert Stacey (Marga- ret). Rested ai the Northcutt Ellott Funeral Home. Fune- rai service was held Tuesday afternoon. Iierment Bow- manville Cemetery. 31-1 RE DKNAP', Arthur George - At, the Oshawva General Hospi- ta! on Sunday, July 31, 1977. Arthur George R1edknap, be- loved! hus:,band of Ellý Whit- taker, in his 77th year, father of 0Ir~Y~s$1h8 rWid ather of Douglas Redknap of \ýOshawa. Resting at the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Osh- awa with funerai service in the chapel, Wednesday, Au- ust 3 at 3 p.m. Intermerit ?akeview Cemnetery, Newton- ville at approximately 4:15 p.m. Memnorial doýnations ta the charity of your choice would be appreciated. 31-1 REYNOLDS, -Bessie Vera At Hllsdaie Manor on Thurs- day, July 28th, 1977, Bessie Vera Reynolds, sister of Mrs. Reg. Sommervilie (May) of Whitby, Mrs. Paf Whitnall (Mary) of Toronto, and the ate Gardon, Norman, Nelson, Jack, Jim, and Joseph. Also remembered by a nephew Arthur Reynolds of Hampton. Rested at the Mcintosh- Anderson Funeral ýHomne, 152 King Street East,' Oshawa. Service was heid in the chapel, Saturday, July 30, 1977 at 1: 30 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union -Cemetery. Memoriaf dona- tions in her eory may b made ta, the Ontaria Heart- Foundation throuigh the Funle- rai Home. 31-1 YOUNGMAN- Roy and Doreen are pleased ta an- nounce the safe arival of Heather Marie, 7 lbs. 6 ozs. July 26, 1977. Proud grand- parents are MArs. Myrna Gos- welI, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngman,ý Tyrone. 31-1 Imm SNELL -At Nel-Gor Nursing Home, Newcastle, Wednes- day, July 27, 1977, tSybil 1. Comstock, in her 9t year. Wife of the late Rev. Isaac Snell. Dear -aunt of Mrs. Clifford Anderson, anid Mrs. Leslie McGee, bath of Bow- manville. Complete service was held in the Marris Fneral Chapel, Bowmanville on Friday aftrnoon. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery, Tor- onto.31-1 YOUNG- At Oshawa Gene- rai Hospital, Wednesday, July 27, 1977, Lily M. Young, 67 Duke Street, Bowmanville, aged 79 years. Beloved wife of Stewart Young, dear mother of Doroth y (Mrs. John Run- die), and E velyn (Mrs. Ernie Fernlund), bath of Bowman- ville, Kathleen (Mrs. P. Sos- nowski) and Bernice (Mrs. Dave Halewood), bath of Oshawa. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday af- ternoon. Interment Bowman- vil le Cemetery. 31-1 'Y) "F lowers Say it Best". VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery ta ... Oshawa - Bowmanville Ar Phone 623-4441 FLOWERS B' JACKMAN Bowmanville Ma 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOU S, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL NEEDS "Flowers with Feeling" For any Occasion 623-3377 Sundlays and Hlidays Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623-725 Durham County's Oldest Funeral ServicA MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 DIVISON STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS - CONCERN - SERVICE Thoughtful selection of cemnetery sites, for varlous reasons a concern to many peop le.: . .. often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cerne- teries,-simply on request., This is part of, our service to -the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, 8OWMANVILLE 6234668 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope Monuments - Markers - Inscriptions - Wrought Iron Flower Stands - Home Appointments 0Gladily Arra nged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Estabîished 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street _________ Port Hope, Ontario WOKASI*UUT LIA3W3 OKNSI UIT High Quality at 7'L Reasonable Prices Phono 885-5216 Home 88$-5222L Mr. and Mrs. Maxley Fer- guson, Tyrone are proud ta announco the fort h om ing marriage 0f their oniy daugh- ter, Conni e ta John, son of Mm. and Mrs. Lemeul Loveman, Newfoundiand. The wedding wilI take place, Saturday, Septem ber 24, 1977 at 3 o'ciock in Tvrone Uinitedi Chrh. James and Domeei of Kirby are happy tc ce the engagement daughtem, Sharon Randy Lee Bake, sor and Beatrice Blake,1 ville. The wedding place in Oona Unite, on October 22, 1977 ai The fothcomi n9gI is announced of D Wiibum, daughter Doris Wilbur and Gardon Wilbum of Har Loyd Russell Hoskir Mm. and Mrs. Ray R.R. 1, Bowmanvi marriago wili tai Satumday,' Sept. lOth, o'clock in Hamptor Chumch. Mm. and Mrs. Rol lace, R.R. 4, Oshawa and Mrs. -William R.R. 6, Bowmanville ce with ploasure thE ment of their chiidr ormne Anne ta WiIiiar The marriage will ti September 3, 1977 at in Courtice United Cl John and Jean Brink, 9458--134 St mee B.C. and Ted ai Kaay, R.R. 4, Bow Ont, are happy ta the forthcoming ma their childron, Lindé They wili speak th before the Lord on S second 1977 at the Chumch of Surrey,1 Jacob Kits off iciatinç k g Mr. and Mrs. CIlinto, wiil be "At Home" rea friends and relatives day, August 7 ta heipa 43t their Golden Weddir versamy. 2-4 p.m. and Best wieshes only. Mysincere thanks ta friends, neighbars, relatives and my family for their lovely cards, notes and acts of kindness during my stay in haspital and' since comîng home. Mary Tamblyn 31-1 31-1 . We wish ta express aur sincere fhanks-and apprecia- tion ta aur many friends who ,n Lowory1 wemo 50 kind ta us during aur ,o announ- ecent, bereavemont. Speciai of their thanks ta Dm. A.E. King, Joan, ta Pastar David Toap, Morris n of Emnie Funerai Chapel and Local 222 Bowman- UAW 1ta take UAW d Chumch The Harold Gray Famiiy 3 p.m. 131-ix 31-ix The famiiy of the late Eva Richards wouid like ta extend marriage thoîr sincere thanks ta rela- le Arlene tives, friends and neighboums of Mrs. for the kind expressions of the late sympathy, cards, floral tri- imptan, ta butes, donations ta the Heart n, son of and Cancer Societies and ta (Hoskin, those who sent in gifts of lue. The baking ta aur home. Speciai keý place thanks ta the Salem U.C.W.. 1977 at 4 Reverend Schamerharn and ,n United the Marris Funeral Chapel for 31-ix their kindness and services. bort Wai- 3'l 3, and Mm. The famiiy of the late Mr. iWright, James Curson Sm. wish ta , announ- thank ail their relatives, ie engage- friends and neig hbors, Bow- -on, Cath- manvilie Branch 178, Royal m Randy. Canadian Legian, Newcastle ýake place Veterans Committee, Local 3:30 p.m. 889 0f Davidsoni Rubber Ca., humch. Port Hope forthe man y loveiy 31-1 floral tributes, mem bers 0f - Branch 178 Royal Canadian Vanden- Leg ion who attended the a, Surrey, "Last Post Service", relatives nd Alice and friend who acted as vrmanville, palîbearers, the Marris Fune- announce rai Chapel for kindnesses amiage of shown, Lt. Douglas Lewis 0f a and Ed. the Saivation Army for, his heir vows cansoiing wards and organist, eptomber Mrs. Hosken Smiï-h. Speciai Chm. Ref. thanks ta Mrs. Muriel Jordan, B.C. Rev. Mrs. June Foster and Mrs. g. 1 Pearl Lynn of Brown's and 31-1 Mrs. Verna Gatt 0f Toronto. 31-1 1 would liko ta thank any family, fionds and neîgh- boums and the Base Lino good -n Bumiey Neighboums Club for cards, ,ta their visits, whiie i was a patio i in ýon Sun- Memomial Hospital. i also celebrate fhank Drs. Ferguson and ng Anni- Wostgamth, nurses and staff on d 7-9 p.m. fimst floor. Art hum Gibson ~3 -i~ all R EC EPT ION Garnet and Hi Ida Mutton cordialiy invite their rela- tives, friends and noîghboms ta attend a rocoptian and dance ta celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary on August 13 at the Leg ion Hall, King Street East, 8 p.m. Best wishes anly. A DADSON -in Loving mem- amy of a idear husband and father, Harry J. who passod away August 6th, 1972. Memaries are treasumes No one can steal; Death beaves a heartache Difficuit ta hoal. Some wiii forget you Now you're gone, But wewill ememnber '59 Na matter, haw long. - --Your ioving wife May and e tamily. 31-1 x PASSANT -Ruth Elida. In l oving memory of aur dear mom and gandma who passed away August 4, 1972. Hem toi Iworn hands once busy, Are toided now in sieep, And over hem aut-worn body The earth lies cold and deep But the soul that was hem tf -essence,, - Livos on and we shahl see'hem Whon the Master cails us home For ail eonity. - Lavingiy remembemed and vemv sadlv missed Jane, Bob, PASSANT - Rufh Elida. In loving memory of aur beloved Mom and Mama who passed away Aug. 4, 1972. No farther away than a pictume A smile, or remembered phrase Our dear Mom lives in memary Sa close ih 50 many ways. For how offen doos fthe sunset Bring memories ta aur minds 0f moments that we shared with her In days now left behind. How offen has a f lower Or a crysfal aufumn sky Bmoughf golden mecoliections 0f happy days g ane by. Yes, memory h as a magic way 0f keeping ioved ones near Ever clo§e ta mind and heart is the one we hold most dear. -Lovingly remembored, by Mary, Lamry, Vincent, Eugene, Andrew. 31-1 STAPLETON - In ioving memo0r'y of a dear husband and father, George James Stapleton, who passed away Aug. 4, 1976. No one knows the silent heart- aches, Oniy those who have ioved can StellI The grief we bear in silence For the one we ioved so well. 241f -Sadiy missed by wife, Gertie and famiiy. 31-lx 31-ix i would like ta thank my friends, ne ig hboums and rela- tives for t ho cards, visits, fiowems and gifts i roceived duing my stay in Bowman- ville Hospital. Also thanks ta Drs. Sylvester, Masienko and Long and 3-1 floor nurses for their came and attention. Barb Stapleton Dr. Antossi's office will be closed Jul y 23 ta Au gust 7 inclusive. Re-opening August 8, 1977 at Scugog Professionai Building, 191 Church St., Bowmanville. 29-3 Dr. Rudeii's office wiii be ciosed Juiy 22 to August 14 inclusive. 29-4 Harry Voermnan Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanvil le, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSURANCE 28-tlf Roberta McCann, C. E. Permanent hair removai. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bow- .manviiie. 25-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hoope rs Jewel lers Ltd. Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent reduction, on f irst purchase of earrings with the release form Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 2nd and 3rd- MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE -5 year term -Open Motgages - No payments for three monthS - No bonuses - No Credif Checks - No inquiry tram neighbors - Confîdential arrangements made in your home, - Borow as low as $1,600 - Fast service - Fimst Mortgagos alsa amranged CallMr. Wilks Mortgages bought and soId (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 Ceramic Demonstration of diffement techniques and co urses of fered by Jendon Ceramics at Patchwork, Aug ust 11 & 12 Fai enrolments wii be accepted at this time. For further information cali: 623-3868 30-2 Antique Coi lectable Sale, Au g.27, 1:00 p.m., Manvers Tonship Shed lot. Came'heip finance the building of the Manvers Cammunity Centre and Arena. Refreshments served. 31-1 Annual f lower and vege- table show by Bowmanvilie District Horticultural Society, at Memoriai Park Club House, Wednesday, August lOth. 4-9 p.m. Admission 50 cents with tea. 31-1 Durham Regian Gladiolus Society invites the public ta their Annuai Gladiolus and Dahlia Show on Sat., Au ,g. l3th. From 2 fa 8 p.m. at the Memoriai Park Club House, Liberty St. South, Bowman- ville, Everyone welcome. The Glads will b o auctioned at the conclusion of the show by Worîd Champion Auctioneer St.eve Liptay, Peterborough. 31-2 Yard sale, Scugog Rd. in village of Hamnpton, Saturday, August 6 at il a.m. Wicker chairs, Aladdin iamp base, dishes, tays, odds and ends. Blackstock Faim and Dance Satumday, August, 27th. For information, contact Mms. G. Kelly. Blackstock, 986-4257. 30-2 COMING SOON! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Aug. 22 toSept. i at ONTARIO PUBLIC SCHOOL 1:30 p. m. -4.30p. m. Crafts, macrame,, hikes and lots of stories. Sponsored by the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Bowmanviîle, Ali Ages Welcome. For furthor information phono Mms. Von ness 579-4481 31-3 Lakeview Cemetemy, New- tonville, Ontario, Decoration Day will be held on Sunday, August 14, 1977. 31-1 2nd Annual Biackstock Tractor Pull, Satumday, Aug- ust 6, 12 noon. 9 classes of farm tractors. Adults $2.00; undor 12 yeams $1.00. 9 p.m. dance in Recreation Centre, Ian Page's Band $2.00 per persan. AIl1 profits of day ta go ta Rink Committee. 30-2 APPEARINO AT The Queený's Hotel N EWCASTLE JASON DAVID REVUE Fri. and Sat. August 5-6 Dancinq 9 - 1 A - .0 o ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts availabie for most an-ý tique dlocks, pockef wafches. and modern wafches and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-ta-date equipment- and qualified Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTID. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 2t BELLVUE tent-frailer, sleeps six, side doar, 12" wheels with spare, excellent condition. Phone 623-2624. 3- CASSETTE Player, trailer hitch, winterized stroller, baby swing seat and spring horse . Phone 623-7387. 31-1 SPLIT cedar rails; double- edged Black and Decker power shears. Phone 723-4394. 31-1 VACUUM cleaners and poiIshers repaired at Reid's Small Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Line Raad East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phono 623-6244. 7-tf FRESH brown eggs aiso brawn egg Iaying hens. J. GoId 623-2730. 30-tf Lots of Used Pianos in Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzma n OSHAWA ORGAN .CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-f PICK your own Transparent Apples. Braw-view F armn, Newcasfle-Junctian No. 2 highway and 115. 30-2x WH ITE'S T.V. TOW ERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Gua rantee Phone 576-5606 30-tf VISIT The Pink Shoppe, N ESTLETON 9 Miles East of Port Perry on 7A. Crafts with a difference .... Open 10-5 including Sunday. Closed Mon day anxd Tuesday. 30-3x OISHAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR ~I DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL Phone, Oshaa 725-0232 SOLINA RD.* N. 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241.- 26-tf J and M TIRE Service fer Michelin tires, your one-stop radiai centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furnture, appliances, T.V.s and storoos and also used furnitume and appliances. Wiil accept imade-ims. Paddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-ft. 50e the Magnificent ColemanCa in Tra i ers at NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK AND SALES Hwy. 2, Newcastle 987-5131 Open 7 days and evonings. 23-tf N the basoment, carpet remnants, 12" x 18" ta 12' x 18', scatter mats 27" x 54" - $5,95 each, remnanis 1/2 price, drape emnants - $1.00 yd. Yaur one-stop shop ping. F. A. Kmamp, 37-41 King Street E., BowmanvilIe. Furnitume, Car- pet and Drapes. 30-tf SWEET corn' new potatoos, and other vegetabIes now ready. Keith Bill Farm, Con- cession 9, one mile west of Raglan, 655-3326. Ciosed Sunday. 130-3 CANQES! twa 14' fibroglass canoos. Phono 579-1651. 30-2 CHIP truck, fully equipped, passed ail inspections, ready ta make money. Toiephone 263-2211. 30-2 .f dFRE E"1 During the month of August at House of Amnber Antique and Gift Shop (north end Hampton Village) Ail artificial siik flowers pumchased atour shop, wil11 be made up "F R EE 0F CHARGE" into large or small arrangements. Came ouf today and choose your beauti- fui "'Cmush and fade resistant, washabie siik flowers." Cal l 263-2981 -YARD SALE Rockers, Sealers, Rope Bed, OId Bicycles, Planes, Chairs, Odds and Ends etc. Sat. and Sun. 34 Sîlver St. (Acrass f rom fhe Museum) 31-lx WONDER Steel Barn (new) 30' x 60' (approx. size). Phone 983-5076. 31-ix LARGE quantity of excellent quaiity oafs or barley and baled straw. Available mid August. Orders now being taken. Phone 623-5466 or 987-4091 evenings. 31-1 SAND& GRAVEL SUPPLY TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- roam suite - 8 pc., dining room suite - 9 pc. chesterfie Id and chair, etc. AIl Brand new, reasonable. 1 -247-4377. 27-tf 73 KAWASAKI 100 km, Enduro, excellent condition. Phone 263-2703. 31-1 73 MAZDA 808 - goad condi- tion, safetied; 1 Craig cassette tape deck with 2 pioneer speakers $125; 1 used couch and, chair $50; 1 Admirai dishwasher $350; 1 TV - good condition $75; 1 used 9 x 12 rug $25. Cal 623-5154. 31-1 BRAND new hunting rifle cabinet, neyer used, inquire at House of Yesterday, 29 Temperance St., Bowman- vil1le, 623-2820. 31-ix 5OOcc SUZUKI, 2500 original miles, for sale or trade for Datsun pickup. 1-986-5242. 31-1 1974 KAWASAKI 90, excellent condition. $275. Phone 623-5225. 31-1 LOCAL swimming pool dealer has a limited number of steel inground pools at greatiy reduced prices. 16' x 32' ingrou nd $3883 installed. Other sizes camparatively priced. Cali Polynesian Pools. foul free 1-800-261-6121, ask for operator 603. 31-2 ONE Fer gusan tractor, com- plete with Bush Hog, good condition. $1500. Window air conditioner $100. Drafting equipment $50., Phone 623-7363. 31-1 HOMEMADE 12' trailer, sleeps 4, stove and sink. Phone 623-5325. 31-1 50 AC RE S of oat straw ba led. No. 2 Highway West, Bow- manville. Phone 623-3090. 31-1 10 FOOT se If-propelled Cock- shutt combine, newly over- hauled. Ready to go. Phone 1-985-3709. 3M 1 TABLE saw with all attachments, good as new. Phone 263-8842. 31-1 DUNE buggy, 1500 cc motor, extra parts, needs work. Best offer. Phone 987-4243. 31-1 1977 KAWASAKI 650 cc cus- tom. $2200 or best of fer. Phono 987-4243. 31-1 75 HONDA 500, 130 Cai 1-983-5886. 3 SPEED folding tf Perfect condition 623-6760 after 6. 3 FURROW 16" p: point hitch side, rake; post haie digger; triple K. cultivatai perfect shape. Phc 753-2272. 100 miles. COOL Chrysier, 1973 New Yorker Broug ham, 4-door, power everythi ng, multiplex search radio, air conditioned, cruise control, etc. This is a one owner luxury car in excel lent condition. Price $2,000. Cali 623-6023 anytime. 31-1 1974 DATSUN 710, A-1 condi- +ion, ver y low mleéage, 4 gear standard transmission, under- coating, radio and 8 track tape deck. Certif ied. Asking $2,000 or best offer. Phone 623-4824. 31-1 1972 VOLVO, 142 E, certif ied, Ziebarted, Michelin tires, many extras, excellent condi- tion, best offer. Cali 263-8012, af ter 6p. m. 31-1 '71 DATSUN 510 station wa- gon, 60,000 miles, $500 or best of fer. Cal11 af ter 5, 987-4232. 31-1 '67 M-USTANG, 2-door. aood running condition, perfect b=y radio, $595. '7Ô Chev. mala, 4-door hardtop, good body, good running conditlion, radio, $995. 728-7252. 31-1 1967 OLDS Cutlass, 330 V-8 automatic, as Is for $225 or best off er. Phone 1-983-9454. 1 31-1 '73 CH EV., 4-door, V-8 auto., 8 track sterea equipped, frame hitch; 17' house trailer, equip- ped', 1-786-2473. Yi -i x 1973 DATSUN 610, red 4-door sedan, one owner, good condi- tion. 73,000 miles, 32 mpg, standard, Michelin steel-beit- ed radiais. Certif ied. Best offer. 623-7322 days, 623-4957 evenings. 31-1 Excellent Buy! 1974 CHEV, IMPALA 4-door, vinyl roof, power steering and brakes, AM-FM radio, 42,000 miles, one owner. This is a very dlean, weII cared for car. Reasonably priced. PHONE 623-7078 AFTER 5 30-2 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1,155 for Rusfproofin g on new or used, vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durhamn Vitalizin-g, phone 723-1,155. 47-tf, 311 1976 MALIBU biCcle. CLASSIC LANDAU n. CailUndercoated, 350 - 2, V8, air 31-1 conditioning, wheeî discs, iog;3 radio, power door locks,# Dausor 3 iighting package, ail mouîd- 29 tooth ings, front armirest, rear 29 too!h window defogger, tinted glass, r, ail in accent stripe, convenience mne (416) package, electric clock, radial tires, sport mirrors, vinyl roof, sport steering wheeli Bavarian creme, with tan interior. 24,500 hwy. miles, Best offer 623-7996 after 6 p.m. N OTICE TO CREDITORS N. HE ESTATE 0F HERBERT WESLEY KNAPP ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the estato of Herbert Wesley Knapp, of the Town of Newcastle in the Regional Municipaiity of Durham, de- ceased, who died on or about the 2nd day ofFebruary, 1977 are hereby notified ta send in to the undemsigned on or befare the l9th day of August, 1977 full particulars of their dlaims. Immediateiy affer the said date, the assets of the said deceased wiii be distri- buted having regard anly f0 dlaims of w9hich I shahl thon have notice. DATED at Oshawa, this l2th day of Juiy, 1977., LUCIAN MICHAELS, Barrister and Solicitor, 22 King Street West, OSHAWA, ONTARIO. Solicitor acting on behaif of the Executars of the Estate of Herbert Wesley Knapp. 29-3 @.Ma= Western Canada Schooî of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, and the onîy completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the, Trade Schooîs Licensing Acf, R. S. A. 1970, C.366. For particulars of the, next course write: Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phono 728-6215. CHIP truck, fuliy oquipped, passed ail inspections, moady ta make monoy. Telephone 263-2211. 130-2 DNE red Hereford steer. Approx. 850 lbs. Sauina Road sauth of No. 2 highway. Phono 623-2082. 31-1 BLACK Persian cat, white spot on neck, black bush y tail1. Reward of $20 if found .PI ease phone 1-661-8090. Please help. 31-1 TO give away to good home, 31/2 month oid kittens, litter trained. Phone 725-3947. 29-tf F R EE to good home,' three six-week-old puppies, part cocker spaniel, beautiful markings. Cai 623-9277. 31 -1 THRE E ponies. Cali affer six - 623-5661. 31-1 HOUNDS, Vizsla, tan, 4 week aid puppies. Phone 725-5070. 31-3 DOG GROOMING Big and Small We do them al1. P hone 623-7764. H. & N. - year aid hens, $1.00 each . Phone 1-983-5271. 31-ix TWO horses and saddles. For mare information phone 1-983ý 5673. 31-1 EXCELLENT youth's pony, 12.5 h.h. from registered Welsh mare and Arabian stali1ion. Phone da ys, 725-6904; after 5, 723-0267. 31-1 BOWMANVILLE lady me- quires a ride daily to dlown- town Toronto, arriving around 8:30 or 9: 00, commencing f irst week in September. P lease cal 623-7142. - e . FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK,, CA LL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 30-tf andi Stephanie.1 Wesley and Li la I NE The'Canadian Sta 1ýz Fantastic Awards can be yours during the fa It seIiing season in the giamnorous worîd of fashion with SARAH COVENTRY J EWELLERY - kits providied f ree - no experience necessary - we will train - pay cheques weekiy - opportunity for advance- ment. For an interview appointment phono 623-9147 30,2 RELIABLE and responsible persan ta look after 17 month aid child. Full time. Shift work. In my homne. Phone Newtonvi île 786-2531. i! 31-1 EARN extra money. Show aur exciting lino of Christmas cards 'and gifts ta friends, neîghbours, relatives. No ex- perience needed. Our big, caiourfuliy iilustrated cata- logue makes if easy and profitable. Start now. Write today for f ree Christmas catalogue and information. Monarch Greefing Cards, Dept. 114, 217 Cannon, Hamil- tan, L8N 3K3 or phono (416) 527-3891. 31-8 Part Time Dish Washers and Bus Boys. For faîl and winter season, students preferabie. For interview phone 623-3373. 31-1 COCKTAIL WAITRESS Must be personable, attractive. For interview phono 623-3373. 31-1 Full and Par t Time BARTENDERS Can be tand For interview phone 623-3373. 31-1 Homiemnakers, Teachers, Studlents We are looking for amabitiuis peeple, over 18 years, te introduce Michete Lynn Jewel lery No experience necessary. No investmients requ îred. Management position aal able f or experieniced mrdlvi- duais in direct seiiing. Full time pay for partýl-tim ork. For mare information cal 623-3735. 31-1 COUNTY 0F NORTHUMBERLAND 1requires Assistant to the Cîerk-Tréasurer S ealed applications marked "Application for Assistant ta the Cierk-Treasurer" will be received by the undersigned until August 20, 1977. Applcations ta be in own handwriting stating qualifica- tions, experience, age and marital status. Duties wlIl f ri'marily be the responsibiîity or ail activities in support of the functians of ýthe Clerk- Treasurer. The successfui applicant, if found satisfac- tory, will later be considered for the position of Deputy- Clerk-Treasurer. Preference wii11 be g iven ta a recognized accaunting deg ree and municipal experidVice. Enroilment in or certificate from A.M.C.T. course would be an asset. Salary, comme n- surate \yith qualifications and experience. Excellent fringe benef ifs in effect. Replies wiIl be heîd strictly conf identil. K. Symons, Clerk-Treasurer- Administrator 860 William Street, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 3A9 30-2 7=mîr

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