14 The Canadian Statesman PEE WEE BASEBALL TOURNAMENT The Newcastle and District Pee Wee Basebaîl Tourna- ment will be held at the Bowmanville Memorial Park on Saturday, August l3th. The first game will start at 9:00 a.m., the second at 11:30 a.m. The consolation final will start at 2:00 p.m. with the final game beginning at 4:30 p.m. Teewill be four teams involved which ýre Ker dal, Newcastle, Bowm'xn ville Blue Jays and Bowmanville Jensen Steel. The Kinsman T Bail League will hold there final game and Barbeque at, the Memorial Park South Diamond on Satur- day, August l3th beginning at 10: 00 ar. TYKE BASEBALL FINALS The Newcastle and District Tyke Basebaîl finals will be held at Bowmanville Memi- orial Park on Saturday, August 6th. The games will begin at 10: 00 a. m. at both the north diamorîd and the south diamond. There will be three teams from Bowmanville which are the Mets, Pirates, Giants and the fourth team will be Orono. The finals will start at 1:00 p.m. Yelverton Mr. and Mrs. Oram Moore, David and Lynne returned home this past week froman enjoyable camping trip to Kelowna, B.C. where they spent a week with Oram's aunt and uncle - Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Cordelle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm returned this weekend from a two week jaunt to Hamburg, Germany and other points in Germany and Hol- land. 1Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bottom- ley and family left this week to spiend several weeks in their native England where they plan to vîsit their respective families. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas-, bergen Jr. and' family are: spending a couple of weeks at a cottage east of Peterborough during GM. layoff. Marti and Harvey Malcolm attended a "Stag" for groom elect Bob Fick in Toronto lasti week. On Wednesday over 50 ladies from Yelverton and surrounding area gathered in Yelverton Church basement for a miscellaneous shower for bride elect Mitzi Malcolm. Following a brief programn wich included a contest by Mrs. Ear] Gray and a photo- graphi contest by Mr. Alan Howe. Miss Pamnela Stinson read a hilarious poem which was composed in colaboration with Mr. Art Rowandealing, wth Mitzi's "illustrious" M? past. Mitzi was presented with: a lovely corsage of red roses: and she was assisted in the, openîng of the gifts by hier' sister Mona and cousin Karen Josephaek, Mitzi expressed lier thanks to the committee who arranged the evening. Mrs . Floyd Stinson, Mrs. Norman Wilson -assisted by Pamn Stinsoni, Candy Malcolm, Marlah Malcolm, Andrea Brown and Mirs. Fred Stacey. She also thanked ail those present for such a lovely collection of gifts and for the two lovely cakes provided by Mrs. Norman Wilson and MVarlene Glasbergen. A Iovely lunch concluded the evening's festivities. On Friday evenng over 50 "sports" from Yelverton and vicinity congregated at Yel- verton to board' a bus for Toronto to see the Toronto Blue Jays get clobbered by the Milwaukpe Brewers. Mr. Rav Robnson arranged the tnipand was chauffeur for he Manvers. He also -served several years on Manvers Township Council and was keenly interested in all worth- whîle community projects as well as being a very good and helpful neighbour. Congratulations to Nestle- ton and Yelverton Mens Teams who won the Port Perry long weekend softball tournament first and second place respectively. In the last of 2 of the 5 games Yelverton played on Monday, they suf- fered a numnber jof injuries, sprained ankles, stitches, etc. which marred their success someWhat! Deapart of the action in, Bowmianville, August 3, 1977 ,The Gret MARY MILES OR DEVON BRAND OR BURNS BRAND ESEAL! ,,LIMIT 0F 3 PKGS. PER CUSTOMER. L . BX1.28 MARY MILES FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES SPECIAL! B U R N S 1 L . . %VWIENERS I LB CANADIAN QUEEN SPECIALI SMALL LINKe SAUSAGE LB. 69~ COORSH COLE SLAW OR 24OZ. POTATO SA LAD OT 94 BURNS BONELESS SPECIAL! COOKED, 21/2-3 LBS. DINNER HAMS LB.1 8 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE MPELAPOLIN AAI PEPPEONSEAL SUMMER BAVARIAN OR BEERWURST Du"ELI S A s o fl,80OZ. SAUAG SiZE TET LE Y TE A BAGSÎ SPECIAL! 8 OZ. PKG. 0F 721 9 LIVER & BEEF - DR BALLA RDS IMAP%% [)14.5 OZ. FOOD T9 MAPLE ILEAF COOKED CANNED HAMS unil BITTNER'S FRESH TRAY PACK SAUSAGE BRATWU RST 5 S'PECIAL! LB. 1 .29 SPECIAL! COIL &VAC PACK SAUSAGE LB. 1.29 SPECIAL! BITTNER'S SLICED BOLOGNA ILBG 99 SUGAR SUBSTITUTE .2OZ SUGAR TWIN PKG. 69 DOMINION FROZEN SPECIAL! CANADA FAN CY, WHOLE& KERNEL CORN 31KG: I1.49 MERS SICED TEA MIX SPECIAL' 2OZ.I TIN COLONIAL CHOCOLATE CHIP SPECIAL! OR BEST ASSORTMVENT COOKIES P'KLG 1.88 SPECIAL! FROZEN PEPPERONI à ALORO PIZZA 200Z. .OY AUNT JEMIMA FROZEN SPECIAL! REGULAR & BUTTERMILK 16 OZ.A PANCAKE BAllER CONT. 6 ASSORTED VARIETIES PRIMO PASTAS 4*C SPECIAL! PRIMO PLAIN,' MEAT OR WITH MUSHROOMS SPAGHETTI SAUCE OZTIN 69 IN TOMATO SAUCE SPECIALÎ LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI 14 FL. OZ. IN TOMATO SAUCE OR SPECIAL! WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE LIBBY'S BEANS 8TF.NO MONARCH 100% NATURAL SPECIAL! ORANGE FLAVOUR Ar ob CRYSTALS 4X31i2 y 1 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE SPECIAL!& SOFT 'N PRETTY 4 ROLL 9 ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIAL!â% d% VIVA uOWELS PKG. 9 SPECIAL! JET LIQUIDab OV DETERGENT 64 FL.Z. Y POWDERED SPECIAL! PUNCH DETERGENT Box 2.09'v Exclusive Distributors of CANADA NO. 1 WHITE BILLY BEE LIQUID HONEY SPECIAL! JA 1.o69 SPECIAL! E. D. SMITH APPLE 1 L Z PIE FILLING TIN Ol619 SPECIAL! DOMINION'ASSORTED 9' BISCUITS PKG 69ô ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL! BICK'S RELISHES12 FL. OZ. Q COFFEE-WHITENER SEIL COFFEE-MATE J16 9 SPECIAL! LANDER L e BABY SHAMP00o m ç SPECIAL! AQUAFRESH50Me TOOTHPASTE TUBEm 5 JOHNSON'SPK.0 BAN-ADS100 15 SPECIAL! WHITE FACIAL TISSUES PKG. SCOTTIES 0Fo100 /el VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOS ING TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1977. Free ONTARIO SWEEPS Tickets WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. r AIL PURPOSE GRýIND CA';"HASE & SAN BORN COFFEE SPAL!J LIMIT: 2 BAGS 1 LB. PER CUSTOMER BAGM -J CUl FROM CANADA GRADEW"BEEF BONELESS, FULL CUT - STEAKS LB.10Mi 4UY ONE AT THE REGULAR PRICE 0F 78e QUAKER M UFFEËTSFR E1 PKG. 0 E N ASST'D. VARIETIES tFROZEN, LAYER SARA LEE CAKES SPECIAL! 13< PKK CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS,- RNDSEAK ROAST -PLB. 1 [ %RETURNABLE BOTTLE C7OC0A- ES7t Âl i.5'LITRE SPECAL!BOTTLE PLUS 30C DEPOSIT RICHMEILLO LAYER SHORTOAKE âý à@MP- 1 UMM A j or y 1 A oz. KG.79 %bl '19 a