- ~t~Qoe c13J~ddt~g Deborab Ana Staples of Orono iecame the bride of Richard Edward Copping of Kirby on Saturday, Juhy 2nd, 1977 in Orono United Church, Orono. Reverend B. Long, offici- ated at the ceremony, with Mr. Douglas Dewehl as organ- ist. The bride is the dlaughter of Mr. and Mrs., Ray James Staples of Orono and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Edward Copping of Kirby. Given in marriage by ber father the bride wore a white formai gown of nylon, sheer over net, fashioned Witb a bigh neckline, full length sheeves and a full skirt. Daisy lace trîmmxed the necýkline, seeves a nd bodice, and featured a 'nylon sheer ruffle. A matching henddIress of Daisy lace set with pearis beld bier full lengtb tuile veil, also bordered witb lace and the bridai bouquet wnvs a sl arrangement of \white roses, blue cornfiowers and yehhw Mother of the bride, Mr's. Marian Staples who was also the ma id- of bonor wore a formai gown of soft yeliow, with mntching floral prînt jacket in coral and green. Mr. Ray Staples, father of the bride was the best man. Mother of the groom, Mrs. Harold Copping wore a formai gown of white and coral. The reception was heid at the Jnnetville Community NEWTOI Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher sDent ast week down east, visiting Miss Gladys Lamb, at Wellington for a couple of dnys, before going on to the Governmient Camp at Adolp- hustown. They nîso visited Mrs. Walter Lemmon and Mr. and Mrs. George Van Keo- fiant, at Napanee. 1 Mný and- Mrs. Cinreace Farrow and Karen of Ottawa spent ast week here witb Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr'. Reg FahIs. On Thiesday ahi v'itedl Marine Land, at Niagara Falls, as well as severni other places during the week. Glad to hear Mr. Jack Elliott is home agana from Hall witb dinner served by the, u.C.W. Foilowing the dinner there was a weddîng dance. The -bride's going away outtit was a black gown highighted by blue and white flowers. Mr, and Mrs. Richard Copping are now residing in Orono. Photo by Astor Studio N VLLE Port Hope and District Hospi- tai. Recent dinner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. Herb Soules and Terry of Torontd, and Mr. and Mrs. David Imhacb and sons, Paul and Drew, Mrs. Marion Edgcrton is able to be home agnin after ber long stay in bospitai, we Cahiers the past weeks, witbý Mr. and Mrs. F, Gilmer were Rev. Tizzard, Mrs. Lena ChsIeMr. Anthonyv Ton, M4r. Stan Page. Mýrs. Marjorie Caswell and Mrs. Lena Gra- ham, of Newcastle. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher were Mr, and Mrs. Tom Woodlock of Bowmanville and Mr. Don Fletcher, the. latter a supper guest. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Eliott, included Mrs. Olive Glenn, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Art Watts of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Buriey, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley and Steven, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry and John and Mrs. Elva Berry of Orono. Our regular cburcb service resumed on Sunday morning at 9:45 witb Leone Lane and Rowena Tizzard the Greeters at the door, and an encourag- ing attendance. We were glad to sec Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis and Mr.'and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, of Port Hope among those présent. Rev. .Tizzard spoke on the subject of "Holidays" telling some of the places he and Alrs. Tizzard visited while out west and asking for others to mention how they put in their timne especially on Sundays. Seve- rai responded.' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, and girls of Newcastle attend- cd our service and were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, later. Sunday supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbal included Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbali, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, of Port Hope. This was a triple celebration, as Kay Kimbaîl, Ruth Gordon and Wanda Kimbali all have birthdays this week. Our felicitations to ail! Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson were among those attending the Basebaîl Tour- nament at Little Britain on Sunday. 1We were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Arthur Redknap in Oshawa, Sunday. The Redknaps were vaiued citi- zens of this community for many years before taking up residence in Oshawa and sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Redknap, family and friends. The funeral is to be held at the Armstrong Funerai Home, Oshawa, on Wednesday at 3 p.m. with interment foliowing in Lakeview Cemetery, New- tonville. Mrs. Marion, Gibson and Darlene of Bowmanviile were Sunday visitors with Mr. Raymond Bruce and Mrs. Isabel Waters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- phy of Newcastle, were 'Sun- day evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chanton Farrow. Approximately 25 friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignali, Bowmanvilic, on Sunday afternoon, July 3lst to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, of their infant dau- ghter, Angela. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kube were God- parents for Angela. Joe and Sheila Stacey, brother and sister of Mrs. Brignall were also baptized, thus becoming members of Newtonville Unit- ed Church, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor, of Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Don Lepine, of Hampton, were Godparents for Joe and Sheila. Rev. A. Tizzard officiated at the Baptsma sericeandMrs. the serice, any pictures eetkea sumptluou-s meal was ~rvedand ail. preseat eajoyed a very pleasant social afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. A. Tizzard were supper guests, Sunday, with Mrs. Bea Jones. ARLES [Mar.21 - 4pr.201 Desire for change is very strong at this time. Emotions are bigb and mnust be controihed. interests away from borne wiih behp curb this tension, TAURUS [Apr.21 - May 201 Hard work that you bave done in the past will begin to show benefits now. Try not to do too many jobs at once, Organize your work for the best resuits. GEMINI [May 21 - June 211 A raise in pay or other benefits are fortbcoming. Vour social if e wili be bighligbted and you wili meet new friends witb the same interests. This is a good time to start on new studies. CANCER [June 22-July 221 Changes in chose relationsbips can cause emotional strain. Be renhistic, in youm attitude. Accept what must be. Join a, new group and enjoy new projects. Rest is essential. LEO [July 23 - Aug.231 Partnersbmp deaiings are of great importance now. Use good judgment. Business trips may be necessary. New friends are indicated and new projects are started. Don't be too demanding. VIRGO [Aug.24-Sept.22j Specuhative ventures must be carefulhy consîdered, possibilities are good if com- mon-sense is used. You may uncover some secret plan, use care wben dening wih these, Strong sympathies prevail. DRY CLEAMING Ounmgton -c AfeM!t Zion United Churcb, was the streamei scene of a lovely summer yehhow,1 wedding, on Saturday, July, The nr 9th, 1977 at 4 p.m. when Mrs. Dot Christine Dawn Nemis, bridesm became the bride of Michael Wallace, Keitb Ormfiston. Reverend Patricia Paul Erb officiated. The girl wa organist was Mrs. Lloyd Down Nernis, r and the soloist Mr. Murray Best i Osborne. Siha Their parents are Mr' and Smtnyuv Mrs. William Nemis, R.R. 3 andy Vr Bowmaaville and Mr. and wsMa Mrs. Keith Orrmis 1ton, R.R. 2 aMs Bowrnanvilhe. nepbew( Given in marringe by ber Receiv father, the bride wore a reccptiori formai gown of nylon sheer National over net, fashioned with a high bride's ar neckline, full Bishop sheeves mint gr& and full skirt. Cluney lace the gro( trimmed the aeckline, multi-toi sheeves, bodice and circled the gown. triple, flounced chapel train. A Tbe bi matching picture bat, with piece bi French illusion veil, com- accessori pleted the ensemble, and she trip to P carried a nosegny of yellow Mr. ani silk, Sweetbeart roses, white residing appleblossoms, white lace R.Rý 2 B Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs. Staphes, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent of money, Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Carl gifts wer( Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mansel by the b< Wright motored to Toronto on Mrs. N( Sunday to attend the 35tb few days wedding anniversary of Mr. Lanrry Me and 'Mrs. Raiph Wýettlnaufr ner'B Dr. andà Mrs. Loh-gfield and i te remna family were also present and Visitorsç the doctor reminisced on Frank Wl bumorous incidents from bis Mr. and A residency ln the Bethahy area, Fmaservi] Mr. Ormie Wright, brother Of Ken Slac Bernice, gave an interesting Slack is address and presented Mr. daugbter. Bal Sunday four tear basebal t bail tourn the Beth Pontypoc were thej played an away wit] Bethany a dloser gî winaing w A game was betw Betbany Ryhey an encb got a ended in ai with 8 rur The f in two winnir and Betha ahl the wa with Bet] champion score of consolatioi Ennismori The plaý heague will LIBRA [Sept.23-Oct.231 Overwork mny cause you some probhems at this time. Get plenty of rest. New experiences will corne your way. Be flexible wben unusual events arise. SCORPIO IOct.24-Nov.22i Restlessness will cause you some strain this week. You may tend to over-sleep. As this cycle passes you will fînd- new and interesting changes. SAGITARIUS [Nov.23 Dec.21i Community projects are important to you, and you help ahi you can. Your spouse or partner' rnay react unexpectediy to some of your plans. Patience is the keyword. CAPRICORN [Dec. 22- Jan. 201 Have a good tîme witb your friends in your own home. Do flot hend any money, problems are indicated. A new job couhd cornent this time. AQUARIUS [Jan.21 Feb. 191 Someone you haven't seen for some time may suddeniy enter the picture: You bave a busy social ife that rnay produce a romnntic fiing. A close neigbbor or friend needs your company. PISCES [Feb. 20-Mar.201 Strong determination pushes you on toward your goals. 'You must keep a realistic outlook. Deception is everywhere. Don't submit to the enquiries of others. Travel is indicated for pleasure. Responsibihities must be met witbout resistance on your part. Deiays just make tbings worse. Ct.iUeddtRùg ers and acceated w - th siik roses. matron of honor was )uglas Bouiter and the iaids, Misses Cathy ýNancy Dart, and iDysart. The flower as Miss Stephanie riiece of the bride. man was Mr. James id the ushers Messrs. Wright, John Tamblyn 'y Smith. Ringbearer iter Terry Ormiston, of the groom. ving the guests at the )n hehd at the Polish ýHall, Oshawa, the riother wore a formai een gown, assisted by iom's mother inaa oned, peach formal bride' chose a tbree ue suit, with white ries, for a honeymoon Peterborough. .d Mrs. Ormiston are Sat Sohina Road S., Bowmanville. Wright with a purse ,and other individual re graciously received îanored couphe. elhie Michelle spent a 'with Mr. and Mrs. ~ivh~at their cottage :khorn. and~ then she -i~ni çrp for ainde of h& xVek. ,s wîth Mr. and Mrs, bhite this week were VIrs. Ken Moacrief of lle and Mr. and Mrs. :k of Toronto. Joan the Wbîtes' grand- àntam Basebahl ywas a busy day for nas of bantam boys teams. when a base- mrnent was beid at hany Athletic Park. 1o and Enniskiliea fîrst two teams who nd Pontypool waiked th a win of 13 to 1. and Ennismore bad a î,ame witb Bethany with a score of il to, 9. ie of special interest ween Pontypool and and when Randy id Terry Spenring " home run, the score " victory for Bethany ris and Pontypool 6. ial game between the ing teams Ennismore any was a "see-saw" ay, but finaily ended thany winning the ship tropby with a 15 runs and the on trophy went to re witb 14 runs. toffs for tbe bantami i be played when the 84 King St. W. 623-5520 "We Specialize in Shirt Lau ndering"', other teams have completed their games. The sportsman- ship shown in the tournament was a credit to each boy on ail the teams and it is most gratifying to see the interest and tîime that basebail coaches take to encourage this fine line of sport. The following coaches dona- ted their umpiring time: Bert Riel, Mat Muller, George Scott, Michael Mitchell and Bob Kerr. Alex Ruth donated. his umpire salary to, the Manvers Community Centre and Arena. Bert Riel presented the championship trophy to, the Bethany bantam boys and Joe Zaal presented the consolation trophy to the Ennismore boys. Sympathy of the district is extended to Mrs. Isabelle Wright and family in the loss of ber brother, Mr. Rodney Porter. We also offer condo- lence to the other members of the late Mr. Porter's family. Mr. Bill Sheen enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Watson' of Winnipeg. Bill made the acquaintance of this couple on one of bis travelling trips. Wedding belîs are ringing for Miss Loraine McGill and Mr. Jim Kinsman on Satur- day. Best wishes to the happy couple. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Ina Palmer this week were Mr. Harold McMahon of Peterborough, Mrs. Jack Har- ris of Oakville, and Mrs. Jack Ainslie of Cavan. Wednesday was a shopping spree in Toronto for Mrs. Ina Palmer, Mrs. Mildred Bris- tow, Mrs. Rhoda Johnson and Mrs. Doug Graham., The new Eaton's centre was most fascinating, but "oh, the prices! " said the ladies. Remember the auction sale on Saturday, August 27 at the Manvers Township shed. This sale is for the purpose of gaining funds for the Manvers Community Centre and Are- na. Donations of saleable articles will be very much appreciated. Three auction- eers will be rendering their services and refreshments will be served at the Township lot. Further details wiil be inserted in the current events column. Four Bethany girls are very enthused with the co-operation given them at the Athletic Park. The girls are Judy Kerr, MVary Kerr, Susan Ryley, Kim Woods and MarilynMcGill as The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 3,17 7 SHAWS Gerry and Shirley Brown spent two days hast week in London, Ontario. They were part of a group of 180 who toured a number of farms in OxfordCounty. This tour was organized' by the Ontario Harvestore Systems and was tbey bave the care of children, whose ages range from 4 to 12 years of age. Seventy-three have enrohled for the summer afternoons and tbey have an average of thirty-five to forty chihdren participating. The counsellers arrange tbem in age groups and games suit- able for each group are played. The popuhar game is "Duck, Duck, Goose" and the effort displayed in the base- bahl games even by the littie people is most encouraging for future basebaîl players. Mar- îlyn's friend, Miss Peggy O'Neii, gave tbem a treat with ber guitar and singing and the cidren had fun learning new songs which the counsellors "foilowed-up" in their pro- gram. One craft lesson a day is given the group and mnany interesting articles bave been made. A speedy recovery and better health is wisbed, for the foilowing bospitahized people, Mrs. Walter Fallis, Mr. Harry Preston and Mrs. Weston Hutchinson. Get well soon, folks. Mrs. Howard Hodginson (Mary Syer) of London, and Mrs. Torrance (Margaret Sy- er) of Ottawa are visîting witb, their parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Ken Syer and calied on Mr, and Mrs. Frank White on Wednesday eveaing. Other visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wbite were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sandercott and Mr. and Mrs. Don Bennett of Toronto. much enjoyed by the Browns who found it a great way to realize again the value of what they are doing at Browview. Mr. Seigfried Krummenac- er of Switzerland bas spent six weeks with bis brother's family, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Krummenacher, Highway 2 east. These brothers bad not met for 27 years. He leaves fonr home at the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van., Dyk ýhave returned home following six weeks holiday in Holland. While there they attended a reunion of Martin's family, ahi of whom were, present, an event fullIcof pheasure and significance. ~Mr. and Mrs. William Ro- bertson, Jerilderie, New South Wales, Australia were guests iast week with Garnet and Annabelle Rickard. Owners' and operators of a 15,000 acre sheep station they were great- iy impressed in their travels by how mucb is accompiished on much smalier acreages and how similar are the problems., Bilh and Jan are theparents of Kelvin Robertson who was the International Rotary Ex- change student of two years ago. Accompanying them was their younger son David, now in Nebraska on, a similar exchange plan. They visited local farms, including Ayre Acres, enjoyed a tour of Parkwood in Oshawa wbere the art, wail murals and beautiful gardeas captured their interest. Another special event for them was theý Argo-Alouette football game in Exhibition Park. Mr. Donald Rickard recent- ly attended the annual meet- ing of the Canadian Seed GroWers' Association, Discus- sion centred arouad the distri- bution of availabie seed stocks of new varieties of grains. EELL DING fflIMMING POGL ADES ELR WHO ESALER MUST DISPOSE OF 1976 ALL ALUMINÙM POOLS IN 1 976 A L STOCK.SK WHSiz 1 x $ 1 00 ýe Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory Sjngs j_ 16_ e 1 _880D warehouse space. L 001 [Brand newswimrmning pools include: FILTERWALK- AROUND DECK, FENCE, AND WARRANTY. 1 1 ý1 Liz 15lx271 ý $1,355.00 Cash or terms. Call Perccollectdaysor LLvnings 1416-4481-8802 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE MISS G. ZIEGLER PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS owmanville Cleaners presents . . YOUR HOROsCOPE by Ruth Dodier Antiques and Collectables PROPRIETOR MARION SCHWARZ Don't Miss Our "Primitive Room"l and many unique displays of Great Interest Store Hou rs: CLOSED MONDAYS Tues day 10:O00a.m*- 5:OO0P. m.Fridaylo:ooa.m.-9:oop.m. Wednesday10:00 a.m. -5 pm. Saturday lo:00 a.m. -5:00,p.m. Thursday 10:00a.m. -5:00 P.M. Sundayl12nmon -3:00 p.m. Feel Free to Corne Un and Browse Around Our S tore "ITHE PRICES WILLPLEASE YOUIRO 29 TEMPERANCE ST. NORTH BOWMANVILLE.- (Next Door to Ken's Men's Wear) PHONE 623-2820 ~aflr'0 t ~tb Stili excellent merchondise Ieft for summer at Ar/2 Price Wnter Coats~ arriving daily. in sportswear too! Bond 'Towers Shopping Mi 44 Bonid St. W. Oowntown Oshawa 576-7152 S Q UARE "A Special Shop for Special Women" la i