14 The Canadian Statesmon', Bowmanvitle, Aigust 10. 1977 Graduaite Wiraies Gloria J. Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Nichols, R.R. 3, Port Hope, has recently graduat ed from, the Western Conservatory of Music, London, Ont. with a degree in Associate of Music (Teachers). Gloria is current- ly in the keyboard business in Toronto and is teaching as well. Susan E. Stark, Newtonville graduated recently with a Nursing Diploma from Dur- ham College. _By D. M. Dineen, Chief Librarian, Newcastle Public Library System While everyone worries about Canadian unity and the future of this country, it is pleasant to hear that at least one aspect of Canadian life is flourî.shing and that is the publishing industry. Books by Canýadia n authors abouit Cana- dinsubj(eet's are becomning more and more commron and the quality is improving as well. CHANGING CANADIAN CITIES Discussion centres around the growth of cities ili Canada, projects some of the problemns and changes this urban deve- lopment wil bring and shows how several cities are plan- ning the quality of their environment. A number of tables are included comparing twenty-five of thé largest cities in various areas such -as income, crime statistics and housing. INITIATIVE AND RESPONSE: the adaptation of Canadian Federalism to Regional Economic Develop- ment This is a scholarly treat- ment of the problem of regional economic disparity with discussion of, how and why the federal government' has chosen to try to solve the problem by mýeans of weighted financial assistance. BOTHERSOME BODIES By Max Haines On the lighter side of things, this weIl known newspaper columnist bas collected the true stories of seventeen killers and how -they got rid of the evidence. CANADIAN CURLING This is a how-to book with tips on delivery, release, and sweeping. Pros and cons of various types of equipmient are discussed'as well as how to get the most enjoyment from the game. Other Canadian books to watch for, include: Natural Resources of British Columbia: and the Yukon;ý Classic Cana- dian Cooking; Jewish Life in Canada. Is the cost of movies getting! your family down? Watch for family film night at the library. It begins in Septem- ber and it's free. New Garbage Containers About $1,700 wortn or coni- crete garbage containers are being recommended for the main streets of Bowmanville and Newcastle village. Jack Dunham, the director of public works for the Town of Newcastle said in a report last week that the estimated cost' of each unit wul be $45.00. They would be made from a concrete tile and have a, dome-type removable cover. Eighteen of the units are being recommended for the main street of Bowmanville and 10 for the main street in Newcastle, Mr. Dunham told the municipality's public works committee. The committee is recom- mending' that Newcastle council give final approval for the new containers. Mira Mart HAMBU RGER ROLLS PKG.OF 8 îjPer Family' Smootlh Schwartz PEANUT BU'TER 48OZ. JAR ;Liquid r JAV EX BLEACH 128 FL. OZ. JUG Assorted Varieties RELISHES 12 FL. OZ. JAR Powïdered FAB 5 LB. BOX I Limit 2 Per Fomily HEINZ MATO KETC HU P 32 FL. OZ. JAR N EW Zf7EA LA ND Fresh Quartered Chickeni CHICKEN LEG OR BREASTS(OF) QUARTERS LB. r Store Packecl, Frozen BsEEF PATTI ES QUARTER POUND SIZE rYFresh Shouider or Blade YOu n VEAL CHOPS LBIw NO Bone-I n FRESH VEAL CUTLETS LB. Fresh Cole SIaw or Shopsy's Potato Sa lad 24 oz. cup Sliced 801il Bag Maple Leaf Corned Beef4112 Famous for Oua ity Schneider's Mini Delile 8 oz chub Mortimer SIiced Scottish Style - Beet Sa usages 1 1 %eryday lIowprc PRCSEFCIE[4TETRNOAE NTLAGS 6 97 EXICEP WEFETVINCTETONOTHRIS W SRE TLf-lE 6,G1T77O LIMIT QUANTITI ES. er r Canada No. 1 Grade ONTARIO GROWN HEAD LETTUCE r choice Clark Peas 14 fî. oz. tin Steinberg Concentrated Pink or Clear Frozen Lemonade 12-li2 fi. oz. tin Canada Grade A, Large White Eggs dozen LB. Famous for Oualîty Schneider's Sliced Lunch Meats 6 oz. pkg. (chicken, dutch, pork, pickle& pimento, french onion, mock chicken, mac & cheese, luncheon, pizza) Famous for Oua ity Schneider's Sliced Bologna 16 oz. pkg. Empire or Pioneer Sliced Side Bacon 1 IL pkg. Clea ned Lake SmeltsH store packedLB Savel' LotsofseaI Ontario Grown Green Beans LB33 Ontario Grown Canada No. 1 Grade NewMe Table Potatoes 10 lb. bag