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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1977, p. 17

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The Canadian) Statesman, Bowmanville, August 10, 1977 17 ODEADUIN FO'0R CLASIF rï Tes., 2nooiJ 623-3303 *Fs1dIi[me1iiIILL A-nsucemen 'Marriag. 1 HASKILL - Rob and Lynda (Vance) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their 'aughter Cheryl Lynn Melis- --ý, 6 bs. 1112 ozs. July 18, 1977 af Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. Proud g randparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haskill and Mr. and Mrs., Ral'ph Vance, Bowmanville. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb, London, England, Mrs. Russel Haskill, Toronto, and Mr. William Bridger, Bowmanville. Special thanks to Dr. West- garfh, Dr. Sylvester and excellent maternity staff. 32-1 x LEBLANC - Michelle is h-appy to announice the arriva I V 'f her sister, Shannon El icia, 6 s10 ozs. on July 25, 1977. Proud parents are Mike 'and Nancy. ' 32-1ix MURPHY -Andy and Sandra are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Mary Andrea, 9 bs. 8 ozs. at Peterborough Civic Hospital, Sundav, Juiy 31. Proud arand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, Starkville'. Special thanks to ,Dr. Van Loon and the materni - ty staff. 32-1 MURPHY - Jerry and'Judy are pleased to announce the arrivai of Erin Michelle, on July 5, 1977. Proud. grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Step henson and Mr. and Mrs. John MurpFî . Great ~randaugterfor ~rs. A. HaIes, England. 32-1 ville on Tuesdey, Augusf 9th, .1977, Beulah Kathleen Hello- well (retired feacher, Toronto Board of Educetion), deer daughfer of the late Mr. and -Mrs. Sulas HeiloweIi of Sferk7 ville, loved, sister of Norma, Bowmenville, Llew and Sidney, both of R. R. 1, Oono. -Resfing et the Morris Funerel :Chapel, Bowmanvilie, affer 2 :p.m. Thursclay. Service on Fridayeft 1: 30 p.m. Inferment Orono Cemetery. 32-1 WALKER-Joseph. Af Osha- wa Generel Hospital on Thurs- day, August 4, 1977, Joseph Walker, forrperly of Orono, Inf., aged 69 years. Belbved ,usband of Audrey, deer 'father of Douglas, Kendal, Alan, Oshawa, and Kefhy '(Mirs. Jurgen Kaiserling) of Oshawa. Deer grandfafher of fhree g randchiidren. Rested eat the' Barlow Funerel Home,' Orono. Service wes held Saturday et 3 p.m. Inferment Hampton Cemefery. FLOERSBY JACKMAN Bowmanville Mall 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RT EOUJS, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N EE OS 'w~y " 14-tf -. Flowers with Feeling'- For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sunidays and Haidays Bey 983-5811 Ruth 623-7259 PROUT - Tim and Joy are happy to announice the birth of their son, Joshua Oliver, 8 Ibs. 10114 ozs., on Sunday, July 17, 1977 at Memnorial Hospital,' Bowmanville. A special thanks to Dr. Anfossi and the excellent' maternity staff. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. V. Prout of Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mellsop of New Zealand. 32-1 SCHIEVINK '- John and Nellie (nee Vermeulen) are thankful to announce the birth of their daughter Anita Eliza- beth, 6 lbs., 1 oz., on July 24th, 1977 at Oshawa General Hospi- tal. A sister for Michelle and Christopher.* Happy grand- p' rents are Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Vermeulen, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. H. Schievink, Oshawa. 132-1 THERTELL - Ron, Pat and brother Ginger are pleased to announce the arrivai of Randi Deborah Jennifer, 8 lb. 7 oz., Thursday, .uly 28, 1977. 32-1 VanNEST - Kingsley and Judy wish ýto announce the arrivai of a son, Ryan Kingsley , Pborn July 31st, 1977. Brother for Jesse. Grandson for Mrs. -Elleen VanNest, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Horncastle, St. Catharines. 32-1 WRIGHT .- Wesley and Debbie (nee Heard) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Kandi-Jo, born on July 26, 1977, a new sister for Denise,. _ -. 32-ix LESCHAK - Suddenly et Bowmanvilie on Tuesday, Augusf 9th, 1977, Joseph Leschek, R. R. 1, Orono, in his 48th yeer, beloved husband of Karin, loving fether of Michael, Thomas and Chris- fine, dear brother of Gunfer, Montreel, Kurt and Gustav, bofh ojf Germany., Resting et the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service on Thursdey at 10Oa.m. Interment Bowmenville Cemefery. MOSES - At Hamilton, on Wednesdeay, Auýust 3rd, 1977, Lillian Newell Moses, for- merly of Bowmanville, aged 90 yeers, wife of the lafe bric Bertie Moses, djeür t-other 'of Peggy (Mrs. Ron Henneh), Hamilton. Service was held in the Morris Funerel Chapel, Bowmanville, on Friday affer- noon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 32-1 "Flowers 'JSay it Best" VAN BELLE DAI LY Delivery f0 ... Oshawa - Bowmanvulle Area Phone 623-4441 FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANO MARKERS Look for this seal. lt's your guarenfee 0f permanence. Stafford Brothers Monu ments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas Sf. E. - Whifby Phone Whifby 668-3552 Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS -CONCERN -SERVICE Concerned people offen inquire about Pre-arrangement of f unera 1, detai Is. Information can be simply and thoughtful- Iy obtained upofl request. This is part of our service to the commUnity. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5660 -"Ôurham County's Oîdest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL, 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STRZEET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Servirig this district for 96 years. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street ho- PortHope Onfnia WQRKMANsHIP - QUALITY LlA 3W3 High Quality et L Reasonable Prices Phone 885-5216 J Homne 885-5222 24-ff, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aqui- lina are very happy f0 announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughfer, Gayle Ait reda Adair ta Mal- colm Charles Stanners of Toronto. Marriage fo fake place at St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, Septem- ber 9, 1977. 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. Maxley Fer- guson, Tyrone are proud f0, announce the forthcom ing marriage of their only daugh- fer, Connie f0 John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemeul Loveman, Newfoundland. The wedding will fake place, Safurday, September 24, 1977 af 3 o'clock n Tyrone United Church. 31-1 Everett and Jean Harness are happy f0 announce fthe forthcoming marriage of their only daughter Diana Marie fo John Thomas Woodcock, son of Norman and Eva Wood- cock, Oshawa. The wedding will take place, Saturday, October lst, 1977 at 3o'clock in Trinity Unifed Church, Bow- manvilie.3-x Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hipwell, Pickering and Mr. and Mrs. Roberf Stevens, Bowmanville wish f0 announce fhe forfh- coming marriage of their chiidren Judith fo Charles Ross, in Trinify United Church, Bowmanville on September lth, 1977. 32-1 the forfhcoming marriage is announced of Nancy Anne McRoberfs, daughter 0f Mr. and Mrs. Howard McRoberfs to John Phillip MacDonald, son of Francis and the lafe Marion MacDonald ail of Bowmanvilîe. The marriage wil f1 ake place Saturday, Sept. 17th, 1977 at 3 o'clock in St. Pau's United Church, Bowmanvilie. 32-1ix Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell, Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews, Orono, wish fo announce the forfhcoming marriage of their daughfer and son Pafricia Maureen ta Frederick Nor- man. The wedding will take pace Saturda y, October 8, 1977 at 3 o'c lock in Newcastle United Church. 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shepherd are pleased fQ announce the forthcoming marrie e of their daughter Laurie to IMr. Bia me Barnes, son of Mr. Elden Barns and Mrs. E. Adams. Wedding to fake place August 13 af 4:30 pm. at Trinify United Church - 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Vander- gaasf are pieased fo announce. the marriage of fheir dlaughter Jacqueline Anne to Henry, Cent en, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Centen, Barrie. The wedding. will take place, D.V., on August 13, 1977, 3o'clock ln the Reh oboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville. Future address: 516 Quiet Place, Apt.1, Waferloo, Onfario. 32-1ix Mrs. Ross Endicott, R. R. 6, Bowmanviîle, Onf. is pleased f0 announce t he engagemenf of her daughter Barbare Jane to Eric James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson of 8 Sunnicrest Blvd., Bowman- ville. The wedding to fake p lace October 1, 1977 et St. au 's United Church, Bow- manville, Ontario. 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sf. John, Agincourt, are pleased 1:to announcet'he engagement of their daughter Lorraine Ruth fo Stephen Andrew Krawetz, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Krawefz, Don Milîs. The marriage will fake place on Frida y, August 19, 1977 af Mapie Creek Farm, West Hill. 32-1 Mr. and Mrs. John Pater- son, Bowmanviile, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daug hter Judy Mary f0 Edward Vitor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiktor Kuratczyk, Chatham, Ontario. The date of the wedding to be announced later. 32-1 Dorofhy, Wayne and Terry Stark, Newtonville, are pleas- ed f0 announce engagement of Susan f0 Robert Bouley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bouley, Toronto. Marriage fo fake place in Shiloh United Church, September 17, 1977. 2l Mrs. Allan D. Brooking cordielly invife friends, rela- tives and neighbors to a trousseau tee in honor of her daughter, Alanna, on Satur- day, August 13, l9llfrom 2fo 5 ~ m. and 7 f0 9 p.m. at her -omneat 281' Liberty St. N., Bowmenvilie. 32-1 R ECE PT ION Gamnet and Hilda Muttan codially invite their rela, tives. tiends and neighbars la attend a recepliani ançd dance ta ceebrate their Sth Wedding Anniversary on August 13 at the Legian Hall, King Street East, 8 P.M. Best wishes anly. The famiîy .0f Mr. ana Mrs. Maurice Jebson, Beaverton are Pleasedfo announce their 25fh wedding anniversary held Augusf 7, 1977. 3- FOSTER- ln loving memorv of a dear husleand, dad and, grandad, W. H à$cher Fosfer, who passed away August 10, 1972. We miss you in SO many ways We miss fhe things you used to say The greaf games you used to play And when old times, we recalG Ifs fhen we miss you most of ail. - Lovingly remembered by wife Eleanor, children and grandlchildren. 32-1 JONES - In ioving memory of a dear father, Stanley Russell, who passed away Au gusf 13, 1975. Although we smile and make no fuss, No one misses him more than us And when old fîmes we oft recai11, 'That's when we mi1ss hi1m most of ail. *-Lovingly remembered by Ross and Gwen Jones. 32-ix KOWAL - In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Ruby, who. passed' away August 11, 1967. Deep in the hearf lies a picture Of a loved one laid f0 rest, In memory's trame I shall keep if, Beca use she was one of 'the besf. -Ever remembered by Mother, brothers and sisters. 32-1 a The -famii. y of the lafe Mr. James Curson Sr. wish to fhank ail their relatives, friends and nei ghbors, Bow- manville Branch 178, Royal Canadien Legion, Newcastle Veterans Commiffee, Local 889 of Davidson Rubber Ca., Port Hope for the many iovely floral tribufes, members of Branch 178 Royal Canadien Legion who attended the -31Last Post Service", relatives and friends who acted as palîbearers, the Morris Fune- raI Chapel for kindnesses shown, Lt. -Douglas Lewis of the Salvafion Army for his consoling words and organist, Mrs. Hosken Smith. Sp ecia i thanks f0 Mrs. Muriel Jordan, Mrs. June Foster and Mrs. Pearl Lynn of Brown's and Mrs. Verna Gatt of Toronto. The family of the lafe Joseph Mentie wish to fhank their friends, neighbours and relatives for the many kind- nesses and expressions of sympathy shown during their recent bereavement. Specia i thanks ta Rev. Tom Gracie, palîbearers, Ladies Auxiiary of Branch 178, Royal Canadien Legion and the Northcuff Elliott Funeral Home. 32-1 x The family of the laee Arthur G. Redlknap would like fa exfend their sincere thanks fo relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the kind expressions of sympathy, cards, floral tributes, donations to the various charities. A soecial thanks fo Dr. A. E. King, Dr. Harry Melow, Armstrong Funeral Home and Newton- ville U.C.W. for their kindness and services.1 32-lx Heartfeit thanks and preciation to Rev. Lc relatives, friends and nei bors for the many express! of sympathv, f lowers, ca and donations ta Canc Heart'and Salvafion Arm memory of a very ý mother. The Jones family We would like f0 thenk Concession Street East ne! boums for their gifts and ca of well wishes presenfed ic prnom to our move fo R.F Pontypool. Your kindness, aiways be reniembered. Bruce and Diane Adams and sons. a p- .ong, igh- ions ýrds icer, BINGO N EWCASTLEýý COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Aug. 16,1977 Eerly Bird Gemes 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS__ Daily Vacation Bible School will belheld af REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Aug. 22 - Sept. 1 9 a.m. - 11: 45 a.m. Sing sang s,,Bible sfories and crafts. pIfasportation neede plae ce11623-2365., 32-2 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE JASON DAVIDREVUE Fri and Sat. August 12 - 13 Dancing 9 - 1 32-1 Pottery show and demon- stretion by Anne Emerson August 13 and 14, Il a.m. -5 pm. et Kendal His Arts, Crafts and Antiques on Dur- hem Road 9 -2.8 miles east of Kirby (Hwy. 115 and 35). Phone 983-9339. 32-1 Garage Sale Sat. and Sun. Aug. 13 and 14 ,39 BRIDLEPATH BOWMANVILLE Dressers, cabinets, chairs, ornements, harvest table plus odds and ends. 32-1 Pick Your Own CORN 50c DOZEN Fred Fisk R. R. 2, Newcastle 987-47?3 11/4 miles wesf of 115 highwey on the 3rd uine, Clarke. 32-2 Certif ied Seed Grain Winter Wheat Winter Barley 1Readytf0sow. CERESMAORE-FARMS LTD, 623-3552 or 623-7233 32-6 ANTIQUES Antique Brass Hanging Lamp with prisms, ail original, $395. 5 Pc. Commode Set $150. 1 Lamp and Lamp Glass Complete $65. P HON E 623-2930 32-1 1975 YAMAHA 500 cc, $1,000 or besf offer. Orono 983-9570. 32-2x Antique CHURCH PEWS IN GOOD) CONDITION. Avaiîable approximately October 15f h. Reasonable. PHON E 725-3283. 32-1 yin FOR SALE lea r 16 FT. 32-1 whRUNABOUT - it 100 h.p. Mercury out- ourboad icluing tandem trail- eigh ' e. Best affer aver $1500.00. :ards May be seen et 107 Lawrence o us Crescent. R. 1 PHONE 623-7684. will s 32-1 I would like fo thank my neighbaurs, friends, and rela- Dtives for dards, giffs, fiowers, and visifs and meny oCher ecfs of kindness et home. Speciai thanks ta Dr. Long and Dr. Rundle and nurses on Medicai Floor while a patient in Bowmanville Hospital. Marion Edgerton 32-1 1 would like ta express My sincere thanks ta Dr. Cahoon, nurses and doctors of Port Perry hospitai, the ambulance service and Rev. Mm. Persons. Also Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fish, Nestleton U. C. W., Counfy and Purpie Hill, L.0. B.A. Lodges, friends and relatives tamr fruit, flowems, dards and visits while i was ili. And many thenks ta my family thai was heiptul in my home. Mary Mc Kee Blackstock Thanks ta nurses on first f loor, Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville for kind care, to kitchen staff for meals, to famiiy, friends and neigh- bours for flowers fruit and cards, to Rev. Erb for cails and fo Dr. Mosienko for kind efficient friýatment. Annett a Ashton '74 750 HONDA, 9 000 miles, windjenlmem and beck rest. Wiil cerfify. Phone 623-3752. 32-1 ANTIQUE bed and dresser. Soiid walnut with inlaid buri walnut design on high head board and foot board. Ap- proximateiy 100 yeams old. Excellent condition. Ciosesf offer f0 $250. Cali1 Nomm or Sue atter 7 p.m. or befare 10 a.m. 987-5067. 32-1 Durham Region Gladiolus Society invites the public fo, their Annual Gladiolus and Dahlia Show on Set., Aug. l3th. From 2 to 8 p.m. et the Memoriel Park Club House, Liberty St. South, Bowman- ville. Everyone welcome. The Glads wiii b e eucfioned et the conclusion of the show by Worid Champion Auctioneer Steve Liptay, Peterborough. 31-2 August 14 Branch 178 Legion Picnic af THISTIE VALLEY PARK Events sterf 2 p.m 32-1 CLUB ANNRENE Donce Band Schedule Aug. 13 - Litt le Caesar Aug. 20 - Par 4 Aug. 27 - Litt le Ceesar 1NO JEA NS 'RESERVATIONS DON ARMSTRONG 725-4344 or 576-6599 Pontypool Cemetery De- coration Services wiil be heîd August 21sf et 2:30 p.m.. 32-2 COMING SOON! VACATION BIBLE, SCHOOL Aug. 22 to Sept. 1 et ONTARIO PUBLIC SCHOOL 1:30 p.m. -4:30 p.m. Craffs, macrame, hikes and lots of stories. Sponsored by the Sevepth. Day Adventist Church, Bawmanville. AIl Ages Welcome, For turf her information phone Mrs. Venness 579-4481 31-3 TWO Tof-Guerd safefy seef s, 1 Meyteg commercial washer, 1 cedar strip boat, part re- fin ished. Phone 623-5616. 32-lx EAR LY apples. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 32-1 SEARS eiecfronic floor model stereo - Gerrard changer, AM-FM radio, 8 track tape deck. Walnut finish - Spanish style. Like new. $300 cash or besf offer. Ceil 987-4719. 32-1 >WASHER-spin-dryer. $50. Phone 623-3171. 32-1 AI R condifioner, dish wesher, pia 'no, extension ledder. Phone 623-3088. 32-1 TWO pair shutters, cennister set, bathroom sink and faps, one bathroom spece saver, one fwin bed, chrome cabinet hardware. Phone 263-2248 before 5. 32-1 1975 TRAVEL trailer, 191/2 feef, fuliy equipped, like new. $4400 or best offer. Phone 623-2817. 32-1 1 N the besement, scaffer mets. 27" x 54" - $5.95 each. Carpef remnents - odd sizes; drape remnants 2, 3 and 4 yds. et $1.00 yd., metel shelves - 30" wide x 60" -high - 5 and 6 shelvesper unit, sturdy, ideel for books $20.00 F.A. Kremp, 37-41 Kinge Street East, Bowmanvil l.32-ff FIVE piece oek dining room suite, round glass china cabi- net, hall seat and-rack, seftee, secretery, press back rocker, washstends, dressers, assorf- ed glass. Dad's Used Furni-, ture end Antiques, Highway 2, 2 miles easf .6f Newcastle. 987-5351. 32-1 11F RE E"f During the monfh of August et House of Arnber Antique and Gift Shop (north end Hampton Village> 1Ail artificiel siik fiowers -purchased et our shap, wil11 be made up -FREE 0F CHARGE" into large or smell 1arrangements. C-omne ouf fodey and clioose vour beaufi- fuI "Crush and fade esistent, weshable siik flowers." CaîIl 263-2981 31-2 MELBA apples. First road TEAKWOOD and Rosewood eesf af zoo, turn narth, 3rd Scendinevian funiture, bed- house east side. No Sunday room suife- 8 pc., dininq room sa les. 623-2106. 32-3x suife- 9 pc. chesterfie id and chair, etc. Ail Brand new, WHEAT straw. Phone reasonable. 1-247-4377. 263-8883. 32-1 x 27-tf OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND GRAVEL &STONE LIME STON E PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR ',o DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL &DIRT FILL SPhone Oshawa 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1 1HWA2 < 1 Mile North of Hwy. 2 - - r SWEET CORN Fresh picked at aur roadside stand. PHONE - CROP R EPORT 623-7252 for hours and other information. 4 UOLALTY FARM FRESH PRODUCE R.R. 2, Bowanvile, Ontario LIC 3K3 Tel (4166237252 32-3 Attention C. B.,ers 23 and 40 chennel mobile and base unifs. 23 channel mobile $65. 23. channel base $90. 40 channel mobile $125. Com- binafion 23 and 40 channel aerials $20. Ail new wifh guaranfees. P HON E 623-3171 32-1 50' T.V. TOWER, U.H.F., color head and rotor. 'Cail 623 188.32-1 DUNCAN Phyfe dining roomn set, table and 4 harp chairs. Asking $425. Square glass china cabinet, Tiger oak. Asking $325. Ail in very good condition. Phone 26-8873. 32-1 SWEET corn, new poafoes, and other veaefab les now ready. Keith 'Bell Farm, Conc ,ession 9, one mile west of Raglan, 655-3326. Ciosed Sunday. 30-3 FRESH brown eggs, brown egg laying hens, fresh early apples and cider. J. Gold 623-2730. 32-tf AVAîLABLE soon! Young tender sweet kernel corn. Blanched and flash frozen. 10 lb. boxes $4.45 - 50 lb. bags $19.75. MacMillan Orchards, Highway No. 2 between Whitby and Ajax. Phone orders accepted 12 noon to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday. Phone 1-668-5031. 32-1 ELECTRIC cabie spools, great for patio tables, chul- dren's play tables, makes terrific homing pigeon* roost. Phone 725-0815 atter 6. 32-1 Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RTI CIE From Hwy. 2 fake l3fh Line norfh one block. 32-tf ONE Super Scope 8-track AM-FM receiver, one belf drive turntabie; reel-to-reel tape recorder, 4 speakers, $550 or best offer. 1-786-2587. 32-1 Lots of Used Pianos in, Stock, Organs Too! Lowrey, Hammond, ,H el ntz ma n OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. <af King) 728-1675 3-tf LUne AL1 w.m. hes e imifedn inground poQ reduced price in g rond$38 0tfhem sizesc piced. Cal 1,Pol toii f ree 1-800-21 opere for 603. WHI" T.V. TC mp -oweri OAeria F As4 Gt ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts aveilable for most an- tique dlocks, pocket wetches and modemn wetches and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our repairs are done with modemn up-to-date equipmenf and quaiified Swiss frained wetchmeker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King Sf. East Phone 623-5747 22-ff Sëeetfh e M gn i fi enft Coleman Camping Trailers et NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK AND SALES Hwy. 2, Newcastle 987-5131 Open 7 days and evenings. 23-tf 10 FOOT self-propelied Cock- shutt combine, newly over- hauled. Reedy f0 go. Phone 1-985-3709. 31-2 RELOCATION Dr. H. Anfossi announces the open ing of his new offiîce af SCUGOG PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 191 Church Street Bowmanville 623-2552 32-3 Thefamily of Arch end Kate Brown will hold an Open House on Saturday, August l3th from 7 - 9 p.m. at Sunnyside Park, Oshawa to celebrate the 5th wedding enniversary of their parents. Best wishes only. 32-1 Anyone, both old and new bowlers, wishing to bowi on Ladcies' Monday Night League Slease caîl Marg King 623-2427 efore August 12. Bowling to start September 12, 6:45 p.m. sharp. 32-1 Soper Creek Nursery School sessions begin Sept. 6. Some openings are àaailable. or information cail supervisor Carol Anderson - 623-3613. 32-1 New bowlers wanfed for Canadien Foresters League, Friday nighfs af 9:00 p.m. sta rti ng on Sept. 2, 1977. Phone Margi Pollard - 623-5018 or Crystal Sanferre - 623-5345. 32-2 Harry Voermnan Insurance 181 Church Sf., Bowm anvi1lîe, Ont. Phone 623-4428 Res, 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RANC E 28-tf Dr. Rudell's office will be closed Juiy 22 to August 14 inclusive. 29-4 number of steel IN THE ESTATE 0F ENA Qis et greefly DORCAS SUMMERS, DE- :s. 16' x 32' CEASED. 883 instelled. Ail persons having dlaims comparatively against the estate of Ena olnesian Pools, Dorcas Summers, lefe of the 61-6121, ask for Town of Newcastle, in the 31-2 Regionel Municipelity of Durham, Widow, who died on ITE'S the 1 sf day of Septem ber, 1976, )WE RS are required fo file proof of the DWERS same with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August, 1977, effer which date ~ UHVHF the estafe wili be distibufed as, RFors & wî h regard only f0 the dlaims ilRotrs of which the undemsigned shahl ment Hms then have notice and the ,entW&Hoes undemsigned wilI nof be lhable 1Abouture f0 any person of whose dlaims k utn ure they shell nof then have DATED et Bowmanville, Phone Ontario, this 3md day of Augusf, 1977. 576-5606 Allen Bryson Camswell and David Ross Weeger, E. WHITE Execufors by their solicitors COURTICE hemein, COURTICE Strike, Strike & Van Nesf, 30-ff Box 7, BOWMANVILLE,'Ont. -LIC 3K8 VISIT The Pink Shoppe N ESTLETON 9 Miles East of Port Perry on 7A. Cmfts with a -difference . ... Open 10-5 including Sunday. Closed Monday and Tuesday. 30 3x USEiD Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26tff J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Market now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stemeos and also used fumniture and eppl iances. Will eccepf frede-ins. Peddy's Market, Hampton, phone 263- 2241. 33-ff. VACUUM cleane rs andi polisýhers repaired at Reicls Small Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Line Roed East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phone 623-6244. 7-ff BAY mare, 15.2 hands high, English broken, has jumping potentiel. Phone 623-5055 or 2&3-8301. 32-2 TWO horses and saddles. For more information phone 1-983-5673. 3 - Partner wanted for Carpet Cleaning Company. Invest- ment required. 623-2383 evenings. 32-1 iau,>,2 vefeel Medum,,i 5I frailer. Phone 623-7071 affer 6 REWARD! Brown, black and white, 13 inch beagle. Cal coiiect 519-633-3755, 32-2 1974 NOVA, hatchback, 350 h.p., radial tires, 27,000 ori- ginal miles, very dlean. Phone 1-983-5014. 32-1 '"72 FORD Cortina station wagon, 4 door, 2000 c.c. 4 cylinder engine. New motor, Eain t, 'exhaust, air shocks, Srakes and tires. Cerfified $1800 firm., Phone 623-7044. 32-ix '72 PINTO, good condition,- $1000. Phone evenings 786-2741 days 623-2336. i 32-1 1973 DODGE Monaco, 2-door hardtop, vinyl roof, 360 V-8, p.s., p.b., excellent condition, wilI certify. Closesf offer to $2200. Caîl Norm or Sue after 7 p.m. or before 10 a.m. 987-5067., 32-1 1972 PONTIlAC' Laurentian sedan reasonably priced at $1,150. This famiiy car is equipped with 350 engine, automafic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio and radial piy tires. If has 80,000 miles on if, is in good condition. Free of rusf and certified. 623-4628. 32-1ix 1973 DATSUN 610 red four door sedan. One owner, good condition, 73,000 miles, 32 m pg, standard, Micheli1n steel - belted radiais. Certified. Best of fer. 623-7322 days, 623-4957 evenings. 32-1 '69 FIREBIRD, mag wheels, p.s., p.b., thrushes, headers, 360 motor. Phone 623-6233. 32-1 67 PONTIAC, 283, very good condition. Best offer. Phone 263-2654. 32-1 1970 2 Ton CH EV. stake truck, $2500. or best offer or wilI swap for good car. Phone 987-5351 atter 6. 32-1 1977 NOVA Concours, 4 door, 8 cyl., automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, white waii tires, low, iow mileage (5432) LIC KTE 683. 1972 PONTIAC, 4 door, 8, cyi., automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio, ver dlean, low mileage. LIC AC 174. 1973 PLYMOUTH, Grand Fury coupe, V-8, automafic, power steering, power brakes, LIC JYA 291. 1970 CHEV. 2 door hardtop, V-8, automatic, --po-wertlraes-power steeri'ng, radio, good driver, LIC AOA 598. 1970 International heavy duty 1/2 ton, V-8, 4-speed, helpýer springs, long, wide box, LICE8277. 1974 JEEP, rebuilt engine with plow <as is). 263-8172. 32-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofing on new1 or used vehicles. Nritten wa r- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155, 47-tf Roberta McCann, C. E. Permanent hair removal. Free consultations. Phone 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Bow- manville. 25-tf EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewel lers Ltd., Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special 10 per cent réduction on firsf purchase of earrings wif h the relea se form Phone 623-5747 For Appoint ment 2nd and 3rd ýMORTGAGE MONEY, AVAILABLE -5 year ferm -Open Mortgages No ayments for three No onse No Creif es - No inquiry fomheighor C onfiniar ranegments - manfde i yourraoment Bomas ow ashome0 -'Bo Fast service ,60 -Firsf Mortgages elso arranged Calîl Mr. Wiîks *Morfgages boughf and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-261 FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABL-ED ÈKARM STOCK, CALL MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 1

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