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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1977, p. 18

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2000 Sq. Ft. IN COMMERCIAL PLAZA Near Flying Dufchman Motor Inn on Base Line Road East, Bowmanville, Finished office and two washrooms. Very reasonable at a_ $1.40 sq. ft. Please cal 623-5452 after 6 p.m. 32-2 TWO bedroom,. modern, sunken living room, patio door ta large balcony. 4 pc. tiled bath. Near, l.G.A, Phone 623-7664. ,32-1 FURNISHEU bedroom. Kitchen and Ilivin roomn V rvileges. Central location. emale preferred. Phone 623-5527. 32-1 GROUND, floor apartment in Hamp ton. Couple or one chiid fami I preferred. Cali any- time 263-2288. 32-1x TWO bedroom apartment on Lambs' Lane, $187 includes heat, hydra, fridge and stove. Phone 623-5888, 32-1 THREE bedroom apartment, $250 a manth, 623-6007. Cal atter 3 p.m. 32-tf RENT -A-TENT TRAILER 623-3528 Weekly Rate: $50.00 1+ Deposit BOUKE STREET BOWMANVI LLE Commercial - Building FOR RENT 1870 sq. ft. downtown 1Bowmanvi le. Phone 623-4406 or 623-5023 30-tf ONE bedroam, basement apartment, fridge and stove. $200 plus hydro. 623-6980. 32-1 THREE bedroom brick bungalow ane mile west of Bowmanviile on Na. 2 High- way. Available immediately. Phane 623-3090. 32-1 CEN1TRAL Bowmanville - g roun.d flbar 2 bedroam apt. Garage anid backyard. $225.00 mo. i ncludôes heat. ALSO 1 bedraam a-pt. $175.00 includes heat. Bath aal Aug. 15. References. Cali G. Van Dyk' Rltr. 623-4428. 32-1 BRING references, must be, appraved, 3 bedraom brick, 2 storey home an main street in' Newcastle, asking $325.00 manthiy. Cail 623-7661. Ask for 'Donna. 32-1 ONE bedroamn ground floor apartment.,$140 per month.: September 1. Write Advertiser 709, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanviile, Ontaria. Li C 3K9. 32-1 BOWMANVILLE -modern apartment, 4 raoms and bath, heated, Cable TV, parking, dawntown. Available now. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696-: 3361. 29-tf Scugog 'Prof essional- Building 191 Church Street Custom finished professiontal suites., -Cail 623-2552 or 623-2565. TO give awa yta goad home, 31/2 month aid kittens, itter traineci. Phone 725-3947. 29-tf MINIATURE Schnauzer, 9ý weeks aid, registered. Phone 623-7764. 32-1 PURr-EBRPED Dalmation pups, dewormed. Phane 1-983-5719. 32-1 OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion Dag Traininig classes, novice classes, September 6 andi 7. Open class September 7. Advance registration anly. Cali 576-1167 or 623-5686. 32-5 FIVE pups, -3/4 Barder Cllie, 1/4 Scotch Callie. Phone 263-2553. 32-1 DOG GROOMING Big and Small We do them ail. Phone 623-7764. 16-tf When YOU give tg RED CROSS YOU make good things rson ? meeting world- h.ours, PLUMBING T Ier.CONTRACTORS Replace domestic hot water heater at Pine Ridge Schoai, 32-2 Bowmanville, Ontario. TENDER. NO. LIN-77.092- P67410 Seaieci tenders will be receiv- eci until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL STIME, AUGUST 23, 1977. Tender Documents may be obtaineci fram the Ontario Mînistry of Government eîy. Services, Lindsay Regionai ed Office, 322 Kent Street West, ie P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE; For further informa- ýyfor an tion regarding this tender, ual. please caîl Mrs. E. M. Neale e at the above address. Tele- r hane (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any tender nat 32-1 necessariîy accepteci. I * e. FU LLtime andi part time help required. Appi y Mac's Milk, King St. East, F riday morning between 9and 12. 32-1 THE TORONTO STAR re- quires a persan for iight rural i verles, the Bowmanvilie ta Orono area, approximately 2 hours every atternoon. A reliabie van or pick up with cap required. Suitabi e for housewife or semi-retired per- san. Phone cailect 728-5117. 32-1 EARN extra maney. Show aur exciting uine of Christmas cards and g.ifts ta friends, neighbours, relatives. No ex- perience needeci. Our big, coiourfuliy illustrateci cata- logue makes it easy and profitable. Start now. Write '0adaly for free Christmas catalogue. andi information. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 114, 217 Cannon, Hamil- tan, L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 31-8 ORGANIST and choir director for Orono United Church. Duties to commence November 1. Apply in writing to: Carlos Tamblyn, Miii St., Orono. ,32-1 C ERTI FIE D 011 Burner Mechanic Reliabie, knowiedgeabie in ail aspects of burners and contraIs operation. Wiling to cia ailied work. Houriy rates and plan. Appiy: 555 Ritson -Road, South Oshawa or phone KISIL FUEL OIL 728-5138 30-6 AVON Are you a people peri if so, you'II enjoy r people whiîe selling famous Avon products earnings. Flexible CALL COLLECI Required Immedial One EXperien 1Body Man Excellent opportunitl aggressive individu Apply Eci CariyiE Service Manager 623-4481 CANADIAN TIRE, Bowmanville has openings for Hardware and Parts Clerk, Full Time and Part Time Also FULL TIME Receiver Phone for interview to Carole Gould - 623-2519. 32-1 Machinist Lathe Milling Operators and Assembers IQ work to close -toleran ces, able te read bile prints, Apply Caristrap, Bowmanville 623-4492. 32-1 Caf eteria Short Order Cook 5day week, cou Id involve shift work. FOR INTERVIEW: 623-3373 FLYING DUTCHMAN 32-1 Q-voýya G e u Cz RESTAURANTP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR Keen, Pleasant, Ambitious SHORT ORDER COOKS WAITRESSES Full Time and Part Time Positions ATTRACTIVE SALARIES EXCELLENT EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS EXPERIENCE IS NOT A PREREQUISITE Apply directly to managers by calling 623-3604 Bowmanville or 987-4231 Newcastle 32-1 SALES PERSONNEL For the sale of fuel oul contracts for a progressive oiî comp 1. SALARY AND COMMISSION 2. CAR PLAN 3. FULL COMPANY BENEFITS Please send resume ta: Attention John Heeley, Box 125, Whitby, Ont. Jensen Steel Ltd. SREQUIRES MATE IAL HANDLERS Steady emloyment. Good hourly rate with shift premi APPLY 222 BASELINE ROAD EAST OLD cameras, equipmrent, etc., assaciateci wit h t1 deveiopmient of photography. Phone 623-4288 after 7 p.m., anytime on weekends. 28-tf USED Fumniture andi Appli- ances., Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gId, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, cracks, paint- ings seaiers, applilances. FriesndIy Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9 tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups-Brakes- Etc.) AIl workdorie by Licenseci Cîass "A" Mechanic J At home or place0f business. Ail parts andi labor guaranteeci. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 BOWMANVILLE TENDERS CentralI Lake Ontario Conservation Authority The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority wil receive tenders until 12:00 noon August 30, 1977 for the suppIy of a ight Tender forms may be picked u p at the Authority offices, 1650 Dundas St. E.. Whitby, Ontario. 32-1 * . e Ministry of Gavernment Services Ontaria SALE, REMOVAL OR D EMOL IT ION Tenders are inviteci for the sale, removal or demolition of a house and autbuildings situateci in part of the south haif of Lot 8, Concession 2, and locate i n Bawmanville. Tender documents may be obtaineci fram -Ministry of Gavernment Services Public Tenders Office Rpom Ml 43A, Macdionaldi Block Queen's Park, Toronto, On tarila Telephone (416) 965-1152 Sealeci tenders will be receiv- until 3:00 p.m., Thursday, August 25, 1977, at which time they wiil be apene i n public. Please quate File No. Bow- manville Home 1-73. Apýplications must be complet- ed on Mini stry of Gavern- ment Services' forms andi retujrne(i in the terider enve- NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please contact Mr. G. Baker, Minîstiry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Tele-, Ç hone (416) 965-2040. h e lowest or any tender will not necessariiy be accepted. T. O. 147 Ministry af Government Services Ontario 32-1 The Northumberland andi Newcastle Board of Education TENDER The Northumberland andi Newcastle Board of Education - Applications will be receiveci by the undersigneci until 3. 00 any. p.m., Auqgust 17, 1977 at the Board Office for the provision of transportation af develop- mentaily andi physicaily han- dicappeci students ta M. J. Hobbs Senior Public Schoal, Courtice North School, andi 32-1 Caurtice Secandary Schaol. - The successful applicant wili be requireci ta supply a 9 passenger station wagan andi driver for the transportation of students attending these schoals from the area af ium. Concession 5 andi below in Darlington Township. Specifi cations regarding this requirement must be receiveci 32-1 fram M. A. Maceoi, Busi- ness Administrator- and * Treasurer, The Northumber- la nd andi Newcastle Board af E ducatian, P. O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Onta rlio. K9A 4L2. 32-1 TYRONE Tig- Welding -Mig Steei - Cast Iran - Aluminum SmaII Engines Repaired &Tune-ups Lathe Work 263-8849 29-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes- Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of ail1 types. PHONE 623-2263 Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Ref rigeration and Seand F loat Glass Appiianc Serice Store Fronts - Float MirTors Commercial and Domestic Patterned and Coîored Glass Refrigeration -Milk Coolers and Glazing. PHONE BERT SYER 17lti DaYs............... 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Peter Sutherland Lander Hardware Aluminum Prod. and ELECTRIC1 Bowmanville 2-tf Siding - Soffit Yeomans &Sons Fascia - Trough Limited Pîumnbing Shutters - Windows and Heating Doors - Awnings A SERVICE-SHOP' 623-4398 ON WEELSFOR FREE ESTIMATE. ON WIIEELSNOW HANDLING 24-Hour Service VINYL SIDING New Installations Aiterations-Repairs specializing in H.ot Water Heating Forceci Air Heating ReR. 1 Orono,1983-5624 25-4f 'JACK, BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES t 263-2288 27-tf MIN ER'S EXCAVATIN( FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION.ANE SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTL 987-4995 No Sunday Calils WATER Wells boreci, 30' Ward's Wei! Boring. phone 32,2-2030.- 'Repr «eSE tive Harry L. Wadle. phone 987-4531. OXFORD Brickîayers ani Stonemiasons Lt (Our fireplaces do not smn 1Omono 983-5606 G. VAN LONDI MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STbl AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-51-14 21 Durham Masoni Contra ctors Lt Bricks -Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaci Phone 839-2431 Steam Cleanint Specia lists Wall-to.Wa Il Carpets and Loose Rugs WaII-to-Waîî Boadlootî BOB'S CARPE' CLEANING Personai izeci Service Ask for Bab or phone 623-2 >evenings. DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Sto CHIMNEY &FIREPLACI CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNE'i P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bow ma nville 13-f Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altema- fions, red moams, garages, repa irs of ail1 types, etc., 25-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les, For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf 3-f Anderson Insu lation 579-2060 Blown Cellulose fibre. Cty and country homes. 1 -tf Vandergaast i Roof ing Contra ctors R. R.6 Bowmanville OVER 30 YEARS EX PER lENCE. CaIli 623-7400 or 25-10- Auction sale of furn ituire and things for Mr. and Mrs. Percy ALL-TYPECowling and Janet Carru- ALL-TYPEthers. Seiling at 68 Tempe- ROOF ING rance Street, Bowmanville on Shlngles new or Reroof ing. List of articles in next weeks rlats hot or cold Drocess. A i roof and chimney repaîrs. paper. Terms cash or gooci FýREEESTIATES cheque. Lawrence Harris, FREEESTIATES clerk. Ciift Pethick, auction- 623-5038 eer. 32-1 14-tf Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, August 12 7 p. m. 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsa y-Little Britain Road. A fia tback cupbaard refinished wash stand, round table, pine chest of drawers, drap leaf table, lacider back chairs, 5 h.p. Chrysier out- board mator, 'Gone With the Wind' Iamp,, hand-made q uilts, marbie tp wash stand, Quebec heater, oak dining room table, rocking chairs, quantity of china and glass- ware plus many more an- tiques, furniture and house- holci items. Tuesday, August 16th 7 p.m. Large wicker table, wicker chairs, refrigerator, press back rocker, quantity of china and giassware, quantity of wooden chairs, French Pro- vincial chesterfielci and chair, Victoria style settee, chests of drawers, dressers, plus many more antiques, furniture and househoid items. Termg cash. Don Corneil, auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. 32-1 Auctian sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Haydan, 1 mile east, of Enniskiilen on Satur- day evening, August 13, 7 p.m. Large quantity f furniture and smail articles. Like ta see you Saturday night. Our next sale at the barn wili be September 17, 1977. Clift Pethick, Auctioneer. 32-1 Estate Auction Ron's Floor Care Grist Mill Auction Barn NewtonviIîe, August l2th G commercial and> ,household Friday, 7: 00 p.rh. cîeaning. Dry foam rug and Seiling the estate 0f the late D carpet shampooing. Wax me- Mrs. J. Harrisan, Port Hope. moval, wall washing. Games table (double pedes- -E tai), arnate hall table, writing Ron Turcotte desk, Victarian hall tables, 623-7966 Victorian parloir and ladies 33-tf chairs, wing back chair, 16 tf _____________ nesting tables, aval dining - ~table. and 6 chairs, ornate 1file. C & C JAN ITOR buffet, fine giass, cut glass, Teîe- SERVICE china, dîshes- Coalport - flow ýntat are blue - Norital4e- Gerniany Tele- -apt Upholstery Bavaria etc, Drapes, pic- 164ff PrfsinîCend tures, framnes, paintings, ares- Profssioall Clened sers, night tables, vanity FREE ESTIMATES dresser, golf clubs, air candi- Phone 623-3624 tioner, portable sewer, iinens, mantie ciock, gingerbread dBOWMANVILLE and ca ae cdocks, Gane d.45-tf With the Wind amp. Aisa seliing riding iawn mawer (5 ioke) h.p.), and Honda matorbike. Note: There are severai fine Lawn nd Gaden ieces in this sale including a LawnandGaren arge. quantîty of silver. 18-tf Ca re Preview Thursday evening 7:00 p.m . Terms cash. Auc- Grass cutting, roto tillîing and tionieers: Stapleton Bras., E N lawn roiling with a commer- 786-2244. 32-1 new lawns and old, tree NE E cutting, painting, and odd jobs Saturday, August l3th, auc- cîeaning up. tian sale of Hîstoricai Anti- Robet Jnes ques andi articles realizeci Robrt one from demroiition of St. Mary's ý85x987-5222 Convent built in approx. 1864. 8-52xThe praperty of Ji m Hennekan 987-4098 Construction. Sale wii11 be helci ry17-tf at demalition site, Russell St. ry East, Lindsay, Ont. (beside St. 1. Mary's Roman Catholic Chur- ch), 16' round waoden piliars, F Water Deîivery cornice woodwork, stained ,es For pools, weils, etc. cast raiîing, 3 sideci baicony 1Phone 623-2469 railing with corner pasts, f 44-tf marble plaques, laine moulci- F 30-4 îng, ornaments, fancy waod carvings, large quantity of doors, somne with f rosteci 9M. Brooks glass, some with woad cary- CARPENTRY ing, waoden doors, f ire doors, REMOELLNG ornate wooden windows typi- r CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES cal of 1864 era, white brick ta il GENERAL REPAIRS be solci in skids of 500, iarae and smaîi rad heaters and a TPhone 623-5566 pipe, Iockers, eiectric panels, 10-_tf scrap iran, fire escape, fire aiarm system, quantity f cut 2383 stone, 3 steel f rames, 8' x 141 2383with doors, tailets,, sinks, GO RD SI MPSON blackboards, large quantity of Phone 983-5808 lumber - 2 x 8's - 10' ta 16', 2 x 28-tf Oron, Ontario 1's - 10' ta 22', 2 x 12's - 10' ta 12', 4 x4's, 3x 4's - 10' ta12', 2 x Painting 4's, 2 x &s, cash regîsters, Paperhnging fancy wooden trim, very large Papehaning quantîty of antique andci hstor- Ca rpntryicai items. An historicai sale )n, Remnodeffing well worth your attention. ES Terms cash, no reserve. Sale 3 General Repaîrs at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Interlor Exterior H ickson, auctioneers, Rea - 5-tf 14-tf boro, Ontario, 705-324-9959. PUBLIC AUCTION New FUrniture, Appliances, Household Goods and Antique Reproductions SOME OLD.- SOME NEW SOMETHING TO MEET EVERYONE'S FANCY Al New Articles FulIy Guaranteed by Manufacturers Partial List of New Item s Clocks, Toys, Desks, Pictures, Games, Hide-a-beds, 5 & 7 Pc. Kitchen Suites 1 Lamps, Stereos, T.V.'s, Dining Rooms, Coffee End Tables, Bedrooms, Novelties, Ornaments, Dinnerware,. Recliners, Kitchen Accessories, Tools, Rockers, Personal and Hou seholci Items, Hi Back, Low Back, Colonial. Modern, Tuxedo, Spanish;' 2 pc., 3 pc. and 4 pc. Chesterfield Suites Bunk Beds, Mates Beds, 39", 54" & 60" Box Spring and Mattresses, Brass Beds, Planters, Spinning Wheels, China Cabinets, WhatNot Sheves, Tea Carts, Hall Stands, Fern Stands, Rockers, plus numerous other items. TEIRMS: Cash, Chargex, Mastercharge, Cheques with l.D. BOWMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE ,Beech Ave. South off Concession St., West of Liberty St. MONDAY, AUGUST lSth, 7:30 p.m. Plan to Attend United Auction Group AL ROWAND - AUCTIONEER 661-5027 32-1 YS Auction sale, Saturday, August 13, 1:15 p.m. of furniture and dishes (some antiques) at Bannister's Auc- ,tion Hall, in Bewdley consist- ing of drap leaf table, chest of drawers, wash stand, chairs, chrome suite, book shelves, side board, fire screen, brass waod box, dishes, giassware, ail iamps, picture frames, trunks, stave, washing machine, Cia rTone combina- tian radia-record player, T.V., chesterfielcis, eiectric iawn mower, and other items stili being consignei. Rager Ban- nister, auctianeer. 32-1 'S tf Th a, a- 0-I l, 7 ,eat ,. A g a Saturday, August 20 Auction sale of househald furniture and antiques. The praperty of May Lockyer wiîl b ge heici in the village of Brookiin, 6 Price St., west of Main St. next ta post office. Refrigerator, stave, Kenmore washing machine - spin dry (neariy new), quantity ai dishes, siiverware, pots anc pans, 2 chrome sets, wooder telephone table and chair, chesterfielci and chair, Devon- shire piano and bench (made by Heîntzman), Zenith console calaur T.V. (neariy new), Portable electric fireplace, mantie cdock, caffee andi endi tables, antique desk, silver tea service, 2 hat racks, 2 piece bedraom suite, twin beds (Jenny Lynd style), quantity ot other bedroom furniture, bedding and drapes. Many ather articles. Property soiP Terms cash. Sale at 12:30. Reg and Larry Johnson, auctioneers. 32-2 Machinery, Householci and Mobile Home Sale: the estate of the late Arthur Melville Peter, R.R. 2, Part Hope, Lot' 35, Con. 6, Hamilton Twp., near the intersection of Rice Lake and Hwy. 28. Sale ta be helci on Thursday, August 18, 1:00 p.m. Items ta be soici include: John Deere Tractar, 3 pt. Hitch, Fard Tractor with Snow' Plow, 2 Furrow Pbow, 2 Cultivators, '2 Disc Piows, John Deere Disk, Harrows, Wagon, Seei Drill, Potato Digger, Circle Saw, Mobile Home 12' x 65' <saici subject ta reserve- bld), 72 Datsun car- 25,000 miles, 72 Fard Pick Up Truck, Rota Tiller, 2 Power Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Push Lawn Mower, Wheelbar- raw, Tools, Lawn Roi 1er, Boat. Hauseholci effects: tables, chairs, dressers, freezer, antiques, etc., etc. Many mnise. ettects. Term cash, no re- serve. Sale time 1:,00 p.m. Auctioneer Steve Liptay. 705-' 745-0260. 31-2 Saturday, August 20, 12 Noon Praperty of Hilliard Spraule, 116 Main St., Babcay- aean, large quantity of an- tiques furniture, appliances, dîshes, gooi Oiympic Ski- Doo and sleigh, pony cart, sacicile, harness, 14 foot boat, 25 h.p. Evinrude motar, goaci upright piano by Mason & Reisch, dishes, bedding, gar- den tools. Note time 12 noon. No reserve, giving up house- keeping. Orval McLean, auc- tioneer 324-2791 or res. 324-2783 Lindsay. 32-2 Auction sale of high quality purebred Charolais on Friday, August 19, 8:00 p.m. Dispersai sale for Murray N. Jahnston, Mvrhaven, Farms, Moore- fieldi; af this very gooci herd 0f Purebrei and Percentage Charolais caws - many are palieci- al have calves or are ta calve. Seiling at the Liptay Livestock Auctian Centre, Hwy, 7, Peterborough. No reserve. Catalogues availabie. Note starting time, Friday, 8:00 p.m. Steve Liptay, auctianeer. 705-745-0260. 32-2 Top Qua lity at Reasôonable Prices! featuring ... The very latest in Auto Body Equipment Your Complete Satisfaction Is Guaranteed! Baise Line Auto, Body 164 Base Lino Rd. E. of Liberty BowI Open 8to 5Weekdays and 8 to 12 noon on Saturdays. APPROVED Rice Lake Lots for sale, B.B. beach, 3 miles east of Bailieboro, ready ta' builci or camp on. Twelve months seasonal recreation. Ideal -for now andi at retire- ment. Gooci roacis, hydro, telephone. Write Box 572, Newcastle, 0O.ntaria. 31-4x HURRY Choose your own CQUNTR.Y.-ESýTATE LOT in beautiful CHADLEIGH HILL ESTATES in Bethany.« Elegant homes ta choose f ram or wiil builci with your plan. Priceci f rom $47,900. Cali for information 579-8602. Dance WiII Be FHeld in Newcastle The annual dance connected with the fail fair in Orono will be held in the Newcastle Community Hall this year. 1 Normally, the Saturdày evening dance at the end of the fair has been helci in the Orono ariena, but with the aid arena demolished ta make room for a new skating rink and cammunity centre, the dance has been moved ta Newcastle Village. 1 Diane Leigh, the Queen of Canacla's Country Music will entertain at the dance andi also at the Orona fair. Leigh is a Golci Leaf Award winner as top Canadian Femnale Country Singer and some af her lits include "Make it' Over the Hill", "Blind Jonathon" and "Sing Happy."1 A native af Toronto, Diane Leigh is aften billed as "Two Shades of Blue." She is a perfarmer an stage, radio and television. 1 Wednesday Evening Aygust loth Twilight auction sale of contents of Cambray Commu- nity Hall, household furniture, antiques andi miscellaneous articles. The property of Cambray Women's Institute. 2 miieswestof Lindsayon Hwy. 7 ta Chandiers Corners, north on Cambra y Rd. 4 miles f0 Cambray. P iano and stool, approx. 90 antique chairs, 2 aDine tables, gas stove, gas heater, 1 long - 10 short church ewýs, oddc chairs, copper biler antique n ursing rocker, refrigerator,' Krug Kitchener wainut chair, white and galci Limoges covereci vegetable bowi, milk glass covereci jar, brass goblet, silver candie- stick holders, silver saiters, pattery hatpin holder andi hat Si, glassVdecanters, 3 Bee- ive l-ark ViennaplteSIpir of English vases,,e esiaGer- man china pla e, pr'essedi glass saiter with silver hinged top; covereci cheese dish, china coffee pot, Italian pot- tery planter, new Torcan hair dryer, very large quantity' of household- and antique items, 6" racks for 18' stake truck with ricige pales. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 6:30 p..m. Sharp. Ail proceeds for New Cambray Community Centre. Home Bake Sale - Refreshment Booth. Cari and Greg Hickson, auctioneers,. Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959, 32-1 HOUSE FOR SALE 2 storey, 6 roomn frame house,- centrally Iacated in Orono, new roof, andi dry basement. This house may be purchaseci with lowi down' palyment. Vendar wili hoid mortgage. Less than 50 feet frontage.'No agents please. Please write P.O0. Box 200, Orono. 32-2f d e kf

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