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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1977, p. 5

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Bo mavileGadeerFnd CrrtsGrwigThroug Padockfamily neunion when forty Bowmnvile Grdeer FnasCarots rowng ~ Palocmembers of the MacDonald family and their immediate relatives wene present for this happy occasion. This was in honor of hier sister Mrs. Christine Felstead's eightieth birthday. Guests, included Mrs. llooey's two sisters, Mrs. Felstead and Mrs. Woodward also four brothers, Wilfred, Edwand, Hector and Clarence MacDonald. Relatives attend- ed from Columbus, Ohïio, Detroit, Michigan, Peterbo- rough, Lindsay, Mississauga, Toronto, Sebright and Ottawa. The oldest one present was 83 years and the youngest was 2 years. This was a delightful party when each enjoyed reminise- ing and the youngen folk had the opportunity to become better acquaînted. To add to the days enjoyment a deli- cious salad and dessert buffet provided a super abundance of food. The guest of honor received a lovely birthday cake whichwas made by hier niece Mrs. Graham. Sunday Service In the Presbyterian Church, À Miss Dorothy Bulmer. Deaco- ness, chs cs1:-8 for'the scripture reading, "Before Christ came; ail people, Jews and Gentiles, were like littie children. They were trying to obey laws. Many of them knew that they couldn't possibly fulfil the nequirements of the law and, so they lived in a The lavo islockd i. Tht'ssense of guilt and failune. Theflvo i lcke i. ha'show you might Statesman office last wèek. He said he had neyer Jesus Christ frees men from describe these three carrots that were found seen carrots growing quite like this. The small being a slave to feelings of growing right through a rusty old padlock in a photograph shows a c ose-up of the vegetables gui.t and failure. Christ is Bowmanville garden. Norman Brooking of 98 completely surrounded by the metal ring of the saying, in His living, and in His Church St.')-ugtt-crosadpdoktth lk. dying for us, 'Yes, you sin, you brouht he crros ad paloc tothe adlck.are human, you can perfonm in good work for one another, . ......... MWbut that does not mean that I NEST ETONwill like you better. I already . you. Love Me and you will (Intended for Last Week) pleasure with youn neighbons, be compelled to do everything A correction, please, Mn. relatives and frîends. in love'.",,Mn. S. McNeely and an n LodStn n Mn. and Mrs. James Bîlton, Mns. H. Visser favored with a famly f Carevîle, ew David Samuel, Tîmothy and duet, "Come, Ye Thankful afoundland, spent ten days baby 'Sarah Jane of Perth, People, Corne." vacatîoning with bis aunt and hv envctoigtî a husband, Mn. and Mrs, Donald wek itBon'sprt, OB T JA X Proutt. This was thein finst Mn an Mr. awrnceMa visit to Ontario and during colin. ELSIE ISABEL JONES their sojounn hene, they had a Mn. Barry* Malcolm, of A nesiden fOoofr3 delightful' tnp to Niagara Simcoe and Mn. Dennis Mal- years, Elsie Isabel Jones, Falls and western Ontario. colmn of Scanborough were aged 66, passed away Monday, They were impressed with the home for the long weekend. July 25th, 1977, in Princess scenic beauty but the ninety Mrs. L. Shewfelt, Jeff, Ryan Margaret Hospital, Toronto, degree weather was a new and Lisa Chapman, Neil following an illness of approxi- expenience for them. Williams and Mn. and Mrs. mately one yean. Mrs. M. Van Winkle, Toron- George Bowers went to' North The daughter of Mn. and to returned home on Sunday Bay, on Wednesday. They' Mrs. Robent (Ellen) McHolm, after a pleasant ten days' visited wîth Mn. and Mns. Paul she was born in Hope Town- vacation with Mns. Carles Chapman and family and Mn., ship, educated at Zion Public Biggs. Other necent visitons and Mrs. Jim Chapman and School.and Port Hope High KECYwith Mns. Briggs were Mn. family. Mn. and Mrs. Bowers, School., She was marnied, E M ERG('ENC and Mrs. Eric unter, Mn. and retunned home on Sunday but January l6th, 1932 to Cecil B. Mns. Tim Benson, Toronto, Neil remained for a vacation Jones. Late summner, overloads our warehouse. A Mrs. Hughi Gannon, Oshawa, with his cousins Jeff and 'A devoted wife and mother, total of 23 1977 AII-luminum 16 x 24 Mns. Murray Coates, Port Ryan. she was a member of Orono 4wm igpos ut esl m itl. Penny, Mns. Wm. Hooey, Mn. Mrs. Dave Vivian and Adam United Church, of which she swinrnng ool. M st e sld mmeiatly. and Mrs. Kennetb Samelîs, spent Friday to Sunday with was a former choir member, Includes Sun deck, fencing, filter and safety Blackstock. hiernsistens and brothers at and a member of Heather stairs. Sale price $1250.00. Installation and Mn. and Mrs. George Finnie Roseneath.' Hen parents Mn. Rebekab Lodge No. 334, terms arranged. Cail Terry collect days or vîsîted recently wîtb Mn. and and Mrs. Richard Graves are Panticipating in community Mrs. Clanke Williams. vacationing in Winnipeg. affains, she wýas a womanii of e venings at 1-416-481-8802. On Thunsday, Mn. and Mns. Mn. D. Vivian and his miany talents, most noted for Clarke Williams acçompanied brotbers-in-law attended the making wedding cakes. :1 ____________________________________ Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Williams FrielcP Trials in Watentown, Left ta mourn hier passiîng* and spent the day with Mn. New York at the weekend. are bier family, George, and Mrs. Ronald Williams and Visitons, during the week, Bowmanville, Canolyn (Mns. family at thein cottage at with Mn. and Mns. George B. Priestly) Oshawa, Eileen Y'Chandos Lake. DonneraI, wene Mn. and Mns. (Mrs. D. Stephens), Joyce LEGtV N APRD seilI' AY Miss Ruth Proutt was a Genald Whattam, Scarbo- (Mrs. F. Cowan), Patsy (Mns. dinner guest on Thursday with rough, Mn. and Mrs. Albert F. Stonesbergen), ahl of Onono, B .S.C ,, D .C.o, Mn. and Mrs, Lloyd Hunten, Fosten, Stouffville. Paul of Edmonton, Julie (Mrs. Port Penny. Othen guests wene Last week, Mn. and Mrs. G. R. Wonn), 'Gardenhill, hier Do cto r o f Ch iro pro cf ic w is hes fo Mrs. Frank Malcolm and Miss Donnerai visited his uncle Mn. mother, Mrs., Ellen McHolm Christine Currie, Oshawa. Jim Culbam who is 88 at the of Regency Manlor, Port Hope, ainnounce the opening of his Misses Alice and Ethel Stouffville Nursing home. sisters Hazel (Mrs. E. Jones, Dodd, Port Penny wene Tues- On Tuesday Mn. and Mrs. Port Hope, Muriel (Mns. A. ofice fo r th e day evening callens with Miss Donneral were dinnen guests Ritchie) Orono, and brother ofR. Proutt. of Mn. and Mns. Elmer Harris Donald McHolm, Newtonville. practiceý of 'Chiropracfic at Mn. and Mrs. Manwooci at Cambray. Funenal services whene held' MlcKee, Blackstock visited for On Wednesday the Donne- on Tbursday, at the Morris 96 UE N TRETWednesday evening dinmer raIs visited Mn. and Mrs. Funeral Chapel, Bowman- 96 UEE ST EETwith hier sisten Mns. Ed. Percy Leathendale at King ville. Reverend Basil Long, Lawaon and Bruce. Other City. Mn. Leatherdale was a officiated with Stella Morton BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO necent guests wene Mn, and scbool friend of Mn. Donnerai. pnesiding at the chapel ongan. Mrs. Maurice Bradbunn, Scar- Scott Fisher of West Hill is Paîl-beanens were Messrs. LI C i M6 bon'ough. spending a couple -of weeks Kelvin Jones, Maurice O'Neil, Friends regret that Mn. with bis grandpanents Mn. and Ross Jones, Orville Chatter- T ELE PHON E 623-9297 Lani nen Hyland had the mis- Mns. Milton Fisher. ton, Gle n Allun and Brooks ____________________________________ fortune ta faîl and fracture his OnSda Mrs. Cowan hip. On Sunday Mrs. Hyland, John McKeown, Caledon East Many floral tokens wene bier daughter and son-in-law, wene aftennoon and evening neceived in ber memony Mn. and Mrs. Maurice Sam- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. among which were unes from III els and Wendy, Peterborough Bruce Heaslip. They sbowed the Heather Rebekah Lodge. visited Mn. Hyland in Oshawa spflendid slides of their necent Tii oleegonars.n JUST ARRIVEDI OVER 10,000 SQ. YDS. OF CARPET Fantastic Savings 100 PER CENT NYLON SHAGi from $3*95 LEVEL LOOP CARPET f rom $2X 9 sqyd. Sq. yd. plusi Hundreds Of Remnnants a? Savings ta 60 Per lent Off! ,Carpe t Warehouise 110 King Sf. W. Oshawa 7'28-0292 S60 Wafe Durham Carpe t r Sf. Port Perry 985-3773 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 10. 1977 5 Bowman ville GirlWins Beauty Contest cf Caesarea Janet Canfield of Bowmanville (second from left) won the Beauty Contest at Caesarea on the holiday weekend and was crowned by her sister Jackie who was last year's Regatta Queen. Shie is flanked above by her three Princesses, Bonny Burton (far left), Melody Train (far right) and Wendy Strau man. Photo courtesy Port Perry. 'KENDAIL NEWS (Intended for Last Week) Best wishes are extended ta, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Carscad- den, wbo celebrated thein 45tb wedding annivensary on July 22nd. Mn. and Mrs. David Skenratt entertained tbem ta, dinner on thé Friday. On the Satunday of the bus trip ta Wilbenforce, the Couples Club gave them a gift and a decorated annivensary cake. On tbe following Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Geacb beld a faînily gathering in their honor. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Gay of Oshawa also attended. Mn. and Mrs. George Mer- cen beld a family picnic a week ago Sunday.,Al mem- bers of the family wene home including Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and famihy of Hamp- ton; Mn. and Mrs. Daug Mercen and family, Mn. and Mns. Bill Mercen and famihy from Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Fosten and famihy; Mn. and Mns. Doug Walker and family and Mn. and Mrs. A. Walken of Oshawa. Recent visitons with Miss C. W. Stewartý this past week waere Mns. Jessie Hayes of Osbawa and Mns. Margaret Down of Ebenezer on Monday, also Mrs. Dan Keane, Jeffery and Jenna and Mrs. Bob Cbelland, Susan and Donald ail from Scarbonougb. Mrs. Mary Ganczynskî bas sohd ber home in Kendal and the new owners have moved in tbis past week. We undenstand Mary bas been back to Princess Margaret Hospital for treatments again. FLOWERS ARE THE MOST PERSONAL WAY TO EXPRESS SYMPATHY. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. P. Hackett on the birth of their baby girl recently. Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Thomas have been visiting Mrs. V. McTaggart at ber summer home hene in, Kendal this past week. Mrs. E. Fosten returnied home hast Saturday after a holiday witb Mn. and, Mrs. Jack Fonk and family at Woodstock and at their camp nean Bunks Falls. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Foster held the Warden picnic on Sunday at their place. Mn. and Mns. Roy Patton are in Sussex, N.B. ta attend Mrs. Patton's fathers funenal. Sympa thy is extended ta the famihy. Cburch service resumed on Sunday morning aften four weeks of hoidays for tbe ministen. Rev. A. Tizzand's Sunday message was entitled 'On holiday I . . . .' He asked the congregation what they did, when different ones told where tbey had attended church. Then Rev. Tizzard told, of bis holiday expeniences. Mns. Tiz- zard favored the congregation with a solo 'The Ninety and Nine' accompanied by Mrs. Helen Wood at the organ. Everyone was reminded of the church picnic, conducted by the U.C.W. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Skerratt on Wednesday afternoon. There is to be a bus trip to the Black Knights Parade in Beaverton on August l3th. Anyone interested in going on this trip may phone 983-9331 or 983-5692 for more particulars. Bo a RED CROàS volunteer We havemore pa-rts than we know what todowith. When your car's running perfectly, everything's great. But what happens when you have some kind of breakdown? That's when it's nice ta, know thot whatever needs replacing, con be replaced. Quickiy and easily. Whether if's a front fender for af 1962 Beetie or a fan beit for a 1973 Audi, we've got it for you. If what you need iis ver>' unusual, you might have ta wait a day or sa. But you can rest easy knowing that you'Il get it. We are proud ofaur reputation for relîabîlity. And aur Pa rts Deparltment helped us build it. __________ 14251 NEWCASTLE ARENA Fund Raisinug"Day Satrda, ugust 13 Refreshmenf Garden - 12 Noon Gia nf Ba ke Sale - 2:O00p. m. Ba rbecue Beef Di nner -6:00 -8:O00p. m. Dancing in Communify Hall, Parking Lof 9:0ù p. m. Corne Qn Out, Give Us Your Support and Have Funi1 Direct Parts Line 668-0066 Owasco % Volkswagen iDundas St. E. Porsche + Audi Telephone 668-9383 Whitby Ittakesadifferent kindofde"fer toselladifferent kindof C r. Pure Maple Syrup Honey Fred'qs Fruit Market Hwy. 115 - a' mile South of. Orono Telephone 983-5628 1 im Imm

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