10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 24, 1977 Kinsmen Carnival Draw Winners Receive Their Prizes PONTYPOOL Tops Club Members Acquire KOPS Status On Thursday evening, the winners of major awards at the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club's recent carnival, gathered together to receive their awards. They are, left to right, Helen Rudka of Oshawa who won a side of beef, Kinsmen President Jim Schell, presenting Mary Attersley of Oshawa with a chèque for $1,500; Sam Elliott of Maple Grove who won the Kinettes gas barbecue draw. Holly Brewster, R. R. 1, Bowmanville, winner of a hind of beef and Doreen Neamtu, Kinette Draw Chairman. Ray Hollinger, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, winner of a front quarter of beef wasabsent. Get well wishes are sent to Mrs. Barrie Stewart, a patient in Civic Hospital, Peterbor- ough. Also to Mrs. Earl Armitage and Mrs. Margaret Curtis still in hospital. We remind you of the Auction Sale and Bake Sale to be held this Saturday, August 27th at 1 p.m. at the Township Garage (with the purple doors) corner Hwy. 35 and 7A. Proceeds are for the Manvers Community Centre and Arena Fund. All donations including baking, fresh vegetables, etc. will be greatly appreciated. For pick-up in the Pontypool area contact Laverne Finney at 277-2327. To those who questioned me re absence of Pontypool news in last week's Statesman, the column was printed in The Country Courier, a supple- ment of the Statesman which is received a day or so later. Just in case you did miss the column, Mrs. Thea Branden- burg would like to pass the word along that she is again holding crocheting lessons in her home in Pinewood Es- tates. Lessons will be held on a weekly basis commencing on Tuesday, September 20th. A morning class will be held from 10:30 to noon and an evening class from 8:00 to 9:30. The basic stitches in crocheting will be taught-also three different techniques- broomstick, crohook and hair- pin lace. Contact Mrs. Brand- enburg at 277-2655 if inter- ested. The community was shôck- ed this past week when word was received that Allan Bazin- et, 48 years of age, had passed away in hospital in Toronto. Allan had been taken to hospital in Peterborough on Friday evening, August 5th and was then transferred to Toronto on Sunday, August 14th. Burial was on Saturday from the Morris Funeral Home, Bowmanville to Ponty- pool Cemetery. To his widow, the former Beverley Curtis, to his children, Beverley, Bar- bara and Danny, to his sisters, Nora DesGroseilliers and Pearl Laforge and to all other family members we extend deepest sympathy. Decoration was held in Pontypool Cemetery this past Sunday afternoon. Service was delayed because of the rain. Congratulations to Mr. Harvey Aiken who celebrated his eightieth birthday on Sunday. Mr. Aiken attended, church on Sunday mormng (he seldom misses) and during the service Mr. Graham offered congratula- tions on behalf of the congreg- ation. Twenty-five years ago Vivian Hamilton and George Cowling were married in Pontypool United Church. On Saturday night an annivers- ary party.was held for them in Pontypool Community Centre. Around midnight the honoured couple were asked to take seats at the front. Mrs. Ralph Porter read an amusing address and several gifts were then presented. Among the gifts were a clock, a card table and matching chairs and a purse. George and Vivian (better known as Bibs) each spoke a few words of thanks. A delicious buffet lunch was served. Music for dancing was provided by Paul Mucha. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perey Beggs were Mrs. Joyce Ford and friend and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Stewart of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs Don King and boys, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowling, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Porter and boys of Oshawa, Mrs. Barbara Hamilton, Mrs. Grace Porter, Mr. and Mis. Ralph Porter and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and family. The Bethany Ladies' Bowling League will com- ience on Monday, September 12th at 1:30 p.m. at the Millbrook Bowling Lanes. Bowling will be weekly this year. Any ladies interested in joining kindly contact one oi the following, Margaret Wright at 277 2604, Bunny Ambrose at 277-2467 or Yvonne Fallis at 277-2183. Names should besubmitted by August 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong recently returned home after a holiday trip to Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van- Wieringen have friends from lolland visiting with them for two weeks, Congratulations to Irvine Peneder who is being married in Saskatchewan this week. Irvine is currently working in British Columbia. Mrs. Pene- der, Frank and Mrs. Rick Masters are planning on attending the wedding. Cliff Curtis reports that recently motorcyclists eut a fence on the 4th line to gain access to bis property. Cliff states that if they had gone just a short distance further they could have gained entry by a gate. Many similar complaints have been heard from farmers in the Mosport area. Tops Club No. 870, Bowmanville, held a graduation party on July 7, 1977, for three members who have acquired KOPS status. KOPS are our special members who have taken off their excess pounds and kept them off. Pictured above are, left to right, Shirley Carpenter (reinstated The Pontypool Sr. Girls ball team won the fifty dollar consolation prize at a tourna- ment in Omemee over the past weekend, Pontypool Parks Board The Pontypool Parks Board is holding a Corn Roast in the park on Saturday, September 17 (weather permitting) in the evening. This event will con- clude a long and busy day in the park. Early in the day there will be a tree-cutting session in the bush area with the assistance of the Pontypool Kinsn'ien. It KOPS), Anne Vogels, our current queen Jean Ashton and Cathy Stevenson. Total loss was 78% lbs. These very pretty ladies are to be congratulated for achieving their objective (a slimmer, trimmer figure). Congratulations and good luck. - Photo by Astor. is hoped that about half the trees will be cleared to allow more use of that area. Later in the day there will be a sale of firewood from the trees cleared. In the evening there will be a corn roast for all members of the community. We will serve corn, soft drinks, and coffee. A disc jockey will also be available for dancing in the park. Any persons assisting in the tree-cutting operation during the day will receive a free admission to the corn roast. The next meeting of the Parks Boardxvill be held in the Community Hall on Wednes- day, August 31 at 8:00 p.m. On the agenda will be final planning for the corn roast and some discussion regard- ing plans for the tennis courts for next spring. PBR T/riPaB(/O> Thecaada emoemet person., es Fitness. In vour heart you know itfs right. All last week the parking lot alongside the Police-Fire building on Church St. was a busy spot as inspection teams put dozens of motor vehicles thronuh their machines. checking to make certain they were safe to be driven. Some were sent over by police while other drivers volunteered to have their cars put through their paces. Quite a few had plates removed until necessary repairs were made. East Durham Historical Soc. Receives Interesting Copy of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress Occasionally during the sumner months, the East Durham Historical Centre receive gifts from friends who call during the Fridays and Saturdays it is open. These are generally prized possessions which they would like to see preserved. One received re- cently was a copy of "Pil- grim's Progress", one of a very unusual edition. This book not seen so much now, was once spoken of as having more influence for good than any other book except the Bible. This edition was printed in 1881, just the year after the church at Elstow was reno- vated. This was the church where John Bunyan loved to ring the bells, and did preach. The church was built in 1530 and at the time of repairing, the old oak beams were used to make a binding for this edition of Bunyan's book. Two plates of wood form front and back covers, edged with leather. A photo of the only authentic sketch made of Bunyan, is on the cover. A history of the old church and village, as well as what is known of Bunyan's early life is in the book. The practice of pasting a photo in a book instead of printing it was done in the early fifties in England. This book is 96 years old but the wood in its binding is nearly 450 years old. Another interesting book donated during this year is a copy of "The Fifth Book of Lessons" for Canadian schools. It was found in the walls of a former Marsh home on No. 2 highway by Mr. M. Clancy the present owner, and donated by him. With it are reproductions of ttile pages of similar books from the pro- vincial archives, but there is nQt a copy of this particular one there. It bas no date but similar books were printed between 1853 and 1860. There are also reproductions of portions of the Irish books first secured by Edgerton Ryerson for Canadian schools, at the Centre for all to see. One of the members, Mrs. F. Wilkinson, returned from England recently and brought back some mememtoes of the Silver Jubilee. These will be on display on Saturday, August 27th. ORONO On Sunday afternoon, August 14th the family of Mrs. George Morton (the former Viola McKay) held a dinner buffet in honor of her 80th birthday at the Parish Hall of St, Saviour's Anglican Church. Among those attend- ing were Mr. and Mrs. James Grunerud of St. Cloud, Min- nesota U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sears, Christina and Stacey of Gimli, Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford, Kevin, Anita and Greg of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Heard of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Minion of Peterbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton, Kevin and Dwayne, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard, Kim and Glen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Plumb of Willowdale, Mrs. John Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and sons Douglas and Charles. Congratulations. Mrs. Wm. Miller and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery attended the Royal Black Knights annual parade at Beaverton on Satur- day, August 13th. The Kendal L.O.L. Band also attended and played in the march, and on the same day Mr. Archie Hoy attended the parade at Win- chester-near Cornwall. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Best and children visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Best during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill.Werry of Division Street were recent Monday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and family of Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrbicek of 7'oronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Adcock, the former Miss Darlene Brenda, West on thèir marriage on Friday evening, August 12th at the Newcastle United Church. Rev. David A. Spivey B.D. officiated. Reception and dance was held at'the Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road. The newlyweds are residing in an apartment next to the former Post Office, Main Street. Note to readers: trust you found the Orono News on page four of the Country Courier last week, which I did not receive until Saturday, August 20th. Please look for more Orono News in this week's issue. And thanks one and all for your renewals and items each week. Keep them coming. Inspection Team Busy Checking for Faulty Vehicles Applications will be received from single persons, aged 16 to 22, the Municipality of Newcastle, to compete in the miss DURHAM CENTRAL CONTEST Saturday, September 10, 1977 Name............ ........... Address ........................ Phone Number.................. Photo Mail to: Box 212, Orono, Ontario No applications later than August 31, 1977.