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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Aug 1977, p. 14

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TWO bedroom a partment, wall-to-Wa l carpe, stove, fridge and washer, heat, light and water, 3rd f loor over store downtown, ideal for working couple or teachers. $200 month includes everything, available Sept. 1. WiIl furnish i f neces- sary. Phone 623-7071 after 6. 34-1 ONE bedroom apartment, private entrance, available Septembei 1, in Bowmanville. Caîl 623-3535. 34-1 ONE bedroom apartment, self contained in private home in Bowmanville. Elderly couple onl y. No pets. $140 and third of hyd ro. Phone 623-3262. 34-1 WORKING gentleman requir- ed to share furnished house with two others. Central Bowmanville. Available immediately. Phone 623-6104 or 623-5206. 34-1 TWO bedroom, modern, sunken livingroom, patio door to large balcony, 4 pc tiled bath. Near .G.A. Phone 623-7664. 34-lx BOWMANVILLE. 3 bedroom home, two bafhrooms, broad- loomed with five appliances, easy aiccess to 401, available, Sept. 1 $325 month. Evenings 1-2214548. 33-2 APARTMENT suitable for single person or retired ï(cou ple. Heat and water includ- ed. $180 per month. Write Advertiser 712, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. L1C3K9. 33-2 ONE bedroom bas ement apartment. Adults preferred. Fridge and stove supplied. Phone 623-2694 before six. 34-1 TWO bedroom house for rent in Bowmanville. Phone 623-7037. 34-1 ONE bedroom, upstairs apart- ment, 2 miles west of Bow- manville. available Sept. 1. Fridge, stove and heat sup- plied. Separate entrance. Write Advertiser 716, C-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville LIC 3K9. 34-1 x BASEMAENT bachelor apart- ment, responsible singleý. per- son preferréd. Phione 623-4217. 34-1 ONE bedroom,- second floor, apartment, available Septem- ber sf. Write advertiser 717, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanvîlle, Ontario, LlC 3K9. 34-1 RENT-A-TENT TRAILER 623-3528 Weekîy Rate: $50.00 + Depasit 8DUKE STREET <BOWMANVI LLE Scugog Professior Building 191 Church Stree Custom finished professho suites. Cal 623-2552 or 623-2565. Commercial Building FOR RENT 1870 sq .,.dawntown Bomanvilie. Phone 623-4406 or 623-50, 29-tf naI PARTS person, to drive parts Persan wa nted for truck, some clerical work, Cenn must have good driving re- Cenn cord. Afternoons only. Inter- 2 hours daily view by appointment only. 6 days aweek Cali ClIvi n Holland at Central Bowmanville 623-3396. Cowan Pont iac. Please phone 623-6633 Buick. 34-1 Between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. 34-1 The Northumberland and Newcastle Boarmd af Education requires immediately SECRETARY for the Mitchell's Corners Public Schooî. 30 per cent or 3-1/2 days per week. Must have typing, generai knowledge of office procedure and business machines. Short- hand p referable. Must be accurate with figures. Abilify fa .get along with people. Applications will be receîved until Monday, August 29, 1977, 12: 00 noon. Please appîy in writing stating quallilcaTions, experience, telephane number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario K9A 4L2 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, 34-1 C ERTI FIE D 011 Burner Mechanic Reliable, knowledgeable in ail aspects of buners and control s operatian. Wiling fa do allied work. Houriy rates and plan. Apply: 555 Rtson Road, Sauth Oshawa or phone KISIL FUEL OIL 728-5138 30-6 FULL or part fime. Earn $5 - $6 an hour in a Fuller Brush ferritory close to youm home showing aur new fal and Christmas line. Territory available in Bowmanville and Biackstock. For information Zhne 416-372-9969, or write afnick Wiebe, 416 Waifon St., Cobourg. 33-4x EARN extra money. Shw ur exciting mie of Christrrmas cards and gifts to friends,. neighboums, relatives. No ex- perience needed. Our big, calourfully illustmated cata- logue makes it easy and Drofifable. Start now. Write l-oday for free Christmas catalogue and information. Monamch Greefing Cards, Depf. 114, 217 Cannon, Hamil- ton, L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 31-8 RELIABLE, mature persan fa babysit in my home week- days. Somne housewomk in- volved. Liberty Sf. N., Bow- manville. Phone 623-9587. STU DENTS Part Time Help Apply in persan Thursday and Friday 1:30 p.m. -2:30 p.m. PEPI'S PIZZA 130 King St. E. Bowmanville 34-1 WOMEN fom apple packinq. Apply in person ta William's Grave Orchards Ltd., New- castle. 987-4563. 34-1 Dishwashers for night shift Cafeteria Short Order Cook Cafeteria Cashier evenings, 5 day week For interview phone 623-3373. FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN 34-1 For Ambitious Person OnIy You could earn $100 or more weekly on a part-time basis as Beauty Consultant in Fashion Two- Twenty. You will be tmained at no cost, ta start your awn business. Caîl Mrs. Hilda Schoenemklee fmom 1 - 4 p.m. 987-4279. 34-1 BABY sitter needed ta start second week of September in my home. Two pre-school children, in Hampton Village. Shifts7-3and,3-11. Cali if you cati do days or evenings or bath, 263-8802. 34-1 PART time rec eptianist for doctor's office. Write adver- tiser 715, c-o Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bow\tmanviile, Ont. LIC 3K9. 34-2 SERVICE station attendant required. Good opportunity for energetic, meliable person. Appi y: Imperi aI OilService Centre, Highway 401 and Waverley Rd., Bowmanviile. 34-1 MATURE babysiffer house- keeper for 2 year aid. In my home Bowmanville, weekdays 8 ta 5. References. Write Box 710, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bawmanviile Ont. LiC 3K9. 33-2 The Globe and Mail et Canada's National Newspaper onal REQUIRES DISTRICT MANAGERS Bowmanvile to Cobourg and Oshawa Position affers good stamting s alary, car aliawance, gaod Cam- 32-tf pany benefits, plus excellent oppatunity for adancement. - Interested persans should en jay working wifh young people, own a reli!able dar, be organized and enthusiastic. For interview calîl: JEAN HOSKIN - 723-81,72. D23 30-f ONE bedroom apartment, privafe entmance, yard, park- ing. Phone 623-5796 between 10 a.m. and 5p.m. 34-1 FOUR bedroom two storey home on 12 acre lot, two log buning tireplaces. Asking $375 per month. Inquire 623- 6860 or 623-6662. 34-1 BOWMANVILLE -modemn apartment. 4 ooms and bath, heated, Cable TV. parking dawntawn. Available now. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696- 3361. 129tft BrN [ ONE Shetland pony, and one chestnut gelding, gentle, 151/2 hands, eighit years oid. Phone 623-2294after 4. 34-2 BAGGED Shavings, single bag or fruckload. Phone 576-1749. 33-4 COLONIAL ST9ABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Lea rn ta Ride" Special1 Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "1Horsemanship" and "Shawmanship" Opportunity ta Compete in Shows. Hrses Supplied. SPEC IAL PROGRAM being affered this fali. 4 lessons per manth plus 8 haurs free ridinq time - $50.00.1 Tel: 623-4984 llith LUne, R. R. 3, Bowmanville 34-tf . ** o - OLD power awn mowers, al makes, alsa small motors. Phonie 623-5274. .34-1lx CASH for gold, silver, doi 'guns, cdocks, jewellery, d es, fur niture, cracks, pai ings, sealers, applianc Friendly Flea Market, 23 Ki West, 725-9783. USED Fui-niture and Api ances. Paddy's Mari, Hampton 263-2241. 31 mIs, lish- lont OLD cameras, equ p ment, etc., associated with thé developmnent of phoiography. Phone 623-4288 after 7 p.m., anytîme on weekends. 28-tf ces. SNOW tires, two G78-14; two (Ing J78-15. One 15" Buick wheel. 9-tf Phone 263-2668. 3- - ONE horse, mare, 12 ta 14 ipli- hands, quiet and easy ta :et, handle. Phone 987-4586. '3f 34-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wreckinig Purposes SMALL, SCRAP METALS IGHEST PRICE PAID ACKE'RMAN41,. AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence, 623-7112 45-tf BABY sifting. Christian home child came in Enniskillen aea. 5 days a week, hot meais. Starts September. Please cali affer 4 o'clock. 263-8037. Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149,Scugog St. Bowmanville 623-2756 13-tf Water Delivery For pools, wells, etc. Phone 623-2469 34-4 LINDSAY Christian School Bus driver seeking steady part time work while children are in schooi, hours fmom 9:30 to 3:00. Please phone Lindsay 705-324-7392 or Bowmanvile 623-3966. .1 34-4x DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf M. Brooks CARPE NTRY R EMOD ELLI NG CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-tf WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF AerialIs, Rotors & Repairs Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 - -'COURTICE Also INSU LATION Blown Cellulose Fibre FE E ST IMAT E S Steam Cleaning Specia lists WaIl-to-Wa Il Carpets and Loose Rugs WaII-ta-WalI Broadloam BOB'S CARPET CLEANING Personalized Service Ask for Bob 623-2383 evenings. 28-ff Don Brooks & Son General Contractor and Customn Buflder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, aitera- tions, rec raoms, garages, repairsof aIl types, etc. 25-f Yeomans &Sons Limited Plumbing and Heating A SERVICE-SHOP ON WI-EELS 24-Hour Service New Installations -Alterations- Repairs specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating R. R. 1 Orona, 983-5624 Zenith- 25-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2 ý151I WOMAN wiil babysif in hem own home Monday fa Friday. Martin Road area. Prefer preschoolers. 623-9590. 34-ix A. J. GROEN CONSTRUCTION Masonry Contractor for CHIMNEYS - BRICKS - BLOCKS - FIREPLACES and MINOR or MAJOR REPAIRS, CaIli 623-2970 34-tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS <Tune-ups- Bra kes- Etc.) Alil work done by Licensed Class,"A" Mechanic ) At home or place of business. Alil parts and labor guarianteed. Terms cash. P HON E 623-5045 BOWMANVILLE 52-tf -Bi I 's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvile Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Pattemned and Colared Glass and Glazing. 17 tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. 1Bowmanville Sid ing - Soff it Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf Anderson Insulation 579-2060 Blawn Cellulosefibre, City and country homes. 1-tf Vandergaast Roof ing Contra ctors RR. 6 Bowmanville OVE R 30 YEARS EX PERIEN CE. Ca1l1623-7400 or 623-7659. 25-10 ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shi ng les new or Reroof inJ. F lats hot or colId orocess. AIl roof and chimriey repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 14 tf Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wali washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf C &CÇJA NIî7TO R SERVýN!iC9-E Carpet 2- Upholstery Professiana lly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 P.OWMANVII I Lloyd Barnes Plumbing Carpentry, Renavating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf OXFORD Bricklayers and Stonemasons Ltd. COur fireplaces do flot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. ýPhone 623-5114 28-52x Durham Masonry Contractors Ltd. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 - 44-tf A' Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, August 26th at 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Brifai n or 7 miles west of Lindsa yon the Little-Britain Road. Fiat- back cupboard, cedar chests, drop leaf tables, secretariat, dlInîng room chairs, Morris chairs, cherry parlour table, glngerbread dlocks, mantel dlocks, ox yoke, quantity of china and glassware, quantity of tools, 1973 Mercury Marquis (certitied), 1969 Toyota (certi- fied), plus many more an- tiques, turniture and house- hold items. Tuesday, August 3Oth at 7p.m. McLaughlin cutter, 9 piece dining room suite, wicker chairs, quantîty of wooden chairs, chesterf ields, end tables, buckboard, swivel chair, chest of drawers, dressers, quantity of hand fools, quantity ot, china3 and qlassware, plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold items. Terms cash. Don Comneil, auctioneer, R. R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. 34-1 45-tf Saturday, August 27 ____________________at 12:3,0 p.m. DispersaI of household fur- Lawn and Garden niture, electrical appliances, Care t ools, etc. for Mrm. John Hart, Gras cttng~rot tihig ad ocated on Townline Rd., Gassn ti ro toiling tacaner Oshawa. (Adelaide St. East ta cal macine. dha own r-Tawnline, 1/4 mile no; or 11/2 cia mchie.Seeding ow miles south of Village of new lawns and ola, tree Taunton). Partial lisf: antique cutting, painting, and odd jobs Hoosier kitchen cupboard, cîeaning up. round fable with four leaves Robert Jones and six matching chairs, set of aid kitchen chairs, Sklar sofa 987-5222 with matching chair (like 987-4098 new), 5 pc., dinette set, rockers, variaus accasional 17-tf tables, selection of ugs and lamps, bed chesterfieid, quan- TYRON E, tty of glass and china, Frigida ire fridge (like new), Tig- We.Idng -M iGl son fidge, G.E. stove, Steei-CastîIron-Alumninum Viking sf ve, vacuum Smnall Engines Repaired cleaners, many small ap- &Tune-ups pliances, aid picture trames, Lathe Work copper boiler, aid saws, Ian- 263-8849tern, grain cradle, antique 263-8849cutter, aid 1 furmow plow, tools 29-tf and much much more. N.B. most everythîng is in excellent condition and well cared for. GORD SIMPSON Temms cash or good cheque. Phone 983-5808 No reserve. House sold. Kahn Oron, Ontario Auction Services. 985-8161. 3- Paîntinu Pa perhangîing Ca rpentry Remodeîing General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf WVATER Wells bored, 30" file. Wamd's Weil Borîng. Teje- phone, 342-2030. Represenfaf- five Harmy L. Wade. Tele- ahane 987-4531. 16-tf, Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domiestic Refrigeration - Miik Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days........... ... 623-5774 Nights............. 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf MINE R'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE, NEWCASTLE 987-4995 Na Sunday Calis 6t DE Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renavating Rec Rooms Repairs ofai ailtypes. P HON E 623-2263 Famm machinery, house- hold, feed Auction S aie fa be held for Jim Sawdon, Lot 4, Con. 8, Cavan. (2 miles S.E. Cavan) Farm Lease Expired. rlfems ta be auctioned include A.C. Dis Tractor, A.C.B. Tractor, MF 37 Side Rake. 3 Furrow Allis Chalmers Plow. Pull Cultivator, Loader for Tractar, Hay Elevator, Grain Auger, Hamrows, Seed Drill, 1975 Ford /2 ton Pick Up fTruck, '351 Ford Engine, Pantry Cupbaard, Buffet, Beach Wood Stove, Platform Rocker, 2 antique upholstemed chairs and other misc.,house- hoîd furniture. Pile of lumber 2 x 4's, 2500 bales of hay, 1000 bales of straw, 3 ileiters. b calves, 12 StoÉkers, etc. Satur- day. September 3,' 1:00 p.m. Termns cash. Steve Liptay, Auctioneer, 745-0260. 33-3 Auct ion sale, Saturday, Augusf 27, 1:15 i.m. at Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewdley con 'sisting of: maple round pedestal table; four pressback chairs; rocking chair; brass andirons and tender; 60 piano rai ls; AM- FM 8 track stemea; dishes; glass- wame; ail Iamps; 20" portable TV; Pepsi pop cooler; three elctric grinders; picfure trames; floor model radio; sing le and double box spring and mattress; small ap- l iances and other items stili eing consigned. Rager Ban- rilster, auctioneer. 34-i Auction sale, selling in Bowmanville on Monday, Sep- tember 5th, (Labour Day) at 1 pm.. turnifume, bicycle parts, service station articles and 5 pooai tables, thé p roperty of the late Mike Os borne on the corner of King and Scugog Sts. A list ot articles in next week's paper. Lawrenîce Harris, clerk and Clitf Pethick, auctio.neer. 34-i lilium i i lu mmm 101111 Saturday, August 27, 10 a.m. Estate Sale Auction Sale including Case S tractor, Case D tractor, Case cultivator on rubber, 2-3 f urrow drag piows, Oliver side rake, 46 baler, Case 7' mower, M-F flail chopper, rubber tired wagon and rack, antique democrat, threshing machine, binder roller, single plow, M-H seed drill, Gehi Hammermill, 2 augers, wheel-barrow, pile of scrap, number of milk cans, Delaval milking machine, 21 can bulk tank, corn planter, Pioneer chain saw, jackall, 1967 Pontiac car - as is, 1949 Int. -1/4 ton truck. The property of the estate of the late Dan Kerswill, 1 mile east of Gormley and 1/2 mile south on Con. 5 (1/2 mile south of Stouffville Gormley Rd.). Sale at 10 a.m. will conclude at noon hour. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auct ions Ltd., Uxbridge. 416-852-3524. 34-1 Thursday Evening, Sept. 1 5:30 p. m. Auction sale of turniture and antiques, tractor and impIe- ments and truck. The property of Mrs. Mildred Thompson, R. R. 4, Port Perry, on D urham Road 21, one mile west of Manchester or /2 mile easf of Utica. 1972 -Datsun pickup (low mileage, certified, with cap), Ford 8N tractor (good), 2 turrow plow, disc, cultivator, tools, flatback cupboard with glass doors, buffet, 6 dining room chairs, 2 antique kitchen cabinets, drop leaf table, gramaphone, lazy boy arm chair (like new), 2 Italian Provincial end table s, por- table radio and record player, Bulova radio, Hoover va- cuum, lamps, guitar with amplifier, antique mirror, metal sink unit, dishes. Li- moges piatter, Royal Doulton plate, upright freezer, butter print, piano stool, high chair, antique couch, studio couch, beam scales, rocking chair, skill saw, jig saw, elecfric broom, han d vacuum, electric heater, bed and dresser, plus many other articles. Lunch available at sale. Sale at 5:30 p.m. Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 34-2 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonvil le, Aug, 26th Friday, 7:00 Upright piano, old music file 1chest, old cupboard, ward- Srobe, crib, stroller, highchair, 118 library chairs, library -table, quantity of books', 7 pc. ichrome set, rangette, dressers, single beds, ward- 1robe, chests of drawers, double beds, carpets, set of 4 wood chairs, T.V., gunrack, table saw and motor, cement block machine, tools and hardware items, and numer- ous other articles and an- tiques. Terms cash. Auction- eers: Stapleton Bros. 786-2244. 34-1 .....A.DL.N. FOR CLASSIFIED .Tues.,2no Phone623-3303 Thursday Evening, August 25th 7:30 p.m. HOLSTEINS Monthly Malmont Consign- ment Sale at Malmont Sales Amena, Blackstock, Ontarlo. Neil Malcolm, proprietor. This month will1 teature a nice selection of Registered and Grade cows and heifers. Sevemal fresh cows, milking up to 80 lbs. Some nice Grade cows in this sale. Ail animais blood tested. Lunch available. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer. 33-2 Auction sale of fumnitume and things, implements, for Mm. A. L. Siveli, on Satumday, August 27 at 1 p.m., selling on 8th line Clarke Township, timst road norfh of Kirby, one mile east of 115 and 35. Some of sale items: farm equipment, 135 Massey diesel tractom new (400 hrs.), McKee 2 stage snow blower, massey cultiva- for, Massey disc 3 point hitch, spike toofh harrow, rotary mowem, field sprayer, 1 seeder fertilizer, plough, baled stmaw, small chain block and tackle, antique copper bed wamming pan, copper kettie, pan, double bolIer and hot water bottie, 3 trivets, several pairs and single brass candie sticks, fsome wifh levelers and candle raisers, 2 silver tea services, one antique with ivory knobs, pine blanket box, wood tea caddy, 2 oak desks, commode, walnut sideboard, oval dining table, tea wagon, wall hall rack wifh mirror, assomted chairs, wickem amm chair, mahogany console table, cut glass, including five decant- ers, one green Venetia'n glass, bowls, water botf le, two Wedgewood dinner sets (Queens-ware, Palm). 1 Spode (Buttercup) dinner set, 1 Johnsons English oak dinner set, one Bavamian tea set f(incomplete), antique por- table sewing machine, mo- demn kitchen equipment including 3 irons, 3 îroning boards, electric trying pans, electric mixers, toasters, Hoover clothes dryer, Hoover vacuum, Lewyf vacuum, piano, assorfed walnut chairs, press back chair, walnut arborite table, g mey amborite kitchen table an d chairs, large quantity of bedding,9 Coleman stove, lamp and coler, wash- stand, 2 chesterfields, nest of tables, apt. hi fi, coftee and end tables, leather topPed,_ single continent1al 'beds, chests, 4 stacking armr chairs, 20 ga. shotguns, pellet guns, etc. Once agaîn we have large quanfity of dishes and fumni- fume. No reserve. Temms cash or good cheque. L. Harris, clemk, Clitt Pefhick, auc- finni-pr ,A.1 Saturday, September 3rd at10 a.m. Auction sale of antiques, Collector's items, household turniture. The property of Richard Vank, at Popiderosa Pine, 1 mille north of Kinmount on Hwy. 121. Edison oak table Victrola and approximately 20 cylinders, antique record - early 1900's - King George in Buckingham Palace -, in rqlnt condition. Pair of mnatching Victoian lovesea+s, '2 wicker chairs, wicker rocker, 3 pine tables, basswood cupboard, mahogany Victrola, 2 parlour tables, oak sideboard, oak chairs, 2 pine bookshelves, pine dlock shelf, oil paintings, pictures and trames, beechnut ice box, pine doors and window trames, 1-3 piece and 1 - 4 Piece ironstone foll1et set, sad irons, jardinieré, old sealers, silver and ODrass oleces, French îvory collec- tion, ornate Bell pump organ, pair oak larnps, china, insulal- ors, copper bolier, iron ket- fIes, tools, 2 butter bowls, 1 print, doîl collection, 4 cook- stoves, 2 boxstoves, wood heater, stoker furnace, 2 oil stoves, kerosene lamps, bed and mattress, chest of drawers, Moffatt gas stove, whiffle trees, neck yokes, saws, gingerbread dlock trame, tobacco cutter, 2 brass floor lamps, many other items. Terms cash, no re- serve. Note sale time 10 a.m. sharp. Carl and Greg Hîckson, auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 34-3 Sat, Aug. 27, Auctiori Sale of livestock, 150 head Hereford Angus cattle property of Doug Veater, Lot 13, Con. 7, Hope Twp., 3/4 mile soufh of Garden Hill on County Rd. 10. Discon- tinuing cow caîf operation, 16 Hereford cows with Simmen- tai calves by sîde, 5 Charolais cows with Hereford cross calves by side, 29 Angus cows wifh Hereford cross calves by side, 1 Charolais cow 3/4 recorded with 7/8 Pol led Charo- lais full caîf by side, 4 Hereford Hostein cross cows wîth calves b yside, il Hereford Shor'thornl cross cows with Simmental calves by side, 2 Hereford Simmental cows recorded with Hereford, calves by side, Purebred Hereford, bull 3 yrs. with papers 34 Simmental bull 2 yrs., cow exposed to herd sires from July 7, 5000 bales hay, 500 bales straw. Sale 1 p.m. Arnot Wotten, auctioneer, R. R. 1 Hampton. 416-263-2583. 33-2 SMALL bungalow on large lot in town, 2 bedrooms, den, large garage. Save real estate fees. $39,900. Phone 623-2319. 34-1 HOUSE- for sale. Centrally located 2 sforey trame home. Less than 50 tt. frontage. Excellent basement for womk- shop with outside entrances and high ceiling. This home may be purchased with a low down payment with vendor holding the mortgage. No agents please. Write: Orono Weekly Times, P.O. Box 200, Orono, Ontario. 34-2f APPROVED Rice Lake Lots for sale, B.B. beach, 3 miles east of Bailieboro, ready f0 build or camp on. Twelve months seasonal recreation. Ideal for now and at retire- ment. Good roads, hydro, telephone. Write Box 572, Newcastle, Ontario. 31-4x No sale at Pethicks Auction Barn until September 17th. See other auction sale ads. Cliff Pethick Auctioneer. 33-3 Registered and recorded al breed beef sale, Thursday,, September 8, 7:30 p.m. at Liptay Livestock Auction Centre. An open consigniment sale of al1 breeds of beef cattie including Charolais, Hereford, Angus, Simmental, Limousin, Bl-onde Aquitaine, Maine Anjou, Shorthorn, etc. Pure- bred and percentage-bulîs, cows, open and bred Heifers. Entries accepted up until sale fi me. For more information contact Steve Liptay, Auc- tioneer 705-745-0260. 34-2 Saturday, August 27, 10 a.m. Gigantic auction of an- tiques, furniture, collecta bles, dishes, some antique, wash- stands, dressers, brass bed, dining room suite, rocking chairs, dining tables, press- back chairs, crocks, cream cans, cow bell,' picture trames, Bolens garden tiller, china cabinet etc. Contents of 2 century homes, don't miss this interesting sale. No re- serve, note time 10 a.m. at property of Bernice and John Hooey, Cameron, 11/2 miles north just off hi ghway 35, see sign. Orval McLean, auc- tioneer 324-2791 or 324-2783, Lindsay. 34-1 Saturday, September 3rd at 3:00 p.m. Auction sale of hay. Ap- proximately 10,000 bales of 1977 hay well saved - Altalfa, Brohme and Timothy. The property of Bill Reid, Lot 26 Con. 9, Whitby Twp. 18 miles south of Sunderland to Myrtle. 2 miles west to Ashburn. First farm east of Ashburn on South side. Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 3: 00 p.m. L.arl Hickson, auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959. 3- Ovestg a te With only two mare weeks of point accumulating races left for the '77 season at Westgate Sp"'edway in Peterborough .that competition is going ta k mighty stiff especially be- tween Ivan Green of Oshawa and Lee Terrion of Peterbor- ough as they are stili fighting it out for the number one' position in the Street Stock division. Terrion who was in. the lead by 10 points lost such; this week as Green now bas a - three -Point advantage after~ Saturday night's racing. Also in the same division Arnie~ Vowels of Peterborough and Mike Bricknell of Ajax have only a point difference for third spot. In the Late Models' the points are mîghty close for second point place between Ray Briekeil of Oshawa, Caryl Fuller of Oshawa and Roger Cochrane of Bowmanville. With the competition so tight it sure makes for good racing for the fans who are real stock car entbusiasts. In the first heat of the Street Stocks, Ivan Green finished first with Jim Hook of Peterborough second and Ab', Leach of Blackstock third. Hook won the second heat with rookie Gary Baker of Oshawa second and Gary Downer of Peterborough third. Feature winer was Mike Bricknell, Lee Terrion, second and Green third. The Stocker first heat and the Feature was won by Peter Van Eindhoven of Peterbor- ough. Placing second in the first heat was Alfie Marquarot of Toronto and third was Rod Sauder also of Toronto. Vera,. McGill of Newcastle took the- second heat with Van Eind- hoven second and Russ Baxter of Scarborough coming in- third. Placîng second in the Feature was McGill with' Baxter third. Dave Lynch of Norwood who< is really cleaning up iately in the Late Model division won both the first and third heat and was a way in the lead in the Feature until he was involved in an accident and bad ta go to the back of the pack in the'eigbteenth lap. Rick Harwood of Scarborougîh finîshed in second place in the, first heat wîth Jim Langie of- Toronto third. Ray Brickell of Oshawa who won both the second heat and the Feature is really a driver wbo is getting the most out of bis car and a driver who has corne a long way in experience la the three years of racing. Walter Hen- derson of Orono came îin second. in the second heat and Dave Hassel of Toronto third. Langie finished second in the third heat with Harwood thi rd. Fourtb heat winner was Bruce, Curtis of Scarborough with Brickncll second and Rager Cochrane of Bowmanville third. Second spot in thec Feature was taken by Har- wood with Langie third. The Largest ever Dem ol' tion Race was held this weeki with over 25 cars out in tht. competition and Murray. Daniels wlio drove cu; number seven was the victor Saturday, Augusf 27th Fammi Sold- Auction Sale of Live- stock, Implements, Some Furnitume. The property ç,f Orval Permitt, Lot 3, Con. F Dummer Twp. 17 miles east of-ý Peterborough on Hwy. 7 ta Golf Course Road and 21/2 miles north or 3 miles north- wesf of Norwood.; 175 head of Hereford and Hereford- Holstein cross caffle. 32 cows with 28 caives by side, 1 cow due time of sale. 4 heiters due Aug. and Sept. 62 Hereford steers and heifers 11/2 ym. aId, 48 Heretord.fat steers 900 to 1100 lbs. 1972 John Deere 4000 diesel tractor 95 h.p. 1600 hrs.. power steering - like new, John Deere 50 row cmop tractor, 1969 Chevrolet 1 ton truck, 12' steel piatfomm, 16" tires - 307 motor. 1974 New Holland 717 - 2 row foraqe harvester. New Holland 23 biower and 60' of pipes, 2 Grove self-unloading wagons. 1974 New Hol land 479 hay bine. , Alliedi 20' cultivator wîth 5'-'" hydrauiic wings and gauge whee. 1972 John Deere 4 row plateiess corn planter, John Deere No. 33 manume spread- er, New Hol land 68 baler, John Deere 640 side rake, John Deere 4-14s trip beam plough. New Holland 7' power mower like new. Allied 35' hay elevator with under carniage, Little Grant 30' hay and grain eleVator with under carria ge, Beatty double heated wafer ~ bowl, cedar posts, fulli une ofM modemn, well maintained- farm machinery well worth your attention. Approx. 800ù bales of hay.Dining room- table with 5 L aves, 6 chairs, chrome table and 4- chairs, cupboard. 3 dressers, bed, couch, Aiaddin lamp, sewing machine, Coleman oul bumner, television, other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Cari and Greg. Hickson, auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-99'59. 33-2 I * -g

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