Iowanvll, OtaroWednesday, August 24, 1977SETOT1 retFloats 'inMardi "' rde First place, Disneyland float entered by Lord- Elgin p[ayground. Lod in Playground not only produced'the float that- cagh te judges' eyes, they also came up with the Miss Mard Grs Qeenon Thursday evening. The parade had bee potpoedfrom .ÎiTuesday because of inclement weather. Takin i-g p art Lnthe Miss Mardi Gras competition were, front %ro, le ft to right, MsbosCntre, Julie Kuipers; Miss Hiampton, Leah Cook; M'iss Newcastle, Monique Sluymers;- MisSoper Creek, Micheille Denard; Miss Mardi Gras and Legion Pipe band led by Gary Cole provided Miss Lord Elgin, Tammy Falkenberg; Miss Waverley Park, Melanie Brooks; Miss East Beach, Bobbie-Jo Butters; Miss West- Beach, Teresa 'Ferguson; Miss Orono Park, Katie Gibson; back row, Miss: Tyrone, Shannon Cornish; Miss Enniskillen, Laura Suess; Miss Ontario St., Cindy MacDonald; Miss Martin's Rd., Gilliam Maxwell; Miss Ontario St., Jennifer Martin; Miss Memorial Park Nichole 'Deil. Grant for Are-vnaRepair Grants froin the provincijal gVrnf I bav labl thelp cover the expenses invoi)'ved1 in repairing tlhe Dýarligtn Sports Centre "Y ~ '~'<T he municipality's parks ad recreation director, Bud Fanning, told counicil last week that the total cost of rpairs and alteratîons at the cntre would be $28,810. This includes architectural f ees, he added. Repairs to the sports centre are needed because of a fire last winter that did over '~$10,000 damage to the roof of the building and the heating system. The construction would repair damages caused by the fire and also alter the bolding's heating system. Newcastle Mayor Gane Rckard informed council that a community centres grant could provide funds amount- ing to just over $7,000, leaving anout s21,00U to corne trom the town treasury. After talkîng to officials in charge of community centres '~grants, Mayor Riekard said "They assured me without equivocation that this quali- fied for a 25 per cent grant. ,~ ~. ~ Funds for 1977 and 1978 have already been committed, the mayor told council, but he added that the town wiil be î1sually Masked Parader placed on a waiting list. Un "Sooner or later, this money will corne in," Mayor Riekard, Council voted last Thursday night to authorize the town treasurer to apply for a grant on repairs to the sports centre. In addition, the low tender of Gerrits Construction Comi- pany Ltd. was approved by the council. The contractor estimates that it will take six weeks to compIete construction at the sports centre. The tender approved by council totalled K $27,110. N EWTON VILLE At least two other couples in this locality have celebrated anniversaries recently, namely Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimball-37 years, Mr, and Mrs. Trueman Henderson-29 years. Our congratulations to them also! K 'K"'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Yeo, and ""Scott of Orono were Sunday evening visitors wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen: Mrs. Lloyd St. John of, W hitby was a Sunday visitor here wt i her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson and in the afternoon she and her à mother drove in to Port Hope, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer as well as Mrs' Bll Henderson and son in Port Hope Hospital. Mrs. Bea Jones attenided a "Dessert Bridge" at the home of Mrs. Clarence Allin, Bow- manville on Monday after- marchirng music. noon. Martin's Road came second.wt this ïnteresting float. In third place was Star Trek float from Tyrone Park. Own a i The Bowmanville Swîm team participated in their third meetin twoweeks on Saturday, August l3th, when they travelled to a meet hosted by the Lindsay team. The local first-year team once again held their own against somne large, very, competitive teams. Our swimmers had difficulty adapting to the 30 mt. pool in Lindsay, being accus-, torned to the standard 25 m. distance, but the results show that the teani did well in spite of tbis. The teani finished the meet with 32 total points, based on 3 for first, 2 for 2nd and 1 for third. This total tieo themn with the team froni Cobourg for sth place. The team has grown to 19 members, an increase of 8 since the last meet. The local tearn was composed of Doug Dîinig, Barr.y Stevens, John Rouighley, Wilma VanGoor, Su,îen Eilheck, Carol Se]by, Janet VanGoor, Marianne Vaioor, Dan DeSousa, Kevin Anderson, Carn 'ie Gi, Susan Hou'sley, Diane MNoyen, Suzanne Stainton, Kiin De Sousa, Roy Brooks, Guyý Marjerrison, Michael Housley and Jamie Downing. The teamn was coached by Joan Santom- ero and Joanne Dilling. 1The following are the nesuits of the local tearn (Distances were generally 30 in. for under 12 age groups, 60 in,. for over 12.) This list covens only top- place finîshers, other resuîts were not available. Boys 7-8 reestyle, Jarnie Downing, 46.0 sec, 4th, Boys 15-over, Freestyle, John Iioughley, 42.2 sec., 2nd. Girls 11-12, Freestyle, Susan Hlouslev, 23.8 sec , 3rd. Girls 13-14, Freestle Carol Selby, 47.0 sec., 3rd. Girls 15 over, Frecstyke, Wilma X'anGoon. 49.0 sec., 3rd. Girls il-12, Breaststroke, Garnie Gili 35.1 sec. 6th. Girls 13-14, Breast- stroke, Janet VanGoor, 1:00.0, lst. Marianne VanGoor, 1:08.0 sec., 6th.-Boys 1.1-12, Breast- stroke. Roy Brooks, 29.8 sec., 2nd. Boys 13-14, Breaststroke, D ug Dilling, 1: 08.0, 4th. Girls 11-12, Backstroke, Susan I-ousley, 29.0, 4th, Diane Moyer, 31.0, 6th. Girls 13-14, Backstroke, Carol Selby, 56.0', 14t Boys 7-8, Backstroke, Jamie Downing, 46.5,' 2nd. Boys il-1.2, Butterfly, Roy Brooks, 33.5, 4th. Boys 15- over, Butterfly, John Rough- ley, 21,2,lst. Girls 11-12, Butterfly'ý, Carnie GilI, 33.5, Ca rol Sd b-,- 23.5, 2nd. Girls 15 oveî', Butterfly, Wilma VanGoor, 25.01 4th. Girls D5-over mnd. Medley Wilma; Van('oor 2:121.5, 3rd. Girls H-12, l"reestyle Relýay, (Susan flousley, Diane MoyIen, Kim DeSousa, Carine Gili) '1:53, 2nd. Girls IS-Over Freestyle Relay (Wilma VanCoor, Susan Eilbeck, Janet Vn Goor, Carol Selby) 1: 27.0, 2nid. Boys 13-14, Freestyle Relay (Doug Dilling, Barry Stevens, Dan DeSousa, Kevin Ander- son) 1.33.9, 3rd. The team participated in a meet at Cobourg on August 9th andi these resuits wiIl appear as soon as received from the organizers of that meet. ,Art hri tiïs Septemnber will be officiall]y procla'imed as Arthritis Month, the Town of Newcastle decided last weýek. As well as approvin-îg a proclamation for etebr the town approved te fying of the Arthritiq oieyflaýg during the m onth.W oe' - vt your help, this Septembher the most successful rhii Mont h ever, sa;id Caro Aitken, Sertr resurer of theBo anie Newcvastle Branch of the Canadian Arth- ritis Society.