8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 24, 1977 Section Two NEWTONVI LLE Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Jones and Mrs. Bea Jones were among the local people attending the Beef Barbecue in Orono, last Wed- nesday evening, proceeds 'oing toward the new Arena Fund.' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, on the birth of a son, David William in Port Hope and District Hospital, last Tuesday, a brother for'Shawna. Kim Gilmer and friend, Kathy Vierhout were among those attending the Toronto Exhibition on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat McDonald and Greg, of Janetville were recent visitors here wth Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie, and Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldread, Newcastle, spent several days ast week in the Moosonee District. Rev. Eugene and Mrs. Beech of Toronto were visitors with Mrs. Bea Jones un Wednesclav. Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Clysdah e were visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clysdale, last Wednesday at Omemee. Mrs. Florence O'Connell of Cobourg was a recent visitor here with her mother, Mrs. Gertie Rowe. Michael Tizzard returned home last week by Air Canada from a month's visit withi his sister and her family at Aider Flats, Aberta. H1e also enjoy- ed holidays with, them in Southern British Columbia and Aberta, visiting many interesting places, including Barkerville and Flintstone City. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace the Morris Funeral Chapel in Bowmanville, Friday evening, paying their respects to the late Mr. Alan Bazinet of Pontypool. Miss Carol Henderson and friend, Dayrl Haesler of Kingston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson and attend- ed the Toronto Exhibition, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown were visitors over the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wagg, at Mitchell. Mrs. Mary O'Neill of Port Hope, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill and with them attend- ed our Sunday morning church service. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Agnes Bprley were supper guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, oif Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burley and famnily cof En-iinimre. Mr. Jim AdWams spent the, wekn n Toronto, with hsis son Gerry and family. Inef-z and Wallace Boughien Were the greeters at our Church duor, Sunday morn- ing, and Rev. Tizzard's theme was "Seasoning", stressing the importance of the latter la SO many phases of our lives today. Again, we were glad to see former members of our congregation with us namely, 'Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis and Mr. n Mrs. Hugh Stapleton of Portý Hope as wel as other visitors. We were sorry to hear of the disastrous fire at Crooked Creek early Sunday morning which completely destroyed the Andrew's home, leaving the family clad only in' their nght lothes. Sunday supper guests with Mrs. Bea Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Marion Cybuhski and baby son of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glmer were' Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family at their Chemong cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Davis and Mr. Art Turner were also callers. Allen Haldnby of Newcastle. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. David Fletcher and family of Morris, Michigan arrived, and took their parents to the Kawartha Downs Club House, near Peterborough to dinner at reserved tables. Corsages were pinned on the happy couple who enjoyed a dehicious repast, as well as watching the races and seeing many old friends. Sunday, others arrived-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletc her, Bernadette and Kevin of Downsview, Kathy and friend, Mark, Howard and Barb and Stevie of Oshawa. Pictures, were taken of the bride and groom, the iovely cake and the fifteen or 50 guests. Many nice gifts and cards were received. Our congratu- lations! Vanilla, or Neopolitan, ONTENAC CREAM 2 ),LITRE SQUARE Limt 2perlfamiulyI Instant MAXWELL HOUSE Limit 2 per tam-Al- Assorted Flavours BRIGHMT'S MINI PUDDINGS 4 x 5 FL. OZ. TIN Canadian Oueen Cooked Canned Hm 1.112 IL.tin Pepsi Cola 26 f. oz. btl. plus 20c deposit Granny'sI Cèrnmeal Muffins,' pkg. of 6 available until August 27th only Chrstie's Date Loaf Fresh fromi the Trocs B A LB. Rich Tea, Fruit Creme Pm E EK ïFREAN COOKIES 7 OZ. PKG. Sliced Skinned and Deveined Beef Liver Steaks Top oua lily Maple Leaf Lunch Meats sliced 6 oz. pk. (chicken, dutch, piCile & pmento mac & cheese, luncheon, headcheese) à Top Ouality Mapfle Leafc Wje ners 1 lb. pkg. Sliceci Side Lazy Maple Bacon l IL pkg. avail,able until August 27th only Frozen TStore Packed)c BEEF PATTI ES-8 QUARTER POUNOJ SIZE Bone-In VEALCULETS Frozen Young Eviscerated Grade A Turkeys 6-14 IL.size Leg of Pork Roast shank or butt portiOn Fresh Ontario Pork Deliciously Seasoned Hot BBQ'd Chickens ea. ~~Frzen Eviscercated UtlityGrd LB. Can,,ada Grade A ee asted 14L.S7E M PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE TORONTO AREA UNTIL AUGUST 30, 1977, EXCEPT WHERE INDICATED OTHERWISE - WE RESERVETHE RIGH-T TO LMIT QUANTITIES. IDM.e W FreshIpre Po c ý FRESH RIB AND LOIN END COMBINATiiION L B.î Lay's or Ruffles 250 gBAG Fresh Shoulder or Blade