2 BACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLEMENT The Canadian Statesman, August 24,197 Celebrate the End of Sumnmer with A Fali Fiesta 'Round the Barbecue STrUDENýTSE Summenr's end shouidn't signal the end of the barbecue season. Why flot welcomne in the new season with a robust backyard barbecue done the Oktober- fest way! Hearty foods sizzling over a charcoal fire match peaked appetites that grow in the fresh outdoors. While the fire builds to the perfect temiperature, friends can, join in a rousing rounid of touchball. A sizzling Sausage Cassoulet can be easiiy prepared on the gril. Hearty fare - all spicy and bubbling - it's sure to warmn a chiliy feilow! The sausages get grilled close to the coals while the beans cook 'in a hieavy pot. Choose a selection of Italian, Poi;sh and Germian sausages for variety. When they're crispy and brown, add the sausage to the bean pot. The flavor of the charcoal will permeate into the sausage to give a reai old-fashioned smoky flavor to the beans. Sauerkraut - a classic food on barbecue menus - provide a tangy flavor contrast to the cassoulet in Pimento-Pepper Kraut Slaw. The piquant flavors of pimiento, green pepper mix with the kraut and are blended beautifuily by the seasoned rmayonnaise dressing. For the'best flavor harmony, chili1 the slaw thoroughiy before serving. Chillier days caîl for a good hot fire. Alw,ays stack tlhe briquets tii a pyramnid becfore you ligh-t. This Wi11 give pient"y of Ventilation to feed a hungry fire, For starters, use a charcoal lighýter. Theyv corne in several formis, these dayvs. The ren comimon, liquid and wax, work weil for lighting - eseiiyif you let the fluid soaký into the briquets for a minute before str-iking the match. Newer solid fuel packs can be placed directly into the coals pnd it just the way they are. The coffee can is one of the most basic of al lighters and works equally as weil. Remove the top and bottom lids from the can. Then pile the briquets into the can and spread the starter in with the briquets. When coals are grey, lift the can and let coals fall into grill. Once the fire is going, allow 20-40 minutes before cooking begins. This will let the coals reach their hottest, peak. temperature. Ani accurate test is to use your eye - look for a grey-ash color by day and glowing red by night. On colder, autumn days, allow a few more briquets for cooking. Weaitr conditions and ~wind chilIs cani vary the temperature of briquets. In general, briquets should extend an inch beyond the edge of food for maximum flavor. Prepared grillers know that having the right utensils on hand cari make a novice look like a pro. Long handled tongs and forks are a must for turning foods on the grill. Another tip - line the grill with heavy-duty alumninumn foi] for easier dlean-up. A foul drip pan under the sausage wili also help avoid flare-ups. Windy days cali for a grill with a hood around the back. Not oniy can the top be uised as a sheilf, but the shield will keep the wind offthe fire. Mixed sargsage Cassoulet 1 package (1 pounid) Great Northern beans 4 suices bacon 1 large onion, chopped (i cup) iclove garlic, minced V2z teaspoon dried thymre leaves 1bay leaf V?, teaspoon ground cloves 1 can (28' ounces) whole tomnatoes '1/ cup drY red vwine 2 teaspoon-s sait i pounid setitalian sausage 1links 1 lb. pork sausage rope 1 pounid kielbasa or Polish sausage ring Pick over beans and rinise. Cover with 6 cups water in large kettie. Bring to boil. Cover. Simmier 2 minutes. Remove fromn heat. Let stand 1 hour. Returni to boil;5 cook beans on low heat umtil just tender, stirring occasionally, about 1 hour. Drain. (Beans cani be cooked ahead.) Set cast-iron pot on grill rack 6 inches above bot coals; add bacon; fry until crisp. Remove to piece of foi!, Add onion and gariic to' bacon drippings in pot. Cook until tender, stirring often. Add beans, thymne, bay leaf, cloves, tomatoes, wiîne and sait. Cover. Simmer 1 hour over low coals, stirring often. Meanxýhil, set large skiliet on grill rack with %/-inch water; add Italian and pork sauisages and heat to houl. Cover and cook 5 minutes to remnove excess fat. Pierce sausages with fork. Drain., Place sausages and kieibasa directly on grill rack. Grill until well done, turning frequently. Slice and 2add to beans. Continue to cook beans 15 minutes more until weil flavored by sausages. Crumble reserved bacon and add to cassoulet. Taste and add more sait, if needed. Makes 12 servings. Pimnento-Pe pper Kï,aut SIaw (Makecs 12 servings) 4 cups drained sauerkraut, choppe-d (about 32 oun'ces) 1 cup chop'ped green peppier 2 canrs or jars (2 ounces each) pimentos, drained and cut in strips Icup mayonniaise 2 tablespoonis prepared horseradîsh 2 teaspoon-s 1/ teaspoon pepper combine ailnrdins moix well. Ch311. Serve wt Mixed Sausage Ca-sso-uiet.t We avea greot selection of: School Rings - Watches und Jewellery CJo0op c 1'g eweQQî 29 King St. E., ifid. 623-5747 Bowmanville - www e Il How to Make Preschooles' Time at Homne More Fun:- Comnpanionship is very important to preschoolers, especially -when older sisters and brothers go off to school. One way to help cHdren feel iess lonely is by giving them some very spnecial toys of theirow toys that can serve niot only, asý friends but cani aiso give them hours of constructive pay A good example is the new Treelots Lighthouse, fr-om a fine of toys made especially for the preschooier by Kenner Products. Shaped iîke a whimisicai lighthouse, this play environment has a crow's nest and furniture to mrrake a cozy home. It aiso f'eatures a mechanical 1searc;hIight, Moving flag, ~ eaiStIC foghorn soujnd Made by Simple hand bellows, andtwfodon docks for the littie sailboat that comnes withi the. set. With its tiny characters - Chîp, Honey and Cap'n Cork - a child can fantasize ail sorts of interesting situations - and the ittie doils can represent the .missinIli'cornpanions. Or, the 'Treelots' Sky- coaster, which cornes with Woodrow, Fern, Campy, and -a charmîng kitten, Pussywillow, can -provide hours of intriguing play with its revolving restaurant and fascinating midget racers which can be cranked up a spiral roadway and reieased to speed down the windîng track to the finish fine. This sort of toy also helps develop physical skilis and cani be operated with the TreeTots Amusement Park set. AnIother gý7ood com--pamonGI is a niew doli called Baby Heartbeat. To hear the thump-thumip of her heart, the child places the battery- operated "steth osc ope" over the doll's heart. The doli's temperature can also be taken wîth a safe "working" thermometer. Chiidren have always been fascinated by playing nurse , . . and this reaiistic doîl will give themn hours of diversion. Baby Won't Let Go is another friend with littie hands that squeeze tight. When the child raises the doll's arms, its hands curi up to hold onto the chiid's fingers, or squeeze ber very own squeaky toy. The child can also help her "walk." Give your children littie friends to play with while their older friends are away. It'll heip make their time at home much happier, and yours, tool4 Ear Piercin Now OnIy $8,00 includles gold surgical steel studs Offergood until Smo., sept. 10 NOAPPOINIMENT NICESSARY ~OOkCk 9 29 King St. E. ý;;td. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5747 -I w 4 4 4
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