Good Study Physically, millions of children will return to school this faîl, but mrentally their minds will still be enjoying the pleasures of summer. One of the most import- ant jobs for parents and teachers is to perFsuade youngsters that book learni- ing cani be as much fun and as rewarding as exploring swimming holes, basebal and just plain playing. Bringing a child's mmnd back'to his studies is not easy, but the task is made simpler for the parents who remember a few key points: First. a certain timre each day should be set aside for homework. Even though children disagree, television and studies don't mix. The best place for a youngster to study is a quiet room where his already restless mnd won't be so distracted. Suggest a varied study pattern. Many youngsters simply can not do aIl their homework in one stretch. Let themn take a break between subjects or if the assignment runs more than an hour or so, serve thexu dinner or let them have a 15- minute rest period to do something else. If at al possible, it's more pro- ductive if at least one of the Habits Open parents - or a responsible relative or older brother or sister - can be around while the homnework assîgnrnent is being tackled.-.Just in case the youngster has somne questions or is puzzled by something. Also, the physic- ai presence of a parent, in itself, is a deterrent to the distractions most childrffi fali prey to. Learning requires good reference materials. Most importantly, they should be close at hand when the child is workin g. A short, strol from the bedroom to the living room to "look it up" in a 25-volume encyclopedia can easily include a detour to the TV set or a nosh from the kitchen, with the resuit that precious time is lost before you can settle the child down again. A good dictionary is a must. One of the best and one that is small enough for a child to handie and lift easily - a not unimportant consideration if a youngster is to use one by himself frequently - is the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Des/c Dictionary. It contains over 100,000 entries and has been fully revised to include hundreds of new definitions from Afro to Zero hour. Prese'ntini! an un-to-date New AIVistas survey of the English language, it includes a large number of usage notes which give hielpful informa- tion on a variety of tradi- tionally trouablesomne words, such as can and may, lay and lie and infer and imply. A comrprehensive gazetteer includes places in the U.S. and Canada, as well as the countries of the world and ,major foreign cities. Sepa- rate sections on abbrevîa- tions, biographies and on grammar and usage are useful references for anyone who is somnetimes puzzled by the complexities of English grammar and usage. Knowledge is where you find it and you can find the F & W Standard Des/c Di c- tîonary in most super- markets at back-to-school time. The start of the school year is a good time to start your youngsters on the road to better learning habits. Furthermore, the cost will amaze you - just $3.79 for this giant, hardback desk dictionary - certainly one of the best buys in any supermarket. LOOKING T UP in a Funk & Wagnalis Standard Desk Victionary .opéfl5up new learning vistas for this brother and sister. Wise parents know that havinj reference books close at hand is one way they can encou rage youngsters to develop proper study habits.f More casual, bib overalîs are always fun, especially when styled with an apron just like Mommy's. Pockets are eye-catching and every- where - on jeans, shirt sîceves and vests, cither ribbon trimmred ýor patterned Educatiofl 1 caîl therefore a complete with tiny flo, No man ever reached to: and generous education that decorative toucý Besides a sohool bag and excellence in any one art or. which fits a man to performn pencils to start the school profession without having justly, skilfully and mag- Know then t year, let your children "look passed through the slow and nanimously ail the offices sumne fot God ie it Up" inl a dictionary that is painful process of study and bothprivate and public of The proper si their very own at a price yo preparation. peace and war. kn smn ran afford.t - Horace- John Milton- Ale~ 6rals for a ihyself, pre- ýo scan, ;fdy of man- ander Pope