12 BACK-TO-COOL SUPPLEMENT' The Canadian Statesman, August 24, 1977 Observe the road signs - prepare yoursetf! --And read this message- please---- ___ it COULD CHANGE YOUR ENTIRE FUTURE! If you drop out of school .arly, you'iI b. closing the. door on many op- portunities whlch meon bigger paycb.cks, groater job satisfactlion end more securlty In the. future. WITHOUT A GOOD EDUCATION YOU CAN EASILY REACH A- Non. of the. professîons wîlIIb. open to you because these d.mandu m training beyond high school and of course such higher eclucation mustMML Ib. preceded by a completion of high school. I ~~- DETOUR AEOR- NO MATTER HOW SHORT -CAN SE [ D: E:YOUR OPPORTUNITIES- BACK BY YEARS! YOUR FUTURE COULD WELL DEPEND ON YOUR SEEING THIS SIGN EVERY DAY On,»he-job training for skilled and even sermi-skilled work has been sharply reduced in recent years because there are now sa many people who have aireacly been trained. R.merber, the paychecks you reSve'during the years you should b. in schWo wiIi no'v- or make up for the, money you con eurn i atbr if you stay in school. rPREPARE YOURSELF FOR THAT EXCJTING WORLD TO COME... A WORLD YOU SHOULD BE HELPING TO SUILDI School Days are Happy Days! Don't be one of those Who, in lofer yeors laments, -"Why didn't 1 finish school?"--- i 39 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. 623-2514 Manager - Johin Pogue 21c King St. W., Boiwmanvitle, Ont. 623-4471 M Yanager - Ross Duncan 2 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ont. 623-4411 Manager - Dick Bedard Canaian mpeialmankof Cmec IKing St. W. 623-3375 Mgr. - R. C. Zinn Bowmanville Malil 623-6272 Mgr-S. J.Murdoch 4 I