The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 24, 2977 3 Suzanne Marie Mackie: be- camie the bride of Ronald Gary Simýpson, on June 25tLh, 1977 at 4 in Ebenezer iJted Church. The offiiatng ministr mas Reverend David Burns, the organist Mrs. Erie Courice and the soloýist Mr. Tom Darcy. Their paý'rnts are Mrs. Herbhert Mackie, R&R 2, Bowmanvile and the late Mer. Mackie and Mr. and Mrs. wilfed Simpson,92 Duke StreetBowmanvile. The bride given in mnarriage by ber brother Alex Mdackie, of Fort St. Jame,(-s, B.C, wore a orasleeveless hi'gh neced gown! of white chiffon over taffeta which was trim- med at, th-e neckline and boiewith lace. It was enacdby atotie-red cffncape attached at front back. A whît lppybimd at a s iglihtd)y a f inger tip, three terdVeil with -îguipere: lace attached, an-d secarried a cascade of witedaisie,%die carna- tions and whie ross Miss Nancy Knox was the maid of honor and the bridesmaids Mrs. Rick Mor- rison and Miss Pat James. Wearing identical formai gowns ofpowder blue polyes- ter jersey wîtb printed blue chiffon capes, they wore white, floppy brimmed bats, trimmed to match their gowns, and carried nosegays of white daisies and blue status. Mr. Dave Povinsky was best man and the usbers Messrs. Terry Ostie and Ken Mc Wil- liamns. Receiving the guests at the reception and dance beld at the Oshawa Curling Club, the bride's, mother received the guests in a formai gown of printed chiffon in shades of tan, coral and blue, over coral talffeta wýith a gardenia c-or- sage. The groms other wore a formai gown and cape of printed mauve taffeta, white accessories and a corsage of pink roses and white carna- tions. Leaving for a honeymoon at Myrtie Beach, South Carolina, the bride wore a two piece dress and jacket of Ipeach linen, off white accessories and a gardenia corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are now residing in London, On- tario at 86 Gardenwood Drive. SEntertaining prior to the wedding were Miss Nancy Knox with a miscellaneous shower; Mrs. Ed Titanich and Mrs, Stan Coverly, a presenta- tion, Ms. Kathy Hart, Ms. Marg Mcbaren co-hosted a shower for the bride, co-work- ers Mrs. Lloyd Down and Mrs. Harry Worden, co-hosted the Ebenezer community shower, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Simpson co-hosted a Jack and Jil shower and Mrs. Rick Mor- rison hosted a wine and cheese party. A mîscellaneous shower was held in Yelverton Church basement in honour of bride- eiect Miss Elaine Semczysyzn who is scheduled to, be married in Yelverton United Church on Saturday next. Elaine received a number of useful gif ts on the occasion for which she expressed her gratitude- Sympathiy, is extended to wife, family and relatives of Mrs. Allan Bazînet of Ponty- pooî on bis untimely deatb. Allan was well liked by those who knew him and will be sadly missed. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Pfob bave returned home after a three week vacation out west wbere they visited Ralph's family at Salmon Arms, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- colm visited Mrs. Hazel Whit-' taker in Frankfort where she is recuperating from a heart attack. Yelverton girls stili suffer- ing from tournament fever, participated in the Cameron tourney this weekend losing their fîrst two games. The Yelverton Men bested N estie- ton in extra innings on Sunday. Janetville Men beat Oshawa Towers in both games in a double header on Sunday. COME AND BROWSE UN OUR. b 6&me/tK~q~ d<9jfe4cewe¶2 TRY LITHOPS Easy Care, Water Only Once in Three Weeks THEY DO BLOOM! ON LY Lithops are small succulents originating in South Africa. They grow in dry desert country, sometimes entirely below the surface of the sand where they are protected from the sunlight. Careful cultivation is not neces- sary with this, plant, if grows vigorously in a sunny position in a room EAST: WEST 'NORTH4: Garden Centre - Flower, GadenCenre Flowe Sho Shop Shop 1124 Simcoe St. N., Hi1ghway No. 2 292 Kin st. W., Ohw Between Oshawa showa 785 Blowmanville 5911 623-4441 The marriage of Peter Mark, son of Mrs. Joyce and the late Mr. Peter Dibyk, of Osbawa and Rosemary Van)- don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kennedy of Bowmau- ville took place July 9th in St. Lukes Presbyterian Churcb, Oshawa, and was officiated by the Rev. James McKay. The -mad of honour was Sandüra knightof Bowman- ville and the best man was Robert Bi-,>yson, also of Bow- manville. The bridesmaids were Sharon Kennedy, sistw oftbe bride, and, Christi-iYënd Jane Dubyk, sisters of the groom. Tammy Dubyk was the fiow er girl. Ughers were Bill, David and Mark Dubyk, brothers of the graoom. The reception wias held at Tyrone Comm3-,unity Centre, with over 100 guýests in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Dubyk wîll be residing in Hamilto(n, where they are both attending McMaster University. ~L9~4t~<e~ Reverend Basil -E . Long solemnized the marriage of Tracic Elizabeth Stutt to Barry Edward H-azelden, on Saturday, July l6th, 1977 at 4:00 p.m. in Orono United Churcb, Orono, Ontario. Mr. Douglas Dewell presided at the organ. The bîd&sparetire Mr.ý and MNrs. Jaýmes 1H. SutP. Boxý 89,Ooo nai n he grooms parents are Mrs. Laura Hazelden, 586 Veterans Avenue. Oshawa, Ontario, and Mr. Robert Hazelden, Main Street, Orono, Ontario. The bride given in marriage by her parents, wore a formai gown of wh,1-ite polyester, delustered satin. The gown was styled ini prîncess line, sleeveless, and trimmed with Swiss lace. A headpiece held a shouflder length veil and she carri e:d a nosegay of white and piniksiUk rosebuds, with a few Mis IrneVoglswas thé mdof onrand Mse D)awn ith-rspoon and Linda Broýwnj were the bridesmaîds. 13est man was Mr. Raye West, and the usbers Messrs. Donny Martin and Ralph MacMullen. presets Kr byFuthDodie ARIES [Mar21 - Apr.201 You may find some difficuity in finishing a project you have started. You must persist - you will be glad you did, Rewards will corne. TAURUS [Apri-21-May21 Plans that you have been working on could suddenly bear fruit. Unexpected'changes ýcan occur now Be prepared for anything. GEMINI [May 21 - June 211 Don't get too involved witb the problems of someonecls to you. This can only cause you unnecessary emotional strain. You desire to do something you bave neyer done before. CANCER [June 22-July 22] Personal feelings should not be included in any letters. Someone in need will require your advice. Independence-7js desired but may not come as soon as anticipated. Money must be spent with care now. LEO liuIy 23 - Aug.231 Memories are strong and youwill spend timie going through old photos. Don't get too bung up on the past. Future plans must he made. VIRGO [Aug.24-Sept.221 An unreasonable attitude on your part could resuit in scandai. Vour personal feelings are unrealistic. Think before you do anyttnng.tise an open- minded approach to ahl ideas. LIBRA [Sept.23.Oct.231 A few minor problems cause some tense moments. However, talking over the situation belps bring a solution to the surface. Ail ends weIl.' SCORPRO [Oct. 24-Nov.221 Your strong sense of sympathy is earnestly shown in your af- fections. Happy moments fuil your days and a, pleasant at- mosphere prevails. SAGIITARIUS [Nov.23 Dec.21] This period is- routine and without incident. Plans run smoothly. AIl projects are compieted as expected. Home life is peaceful and happ.. CAPRICORN [Dec22- jan.20] Controversial situations mnust be avoided. A helping'hand is extended to someone in need. Investments in art objects are possible. Actvities of an ad- venturous nature are enjoyed. Experiences gained now can be invaluable. AQUARIUS [ian,21 Feb. 191 Constructive ideas are used wisely ini your pursuit of a, hobby or new avocation. Don't over-do it, however, plenty of rest i, necessary., PISCES [Feb.20-Mar.201 Ail decisions you make now cannot be questioned. You stick to your ideas in an effort to achieve material gains. Vengeance is your game if double-crossed. S E P TEM B E R 1ARHTISMNT 6DRY 55 At the reception wbhicb wa.s beld at tbe New Dutch Oven, 115 hwy., Orono, the mother of the bride received the guests in a frencb blue polyester chiffon gown, and carried a lavender and blue ostricb boa. For a boneymoon in the Pocono Mountains, Penosyl- vania, the bride chose asbe going aa uft eg witb small pink aniue flowers, sumnmer wrap around. Mr. and Mrs. Hazelden wili be residing in Toronto. Photo by Astor Studio Town commîttees will be dealiiing with corncernis raised by citizens last week over gravel trucks and commercial developnt îýin Orono. Petitions ai l letters object- ing te land in the Orono Estates subdivision being used forcomecalppoe to consul;t' egalavce Elaine Flintoff's request" tbat the town do somrethîng to control gravel truck traffie on the Leskard Rd. bas also been referred to town committees. Mrs. Flintoff told couneil last week that the gravel trucks aret noisy and that some residents living close to Les- kard Rd. are aradthat the vehicl es are a danger to their children. Our-n FoV.u and WinterV, TSi0 are varriigdiy We have a w o nderfutu selection to choas f rom! s p f ~pec4l Women" 44 Bon tee etPhne5Ü 75 PADDY'SMARKET Trade-I1ns Acce pied on Appia nces -- Easy Credfit Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 Hampn 3K1GST. WESTMISGZELR ')ONE 623-4477 DSESN PIIN JUST ARRIVED! A large shipment of Famous Name gt t on sa le for Sizes 8to 20 (1 - Pece and 2- Plece) tefflý e"kyý