Shopa, DELICATESSEN, FOOD MARKET The' Different Food Store FRICO BRAND HOLLAND CHEESE PROMOTION, TRY A SAMPLE 0F GOUDA CHEESE PROMOTION SPECIAL FRICO BRAND $o79 EDAM LOAF I LB. JF-YOU BUY A WHOLE ONE FRESH STORE SLICED BREJAKFAST BACON ALWAYS AT A GOOD PRICI [STORE SLICED COOKED HAM BERL INER LIVER SAUSAGE lBY SIMON deGROOT a-69, $1LB. THIS WEEK E.lLB. ,9LB. AGAIN THIS WEEK MORE THESE ARE TREE RIPENED FREESTONE PEACHES [DEAL FOR EATING, CANNING OR FREEZING DOLE BANANAS i1LB. IN OU R BAKE GOODS SECTION YOU WILL FIND RUDOLPHS BUTTERCREAM AND WHIPPED CREAM CAKES, DUTCH STYLE CAKES AND PASTRIES FROM THE COUNTRY BAKERY AND A LARGE VARIETY 0F RYE BREAD AND CRUSTY WHITE ITALIAN BREADS. FREE PARKING OFFF QUEEN STREET BEHIND OUR STORE Dykstra' s 73-77 King St. West Delicatessen Food Market Bowmanville 1O-nYear-*OId Boy, Accident Victim, Died on Saturday A 10-year old Bowmanville area boy dîed on, Saturday followiag an accident which- occurred last week on regionai road 20, west of Mosport. Dead is Clinton Brohm of R.R. 1 Bowmanville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brohm. The youth was rushed to Toronto's Sick Children's Hospital after lie was struck by a car on Regional Road 20 last Thursday. Police said the vehicle failed to remaîn at the scene of the accident. Newcastle OPP reported 110 King St. W., Ohw 728-0292 S60 Water St. Queen of Country Singer, Entertaining at Orono Fair that he was near the shoulder of the road with a friend when a westbound car struck him. A car was stopped by police on Regional Road 57 about 20 minutes after -the accident. The driver, William J. Fountaine, 40, of 164 Coîborne St., Oshawa, has been charged with impaired driving, failing to remain and criminal negli- gence causing death. The body was taken to Coboconk on Monday for burial after resting at Morris Funeral Chapel until Sunday PROVINCIAL. COURT August 30, 1977 Judge R.B. Baxter presided with Assistant Crown At- torney N. McCrank and duty counsel MB. Kelly. Wm. Jos. Fontaine, 40, 164 Coiborne St. Oshawa, was remanded in custody one week for psychiatric assessment as he seemed to have an emo- tionai problem. He had been charged with criminal negli- gence causing death. 11e is also charged with leaving the scene of an accident and impaired driving. A bail hearing may be made tomor- row morning. Dean J. Gallant, Oshawa, Mark Clark, Blackstock, Daniel W. Felsted, Biack- stock, Roy C. Kemp, R.R. 1 Blackstock, alI age 16 were charged July 13t 'did commit mischief at Cartwright Public Sehoo l.'Al pleaded 'guilty.' They got into the school by an unlocked window. A fire extinguisher was sprayed on floors and desks la one room. Total damage $60. The crown said 'there was nothing more disgusting than vandalism.' The judge said when people act the same as animais, it is not smart. You were annoying people who were trying to sleep. If you want to be noticed running around making a noise, you will only receive the disgust of the community. Let this be a lesson and if any more vandalism, you wili be a suspect and just blame your- selves.' They were each put on probation for Qne year. You are to make restitution to the Board of Education within 30 days. Any violation whiie on probation you will be brought back and sentenced on this charge. SWayne Trinibie, -1 4Tiree- wood Ave., Scarborougli, was charged May 21, with having care and control after con- suming over .08. H1e pleaded 1'guilty'. His car was in the south ditch on 401 near highway 35 interchange. Tests were .22 and .21. The fine was $100 and costs, in default 5 days 'with three months license suspension. John Wisniewski, Waverley Road, Bowmanville, pieaded 'guilty' to driving while dis- qualified Mardi 10. H1e was I MONUMENTSAN I 1 MARK ERS observed by Const. Stratton on highway 2. The fine was $100 and costs in default Ii days. Robert Brougli was charged July 10 on King St. W. 'did commit the offense of speed- ing 65 miles in a 30 mile ±one.' He pleaded 'guilty'. The fine was $105 and costs in default 5 days. H1e was given 2 weeks to pay. P.H. Boots, 17, Orono, pleaded 'guiity' to speeding 64 miles in a 30 zone. The fine was $102 and costs in default 5 days. Given 2 months to pay. Beach warrant was issued for Bruce Jenkins. Beach warrant in discretion for one week for Harvey C. Sutton and Wm. Mason. Gerald Cormier, 23, Toron- to, was charged July 23, 'did drive after coasuming over .08. He pleaded 'guilty.' The police were despatched to a motor vehicle accident and the driver showed symptoms of impairmeat. Tests were .18 and .17. Damage tohis car was $2,000. The fine was $100 and costs, indefault 5 days. License suspension 3 moths. .Brian Martyn, R.R. 4 Bow- Spectators at Orono Fair on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 1Oth will have an excellent opportunity to see and hear attractive Diane Leigh, Canada's top female country singer. She will be singing during the afternoon and.again at 'the dance Saturday evening in Newcastle Cornmunity Hall. A native of Toronto, Diane Leigh had five Gold Leaf recording awards to ber credit. Quite an accomplishrnent in a highly competitive industry. manville, pleaded 1guilty' to six charges of giving false statemeats to the unemploy- ment commission between January 25, 1975 and Novem- ber 1975. The amount involved was $648. The fine -on the first four couats was $400 and costs WE'RE BUSY BAKIN'G THE BEST PIZZA'S IN TOWN Noon 'tii Midnight (weekdays) Noon 'fil 2 a.m. (Fri. and Saf.) 242 King St. East 623-6434 Serving our Favourite Subs everyday fromn Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials -'Markers Ail Design and Lettering Done by Us on Premises -NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Tele phone 728-3111 L for Full Details Thousonds of yards of short rails. Clearouts and Discontinued Lines of .Name Brands such as CORONET - PEERLESS - ARMSTRONG at Savings Up to the Iast two counts was $200 and costs in default 10 days additional. Given 2 months to pay. Larry O. Shaw, 30, 630 Scugog St. Port Perry, was charged July 27 on Base Line Rd. speeding 60 miles in a 30 zone. He' was, stopped on radar. The fine was $90 and costs in default 4 days. David S. McCluskey, West Hill, pleaded 'not guilty' to fishing in a closed area April 10. Const. F. Wilson saw him sittiag on a log with a- fishing line in the water and a lure on the end of it. McCluskey stated he did not see any signs prohibiting fishing at that time. The judge told hlm the onus was on him to find out if fishing was legal. H1e was, found 'guilty' as charged. The fine was $50. and costs in default 5 days. Staily Derri±&,. 16, R Bowmanville, whohfad been in custody one week to think over his problem at home was today put on probation for 2 years, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour and to report to officer once a month. 11e will reside at a hostel in Oshawa for the next two weeks and attempt to get a job. Robert V. Umphrey, 20, 120 Nonquon, Oshawa, was charged November 19, 1976 'did commit trespass.' H1e was also charged with failing to Port Perry Telphne621.3541 9 igS.Ws 985-3773 623-2542 Bowmanville ATTENTION I IF YOUR CAR, ISN'T WEARING THIS EMBLEM YOU PROBABLY PAID TOO MUCH FOR IT. Let us prove to you that we're "A Gyood Deal Better" .'uioI gUVW os m uiceiD oeTO Self -Storing insulate your home! Auiu or ZonoiteNatural, Aluminum or ANY STANDARD SIZE puI-o-Paik ONLY 7 3 Cubic Feet Complete with hardware ONLY *79S~ BAKED Cash and Carry White Enamel ZONOLITE COVERAGE 6 4" Thick ................. 10 sq. ft. 6" Thick .............. .61/2 sq. ft. Complete with hardware PAL-O-PAK COVERAGE PROFESS10NAL INSTALLATION 4','Thick ............ ... 20sq. ft. IS AVAILABLE UPON 3'"Thick ................ 27 sq. ft. REQUEST. McGre or [ikHardwaire] o er rw r appear in court January 4, 1977 after being charged with the above offense. He pleaded 'flot guilty' to both charges. Const. D. Smith testified accused had been at 16 Division Headquarters and wanted to see his brother who was in a celi. As soon as he was in, celi area lie became abusive and belligerent and he was asked, to leave and he refused to go. He was man- nerly until he entered the cel area. Const. Logan corrobor- ated the above evidence. The Crown said he acted in an abusive manner. The judge told Umphrey "the courts are fed up 'with officers being abused.' He was found 'guilty' as charged. The Crown asked for the maximum penalty. His record was read out. On the first charge the fine was $100 and costs in default 5 days. Given 3 weeks to pay. For failing to appear the Crown asked for a jail sentence. He was sent to jail for 15 days. It can be served under Temp- orary Absence Program. Fred, H. Elliott, 34, 634 Cartier, Oshawa, pleaded 'guilty' to driving after con- suming over .08 on May 29. He was on Liberty N. and stopped by Const. Logan. Tests were .16 and .14. He w as sent to jai] for 14 days to be served on an intermittent sentence. Be a part of 219 King St. E. Bowmanville GET READYFOR OLDj 623-4481 MAN W/N TER! UN OUR MEAT COUNTER WE SELL GRADE A STEER BEEF ONLY pine ridge refinishing - restoration 46 Cavan St. Port Hope We hand or dip strip furniture, hand finishing, repairs, restoration. 885-9517 'and WICKER, WOODS ERY METAL I.,__ INSULATION and ALUMINUM DOOR 60% Ooff Regular Sq. Yd. Price Carpet The Canadian Siatesman, Bowrnanville, August 31, 1977 15 OSHAWA - Pony Club will be holding competitions in many riding events, this Saturday, September 3rd, starting at 9 à.rn.,at Rossland Park Equestrian Centre, on Wilson Road, North ýOshawa. Arnong those cornpeting frorn this area will be Parnela Cattran and Sandra Zakarow from Bowmanville, Ann and Mary Rowsell, frorn Enniskillen. Everyone welcorne. HOCKEY COACHES - Any persons wiho wish to coach in-the Newcastle Parks and Recreation H-ockey House League are .asked to please pick up their application form from the Recreation Department office, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. NICE GOING - Word bas just corne in that the Merchants Midgets wiped out Renfrew on Saturday and Sunday, 10-6 and- 5-3 and will now advance in the playdowns against Newmarket. The Mernorial Park Tykes also knocked off Hamnilton Holbrook in two weekend garnes, but as this is being written, they are awaiting word on their next game. COMES SECO ND - Sheila James of Trull's Road South took part in the Legion's national finals in Fredericton, New Brunswick on the weekend and came 'second-in the high, jump competition. Quite an achievement! Con-' gratulations. Unfortunately, she had risen quite early to take-part in the opening cere- monles and by the time her event -came around late in the afternoon, she wasn't-quite Up to her standard and didn'It jump as high as she had previously. But, it is stili a remarkable showing to be second best in Canada. No doubt we shalh MAN WIN TER! 95 King St.'West a à 623-2542 Bowmanviiie 985-3773