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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1977, Section 2, p. 3

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These two bappy children are, Jeremy William Wood- cock, aged three as of July 24th and bis sister Angela Carol, one-year-old on August Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carr of St. Cloud, Micbigan, are enjoying a visif with their l9th. They are the children of Doug and Carol Woodcock. Their grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norm Woodcock, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Theresa sister-in-law, Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Viole Tom Jenning et motored f0 Oakville on Satur- day f0 attend the wedding of s their nephew, Mr. Gordon Taczay, in the Anglican Church. Mrs. Grace, Bruce and son David, of Brantford are spend- ing a few days wifh ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leon- ard Driver. Get well wisbes are extend- ed t0 Carl Smith, who under- went surgery this week. Allan and Shirley Smith have returned from an enjoy- able trip through fthe Rockies anîd they visited wifb Allan's sister, Norma at Hope, B.C. Their daugbters visited witb the grandparenfs Carl and boraine while they were away. Mr. W.J. Graham, the minister af the Bethany United Church preacbed a most encouraging and inter- esfing sermon on Sunday when he chose for the first of a four week series message "Jesus Rebukes Anxietyý", and he menfioneid certain fhings in Christian lîfe that Jesus rebukes, the main one being "worry." Psalm 23 is full of assurances, but in spite of all the dlaims we make to serve God we are anxious, especialiy about every day tbings, aithough He cerfainiy doesn't commend man's idie- ness. He referred f0 the birds, they don't just sit and waif f0 be fed; they go ouf and get if but God provides for them, as He does for man and God gîves the increase. But if is important that we trust God's way. Fretting, fussing and worrying shorfens a person's lîfe. We know how powerful God is, and bow ioving and ready he is f0 care for us and yet we so offten acf as heathens do in seirving gods. 1 Peter 3:5 says "cast ail your cares on Him for He cares for you", 50 forgef ankdety and worry and take your cares to Him. In the absence of the regular organists Mrs. Bertie Neais capably filied the position. Mr. and Mrs. Prince, form- erly of Little Brifain, where Mr.,GrahamÏ formeriy minis- tered, were present at the morning service. "Wbere bas the summer gone?" Now we're planning our bowling scheduies. We Celebrated Her First Birthday Cowles of Bowmanviile 'and Bill Cowles of Oshawa. Their great grandparents are Henry Gibner, R.R. 1 Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacLean, Markstay, Ontario. This young lady is Breesie-Dawn Elizabeth McCrudden, Bowmanville, who will celebrate her first birthday on Sunday, August 2lst, 1977. Her parents are John and Kathy McCrudden of Bowmanville. Proud grandparents are John and Tania. Morawiecki, Toronto and Mrs. Jean BETHANYNEWS elderiy, and bandicapped fo remain in their homes and to provide empioyment oppor- tunities for unemployed young men and women. The services provided under this program will include heavy and seasonal cleaning, Celebrated Recent Birthdays. gardening, repairs'and alfera- fions fohomes, transportation for shopping and medîcal reasons and other relafed horne care services. Those in receipt of Old Age Securîty, Gains, Family Bene- fit Act allowances or General Welfare Assistance may be eligible for those services af' no cost, provided'their assets are under a certain amount. Others are to be needs tested and any available income will be applied against the cost of the service. For further in- formation telephone 324-9114. A triple birthday party was celebrated for Leonard Flor- rie and Ruleyý (Mrs. Bob) Driver. Happy birtbday folks and may you enjoy many more. Mrs. Mildred Bristow and daughter, Mrs. Joan Graham and Omemee vîsited with Mr. and Mrs. Ogryzek (Gail) at Kingston for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manfle enjoyed a three week's visit from his sister, Mrs. Gertrude Hardy of Rochester, New York. Mr. and Mrs. Addison Scott and Mrs. Mary Scott of Peterborough have returned from a two week's vacation in Surrey, B.C. with bis sister, Mrs. Jean McGeachie. They were enjoying over 90 degree weather, and they said "no ramn," which is unusual for Vancouver. A number of lumbermen were unemployed due to logging being shut down because of danger from fires. While in Surrey they attend- ed the wedding of their neice, Anne, which was held on the bow of the boat, the Sun Princess,'as the groom is an employee of the boat service from Vancouver to Alaska. The groom's parents and aunt from England, wbo atfended the wedding fook the cruise up the Pacific coasf. Addison and Georgie were forfunafe in not being defained by the air strike. ;man, Bowmanvîlle, August 31, 1977 3 'hospital vest are hospifalized. Best swe hear wishes for a fast recovery to Bob Jar- both these gentlemen. ic cord: disconnect it, then pull the' ýround your finger, watching for cracks, nt where it bends too easily, indicating Section Two The Canadian Statesn September is 'organization This seems to be" month", when various meet- week" in this area as, ings will be starting the fall Wilf Reynolds and B sessions. The United Church Women of Bethany will be hav ing their To check an electri first meeting at Mrs. Ross Iength of the cord ar Davidson's on Tuesday, Sept- worn spots or a poiri ember 6th at 8:00 p.m. Mrs. a broken wire Ray Porteous is in charge of the programme and worship service, and their topic is "Aduit Tranquilizers" which should prove most interesting. The president, Mrs. Allun Beer, wishes to express appreciation to the members for inviting the group into their homes for meetings. Symrpathy of the district is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parrot and family in the loss of ber mother, Mrs. Wearn of Bowmanville.W An exciting basebali gamoe was played between the Mill- brook and Bethany girls in the Athietie Park grounds. The first innings were a see-saw game, then Millbrook got a A few runs ahead, but Bethany * I did flot leave it at that, for with a few home-runs they were If your;p even. However, in the last inning Millbrook got a break D rviu and took the lead. Bey White pitched a splendid game and was well backed by ber - No, Prevîo players, but an error or two left the score with Millbrook in -îafcV the lead, thus eliminafing -'rfi i Betbany fromn the play-offs. Good sportsmanship among .. . then conta the players was shown wiII providei fbroughout the game. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Porter, wbo are Contac celebrafing their 5th wedding anniversary, wif h an "Open House" reception in the Mill- brook Legion Hall..... The minut Beautful.soniefhinc unnecessary dit' ~tj t 14 25 Dundas St. E.,htYOhw JPORSCHE + AUDI Wifyshw Phone 668-9383 pre-mium i s high due ta: Accidents wus Driving Experience blut ions lct an insurance agency that insurance for ail cars and drivers. et: LARRY SHANK 623-12527 [e you meet you know thaf the Scirocco is ng speciol. Theres flot a single false ulne or ry decoration in ifs beauiful Itaoin design. In fac, ifs beauiy is only equalled b>' fs performance. From 0 f0 50 PPH in 7.5 seconds. 1Top speed is over 100 MPH. And as for handling, the faster you g0 the more the wind holds you ta the road, but neyer holds you bock. Front wheel drive and rack-and-pinion sfeering odd fa the hajndling characterisfics. If you've been waiting for a special kind of'car, the fasf and beaufiful Scirocco is waifing for you. Fedders, Scarborough. especially ask the ladies who wish to bowl in Millbrook this season f0 contact eifher Mrs. Yvonne Fallis, Pontypool, fthe president, or Mrs. Vivian Ambrose, Bethany, the secre- tary, or Mrs. Margaret Wright, Ponfypool, the trea- surer. Our firsf game will be on Monday, Sept. 12 at 1:30 and games will be played every Monday efternoon. The Senior Citizen's bowling will commence on Tuesday, September l3th at 1:30 and will be played every second Tuesday. Contact Pete Bor- row of Bethany or Chas. Smith of Cavan if you wish fo play. The first meeting of the fait season of the Golden Star Senior Citizens wili take the form of a salad pot luck supper. Each member is asked to bring a dish for eîther the first course or the second, enougb to serve six. Supper will commence at 5:30 on September 7th foiiowed by a business meeting, a report of the convention by Mrs. Iva Porteous and Mrs. Mildred Syer and a special area to congrafulate -Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Cavino on their 50f h wedding anniversary and the remaining part of the evenîng will be devoted to eucbre. September meeting means our membership fees are f0 1e paid. We welcome any senior citizens who would like to join our group. New programme groups have been formed, so we shouid have some interesting sessions. We are sorry f0 hear Mrs. Rangco Bronsema is in Civic Hospital. Our thoughfs and prayers are with bier for a speedy recovery. We're sorry to hear Wes McMahon was faken fo the hospital on Sunday evening. Best wishes for good healtb is extended. We want to see your pîctures of the British Isies and Scandanavian country, Wes, 50 get well soon. Mrs. Laura Spier bas spent the last week visiting Mrs. Reta Neals. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kloepfer have returned from a two week's enjoyable vacation at their cottage near Coboconk. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Neals, cbiidren Randy and Susan, have returned from a two wpek's vacation visiting many interesting areas, among them were L. Placid and in the Adironack Mountain district, and in the Land of Make Believe near Santa Claus Village, as well as Upper Canada Village. Machinery is "going full force" at the Manvers Com- munîty Centre and Arena and ail wili be watching the progress of this large project, wbicb bas required mucb planning and patience on the part of ail the committees involved. The committee under the convenorship of Wiifred Rich- ardson, wishes f0 say "Thanks to the efforts and donations of many community-minded ,people, Manvers will have ifs own arena-communify centre. The site is directly opposite Grandview Scbool on the north side of Higbway 7A. Roxan Construction CQ. of Maple, Ont. hopes the f acilities will be operafional in November." "The main feafures of the complex are a standard size ice surface, a fully equip- ped banquet and dance hall and meeting roomn factitîies for ail ages fromn children tQ senior citizens. The value and importance of these facilities f0 the communify will be more fully realized in the years ahead as leisure time, public, inferest and government support of fitness, recreation- al, cultural, and sports activ- ities continue to increase.' The County of Victoria, Social Services, Department, in co-operation with the Prov ince of Ontario is offering Bck-to-School SPECIAL ON ALL OURz SERVICES FOR-,ý THE BACK TO- SCHOOLERS "cHair Care for the Whole Fainily" PHONE 623-2201 Thomas - The Styli-ng Director Sunflight Introduces The Hottest Winter Ever and You can save up to -1 0000/Cuple during the C. N. E. FLORIDA ABC FROM $99. Direct flights f rom Toronto fo lampa and Miamni, every Tuesday, December 2Ofh to April 4th. Choice of 14, 21, 28 day durations. FIy to Florida during the convenient daylight hours of Sunflight's money-sýaving' ACcharters-. Your-choioe of Tampa on th'e beautiful Florida Gulf Coast or Miami on the fabled Gold Coast. Florida's 'Sunflight ABC's include: Return air fare by comforfable Pacific Western Airlines Boeing 737's. Inflight meals and bar service. Ail this fromn only $99. FREEPORT ONE WEEK FROM $199. Departs Toronto Fridays from Septem ber 9th to April 21sf, Saturdays from December 24fh ta April 22nd. Sundays from December l8th to April 23rd., Things here starf at sunrise and keep right on going until the following sunrise. Gel hot on the beaches. And, if you're Iucky, get even hotter in the casinos. Great golf. Great water sports. And more than enough night life to knock the life ouf of you. Choose f romn 5 hotels, LONDON ABC FROM $279. In addition Sunflight is offering London ABC charters fhis winter starfing at an incredibly Iow $279 return. And car rentais, coach' tours, and a hofel for every budget. Also: London plus Paris, Amsterdam, Rome, Athens and more. ABC bookings must be made at Ieast 45 days in advance. So book now for one of the best travel bargains'going. And returning. ST.LUCIA 0ONE WEEK FROM $399. M.A.P.* Depa rts Toronto Th ursdays f rom Oct ober 27th to December l5th. Mondays from December l9fh fo April 17th. To seasoned Caribbean travelers this is the most'charming and friendly Island in the whole beautiful sea. Green mounfains. Hundreds of shelfered bays. Sparkling white sand beaches. Tropical ramn forests. There's even a drive-in volcano. Choose fromn 4 hotéls. HAWAII ONE WEEK FROM $499. 7 nts. Departs Toronto Safurdays from December 17th to April 29th. 13 nts. Departs Toronto Sundays from September 4th fo April 3th. Welcome to Paradise. And neyer before has Paradise been 50 easy and inexpensive. Sunflight offers a full range of Hawaiian Island holidays. From one week in, legendary Waikiki to two weeks on fhree Hawaii' an Islands, each more exofic than the next. Choose f rom 4 vacations, il hotels. FOR THESE AND OTHER SUNFLIGHT HOLIDAYS DROP IN TO: BowanvlleTravel Centre 47 KING ST. W. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM CLOSURE 0F S'AITARY The DARLINGTON WASTE DISPOSAI SITE wiII be cîosed on Monday, September 5, 1977, due to the labour Day Holiday. Normal operations wiII continue Tuesday, Septem ber 6, 1977. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works.

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