6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, August 31, 1977 Winners of Carnival Days Scrabble Contest Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, of 449 Sunset was held during the sidewalk sale in Bowmanville Blvd., Newcastle Village, will be bound for a week last July. Presenting the Andersqns with their in sunnyNasus a result of the Bowmanville ticket is Brian Borrowdale of Bowmanville presents a dance at the 800 p.m. i12Mdgh - EeryneWelcome - The fourth season for Dur- ham Shoestring Performers gets underway on Thursday, September lst with a casting meeting for "The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch" This hilarious spoof of the "Old West" has a large cast of' rootin' Tootin' Cowboys, a few saloon "ladies" as well as the local sheriff,, doctor, 'and minister a long with their wives and chîldren. This three-act play is an ideal one for beginnîng actors since a number of the charac- ters have few lines, but a lot of activity ....including a good old western hoe-down and three shoot-outs. Male guitar play- ers', fiddlers and anyone who pla3 s a mouth organ would be especially welcome at the casting. Be sure to bring your musical instruments. The casting takes place Thursday, September lst at 7:30 p.m. in the Theatre Arts Room of Mlaughlin Colleg- late on Stevenson Road North. Newcomers to Durham Region and anyone interested in costumes, props or back- stage work of any kind will be most welcomed at this meet- ing. No experience necessary. Wednesday, August 3lst. 2:0Où Whithv Then & Now with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 2:30 The Art Gallery & Its Role in the Communîty 3: 00 Durhami Dialogue 3:30 Expression with Topic: National Blood Donor Week 4:00 .Whitby Brass Band in Concert 4.30 Flower Arranging 5: 00 Sign Off Thursday, Septemiber lst. 2:00 Energy & It's Conservation 2:30 Conception 3:00 Expression with Topic: National Bloodf Donor Week 3:30 "How to Cook Beef" 4:30 Whitby Y.M.C.A. Presents: Introduction to Boxing 5:00 Sign Off Friday, September 2nd 2:00 Whitbv Then & Now 2:30 Expression with Topie: National Blood Donor Week 3:00 County Town Singers, lOth Anniversary Concert 5:00 Sign Off Monday, September 5th Closed foie Civic Holiday Tuesday, September 6th 2:00 Conception with Bill Jeanes 2:30 Hatha Yoga 3:00 Whitby Brass Band in Concert 3:30 Junior Olympics Opening Ceremonies from Civic Fields 4: 00 Expression with Special Guest: Barb Jesson with discussion on Wîntario 4:30 Whitby Y.M.C.A. Presents: Introduction to Boxing with Special Guest: Mr. Clyde Gray 5:00 Sign Off NOTE: subject notice. All programs are to change without Enîoy Rural' Ontario at a Fali Fair Faîl is just around the corner and there's nothing like a fal fair to capture the season's flavor. Faîl fairs are meeting places for urban and rural folk-places to find out what rural Ontario is all about. "There are about 230 agri- cultural fairs in Ontario", according to E.A. Starr. Director of Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch of the Ontario Minis- try of Agriculture and Food. Most are held in August, September and October." Traditionally, fairs have ORNO FAIR Sa ltudy September 1lOth 1977 N EWCASTLE COMM-UNITy HALL starring: Miss Diane Leigh wi*th the Shades of Blue 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Admision$10.,0 per couple Oono mFair Sundazy Sept. l1 2 :00 p.m . ORONO FAIRGROUNDS House Band. FAY ADAMS a nd "The Country Hits"I A Good Variety of Entertainment consisting of 'Singing -4 String Bano -Comedy Tap Dancing - Clown - Fiddler and "The D and L Bluegrass ExpressIp A 21/2 hour show for the whole family you won't wa nt to miss. M.C. Sterling Mather Aduits: $1.50 Chidren: 50C Canteen on Grounds been held in the fail when the harvest is complete and farmsrs have the time to show their produce and livestock, says Mr. Starr. "However, some societies have found it to their ad- vantage to hold their fairs in May, June and July. These have proven to be successful. " Ontario's largest exhibitions are the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Central Canada Exhibition, Ottawa and the Western Fair in London.- Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODU LARS RECORDS and TAPES Bowmanvjlle Mill Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 579-2411 Hours: Mon. -Fri.9 -9 Saturday 9- 6 ",We're Not Big ... J ust the Best" But there are many one and two day fairs which have much to offer both urban and rural residents. "Many agricultural fairs have earned a reputation for their special shows, whether the specialty is a fiddling contest, a baby show or a display of steam-driven'farm machinery." Some of the ingredients of a good fair are a well-kept fairground, educational pro- grams, rides and candy floss for the children, and enter- ENTE RTAINMENT tainment for teenagers and adults. To obtain a brochure listing the Ontario faîl fairs write the Agricultural and Horticultural Societies Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Legisiative Buildings, Coming Fridav and Saturday GEORGE KASH Oktoberfest Express September23-24 Dining Roomi open 5:00o p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EntertaiÎnment and Supper Dancing from 8.,00 P. M. SATURDAY and SUN DAY SPECIAL LAMB CHASS a la PAYSANNE braised in sherry sauce Corriplimentary salad bar, soupor juice, roll basket and potato, vegetable. $5 .50 MOTOR ININ Liberty SI. S. at 401 Bowmianvjîle Ma.m 299 DEAN AVE, ,OSHAAA 576-1 22()~ N OP EN For fine dining and friendly service make your next stop the Lamp Lighter Restaurant and Tovern WE ARE HERE TO WELCOME and SERVE YOU BUFFET Every Fri*day, Saturday and Sunday, from 5:00 p.în* to 9:00 p.m. ROAST BEEF-ROAST'PORK -FREE SALAD BAR- Also- includinig. . STEAKS-BA,ýR-B-QUE CHICEKEN CHOT SANDWICHES -LICENCED- Hwy 1l15 South of Orono $5400 623-3373 v Andersoin were the winners of the contest which Shoetrig Prform ers S)ea rchn fIo rCo by tRESTAURANT TAVERN] Corne to the ORONO SEPTEMBER 8-a9-10-=11lth Feoturing . e . DIANE LEIGH 3:00 p.. - 4:0 p.m. aiso $ATURDAY NIGHT DANCE at Newcstl Comuniy HaIl 9:00 p..il 1:00 a.m. THURSDAY EVENING FRIDAY'S PROGRAM SATURDAY PROGRAM SEPTEMBER 9th SEPTEMBER 8th School Parade at 1:30 p.m. SEPTEMBER lOth Baton Twirlers - Floats VAIT HWDecorated Bicycles Light Horse Show - Heavy Morse VARITY HOWPet Show m Contests Show 7: 00 p. m. Sheep Show - Goat Show Be ateSo abtSo By the Be ateSo abtSo LEAH FAILYRabbit Show Poultry Show 0LAYFI ELO 4-H Club Day - Fat Caif Show at Guernsey - Ayshire - Jersey Shows M. C. Ray Mc Nei 1 o Bobcaygeon 3:3 . - PoulItry Show ýar Implement Display Farm Implement Display Mamnmothâ Midway Mam math Midway Goat Show Mac Donald's Fa rm Robertson Shows - F lowers DURHAM COU NTY Junior Work - Inside Exhibits Needlework - Bakin BLACK & WHITE SHOW Dairy Princess Competition JuirWrl n i qEhbt Indoor FRIDAY EVENING MacDonald's Farm Starting at 7 p.m. Cake & Fat CaîIf Auctions Orono Businessmaen's Trot at 6:30 p.m. pnoe HARNESS HORSE RACING psoe TUG 0F WAR PRELIMINARIES Muddy George Pace..Co-Sponsored MISS DURHAM CENTRAL Committee - Alex Moffat, Rg oei eoilFI OTS Cliff Pethick and Ted His PReg. L on Meorial FInoRNTs PRIZE,,MONEY Jack eido-Spoorei ndor $40.00, $32.00, $24.00, $16.00 and $8.0Jatck Reid Meorial DIANE LEIGH Walter Frank Real Estate In Persan TEAM DRA ING COM ETI IONPace-Co-Sponsored Entertaining During the Afernoon FOM R HAVY ND LMEITIO George Pollitt Pace-Co-Sponsored Tug of War FinalIs CLASSES Entertainmentby Doug Hill and hisGrup SAR EENN GOOD PRIZE MONEY WILL BE Sponsored by Harnbly's Beverages AUDYEENG OFF ERED and Noone's Motel and RestaurantDAC Committee Un ChargeDIN EG Race Sec. - Stan Brown, J. West, ln the Evening IW. E. Reid, R. Harness, G. Rarney, 9 0p ,A :0 .m _______________________ P. Lunn, R. Staples, G. Carson 1 Newcastle Town Hall SUNDAY AFTERNOON SEPTEMBER'11-2:OOp.m. COUNTRY MUSIC SHOW FAIR GROUNDS, ORONO A country music show of singing, dancing, comedy and whatever else it takes ta make an afternoon of family entertainmenf, wi il take place at the Orono Fair Grounds on Sunday, September 11. The show is sponsored by the Otrono Fair Board and the House Band of Fay Adamns and The Country Mlits mRý NORMANIS