o ton. S i Rev retu aftei with Mrs, Po'w New Satt Rev. the( I ha-vi able dauo Douý Sask P' Mr. Clinf Darl Toni MI' patiý ville Clas' Dr Barb theýv ing - Cati Reyvi oT uaý castj Ann, irh leav" Me. wiey M Mrs par Powd Mis Mrs SarnE guesf Mr. Terri Meeti. Mr. Sattei wedci Mr. WoolS guesti BParr Mr. vil(a, withi Mr Mrýs. Gjr acee T oms a nd President, wbo bas been ill. mne Storks. Gladys Bonathon en- Great credit is due to the Snapdragons-ilst Jean of caulkm visiting witb Mrs. Ward. executive, Mrs. Marj. Goode, 2nd George Buckley, hday greetings to Larry Freethy, Vice President, Mrs. 3nd Madeleine Buckiey. 'e. Grace Toms, Harry Donna Wallis, Secretary, Mrs. Stocks-lst Rana Sinou, 2nd 0O _____________________________________ Carol Mostert, 3rd Marge Freetby. Tîîberous Begonia 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Narda Hoog- A NNOUUN EM ENT kamp, 3rd Marj Freethy. Zinnia-lst Lorna Crockett, Dr. L S. ikio wises t annuncethat 2nd Carol Mostert.H E Dr. . S.Mikas wshe to nnonce hatZinnia pom pomn-lst Carol his new associate, Dr. G. K. Prouty, wilI Mostert, 2nd Jean Riekard, -be practising mnedicine in the King Street 3rd Mrs. Krummenacher. offce(Nwcstl) om eningth 1thCollection of named an, Four Convei offce Newaste) ommncig te lth nuals-1sf Jean Goode,, 2nd Shop in Con of September. Carol Mostert, 3rd Marj Use your Charq For appointmnents phOne 987-4220. Freethy.opnanvi Section C-Novice Class Coffee table arranîgemîent- -4201 L The New castle Independentýý Ediltors: jack and Ilazel Crago Telephone 987- i Bertha Fisher, Treasurer and lst Wendy Freethy IMr. and Mrs. George Buckiey Rowley. J~k ca tQ ~for ail their bard work in Beginner's, Lue organizing and staging the Rowley, 2nd Wend show, To ail who donated gifts, Sweepstake W prizes and cash, the Society is Gladioli-Lorna an e g R Pgrateful. Asters-Jean GoodE îreg Martin, youngest son Wade, Water and Charles containers were awarded to Dahlia-Archie W r. and Mrs. Alec Martin Nikiaus, Kathleen Powell, lt.ikiesck2n.Ja Ro-Mdin ýoyed a week's holiday with Candy Storks and Eva Couch. Riekard, 3rd. Marj Freethy. Section D-Veîq maternai grandparents, Glad to report Miss Susan For the best flower bed, lst. Beets-lst Neilie *and Mrs. Foideak, Hamil- Miler is home from Oshawa Bertha Fisher, 2nd. Brenton 2nd Carol Moster Generai Hospital but is baving Rickard, 3rd. Ruth Tufford, Brawiey. ;immon Spivey, eider son of to use crutches. 4th Karen Tordiff. Carrots-lst Car( v- David and Ann Spivey Whie Dr. and Mrs, Winston Other prize winners were: 2nd George Buc urned home iast Thursday Reynolds were in the area Section A-Giadiolus Class, 2. Nellie Brawley. r holidaying in England tbey enjoyed visiting Mr. and' Glad Tidings-lst Marge Beans-lst Syli hrelatives. Mrs. Howard Aluin, hearing Freethy, 2nd Madeleine Buck- maie, 2nd Rana ongratulations to Mr. and anecdotes about bis grandpar- ley, 3rd Lorna Crockett. Marj Freethy. s, Wayne Hunt (nee Dale ents, Mr. William Rickard and 3. Crescent lst Madeleine Beans-green-ist vell wbo were married in bis wife Helena (McCoy). Buckley, 2nd Lorna Crockett. tert, 2nd Mrs.1 csteUnitedCburcb on Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gar- 4. Single Spike-wbite lst acher, 3rd Georg( .urday, September 3rd. wood, Beaconsfield, visited on Lorna Crockett, 2nd Archie 4tb Ivor Brawiey. v. David Spivey performed Monday witb ber aunt, Mr. Whitmee. Cabbage-1st Mi ceremoýny. and Mrs. Howard Allun. 'Spike yellow-lst George menacher, 2nc [r. and Mrs. Harry Jose Word was received Monday Buckley. Storks, 3rd Donna e eundfrom an enjoy- that Mr. Robert Pearce, oldesi Spike light red-lst Archie Corn lst Mrs. W .estern holiday, visiting son of Florence and the late Whtmee, 2nd Madeleine acher, 2nd Carol N tieda Edmonton, Irma: Eric Pearce, passed away Buckley. Rana Sinou. nwrigbt and their son and suddenly on Sunday at Bala. Spike dark red-no entries. Cucumbers-Ist N ýghter -i.,-aw, Mr. and Mrs. The funeral service was beld Spike pink-lst Archie Whit- menacher, 2nd Car iglas Jose andý family, at Gravenhurst on Wednesday mee, 2nd Madeleine Buckley, 3rd Bessie Stephen katoon. morning, September 7, with 3rd George Buckley. Potatoes-lst Car( atients in hospital include interment in Bowmanviiie Spike hi colour-lst Archie ________ .Ernie Alldread, Mr. Cemetery:' Sympathy is ex- Whitmee, 2nd Narda Roog- iton Burley, Mr. Gordon tended to the friends and kamp, 3rd Wendy Freethy. n ling and' Mr. Charles relatives. Spîke not listed-lst Archie i1s. Mr. Neil Britton, Belleville, Whtrnee, 2nd Madeleine rs. Aima Farrow is nowv a visited on Monday with bis Buckiey, 3rd Carol Rowley. ient of Marnwood Nursing parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Spîke miniature-lst Archie, nie, Bowmanville. Britton. Wbtmee. ýongratulations to Miss Just a littie reminder-taxes General Exhibits (i Selby on winning a are due September 19. Dahlias none. nming trophy in Bowman- Anglican Church News Zinnias-lst Marj Freetby. 2Competitive Swimming The Venera hie Arthur Mixed Fiowers-lst Narda ;s.Privett, Archdeacon of the Hoogkamp. r. and Mrs. Winston Aluin Klondike, Witehorse, Yukon Cool Waters-lst Jean Goode, nolds left this area on Territory, spoke at St. 2nd Lorna, Crockett. lay to return to Santa George's and St. Saviour's on Bowl of Roses-lst Lorna hara in California where Suinday, September 4th. He Crockett, 2nd Madeleine will each resume teach- told of bis work on tbe Alaska 4,kly ,duties at the University of Highway from Whitehorse to, Kitchen Kapers-lst Carol fornia. Dr. and Mrs. the Aaska border. He is a Rowiey, 2nd Narda Hoog- ,nolds, having attended a graduate of Wycliffe College kamp, 3rd Wendy Freethy. èrence at the University and was attending the looth Corsage lst Jean Goode, 2nd oronto on Spanisb lang- anniversary celebrations in Narda Hoogkamp, 3rd Wendy eand culture, enjoyed an Toronto last week. Rev. and Freethy. tional week arioun;d New- Mrs. Alian Haldenhy also Terrarîumn-lst Narda Hoog- le, guests of Garnet and attended the celebrations at kamp, 2nd Lorna Crockett. ýabeile Rickard, visiting which the Arcbdeacon of Tiny Tots-l st Marj Freethy, itbe many cousins and Canterbury, the most Rev. 2nd Lorna Crockett, 3rd Narda- îds of bis family. On Donald Coggîn, former Pro- Hoogkamp, 4th Jean Goode. ing they expressed their fessor of Wycliffe Colege, the Musical Melodies lst Lorna are appreciation, of the B:bhop of Winchester, Rt. Crockett, 2nd Marj Freethy. îdship and courtesies ex- Rev. John Taylor and Arnold Treasure Liand-1st Jean D eby ail whom they had Edinborough, Canadian Goode, 2nd Lorna Crockett, Editor and Publisher spoke. 3rd Marj Freethy. r. and Mrs. George Buck- The Anglican Cburch Chop Sticks-lst Jean Goode, visited in Toronto iast Women meet on Wednesday 2nd Lorna Crockett, 3rd Narda iday witb their friends, evening, September 7tb at St. Hoogkamp. and Mrs. W.G. Prince. George's parisb Parisb Hall. Tali and Beautiful-lst Narda rand Mdrs. William Wade Next Sunday, September Hoogkamp, 2nd Jean Goode, ,ons spent the weekend at 1lth at 2 p.m. the annua.,l 3rd Marj Freetby. 'er, Valiey. Decoration Day Service will TaTnî-s enGoe r. and, Mrs. Wayne be beid at St. George's 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Marj ' kle, Alyssa and Andrew Cemetery.1 Freethy, 4th Carol Rowley. ton, spent tbe weekend United Church News Riches from the Sea-lst ber parents, Mr. and Baskets of orange and white Wendy Freethy, 2nd Jean Stanley Powell, and gladioli from the Hunt-Powell Goode, 3rd Narda Hoogkamrp. 'icipated in the Hlunt- wedding graced the Newcastle Tbree Tuberous Begonias- aill wedding on Saturday, United Church on Sunday, lst Jean Rickard, 2nd Narda . amber 3rd. Setember 4th. This was tbe Hoogkamp, 3rd Lorna Crock- rHarold Powell,,Mr. Art last Sunday that the Orono, ett. Dolder, Toronto, Miss' Kirby worsbippers sbared for Section B h Powell, Cobourg and this summer with the New- Asters wbîte lst Jean Rick- sBarbara Bowman, castie congregation. Miss ard, 2nd Jean Goode. ia were, also weekend Jane Staples, Orono and Miss Asters pink-lst Jean Goode, ts; ofý th oels Nancy Alin -sang a duet, 2nd Madeleine Buckiey, 3rd Fib'ergias r a. nd Ms Terry Gar- Jesus, Lord of ail Creation, George Buckiey. for every appli( d, Beaconsfield, Miss with-Steven Aluin as organist. Asters Crimson-1st Wendy -y Lynn Gaàrwood and Mr. Rev. David Spivey's sermon Freetby, 2nd Marj Freethy. InuaeowIt ,e Walton, Ottawa, were was Freedom From means Asters purpie-s Lorna >,taie ndJo meha' ,eîid guestis of Mr. and Freedumn For. Crockett, 2nd Mrs. Krum- sing and hmetw AlbetPac an Sunday sebool begins on menacher, 3rd Jean Goode. linatsbwe 1ddth 1unt-Poweli Sunday, September llth andý Carnation-lst Hazel May holdstem snrugfe iing. Hi-C wark will also commence Munro, 2nd Jean Goode.meedfrfe 1and Mr. aley Smith, soon. Cornfiower-ist Jean Rick- less in your attic a ler,weeuna dînner The Prayer for the week is: ard, 2. Wendy Freethy, 3rd bis this winter. Fi ts, ofl Mr. and Ms Harry M o st nwYu Marj Freethy. won't rot, settie,c Presence, Lord. Neyer bide Dahlia large-lst Karen proofing value ar anm rs. Haýrry Wade yourself from me I pray. Tordiff, 2nd Jean Rickard. faewls 1Fridaýy and Saý-turday in Newcastle Horticultural Dahlia, cacters-lst Archie Today, more thar eý,l atteniding Home Board Summer Show Whitmee. your home is pi( ings. The Newcastle Horticul- -Dahlia, pom-pom-lst Jean Buidall man toh and Mrs. Te-d Walton, tural Society held its summer Goode, 2nd Mrs. Krummen- thickness that is1 .pton, visited on the show on Wednesday, August acher. earn.big savingsi ,end with relatives in the 24th with 195 entries, in tbe Dahlia show-lst Jean Rick- ge and were guests on flower section and 85 la the -ard.1FRCIN I day at tbe Hunt-Powell vegetable show. Geranium-lst Rana Sinow, FITO ling. Congratulations are in order 2nd Carol Mostert, 3rd Jean and Mrs. David Hockin to several exhibitors. Firstly, Goode, 4th Mrs. Krummen- R7 1 - V2" 2nd Mrs. Krummenacher, 3rd Archie Whitmee, 4th Marj Freetby. Tomatoes lst Rana Sinou, 2nd Donna Wallis, 3rd Pauline Storks. Harvest Basket-lst Carol Mostert, 2nd Marj Freethy, 3rd Nellie Brawley, 4th Pauline, Storks, sth Donna Wallis. Salad Season-lst Lorna Crockett, 2nd Marj Freethy, 3rd Pauline Storks. Most points in the vegetable section-lst Carol Mosterf, 2nd Mrs. Krummenacher and 3rd Marj Freethy. Yelvrt-Lon Yelverton girls team held a successfui dance in Nestieton Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. Andy Beaucage, D.J. of Lind- say, suppiied music for the occasion.' Mr. Dean Joncas, President of the Pontypool District Ladies Softball League presented the mem- bers of the. Velverton Girls Club with individual trophies in recognition of their holding lirst place in the league at the end of the season, The- girls are currently in tbe finals of the playoffs with Millbrook having won their first playoff game on Thursday past. Miss Pame la Stinson thanked those wbo had assisted in any way to the suceess of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brush (nec Florence Atkinson) of Ederton, B.C., are enjoying a vacation withi her son Jim and famiiy and renewing old acquaintances in Yelverton. Pleasure to see them both again. Misses Mickey Burns and Shelley Sisson were weekend guests of Miss Mona Malcolm.' Yelverton U.C.W. met this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gray for their September meeting. Planning the fortheoming Thanksgiving supper no douht was prime business consideration. Belated congratulations fo Bethany's grand oid man, Mr. Henry Jakeman on recently observing bis 9tb birthday. ry, 2nd Carol ik-lst Carol .dy Freethy. Winners a Crockett, de. lstert. Whitmee. Buckley. :etables ie Brawiey, rt, 3rd Ivoi' ro1 Mostert, ackley, 3rd via Vander- Sinow, 3rd tCarol Mos- Krummen- le Buckley, Urs. Krum- i Pauline' a Wallis. Krummen- Vfostert, 3rd VIrs. Krum- roi Rowley, mson. o1 Mostert, The Canladian Statesman, Bowmanviile, September 7, 1977 i We, as concerned War Veterans are thoroughly disgusted with the vandalism in Newcastle Village Cemeteries and Cenotaph. To us, and we had hoped ail citizens, it is very sacred! With the stealing of flags and defacing of the Cenotaph we are concerned as to where it will end. We have been in contact with Mayor Garnet Rickard and some of the Village Hall Board Members, to Isce what could be dune; but al we get is "sympathy". In countries, where the war was fought, they remember and respect the cenieteries and War Monuments as some of us do, but flot for just one day of the year but for 365 days of the year. Some of :Our young people must flot have been taught at home and at school what our Cenotaph is, or to respect our Canadian flag and our great country. How must the famulies of the "Fallen" feel when tbey see the "Memorial" to their loved unes defaced and marked? We are deeply concerned by the indifference of some people in this matter. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM. Doug Walton, Len Jones, Rudy St. Amand, Jack Adams, Fred Adair, George Chard Sr., Norman Whitelock, Howard Quinney, Sam Brereton, Bob Shearer, Ron E. Richards, PresIdent, Br. 178, Royal Canadian Legion. Winners Ail Across Canada From coast to coast in Canada, aI Buildail weare playing the Great Canadian Energy Game. At every participating store, someone is going 10 win enough attic insulation from Cana- dian Johns-Manviiie (R-1 Mini Rolîs) for a 1200 square foot home. If's easy 10, play. Just fi in a coupon right here aI Buildail. No purchase necessary. At Buildali we have ail the materials you need f0 make your home more energy efficient. Everyone Wins Lower Fuel Bis! If, everyone pinys ... ail Canada wins! Save Canada's Fuel Energy No malter how you play the great Canadian Energy Game, you're a winner. If everyone played, just think of the fuel energy Canada would save. The conservation of Canada's energy is a major commilment, but if can be as easy as the fîick of a switch. We ve made il a game toshow you how easy il can be. We hope you 'Il take il seriously, and leach it loyour ch idren. ourememrb er last wne' ulbiIslto scepr ýsulation lication sa MUST investment for your home. A one- easy f0 do vourseîf, with permanent fuel ecomfort benefits. Merely instaîl the insula- en wall studs, ceiling or floor joisfs. Friction ily in place. A depth of six inches is recom- ,ctive atfic insuiafion protection. Anyfhing and you'Ii be paying unnecessa'riiy high fuel :iberg las insuiation is iight, easy to handie, or develop odors. It also has good sound and increases the f ire resistance of wood n ever before it s vitally important ta be sure, )roperîy insuiated. So, be sure! Ask your heip you choose the Fiber'gias insulation ,best suited to your specific needs. You'l , n the long run. :IT 15" X 48" BATTS 'thk. 150 sq. ft. thk. 90O sq. ft. Ihk.50 s. ft thk. 32 sq. ft. $13.99 $13.99 $12.79 $ 11.99 iailable with paper face vapour barrier. rthestipin ete range of products heat in around doors iows and'a full range :'ing f0 stop heat Ioss )n the outside. Save with "FIBRE TEM Exctusive with Henry Buildali in Durham Region - HIGH R VALUE PER INCH - NON-CORROSIVE - FAST and EASY TO INSTALL - NON-IRRITATING rSOUND ABSORBING FIRE RETARDANT You can put an extra 4" of I nsulation on top of existfing 1In.-u;ation for a cost of ijust over Ç (One bag wiII1 cover 43 square feet 4" thick.) Square Foot Rent our easy to use machine to blow Fibre Therm into all the gaps and blank spacesihat exist in theupstairs. MACHINE RENTAL .,00 DAY An average house of 1500 square feet can be done in a few short hours- Cali to-day for further details. IF YOU PREFE R TO HAVE FIBRE THERM INSTALLED FOR YOU, WE'CAN RECOMMEND RELIABLE, EFFICI ENT'CONTRACTO'RS. Micafil Insulation requires no special- tools ... pours easily and reduces heat Ioss in the attic. Easy-pouring MicaFii insu- lation makes adding extra insulation to your attic simple, dlean and econom- cal. MicaFii fiows freeiy info ail nooks and corners for compiete protection against heat ioss. It leveis With MicaFil, insulafing the easily to create a uniform atf-ic is a one-time job that insulation barrier that con- any do-it-yourselfer can serves household warmth handie in an affernoon. and precious fuel dollars. When you finish, just sit Made of expanded minerai back and enjoy the comrfort vermiculite, MicaFili 5 and the savings. 3 cubic dusf-free and ight-weight foot bag covers 10 square for ciean, non-irritafing in- feet, 3 inches deep. stallafion. And it won't burn under any circum- stances. I%âàs. FAST,' ECONOMICýoAL, : lSlIMPLE TO USE Foam The practi;cai choicef your rec r'oom insulafil needs; t"s super ligi- weight and is easytf0inst with the proper adhesi% Rigid foam insulation ai acfs a-s its own vapour b, rier and wiîi not sag shrink due f0 moisture. true do-it-yourseif produ that wiiî heip you contr those rising heafing bil and Keep your home cor forfable year 'round. Oth thicknesses in stock. 1/" x 4' x- 8' ¾"4f x 4'-x 81 1"x 4' x 8', 11/2" x 4' x 8' Korolte registered TM of Mansonville Plastics Lld. EACH $ 1.79 EACH $,5 EACH$34 EACH$52 ~>u~ *vm u ~2"x 4» x8' E-ACH $69 OSHAWA ZZZEZZZZZ 100 Bond St. WestfO O COLI',:tIE tOHW St~ Mon. 10 Fni. 9:00 Mon or,ï Wed 10ýo6.00 Sat. BlorSt 5o:30AW K05:0 g SteThrs&Fri. 0 9:00 -4Sat b 5.30 FIr m ~lWHITBY POTHOPE nfient Self-Serve Locationis [~..~ 223 Brock St. N. 3"7 Ontario St. (HRJI iiplete Indoor Comfort st ' ~AMon t0Wd. to 6:00 Mon. 10 Fr1. 10 5:3à gex or Master Charge or :7IIZIi~ Thurs. & Fri. 10 9:00 Sa5t. 10 4.S nient revolving charge accounit Sat. to, 5:30 W5OS ,e'ai ofLý,, the gift of Ilfe Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor