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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Sep 1977, p. 3

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qi1ono United Cburch was the ýetting for a summer wedding on Saturday, JuIy 23rd, 1977 at 4:30 p.m. when Reverend Basil Long solemn- ized the marriage of Ruth Ellen Scott and David Louis Gray. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Scott and Mr. andMrs. Kennedy Gray, ahi of Orono. The organist, Mr. Douglas Dewel, accompanied the sohoist, Mrs. Stephen Cohes. Given in miarriage by ber father, the bride wore a whte formai iength polyester knit go wn, fashioned with a square neckline and full skirt com- phete with train. Pull ength nylon sheer seeves comphi- mented -the dress. Silver thread lace trimmed the neckline, bodice- and sheeves. A matching headdress set with lace heid her shoulder length veil and she carried a wbite Bible covered with a bouquet of white ordhids, red roses, blue baby's breath and a cascade of rîbbon. The matron of honor was Mrs. John Aluin of Newcastle, sister of the bride. Mrs. Kent Farrow of Weston, Miss Pameha Marinich of Sauit Ste. Marie, Mrs. Stan Barber of Orono and Miss Carol Sey- mour of Hamilton were the bridesmaids. Ahi wore match- ing formai gowns with attacb- ed capes of pale blue floral shades highlighted with tints of purpie. They carried nose- gays of white daisies, blue Bowmanville Cleaners presents. 'YO (Â MOROSCOPE ' by Ruth Dodier AWEIS [a4.p.0 Romance and adventu re are yery strong. Travel will be on your mind an d it is likely you will get away.' This is a tme of happy monds and enjoyment. TAURUS iApr.21-May 201 Advice coming from others can well be worth istening to. You may turn away but this will be a mistake. Listen and learn from others. GEMINIl [May 21 - June 211 Somieone may be trying ot keep you ir suspense. A letter in the mail will be a surprise to you. Be prepared for unexpected events. CANCER PJune 22-July 22] You have an innate wisdom to achieve success. This is the time to do it. Buckle down and get y our business rolling. Everyoine will be surprised at what you can do. LEC [July 23 -Aug.231 A chance to travel is indicated. New ideas could cause some changes in your life. Any decision concerning romance should be deait with cautiously. Do nlot make promises now. VIRGO iAug.24.Sept.221 Some hidden problems may surface now. These should be dealtvwjth at once. Finances are tight so keep to your budget. Don 't spend recklessly or go intodebt now. LIBRA [Sept.23-Oct,231 Your mind is not quite with you. Other projects keep your attention. Finish these jobs before going on to the next. The job will get done best this way. SCORPIO [Oct. 24-Nov.221 Social life and partying is taking up a great deal of your life. Eventually though you tire of this and leave these social gatherings early. SAGIITARIUS [Nov.23 Dec.211 Pýart nerships are strong and if good judgment is used success is indicated. Creativity and ingenuity are strong. If used in the right way could bring many beneficial returns. CAPRICORN [Dec.22 Jan.20î Although you feel resentful towards someone it is best to keep your feelings to yourseif. These feelings will probably change. so think before you speak. AQUARJUS [Jan.21 Feb.191 You find it difficult Io even do the grocery shopping. Spending money no matter what for up- sets you. Hoarding your money won't give you happiness. PISCES [Feb.20-Mar.201 Self-control in spending is very important. Look for bargains and dont spend needlessly. Keep your accounts balanced. Savings should be built up for the future. SEPTEMBER IS ARTHRIT-IS MONTH DRY 1 m CLENIÉ Bowmanville 'leu ersLtd. 84 Kng S. W.623-5520 I "ýWe Specialize in Shirt Laundering" OU R - Pe -Co - Cu -Hi baby's breath and purpie statice. Best man was Mr. John Duvali of Orono. The ushers were Mr. Harry DeJonge of Orono, Mr. Michael Carman of Orono, Mr. Randali Long- field of Brampton, and Mr. Brian Gray of Pontyipool. Receiving the guests at the reception beid, at the Tyrone Communîty Centre, the bride's mother wore a formai gown of floral sheer over an apricot polyester knit. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a soft powder blue formai gown. The bride chose a brown velour jumpsuît and compli- menta'ry jacket highlighted with the orchids and a single rose from hier bridai bouquet as bier going away outfit. The happy- couple traveiled, to Western Canada for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gray are resîding at 68 King Street East, Apt. 406, Bowmanville. Photo by Astor Studio KENDAL Fourteen ladies mostiy members of Kendai WLI. went to Lindsay last Tuesday aftier- noon. After a session of shopping they met at the Seven Seas Restaurant where most of them had «a dinner of Chinese Food. At 8:30 they again met tbe Academy Theatre where they saw the musical play, One More Time. Lt consisted of singing and acting songs from the thirties and forties. Those who attend- ed were Mesdames Janet Dykeman, Helen Henderson, Mary Low, Del Gosson, Leon- ora Stapleton, Margaretta Stevens, Annie Cathcart, Diane Wybenga, Lorna Dennis, Eleanor Poster, Lavine ýDownes, Lena Sker- ratt, Mabel Eiliott and Neta Ransberry. There was a record crowd at the Ailan Lawrence Annual Barbeque and Corn Roast held iast Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foster. Lt was a couple of hours or more before the great uine up for corn and hamburg- ers were served. The music was a band from Cobourg with a maie soioist. Many politic- ians from surrounding areas were' present and given, a chance to get on their feet and say a few words. A good time was enjoyed by ail. Miss Catherine Stewart and Mrs. Edna Dobson are away on a trip to England and Scotland. Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott and Miss Margaret Seens of Peter- borough returned iast Friday from. a couple of weeks in the Maritime Provinces. NIirs. W.H. Foster and Mrs. Allan Poster visited with Mrs. Leighton Walch of Vittoria iast Sunday, Mrs. ME. Poster Sr. returned to Kendal with them. On the way back they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Fonk and' famiiy of Wood- stock. Donald Fonk returned with his grandmother for a few days. Word was received this week of the death of Mrs. Wm. Honey (nee Maggie Jackson) of Lindsay. Mrs. Honey had been in hospitai with a broken hip bone resulting from a fail, before bier death. Sympathy is extended to the Jackson family aiso bier sister Mrs. Vernon Peacock. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Bamsey of Port Hope were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. This week is back to schooi for a good many young folk. There will be two mons open in Kendal as classrooms of Kirby Centennial School. Miss Cbadwick from Brooklin bas a straight grade 1 class while Mrs. Jean; Hoy bas a grade 1 and 2 ciass. BOOKelb Jean VanderGaast became the bride of Henry Centen at 3 p.m. on Saturday, August l3th, 1977 in Rehoboth Christ- ian Reformed Church, Bow- manville with Reverend A. De Jager officiating. The organist was Mr. Bert Kaldeway and the soloists Mrs.' Marsha VanderGaast, and Cam and Joan Yates. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. A. VanderGaast, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. P. Centen, Barrie. Given in marriage by her parents, tbe bride wore a formai A uine gown of white satin, designed with a lace bodîce and sheeves. Her gown was designed and made by ber mother. A cap headpiece belci a tbree tiered, lace trimmed veil and she carried a bouquet of white roses, blue sweet peas and yelhow daisies. The maid of honor Linda VanderGaast and the brides- maid Tracy Devries, wore blue formai halter dresses with matching capes and carried bouquets of blue sweet peas, yellow daisies, and baby's breath. The flower girl, Joanna Mulder wore a formai blue print dress and carrîed a basket of blue sweet peas and yehhow daisies. Best man was George Cen- ten, Walter Macillan the groomsman and the ushers Perry Centen and Gary VanderGaast. A dinner and dance was beld at -the Canadian Corps Hall, Oshawa where the bride's mother received the guests in a formai gown of rose floral print, and a corsage of white roses, assisted by the groom's mother who chose a gold, formai gown with a corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Centen left on a honeymocon at a cottage on Stragghe Lake in the Hali- burton Highlands, the bride travelling in a beige haiter dress, aiso made by her mother. The happy couple are now residing at 516 Quiet Place, Apt. 1, Waterloo. Photo by Ireiand Studio N EWTON VI LLE Mrs. Iva Farrow and Mr. Reg Falls spent the past week in Ottawa visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carence Farrow and Karen in their new home, there. Trips were taken to several places of interest, in that area, including Museums and a boat trip or two up the Rideau Canal, was enjoyed by ahl. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lock- hart, of Niagara Falls, N. were Monday afternoon calidrs with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer and later were supper guests with Mr. and, Mrs. S. Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gardner have moved to their new home in the north country and another couple both teachers, we are told, have moved into the former Gardner property, across fromn the churcb. Sorry we haven't learned their names, as yet. 1 Mrs. Bea Jones attended a Dessert Bridge, Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Audrey Turner, Bwavhe Mr. andf Mrs. F. Glmner were Tuesday afternoon cahiers with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbail in Newcastle, and on Thursday, enjoyed an, afternoon of Bridge at the home of Mrs. Elva Greenfiehd, in Bowmanvilie. The other day, Sheilab Stacey dug what must Ie the largest potato, in this area, in her gardeti. t weighed 2 lbs, 12 /2 oz. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, accompanied by Mr s. Bea Jones, Mrs. Laura Cawker of Bowmanville and Mrs. Fae Cornish, Orono attendecthe funeral of the late Mrs. Chairles Moase at the Mackey Funeral Home in Lindsay last Tbursday after- noon. Mr,. and Mrs. McGregor Jones, of Burlington, were recent luncheon guests, here with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mr. Bill Clarke left last week on an extended tour of la your wothing machine "Ail Washed U? If so0... stop by and take a look 0f the new models bymg "Everything YOL andthe Carnegiepr 36 King St. E. 623-5408soi ud Expect n some." Bond Towers Shoppn afOS 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152e "A Special Shop for Special Womnen" sa several months, during whicn time he hopes to visit Great Britaîn, Africa-and Rhodesia. In his younger days, as a member of the Air Force, he spent several years in tbe latter countries and looks forward to renewing ohd friendships, and ohd impres- sions. Mrs. Mary Wade of Barrie spent the weekend here, with Mrs. Leone Lane and both were supper guests Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson.' Mr. Malcolm Rice, of Toron- to was a Sunday guest at the manse, withRev. and Mrs. Tizzard and Michael and attended our morning service. With Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Paeden, Sunday visitors were Mrs. Veronica Nelson and Miss Marie Collin from Toron- to. Ghad to see Mr. andi Mrs. Edgar Harcourt, of Port Hope at our Sunday morning ser- vice, aiso. Gertie Rowe and Melville Jones were the greeters at our church door, Sunday morning and the theme of Rev. Tizzard's, message was "Labour Day' The choir sang the ever enjoyable, "How Great Thou Art." The regular Sunday schooh classes wil resume next Sunday. Visitors with Mrs. Agnes Buriey, hast week, included Mrs. Garland Cathcart and Mr. Arthur Thompsoni of KendaL. Mrs. Florence McEwen of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harcourt, Port Hope. Local people among tbose attending "Open House" at the home of Mrs. N. Andrews on Sunday, included Mrs. Bernice Henderson, Mrs. Leone Lane, Mrs. Mary Wade, Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Lena Chysdale, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Mr. Don Fletcher and friend The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 7, 1977 3 of Oshawa were visitors Newtonville Women's Insti-, Sunday with'Mr. and Mrs. Ken tute will meet at the home of Fletcher and ail drove out to Mrs. Gladys Wood, Newcastle Peterborough, where they on Wednesday, 'Septemnber 21 enjoyed supper. at 2:30 p.m. Ail ladies wel- Sunday afternoon, Mr. and corne. Mrs. F. Gîlmer were visitors Newtonville Elementary with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer Sehool reopens on Tuesday. and family in Port Hlope September 6 with the same. attending the ball game at the teaching staff. Grades 5 and, Town Park wbere the Junior 6-Mr. J. Veldhuis and Mrs. Fliers defeated the Strathroy Diane Rowe, Grades 4 and' Club 5-O thereby winning that 5-Mr. MacDonald, Grades 2 part of theplayoffs. and 3-Mrs. Colville, Grades 1, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd St. John and 2-Mrs. Haas. Speciai' of Whitby were Sunday visit- help-Mrs. Campbell. Custo- ors with her parents, Mr. and dian-Mr. Ed Rowe. Mrs. T. Hienderson. The Library at the school isý Rev. and Mrs. Gordon available again to ahl and- Montgomery of Peterborough there are many new books., were supper guests Sunday Speciai courses may be with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace arranged, those interested in Boughen. any particular subject also, if- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence enough Senior Citizens wish to Farrow and Karen of Ottawa form their own group, this' were Sunday visitors here also, may be planned. Phone with Mrs. Iva Farrow. Mr. Veldbuis at 786-2550. CWqehe the cDegi lug4 lii PUA11110 30 KING ST. WEST MISS'G. ZIEGIER BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS RKe-Possessed I Kayak above-ground swimming pool with Sun deck, walk and complete filtration system. Must seil for bank. No reasonable offer refused. Cali credit manager collect 1-416-221-4840 days or evenings. 69 .y~6 Ja rAQQ- THE REDKEN EXPERIENCE Put on your Happy Face ... and corne in toTH ~A "YOUR PROFESSIONAL SALON" 37 king St. W. Bowmanville We are pleased to welcome f SPECIALTIES Elaine Waterfallz errns ta aur staffm Lts Please cati 623-5455 for an appointment and low Drying Elaine or Bey wiII be delighted to look after your air Analysis grooming needs.m 1 i

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