The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 7, 1977 7 Congratulations to Philip Patrick who has completed 40 years of service with Good- year Canada, Bowmanville Plant, to D.F. Brooks with 35 years, G. Therteil, 30 years, M. Shantz and G. Wright with 25 years. The famect S.T.P. Kawartha International Snowmobile Races (formerly the Kawar- tha Cup) will be held January, 6-7-8, 1978 at Morrow Park Raceway, Peterborough. As part of the Province of Ontarîo's Celebration of the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second of Canada, Central Militia ATe-a will host a massed bands concert and action-oriented military dispînys at the Canadian National Exhibition stadium, Toronto, on the evening of Sunday, September 11, 1977 starting at 7 p.m. Over 1000 volunteer soldiers will participate. , A BD.1 A ClIurch at Division SI. Off ice 623-3138 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1977 Sunday School Classes il a.m. - Be ginners, 3years Ki nderga rten - 4 -5 yea rs Primary- 6 -7 - 8years SERVICE Sermon Topic "',How Hard It ls" Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcome for Everyone JACK &JILL BARBECUE Sunday, Sept. 11, 4 ta 7 p.m. Soper Creek Park Ail young couples and familles welcome. Trinity Off ice Hours: 9 a.m. to 12 naon Minister: REV. N. E. SCHAMERHORNI B.A., M.Div. Organist: GERALD K. BURGESS Il :Oa.m. FAREWELL SERVICE for ORGANIST GERALD K. BURGESS Sermon "THE SOUNDING ofthe TRUMPET". SUNDAY SCHO00L REGISTRATION 9 YEARS AND Up - lOa.m. Under 9 years wiiI1 attend first part' of church service and wili then leave for their classes. NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their children to our modemn and creative "Play and, Learn"' Nursery while they attend Church. Bowmc Pentecost 75 LIBERTY STI SundayS inville ail Church REET SOUTH Services 9:55 a.m .......... Sunday School 11:00 a........ Worship Service 7:00 p.m. ..,. Evangelistic Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Youth Meeting Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church ems$ of Valunteers are needed. ta help with, a new recreation ,pragram one evening a week in Bowmanville. This Tuesday evening pragram for residents of Homes for Special Care needs volunteers ta assist with variaus activities and ta help with planning. Anyone wha is interested please phone 668- 5881 ext. 323 and ask for the Co-ordinator of Volunteer Ser- vices. Miss Janet Luxton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mo-s. Fred Luxtan, Duke Street, is attend- ing Yark University. Charles Elliott, son of Mo-. and Mo-s. C.R. Elliott, R.R. 4 Bowmanville, after spending the summer months warking in the Yukon, left this week ta begin studies at the University of Toronto. 1E.P. Chant, son of Mo-. and Mo-s. Paul Chant, St. George St., will attend the Univeo-sity of Windso- where he is enrolled in the jaurnalisma course. Mark Munday, son of Mo-. and Mo-s. Jack Munday, High Street is enrolled in the Mathematics couo-se at the University of Waterloo. John Sheridan, son of Mr. and Mo-s. Robert Sheridan, Liberty Street, left this week ta begin classes at York University. Once again the committee af the "Art Mart" held annually at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, are bard at work ta bring you an outstand- ing event. Why nat mark dawn the date now. It's October 27-28-29. Tim Weekes, son of Mr-. and Mo-s. George Weekes, Lor- raine Court left Wednesday for the University af Waterloo, where he is eno-olled in the architecture course. The washo-ooms at the Ganaraska Fao-est Centre ao-e expected ta be completed by the end of October at a cast af $20,899, and in reacliness for the first residentlial students who wilI arrive at the camip in Navember. The facilities will cast appraximately $900 mare than the Ganao-aska Conserva- tion Authority Committee had estimated. Congratulations ta Mo-s. Joan Couvier of Orono and Mr. Roy D. Taylor of Oshawa, who were married in Orono United Churcb on Saturday, August 13th, 1977. Many have listened ta and enjoyed the tae-tapping melodies played by Gladys Brown at various places and events in the area. It is with great pleasure we are now able ta offer aur congratula- tions and best wishes ta themn in celebrating their 4th wedding anniversary. Tonight, (Wednesday) there's a Nickelodeon Party at in ile parsofate worldi and temoahings cof modernl hclzonn tha icme HireWord i l unis fy the wraces entisand ctsthendf inspire mankind ta build ~manie Liray. BEAUTY SHOP We have expanded and re-decorated our shop for more comfortable service. Corne in and have a Iook. Thursday, Friday, Saturday FREE Conditioner with everyhai r-do compliments of Kut'n'Kurl. Wendy -Theresa - Joanne - Lorraine and VI wiII be only too glad to help you. Corne in to 71 King Street East, Bowmanville or phone 623-5019 "P.S. - We have flowers for the hair" On Saturday, May 141h, 1977, al. 7 p.m. in the Newman Chape], Toronto, Father John Gaughn united in marriage, Barbaora Christina Boî-ck, and D)r. Geoffery Ralph Michell. Their parents are Mr. and Mo-s, Chester Borek, Hampton and Di and Mrs. Ralph Mivihell, Kitchener. Miss Dana Gronkowski, a cousin of the bride was the moaid of lonîor, anîd Mr. Mark Michel], brother of the groom was the best man. Following a reception held at Har i Bouse, University of Toronto, Dir. and Mrs. Michell lef t on a honcymoon in British Columbia and are now rêsid- Enfield Churceh Celebra tes Its One Hundredth By R.W. Pascoc On Sunday, August 28, there was a very memorable and interesting occasion at En- the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Civic Centre, Osb- awa, with an exhibition of music machines, wbich wîll run for the entire montb. Art classes for- childo-en commence Septemiber l7thi and adut classes September l8th atithe Robert McLaughlin Galler-y, Oshawa. For inform- ation, phone 576-3000. Starting Thursday, Septem- ber lSth and running for a month, thePbotographs from the Collection of the Ontario Arts Council will be on display at the Bowmanville Public Library. September 3th is the dead- line to apply for an audition in the nation wide talent searcb of Canadian performers, over 18 years of age, in both the classical and popular fields of dance, music and theatre. Ful detaîls are available by writing du Maurier Searcb for Talent, Box 38, Station B, Toronto, M5T 2T2. 1Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Nichols, Kingston, spent the weekend with his father, Mr. L.B. Nichols, Carlisle Avenue, Bowmanville. field, when members and adherents of the churcb for as far back as sixty years for some of them, met together for a churcb service and social gathering. The service was conducted by Rev. Harold Kempling and Rev. Mcl Buttars who gave a very suitable and interesting sermon -entitled, "Riches lavisbed upon us". The piano music waýs provid1-ed b\ Mrs. organi st hiue, wh iýo Iwhad this Position since týhe age of 13. The choir loft was occupied by former members of the choir, who gathered from al points for the occasion. As there was no opportunity to rebearse the choir, themaie quartet, "The Country Four," provided several very cnjoy- able numbers during the service. Aftcr the service wbichi filled botb the auditorium and the basement, and some outside, lunch was served on a shady place on the lawn and visiting went on for two more hours until only a few were lef t. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adams wc had an amplifier system wbich caoried the service both to the basement and outside. This affair was preceded by a great amount of planning and organizing for weeks TELEPHONE623-55 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 1N4 Ear Piercing ýNw n y$8 .00 incldes oldsurgical steel studs Ofrgood until Sot., Sept. 10 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 29 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5747 Given in marriage by her father, Paula Worden became the bride of Philip Hammond, on Saturýday, August 6tb, 1977 at 4 p.m. in Ebenezer United Church. Reverend Gordon Worden officiatcd. The organ- ist was Miss Hazel Rundle and the soloist Miss Tina Vooys. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sydney T. Worden, R.R.2 Bowmanville, and the groom's mother is Mrs. Shirley Hammond, Toronto. The bride wore a formai gown of white, French jersey wboch featured lace on the yoke and wrists. A full lengtb train feli from the shoulders. A Juliet cap held a short, three tiered veil, and she carried a bouquet of coral Sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Mrs. Susan Bonnell was the matron of bonor, and the abead. Evcry last lady in the community regardless of their church affiliations helped witb donations for the lunch and there was plenty for ail in spite of some apprehensin beforchand. Althougb everyone around deserves credit for the effort they volunteered for this occasion there wcre two that we thought rose abovethe cal of duty. Mo-s. John Cummins bridesmaids Miss Chris Pater- son, Mrs. Penny Ridgcly and Mrs. Jane Horne. Best man was Mr. Bll Day, and the ushers Messrs. John Andreasen, Mike Heenan and Chris Budgell. Rcceiving the guests at the reception held at the Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, the bride's mother wore a formal celery green, jersey dress assisted by the groom's mother who chose a formal gown of light blue crepe. For a honcymoon in the Eastern States the bride wore as ber going away outfit, a Kelly green, two piece dress, straw and leather accessories with a corsage of yellow carnations. Mr. and Mo-s. Hammond are now residing in Toronto at 88 Glen Manor Drive. who produccd a bcautîfully decorated and enormous birthday cake about the dimensions of a bushel measure and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman who addressed and mailed over 150 invitations single banded. So, now the occasion bas come and gone we tender our thanks to aIl those who came and those who helped, that we may add this to our list of pleasant memnories. 25 Years Ago Thursday, Sept. 4th, 1952 J. Harry dose of Newcastle, was elccted president of the Canadian Gladiolus Society, last week at the -annual meeting held at Regina. Unless municipal councils submit rcqucsts to remain under rent control, all areas in the United Counties with the exception of Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg and Newcastle, will be decontrol- led on March 2nd, 1953. In all, 708 Ontario municipalities are slated for decontrol with 215 still under contrul. 36 patients were admitted to Memorial Hospital, from August 23rd-3th. Nine infants born, 44 x-rays taken and 16 routine chest x-rays. 12 out- patients were treated and 41 discharges. Four stained glass windows, the gift of the Woman's Association, will be formally presented by Mrs. Charles Cowan to the Newcastle United Church, at the Sunday evening service, on Septcm- ber 7th and subsquently dedi- cated to the "Glory of God" by Rev. L.H. Turner. 49 Vears Ago Thursday, Sept. 6th, 1928 Couch, Johnston and Cry- derman completed 4~6 years of service in their dry goods store on September lst. They are located in the Prower Block. Mrs., W.N. Tilley of Toronto (nec Carnie Young) forwarded a check for $300 to N.S.B. James, president of the Hos- pital Board, Gregory and Harold Colmer represented B.H.S. at the annual Ontario track and field championships held at Varsity Stadium, Toronto on August- 3lst for public and high school students of Ontario. Alf Ayre, Hampton, Harold Skinner, Tyrone, F.G. Glas- pell, Hampton ýand Tom Cowan, Orono cleaned up the majarity of prizes in the sheep classes at the C.N.E. At an estimated cost of $2250.00 of which $400 is to be paid by the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, town council decided to construct as a local improvement, a pave- ment on Lambert Street from King Street to Queen Street. In the Dim anid Distant Past Antiques and Collectables PROPRIETOR MARION SCHWARZ Don't Miss Our "Primitive Room" and many unique displays of Great lnterest Store Hours: COE ODY Tuesdaylt:00a.n.-5:oop.rn. FridaylO:00a.m.-9:OOp.m. Wednesday 10:00 a.rn. -5 P.r. Saturdaylo:ooa.m.-:OOP.M. Thursday 10:00 ar. 5:00P.rn. Sunday 12 naon - 3:00 p.m. Feel Free toCorne In and -Browse Around Our Store "THE PRICES WILL PLEASE YOUI", 29 TEMPERANCE ST. NORTH BOWMANVILLE (Next Door to Ken's Men's Wear) PHONE 623-2820 m Il.