10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 14, 1977 RCMP's Division 'O' Holds Golf Tourney Here Last week about 115 mernbers and guests from Division '0' of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police held their annual tournament at Bowmanville Country Club, followed by a deli- cious dinner. In the upper picture, the low gross winner Constable Mike Marsden is receiving his trophy from Assistant Commissioner H. Podesan. In the lower photo the '0' Division Commanding Officer is presenting a trophy to Constable Miss Dorothy.Bulmer, Dea- cones in the Presbyterian Churcc here and ber friend Miss Margaret Boyd, Deacon- essw t the Preshyterian Church in, Ottawa have re- turned from a delghtful vacation to the Smokey Moun- tains in Kentucky and Ten- nessee. When on vacation Miss Bulmer visited hBer parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Bulmer at Amherstburg. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jack- son, of Ottawa spent the Labour Day weekend witfubis mother, Mrs. R.W. Jackson ands is brother, Mr. Alan Jackson at Caesarea. Mrs. R.W. Jackson visited Monday to Friday wit her son and his wife, Mr. ad Mrs. C. Jackson and family la Ottawa. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Malcolm attend- ed the twenty-fift wedding anniversary of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pur- chase atn Flinton. Approxi- mately three hundred guests were preseat for this happy occasion. It is rather unique that the hride's family of thirteen were ail present to extend congratulations and to reminisce. Wîtb seven brothers and six sisters that must have been a happy reunion. They were from Sudbury, Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, Nestleton, Flinton and area. Mr. Isaac Beatty, the bride's father was also hioroured as bis birthday was on Suaday. The guests re- mained to extend congratula- tions to hlm also. Saturday evening dinner guests wrt Mr. and Mrs. Graame Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Calvi Holland, New- castoe, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman and boys, Reaboro. This was a family gatlersngola honour of four birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowers, John and Brian, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ralp Bowers, Craig, Todd and Tracey, Tyrone, Constable Jerry tBowers, Millbrook were Sun- score. Cons.Scott was runner up for day eveni g diner guests Iow gross and Cons. Madsen was with Mr. and Mrs. George runner up in low net, Mr. Tomlinson Bowers . and Earl. Mrs. Sam Cawker attended won the guestL low gross, with Mr. a bridai sbower on Friday Woznick runner up. Mr. Solich won aightla honour of Miss Wendy the guest low net with Mr. McLeod Cawker at the home of Mr. runner up. Brent Cuppage won the andMrs. Tom Cawker, at closest to the hole award, Chuck Manchester. Mr. Aylmer Dawson, Port Piper teHope, spent a day recently Sandy Holdrik won the most honest with his old friends, Mr. and golfer trophy. Mrs Sam Cawker. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish attended the special service in the Sonya Presbyterian Church. The new organ, the well, wash- rooms, Bible and plates were dedicated in memory of loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Wendy, Peter- borough were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Larmen Hyland. They also visited Mr. Hyland in the Community Nursing Home, Port Perry. Mr. Hy- land is resting more comfort- ably and bas less pain. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian and Adam spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Groves, Roseneath in honour of Mr. Groves' and her nephew's birthdays. This was a reunion when all members of the family of nine were present. Wednesday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Carmichael of London. These were friends that the Frews had met on their trip to Mexico. Other recent guests were Don's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Darnbrook of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Milne, Ralph, Glenn and Bonnie of Sundridge were Friday over- night and Saturday guests of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton of London, spent Thursday to Saturday with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughr- lin. They had been on a motor vacation in their mobile home to Wawa and returned via of Ottawa. Regular gasoline was $1.09 per gallon at one of the northern service stations. Miss Janet Irvine, R.R. Bowmanville, was a Saturday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mrs. Alvin Bruce and Miss Marge Bruce were Sunday evening dinner guests. In the afternoon they had a lovely drive to Bobcay- geon and Fenelon Falls. Bobcaygeon was a bee-hive of activity as boats passed through the locks continu- ously. Ladies Aid Nestleton Ladies' Aid met in the Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon. Follow- ing a summer recess. The hymn, "For the Beauty of the Earth" and the Lord's prayer, in unison, opened the meeting Mrs. George Heaslip, Presi- dent, welcomed all and read an extract frnom the Friend- ship Book. Richard Davison in charge of the Devotional, chose Galatians' Chapter and spoke of Dr. Switzers' work in Africa. Miss Ruth Proutt, Secretary Treasurer, read the June minutes and several items of correspondence. A receipt for the contribution made to the manse fund, a receipt from the Port Perry Hospital Auxil- iary for our donation, and a most generous gift to the funds from Mr. and Mrs. Stan McNeely. Members of the Ladies' Aid catered to the many guests on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration. Business consisted mostly of plans for Anniversary Service on Sunday, September 18 at 11 a.m. Rev. Morley Mitchell of New Liskeard will be guest speaker. He, with his family, will renew acquaintanes on his former charge, where he served as student minister for those years. The Roll Call with the theme "Glory" was answered by twelve members and the hymn "Glory Be to God the Father", closed this part of the meeting. Mrs. R. Davison was in charge of the programme. Mrs. McNeely read from the Record, "The Queen in Scot- land", when Queen Elizabeth attended the opening service of the General Assembly. Mrs. Davison read further sessions of General Assembly at which, for the first time, the Roman Catholic Church was repre- sented by its leader Cardinal Gray who received a tumult- uous welcome. Following the Mizpah Bene- diction the ladies enjoyed a delicious lunch and a happy visit after a two-month holi- day, Mrs. George Heaslip extended the thanks of the ladies to Mrs. Davison and her assistant, Miss Ruth Proutt for the fine meeting. Pineridge Garden Club On Tuesday, September 6th, the Pineridge Garden Club Scugog held their monthly meeting at Nestleton Com- munity Centre. The minutes were read by Mrs. Chris Wilson after which Mrs Newton announced the winners of the photo contest Co et N ESTLETON which was judged by the public at Blackstock Fair. Photo 7 held by Mrs. Bajema won the cash prize and photo 2 held by Mrs. Claudia McDiar- mid came in 2nd. Any members interested in a coach tour to the King Edward Garden Flower Show in September, is asked to phone Mr. R. Grierson at 986-5228 for more information. Our guest speaker was Mr. G. Pagowski from the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamil- ton. Mr. Pagowski gave us a very humorous and delightful discussion on "Spring Flower- ing Bulbs". His magnificent slides of. public and private gardens truly showed the wide range of colours and bulbs to choose from. So now we won't mind our knees wearing out and our backs aching from planting many of the bulbs suggested to us--only to keep in mind of the beauty reward- ed to us next spring. For any of our members who wish to rush spring a little, Mr. Pagowski gave us helpful information and sug- gestions on "Forcing Bulbs'. Sounds like just the thing to do to overcome the winter blahs! Our enjoyable evening ended with social time. Bridal Shower On Wednesday evening bride-elect Miss Barbara Rohrer was guest of honour for a miscellaneous shower in the United Church basement. Mrs. Victor Malcolm, presi- dent of the U.C.W. invited Barbara to a seat of honour in a gaily decorated chair. Mrs. Grahame Fish extended the welcome to the honoured guest and asked Karen Hul- land and Gail Finney, friends of the bride, to assist with the gifts. Barbara was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts for which she extended a gracious "thank you". Follow- ing with, all sang "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." For the programe Miss Gail Malcolm, with her mother, accompanying on the piano, favoured with two delightful solos "May You Always 'and "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You." Mrs. Norman Mairs and Mrs. Arnold Wil- liams conducted two thought provoking contests with the lively winner being Mrs. Barry Rohrer and Mrs. Olive Bedford. Lunch, served by the ladies of the U.C.W., and a social hour were enjoyed by the many guests. Presbyterian In the Presbyterian Church, Miss Dorothy Bulmer read the Scripture passages Exodus 3:1-14, John 1:17-28. "What are we looking for in our lives? Most of us want to make the world a better place in which to live. What are we looking for as the beautiful autumn approaches and the long winter days are just around the corner. Life is a voyage and Christ is at the controls. He wants us to do our best in our daily activities and to be ready if God calls us to other tasks. God builds His world and He needs each one of us. 20 YR. GUARANTEE 72- 43 THE REDKEN EXPERIENCE Put on your Happy Face ... and corne in to THEg-,Û, ýUtj9 e S:hoppe "YOUR PROFESSIONAL SALON" 37 King St. W. Bowmanville We are pleased to welcome OUR SPECIALTIES Elaine Waterfall - Perms - Colors to our staff - Cuts Please call 623-5455 for an appointment and - Hair Analysis grooming needs.