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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1977, p. 13

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$3 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 SIMPSON MEMORIALS 1885-6434 49 Lavinia Street Port Hope- ,Monuments - Markors - Inscriptions - Wrought Iran Fiower Stands - Home Appointments GIadly Arranged RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY LIMITED Established 1846 P.O. Box 176 73 Ontario Street Port Hope, Onta rio LIA3WM Hi gh Oua ify ai Reasonablo Pices >Phono 885-5216' Home 885-5222 WoRKANSIP'QUALITY ............. PcLAUGHLIN - Ralph and Pat (nee Mller) are praud ao Mnnounce the birth 0of their son ichard James, on August 30, 1977. Pnoudg randparents are Clayton and Vera Miller of Halibunton, and Jim and .Aleen McLaughiin of Black- st.ock. 37-1 4MS-Ran and Mike are taedta announce the .arrîval of their baby brother, Dalvid Norman, barn Septem- ber 8, 1977. We ig ht9 ,bs. Proud and happy parentýs are Joan ( Aluin) and'Normr..Grandpar- nt.Is are Manrion , James andi Mn. zand Mrs. G7eorge Btbee, with much jay -and happiness, announce the torthcoming mrarriage oft their daughter Doloros ta Michel, son of Madame Francis Ouimet, Sherbrooke, P. Doores and Michel wiil be married at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Septem- ber 24, 1977 in. St. ,Aug ustlne's Cathaiic Chur-ch, Mantreai. May 'GodbesMteir mar- riage. 37-ix Joyce andà Lawrence 'Turner, S.AbrAberta -and NorenandNeil Malcallm, ~Blcksockare Pieýased ta ~~~nnaunc t frthcoming itarriage -of VoaJy(Joy) ~ dDavid Gardon (Gond). 'l-le (:ýdi.g o tke place Octo!ben 8t h, 5 P ý-.1in St. IotUnited Church. ýBURL-EY -- At Memaniai 1-Iaspital, Bowmjnvieî, Fnl- gay, Soeptember-9, 1977, Çlinton- R. Bunloiry, Newcastle, 'ag 70 years,. Beloved husband ýI May Clark. Den fat hon of onald (, Wingha, ýgrand- jather of thnee g randsans. erther et Harry, P ot Hope, 'dney, Scarborough, and ,Lloyd, Cabourgý. service was held in the orris F unonal Chapel, o wn 'rville on Mon- ýday atternoanc. Interment Bond Honad Cýeretery, New- çastie.37-1 '-nSundJay, Septemr.ber 4, 1977, 'FRobc-rt [Eic Peaýrce, very dean 4riend afîiviene MDonald, .1oving son of Floren-ce Pearce ,of ichmiond Hîil and the late Eic WL. Pearce, dean 'brother a f Marilyn (Mn!s. John cpesio Caledon and Doug- as Pearce of Richmond Hill. 'Rested] at W.J/. Cavili Funenal ?Homo, Graven;hu!rst. Funenai service was, held' Wednesay SInterment in Bo-wmanvil l Cemnetery. FDoncaions ta the Ont'arici Hon ~n ould be apprecatod.37-1 RIZNEK - iliamr. At the Q5hawa General Hspital, Wednesday, Septemben 7, ~1977. William Riznek, beioved husband of the late Elena ,Slipenuk. Fathen of Mrs. Elmer Polard (Mary), John, bath of Caurtice. Steptather of Mrs. Harry Polock, (Alice), Clitorniýa.Lvd by grand- Schildnen and geatgrandchil. Sdron in his 87hyeadr. Rested at tihe Armstan Funeral il omne, Oshawýva for funieral '~service in tho chapel Friday, Septemer 9. Interment OShawa U nio,ýn Cemetery. 37-1 t CU REATZ - Sam and Kathy wish ta announice the arrivai of thoir second son, William Ryan, Wednesday, Soptomber 7th, 8 lbs. 15 ozs. Brother for Draydon. 37-1 SLEEP - Robent and Renee are praud ta annaunce the birth of thoir second daughten Jullianne Melody, on August 28, 1977, weighing 5 ibs. 10 ozs. Thanks ta Dr. Spear and staff of Oshawa General. 37-1 The tamily of Andy and Hamy Devries wish to extend an invitation to fiends, rela- tives and neighbors in cele- brating their 251h wedding anniversary at an open house- at Knax Christian Schaol, Bowmanvîle, September 24, between 8: 00 and 10: 00. The chiidren of Robert ana Edie Hiiditch cardiali y invite friends, relatives, and neigh-1 bars ta a SURPRISE 25th Anniversary Tea, at their home, 70 Thrd Street, Sun- day, 18, 1977 ram 2 ta 4 p.m. Best wishes only. The tamily of Margaret and Alfred Ovenden invite, rela- tives, friends and neighbours ta an Open House, Saturday, September l7th tram 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., in honour of theïr parents 5th Wedding Anni- versary, at thei r home, R. R. 1, BowmanvilIe. Best wishes only.371 "Flowors with Feeling" For a ny Occasion 623-3377 Sundays iand Holidays Bey 983-51 Ruth 623-7259 FLOWERS BY JACKMAN Bowma nvil1le Mail1 623-3365 PROMPT, COU RTEOUS, SERVICE FOR ALL YOUR FLORAL N EE DS 14-tf Say it Best" DAiLY Delivery te... Oshawa - Bowmanville Area Phone 623-4441 The family of Bert and Bernice Gibson wiilI welcome friends, nieighbors and rela- tives on the occasion of their parents' 50ih Wedding Anni- versay nthe United Chu rch, Blacktc on Sunday, Sep- tember 25th tram 2 - 5 p.m. Best wishes onl1y. 37-1 The family of Wesley and Ada Yellowlees extend a cordial invitation to ail their friends, relatives, and neigh- bours to an Open House on the occasion of their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary. Solina Community Hall, September 25, 1977, 2 -4p.m. ,and 7 -9p.m. Best wishes on ly. 3742X ADAMS - In loving memories of a dear father and grand- father, Charles, who passed away September 17, 1974, dear Uncle George, who passed away February 25, 1972 and dear brother Ronald (Red), who passed away September 2, 1961. This time cornes wifh sad reg rets If brings back the days, We will neyer forget You fell asleep without goodbyes, But memories of you will neyer die. We miss you more than anyone knows As each day. passed, emptiness grows. The years and days pass away But the ache in ourhatiiI always stay. -Lovingi yremembered by son Bob, Rena and Bobby. 37-1 x ALIER - In laving mmoary of Ran, who passed away Sept. 19, 1976. Meoanes are wonderfuî things Thoy last to the longest day, They nover get lost, they nover wear out, And can nover be taken away. - Rornembered always by sisters, Jayce (Mrs. Tim Fitzgerald), and Eiieen (Mrs. Bill Barrabaîl) and tamiiy. 37-1 x ASHTON - ln laving memory of a dean husband and tather, Bruce Ashton, who passed away sa sudideniy, September l6th, 1961.ý As tirne unfalds_ anatbexr year, Memanies keep ya ever near, Sulent thaug hîs f i mes together, HoId memories that will ast torever. - Sadly rnissed by 'vite Marie and family. 37-1 BIRD- In iaving memory of a dean husband, step-tather, and grandtather, John (Jack), who passed away, Soptomber 17, 1976.* Those whom we laveý go aut of sight, But nover out of mind; The are chenished in the f iearts 0f those thoy leavo behind Lavii3g and, kind in ail his ways, Uprmght and just in ail his Sincere and true in heant and mind, Beautiful memorios ho left behind. - Ever remembered by his wîfe, Mynîle, step-chilidron Willis, Joan and Kathleen and grandchildren. 37-1x FLINTOFF - In Ioving mem- ary of aur dean daughter, Shel ley Loanne who passed away Septemben 16, 1975. O biessed littie sunbeam O child of love and prayen, We give thee ta the keeping 0f the tender Shepherd's cane. - Lovingly rornembered and sadly missed by Mornmy and Daddy. 37-1 OVERY - Rase B. n laving memory of aur dean mother, grandrnather and great grand- mother who oeff us suddenly Sept. 8, 1976. Mother we miss yau and lave yau sa dean, n aur minds and aur heants yau'll always be nean Yaur lite was unseltish, for others you lived Not fan what you received, but for what you could give, Just a laving thought, just a sulent tear For a beautiful memory of aur mother sa dean. -Thefamily. 37-f MURPHY - In laving memary of a dean tather, Hubert Murphy, who passed away September 15, 1975. His chanming ways and srniiing face, Are a pleasure to recali, He had a kindly word for each, And died beloved by ail. - Lavingly remernbered by daughter Vickie. 37-ix SINCLAIR - In laving mernory of a dear father and grandtather, Harvey M. Sin- clair, who passed away Sept- ember 17, 1969. Lovinq memanies neyer die. 0f the anes wo ioved, and will nover fonget. As yeans rall on, and days pass by In aur hearts a memary is kept, A happy home we once en jayed How sweet the memory stili. -Sadly missed and always remembered by son Larry, daughter-in-_law Doris and 24tgrandchildren Todd and Tara. SINCLAIR -.In Iovinig memory of a dean tather and grandfather, Harvey M. Sin- clair wha passed away Sept- ember 17, 1969. To y ur resting place we visit And place the tlowers with cane, No one knows the heartache When we turn and leave you there. When the day is sad and Ionely And everything goes wrong, We seem ta hear you whispor Cheer up and carry on. Each time we see your picture Wo seem ta hear yau say, Don't cry, l'm only sleeping, We'il meet again someday. -Sadly missed and always romembered by san John, daughter-in-law Helen, grand- daughters Cindy and Sandy. 37-lx To al1 the p eople of the Town of Newcastle who gave so f enerously after aur loss by ire on Au gust 21 at Crooked Creek; ta Mrs. RalhPallard who collected f rom the New- tonville to Kendal area friends; executive and mem- bers of Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion for donation, clothingrecerieis and offers of hel pRaed Cross executive, Kay Florsey, gave the family new cthes on behaif et the Red Cross, pubiished an appeal for heip in the States- man which was generously answered by people tram ail over; Town of Newcastle for donation, and many items of clothing and many household Items- a very sincere thank you. Eric, Ethel Andrews and famiiy. I wish ta thank mreatives, friends and neigbors for cards, fruit and tlowers, also nurses and staff on first floor, Dr., John Rundie and Dr. Long. Thank you Hilda Mutton i would like to thank ail my friends, neighbours and rela- tives for their cards, gifts and flowers during my stay in Hospital. Aiso, i wish ta thank my doctors and nurses at Cîvic Hospital. Frances Jackson 37-1 L,.1.L. 2384 wishes ta than.,k alh ihose who donafeýd baajks ta our Book Sale in Juiy, also ail those who helped In any way ta make it a success. Donations this year will be given ta The Heart Fund, The Salvation Army, The Santa Claus Parade, The True Blue and Orange Home in Richmond Hii. Thank you for helping us taoheipaothers. 37-1 i wish ta thank ail my fiends, relatives and neigh- bars for ail the kindnesses shown ta me this past year. Mvrtle Bird The family of the late Ed Arends would1 ike ta thank Dr. Mosienko, Dr. and Mns. Hub- bard, triends, relatives and neighbors for kindnesses, shown to them during their recent bereavement. Aise a thank you ta the ladies of the catering committee for the lunch provided atter the funeral. 37-1 Wewouid liketa express aur sincere appreciatian ta the Shaw's community for the bridge set and lovely crystal fruit bowl which were present- ed ta us an August 30. A special thank you ta the committee for organizing the presentation. Wes and Dareen Lane 37-ix Ernest and Norma Cavano give a special "Thank You" ta aur family for arranging aur 5th wedding anniversary celebration. Also ta aur rela- tives, triends and neighbans for making i t a memorable occasion, The g ifts, f lowers and cards are a ppreciated sa much. A specia I thanks aiso for the arrangements at the Parish Hall by the ladies of St. Paul's Church. 37-1 EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellens Ltd. Regular Pice $12.00 NOWg$ 10.00 with studs Spocial 10 per cent reduction on first purchaseo0f earrings with the releaso form. Phone 623-5747 For Appoinimont 45-tf Roberta McCann, C. E. Permanent hair nomoval. Free consultations, Phono 623-6214. 19 Burk Court, Baw- manville. 25-tf THE, Rowan Tnee is affering classes in Basic Leathercraft, $20 for 10 lessons, some ma- tonials suppliod. Macrame, Daugh Sculpture, $20 for 10 lessons. Ail materials sup- plied. Classes ta beg in 1sf weok in October. Reg isîor naw. Phono 623-9122. 37-1 Solina People's annual re- union,' Solina Community Hall, September 24. Stea barbeque at 6 p.m. Dance, cards and entertainment later. Ladies please bring smaîî salad or dessert for the barbeque and sandwiches or cookies for the evening. 37-2 Newcastle U.C.W., Annuai Turkey Supper, Saturday, Nov. l2th. Sittings 5, 6 and 7. $4.50 adults, $2.00 children 12 and under. Ticket information 987-4593. 37-1 Smocki ng classes begînning Tuesday, September 27th at 7 p.m. at Patchwork 623-6543. Make children's dresses, hostess aprons, etc. 37-1 BOTTLE DRIVE The Wolf Cubs cf the Boy Scouts of Canada, Bowman- ville area will be canvassing the town from door te door, Sat., Sept. 24 for ail botles, (pop, miîk jugs and beer). To ma ke money for fheir greups, bus trips, camp- ing etc. Please have your botties ready. If you are missed phone 623-7208 or 623-2929.,Thank you. 37-2 Dance at Solina Hall, Satur- day, October 1, Ray Avery's orchestra. 37-1 Fitness Exercises a nd Relaxation Progra m (wit h Yoga> Beginning October Sth te December lth. Phone 263-2638 mornings oniy, for further information. 37-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NEWCASTLE WHITE LINE Frî, and Sat. September 16 - 17 Dancing 9to 1 37-1 SUPER GARAGE SALE Furniture, grow lghts, fix- lures, curtains, cîdeV toys, clothing, tent, vwater: soflener, much more. Sept. 171h 10 a.m. Anfossi's Nash Rd. E. at Martin Rd. 37-1 FRIDAY NIGHT BIBLE SCHOOL wiii be held al Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church every Friday evehing starting September 16th, 7 -,8.30 p.m. Sing-songs, Bible stenies, crafts. If transportation is needed please cail 623-26 36. Anniversary service at Nestieton Presbyterian Church, Suniday, September 18 at il a.m. Guest speaker to be Rev. Morley Mitchell, New Liskard. Luncheon served. 36-2 Club Annrene Scugog Island Dance Band Schedule Sept. 17 - Par Four Sept. 24 - Positive Outlook Oct. 1 - Dino and the-Capri's Oct. 8- Something Blue Oct. 15 - Something Blue Oct. 22 - Par Four Oct. 29- Lockerbie NO JEANS R ESE RVAT IONS DON ARMSTRONG 725-4344 or 576-6599 Pre Christmas Tea at House of Amber Antique and Gift Shop, October 14-15-16, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. daily. We are ready for Christmas-are you? Came shop in the unhurried atmos- phere of aur Country Gift Shop, north end of Hampton Village. "Fabers' Residience.- Something for everyane- china, crystai, bedding, towlsantque,:ikl- owe... REGISTER NOW! Woaving - Mon. 7 p.m. Crocheting - Tues. 8: 30 p. m. Smnocking - Tues. 7 p.m. Quilting - Thurs. 7 and 8:30 p.m. Smocking begins Sept. 27 Ail ather classes bogin wook at Sept. l9th. $25 - Ail matonials supplied. PATCHWORK 31 King St. W. 623-6543 Cartwright High School Night School Courses Bridge (Beginners) Budget Cooking and Cake, Decoratin g Conversational F rench Chair Caning Dog Obedience Drum Playing Macrame Sewing and Needle Craft Slimnastics Typing Quilting For funther information, pleaso cali 986-4241. 3- Ontario Association of SuperaÎhnuated Women Teachers South Durham Branch The Fait Luncheon of the South Durham Branch of the Ontario Association of Super- annuated Women Teachors will bo held in Brookiin United Church on Thursday, Septem- ber 29, at 12; 15 p. m. Any retired womnen toachers whe are net members and who wish te attend ploase caîIl Mrs. G. Heard (728-2555) or Miss M. Pucknin <725-8473). 37-1 GARAGE SL Sat, Septem-ber 17 10 a.m. -5pm 784 Hotop St., Oshawa (north of RosIand Rd. W.) Antiques, collectibles, dishos, tools, quilts, dlocks, dough box, pine cradie, lanternis, crackspicture trames, primi- tives and many more items of interest. Pottery Show and Demnonstration by Ken Quinn at Kendai His Arts, Crafts and Antiques on Durham Raad 9 - 2.8 miles east of Kirby (highway 115 and 35) September 17 and 18 11la.m. -5 p.m. Phone 1-983-9339 Attentian-4th l3awmanville Cubs will stdrt September 2lst at Memonial Park Clubhause 7 p.m. New members welcome. Registration tee $6, ta be in by September 28th. 37-1 The County of Durham West, Annual Orange Church Parade, will be held in Orona, ta the United Church, Sunday, Septemben îBth. Please assemble at the Public Schaol at 10:30 a.m . Ail Orange sistens and brothers are cordialiy invited ta attend. Yard sale, Saturday, Sept- emben l7th. 9 arn. - 4 p.m. Lino 13, nonth 12 mile. Mardi Gras Nightta raise funds for Blackstock Ice Fund, Fniday, September l6th,, at the Community Centre, Biackstock fram 8 p.m. ta 1 a.m. Dance ta Ian Pag*e's orchestra, draw for a sido of park, fruit booth, games of skili. Admission $2 each. 37-1 Giant rummage sale. Fnl- day, September 16. 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Saturday, September 17, 9 a.m. ta 12 noan. Salvation Army, 35 Division Street, Bowmanville. 37-1 st. John*'s Take-a- Break Tuesday mornings 9:15 a. m. - 11: 15 a. m. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHU RCH Exercises, Crafts, Speakers Babysittîng Provided Everyene Welcome Fan further information cal 623-7298 Goodyear Canada Retirees TouJr October4, 1977 (Tuesday) Goodyear Bowmanvîlle Ail Goodyear Canada Retired empleyees of the Bowmanville Plant are invitod te be g uests of the Goodyear Canada for a bus trip te the Goodyear Canada Colling wood plant. On arrivai ai the Goodyear Canada plant the retirees will have an opportunity te tour the plant. Thoen a lunch will be provided for the retirees by Goodyear. At the conclusion cf the lunch the refireos whil again board the buses and return te Ba)wmanviIle. 8 a.m. Tuesday, October 4, 1977 the buses will leavo the Goodyear plant ai Bowmarlviile. 10:45 a.m. the buses will arrive at the Colingweed plant of Goodyear, il a.m. Tour of the Colingwood plant wili begin. 12:30 noon lunch wilI be served providod by Goodyear Canada. 2 p.m. Buses will beave for Bowmanville. Arrivai ai Bowmanville, 4,30 p.m. Ail Goodyear Retiroos are invitod te bo the guosts of Goodyear Canada. Phono K. LUXTON 623-3543 N. ALLISON 623-555037 if interested. 3- FRESH brown eggsk brown egg laying hens, fresh early apples and cider. J. Gold 623-2730. 32-tt Pick Your Own Fresh Vegetables FRED EYMAN FARM COU RT ICE From Hwy. 2 take 13th Line north one block. 32-tf POTATOES, Clifford 'Swal- low. Phone 623-2721. 37-1 TYPEWRITER, old Smith Coronna, tpes excellently, asklng only y$25, Caîl 623-5610. 37-1 GRAIN corn, wholeor ground. $5 per 100 in your, bags. Minimum order of 500 lb. Tom Pleasance 263-2719. 37-2 DAR K brown knee length soft suede winter coat with fur lininq, fur trimmed hood, also fur around the bottom and arms, excellent condition, sîze 16, asking $65. Phone 623-5773. 37-1 Shrubs and Evergreens Bagged Topsoil Phone 623-3412 37-4 ONE Garwood oil furnace, 115 B.T.U., excellent condition. $250. Phone 728-6908. VACUUM cleaners and polishers repaired at Reid's Small Appliance Repair Ser- vice, 164 Base Line Road East, Unit 7, Bowmanville. Phone 623-6244. 7-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre, 299 Dean Ave., )shawa. 576-1220. 46-tf PADDY'S Markei now has new furniture, appliances, T.V.'s'and stereos and also used f urniture and appl iances. Willl accept trade-ims. Paddy's .M*Varket, H,"mpton, phone 263- 2241. 33-tf "COATS Iron Tiremiari tire- changer; one tire breakdon four 8.75 16.5 lfug tires; two 800 x 16.5 regular tread tires(ig tread); two 800 x 16.5 regular tread tires; four 900 x 20 ten ply lug tires; one heavy duty box trailer; tank and burner for tar pot; Duo-therm space heater. Phone 263-8172. 37-1 NEIGHBOURHOOD sale. Hiousehold items, toys, cloth- ing <children aduits and maternity wear>, winter coats, drapes, glassware, macrame, cookware, tele- vision, on Saturday, Septemf- ber 17 at 10 a.m., 7 Jane St. Bowmanville. 37-1 YARD SALE Thurs., Sept. lSth Frî,, Sept. 16th 77 Prospect St. 37-ix YARD sale, Saturday, Sep- tember 17, 9 a.m. - 5 32 Edward St. W, Newcastle. Antiques, small tables, odds and ends. 37-1 HEY! A Ca rport Sale Sat., Sept. 1lth West of Waltona Park, Newcastle Miscellaneous household items including crystal glasses, dishes, tools etc. 37-1 1976 H-ONDA, CB360, 4500 miles, Excellent condition. Will certify. $1000. Call 623-4910. 37-1 Shrubs andý Trees For FaîIl and Spring Planting Dig your ewn and save. CatIl 987-4378 - 37-1 BLUE sp noce sale. Nunsery grown, dug an d potted, 15 ta 18" - $5.99; 18 ta 24" - $9.99. Open 7 days a week. Sam Manetta, Pantypoal, 705- 277-2715. 37-1 G IANT garage sale, Satunday and Sunday, September 1ith and l8th, one mile west of Bowmanvilie on Hwy. 2, across tram County Chrysier. Household items and lots of depression glass. 37-1 PICK your own Mclntosh apples. xcel lent quality wind fails available. Browview Farm, Newcastle. Junction of Hwy. 2andl115. 37-1 MY baby has grown-up sale. lmci. cri b, carniage, stroiler etc. Also misc. househoîd items. Sept. 17, lGa.m. -2 p.m. 2 Hetherington Drive. 37-ix TWO wobd burning kitchen stoves, aise one box steve. Top soul until end of September. Phone 1-786-2512. 37-2 1974 MERCURY 440 snow machine, excellent condition, used very little, $650 or willl consider almost anythlng as trade-in. Phone 623-5466. 37-1 APPLE boxes, picking baskets and ladders. D. J Cunningham. Phone. 987-4294. 37-1 20" GIRLS ýbicycle, $15, also large size tricycle, $12. Both in good condition. 623-5427. 37-ix HAY, standing, 2nd cut. Phone 987-4589. Give me an offer. 37-1 x DRY, steve wood mlxed, beech, oak and maple $40.0 pB er cord, $45.00 delivered ln owm anvi île area. 623-3580 or 36 Nelson St. 37-1ix THREE furrow Otatico drag g low, ogooed condition and ardwood office desk, very good condition. Phone 1-983-9471. 37-1 FR ESH, honey, 70c lb. in customer's containers. Phone 623-5218. No Sunday sales. 37-8x ONE truck cap, 34" high, insulated with panelling, with a two way door, side windows, dome vent on roof. Phone 1-983-5691. 37-1 ON E 4 wheel buggy, excellent shape. Phone 1-983-5691.* ~37-1 JET pum p, cannister set, 2 pa ir shutters,ý johnny pale, sink. Tricycle motor bike parts . Phone 263-2248. 37-1 See t ho Magn ificent Coleman Camping Tra ilers at NEWCASTLE TRAILER PARK AND SALES Hwy. 2, Newcastle 987-5131 Open 7 days and evenings. 23-tf ANTIQUE CLOCKS Parts available for most antique, clacks, packet watches and modern watches and dlocks, and 400 day dlocks. Our ropairs are dono with modern up-to-date equipment and qualified, Swiss trained watchmaker. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phono 623-5747 22-tf 72 HARDTOP font trali'er, sloeps faur. Phono 623-3852. 37-1 CASE tractar, Model D, with mounted seven foot hay mower. Gaod condition. 3 furraw Massey Harris trail plow, goad condition. Newton- ville 786-2609. 35-tf Lots of Used Pianos in Stock,, Organs Tool Lowrey, Hammond, Heintzman' OSHAWA ORGAN CENTRE 16 Simcoe N. (at King) 728-1675 3-tf Certif ied Seed Grain Wdinter Wheat Winter Banley Ready tasow. CERESMORE FARkMS'LTD '623-3552 or 623-7233 32-6 A SPECIAL - welI known Manor twist carpet, negular $12,95, for a limited time $10.95. Several spioshes on short shag, reg. $10.95, now $8.95. See our basemont fer scatter matts, remnants etc. A fow metal book sheives $20,00 oach. F. A. Kramp, 37 - 41 King Street East, Bowman- ville. 37-tf SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY SCREENED SAND G RAVE L & STON E LIMESTONE PRODUCTS ALL SIZES FOR DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL Phon e Oh 725-0 23 SOLINA RD. N. 1 Mile North ef Hwy. 2 Spring Flowering Bulbs Tulips Daffodils, Crocus, etc. Ce;rne in eary for goed selection. F Iowers by Jackman BOWMANVILLE MALL and Carnation Flower Shop 33 DIVISION STREET PHILIPS COLOUR. TV Clearing et Cost 26" Pushbutton Tuning Overstocked T.V. SERVICE CO. 185 Church St. Bowmaniville 623-3883 3- SEPTEMBER specials at House et Amben Antique and Gift Shop (Hampton Village> Towels and face cioths - 20 per cent otf regula r price. Sil k corsages made- la borf nee of charge.Shop heurs Monday and Tuesa 12 noon te 9 p.M., Wednesday, Thursday and F riday 9 a.m. te 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Cal1 263-2981. 36-4 PICK or buy y ur ewn apples again at1 Sik ma's orchard *across f rom Newcastle. lumber yard on Hwy. 2 starting Sept. 9 'tii Oct. 15. Open 9 a.m. - 7 Monday thru Saturday. Closed on Sunday. 36-3x TEAKWOOD and Rosewood Scandinavian furniture, bed- room suite - 8 pc., dining noom suite - 9 pc. chesterfield and chair, etc. AIl Brand new, reasanable. 1-247-4377. 27-tf MciNTOSH and Melba apples, aise pears. First road east of zoo, tur nerth, 3rd house east side. Herman Bandstra - 623-2106. 36-3x FIREPLACE weode for sale. Ail cut ini foot lengths. Phone 623-4550. 37-1 SCRAP PA-PER Suitable for homework, letter- writing, grocery notes etc., end of newspnint rolîs suitable for making patterns, fining shelves and drawers, wrap- ping china, etc . Auminum plates 24 x 36 suitable for insulation, craif pro jects, pro- tection cf- young t1rees etc. STATESMAN OFFICE 62 King St. W. Bowmanville COMFORTABLE reom, kitchen and livingreom pnivil- eges, walk te Newcastle stores. $25 weekly. Phone 623-3857. 137-1 Harry Voerman Insurance 181 Church St., Bowmanviile, ont. Phone 623-4428 Res. 623-7597 AUTOMOBILE AND FIRE INSU RAN C E 28-tf LEGAL ANNOUNCEMENT The _partnership et Lovekin and Cureatz wish ta formally annaunce the withdrawal et Sam L. Cureatz, M.L.A., and the formation et a new par tnership with CHARLES EWERT, B.A., LL.B., te be known as Lovekin and Ewert, effective September 6th, 1977. The offices remaining at The Commercial Building, 35 King Street, West, Newcastle,, Ontario (now part et Tewn et Newcastle, Regional Munici- oaiitveof Durham). IN THE MATTER 0F THE BANKRUPTCY 0F 305222 ONTARIO LIMITED, a bodyv cerperate, havlng its head officein the City et Oshawa, County et Durham, Province et Ontario, carrying on busi- ness unden the name and style et NEWELL'S HARDWARE AND HOME DECORATING CENTRE. NOTICE is heneby 9lven that 305222 Ontario Limited (car- ried on business as Newell's Hardware and Homne Deconat- in Centre), banknupt, et the City etoshawa, County et Durham, filied an assignment on the 31st day et August, 1977, and that the first meeting et creditors wilI ho held on: Tuesday, the 20th day et Septom ber, 1977, at: the heur et 11:00 o'ciock in the forenoon, at the office of, tho Officiai Receiver, 4th floon, 241 JanVIS Stroot, ini the City et Tenante, in the Prevince et Ontarlo. bUNWOODY LIMITED, Trustee 146 Simcee Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. L1G 4S7 37-1 Durham -.lCo--unty's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4DIViSION STRE-ET, BOWMANVILLE TWO O-,-FF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 627,5480 Day or Night eninthis district ton 96 yeans. t Funeral Home THOUHTFLNES -CONCERN -SERVICE ýýLoncenned people often inquine about :pr..ananemetof funenai details. 'Infomation can be simply and thoughtfuî- ýly obtained upon request. 'This' is part of our service to the ýcom muni ty.

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