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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1977, p. 14

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BABYSITTER wantedfor 21/2 year-old. ln my home, week- days 8 - 5. Phono 623-4867 affer Sp.m. 37-1w AUTO BODY Personnel réqùiredi Due to expansion MAACO Auto Painting- requires the fol lowlng: 1 LICENCED BODY PERSON ONE THREE YEAR APPRENTICE (Preferably wlth some auto ood worngconditons. Only pepewotake prido in thoin =ok=ee apply. For conf i. dential Interview: at 579-4000 NOW or »u5t como ln to MAACO' Auto Painting 1& Bodyworks 710 Wilson Road South Oshawa, Ontario Li H 6E7 Phono: 416579-4000 37-1 Reliable, Mature DISHWASHE R Short Order COOK Five day week. Involves shift work and somne weekends. For appointmnent phone 623-3373. Flying Dutchman Motor Inn 37-1 ACCOUNTANT wanted for large Oshawa retail firm. Must be able to carry comn- plete, set of books to trial balance, must be a ble to operate Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger. Send resumne in own handwriting with qualification and expected salary to P.O. Box 707, Oshawa. 37-1 APPLE plckers and sorters. ApplY at E. Mostert, on Hwy. 2, east of Newcastle, f irst farmr south-east of subway. 36-2 DRIVERS wanted with oWn car - evenings. Please phone 623-6633 a ffer 7. 37-1 BROOKDALE KINGSWAY NURSERY has vacancy for Permanent Truck Driver G icense necessary. Apply in person 150 Duke St., bowmanville 623-3345 PARTTIME -FU LL.TIME TE LLE R Experience Preferred Contact Henry Wong 623-4471 37 NO INVESTMENT Sell Fashion Two Twenty Full Time --Part Time af ter 4: 30 Phone 1-986-4835 37-1 THE TORONTO STAR Requires person for light rural deliveries, 2 - 3 hoursper day. Early afternoons M-F, early morning Saturday and Sunday. Reliable transporta- tion essential'. For details caîl 728-5117 37-2x HAIRDRESSER Wanted for Bowmanville, to take over a good clientele, good working conditions. Please phono 725-8710. 36-2 BOYS a nd GIRLS Paper routes may be available in youn anea. The Toronto Stan is now taking applications. Ca Il 728-5117 EARN extra monoy. Show oxciting lino of Christi cards and gifts to trie neighbours, relatives. No perience needed. Our colu uly illustrated c ou a kes it easy profitable. Start now. 'ý ioday for free Christr catalogue -and informai Monarch Greeting Cai Dpt., 114, 217 Cannon, Nla ton, LUN 3K3 or phono 527-3891. THE Toronto Star requing .person for light rural deli les out of the Bowman, area, eanly affernoon Mon f0 Fniday, early morn Saturday and Sunday. proxiýmately 2 to 3 houns day. A roI iable van or picý requîred. Phono Mr. MeIc 728-5117. Peterborough - Victoria Northumberland .& Newcastle Roman Catholic Sepa rate School Boari requires SUPPLY TEACHERS for ST. JOSEPH'IS SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Please contact the principal, Mr. Gutteridge by calling 623-5151 or submitting your application to St. Josepl Schooîý, 90, Parkway Crescent, Bowmi ville, Ontario. SAL ES P ERSON General Motors deaiership in the area requires a re salesperson for new and used car and truck sales,, An excellent opportunity to earn $15,000 - $25,000 per anni plus benefits and company car. Working atmosphere extremneiy cornfortable. Exporie'nce prof erred but not a m ust. Aply in writing to: ,dverti son 722, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190,' Bowmanvlle, LIC 3K9 E 1975 CHEV. Caprice, 4 doon RENT-A-TENýT hardtop, ail1 options, m ust selî1. TRAILER 623-5040 attor 5 o'clock.3716 -52 Weekly Rate: $50.00 1973 FORD LTD Brougham, + Deposit ý7one owner, power steering, 8 DUKE STREET - power brakes, certif ied. Ask- BOWMANVILLE vOur mas nds, ex- big, ata- and Vrite mas iion. irds,, im jl- 416) 31-8 esa i ver- ng $190uu. Pnone 623-689Y9. 37-1 1974 BUICK LeSabre, 2 door, hardtop, full power, excellent condition, certified. Asking $2500. But no reasonable offer ref used. 623-5427. 37-ix 1972 BUICK Electra 225. Air conditioning, AM-FM stereo. Power steering, brakes, win- dows. 987-4583. 37-1 '76 CJ7, $4800. Phone 623-3835. 37-1 x '73 CHEV. van, 3/4 finished, carpet, sunroof, table, 6 cyl- inder, standard, windows in side door. Phone 623-3609. 37-1 x 1976' CHEVROLET Caprice, air conditioning, 4 door sedan, vinyl roof, tinted glass, radio, radial white wall tires, V8 engine, power steering and brakes. Phone 623-2431. 37-1 '70 CHEV Bel Air sedan, 350 auto, $650 f irm. As is. 263-2706. 37-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-stop radial centre. 299 Dean Ave., Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phone 723-1155 for Rustproofintg n new or used vehicles. Written war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phone 723-1155. 47-tf 1971 FORD pickup truck. Make off or. Phono 263-2649. 37-1 1965 GMC haîf-ton, $299. Phono 1-986-5067. 37-2 1974 PINTO, excellent condi- tion, certified. Phone 987-5369. 37-1 1977 CH EV 1/2 ton, heavy duty, standard transmission, power brakos, block heater, stabi- lîzer, rear step bumper, largle' mîirrors. $4200. Phone 263-2103. 37-1 '67 DODGE van. Somrecf ihsid~e f ixed up. $600Q. Phone 987-5281. 37-ix -o ivie NOTICE TO CREDITORS nday (and Othens) Ap-g ,I1N THE SURROGATE er COURT 0F THE JUDICIAL kper DISTRICT 0F DURHAM k-upt IN THE ESTATE 0F 36-2 Reginald George Harding, - late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Rot ired Produc- tion Control Manager, Deceas- ed, who died at Bowmanville, .d Ontario on July 1th, 1977. (Hisnresidence was 12 Durham Street, Bowmanville, Ontario) Croditors and others havîng dlaims against the said De- ceased or his Estafe are required to sond full pantiçu- lans and full proof to the undersigned on or before l7th Octoben, 1977, atter which dttho assets of the Estate R wilibe distributed having by regard to the dlaims thon hS Datod at Town of Newcastle this 6th day of Soptember, anl- 1977. L. C. Mason Q.C. 37-1 135 Wellington Street P.O. Box 129 Bowmanville, Ontario L'IC 3K9 Solicitor for theExecutnix etail (Mary -1lizabefffChaplin, of 16 u, Durham Street, Bowmanville, luC Ontario). 37-3 37-1 COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Learn ta Ride" Special Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "Horsemanship" and "Showmanship" Opportunity to Compote in Shows. Morses Supplied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered this faîl. 4 lessons per 1month plus 8 hours f ree ridinq time - $50.00. Tel: 623-4984 llth Lino, R. R. 3, Bowmanville 34-tf 1 * I I 111 200 - 300 BUSHELS Mcîntosh apples. Phono 263-8430 after 7 p.mA. 37-1 USED Furnitune and Appli- onces. Paddy's Market, Hamptoni 263-2241. 33-tf 2rqd and 3rcI MORTGAG E MONEY AVAILABLE - 5 year term - Open Mortgag es -No paymen ts for three mont hs - No bohuses -No Credit Checks -No inquiry frorn neighbors -Confidential arrangements made in your home -Borrow as low as $1,600 -Fast service -First Mortgages also arranged Cati Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and sold (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 CASH for gId, silven, coins, guns, dlocks, jowellery, dish- os, furniture, crocks, paint- Ings,' sealers, appliances. FnRiendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf CarÈ, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmob-i les For Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAiD ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf 36 WHITE Iaying hens. 75c ea. Phono 263-2135. 37-ix MUSCOVY ducks. Phono 623-3051. 37-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boars. ROP tested, low days to market, Iow back fat. Tom B. Pleasanco, R.R. 5, Bowman- vil le. 416-263-2719. 37-2 I 29-tf Commercial Building FOR RENT 1870 sq. ft. downtown Bowma nvi 110. Phono 623-4406 or 623-5023 30-tf Scugog Professional Building 191 Chu rch Street Custom f inished professional1 suites. Cal 623-2552 or 623-2565. THREE bedroom apartment, ail electrîc, smalî apartment building, ground floor, $290. includes utilities and cable T.V. Availablo now. First and ast months in advanco, one or two children preferred. Phono 623-7574. 37-1 LARGE 1 bedroom apart- ment, ground floor. Centrally located. $165 plus water and hydro. 623-7977. Available immediatoly. 37-ix ONE bodroom bachelor apart- ment, frig and stove. Private entrance and driveway. Quiet, non-smoker preferred. Phone 623-6919. 37-1 STORAGE for boats and'camp trailers. Phone 623-5428. 37-7 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment, central location in Bowmanville. Phono 623-7438. 37-ix SMALL, two bedroom up- stairs apartment, separate entrance, cablo T.V., heat and hydro, immodiate possession, centrally located. Phone 623- 7402. 37-1 NEW three bedroom bunga- low $325 a month. Availa ble October Ist. King St. New- castle. Phone 623-2756. 37-tf BED-sitting room, hospital area. Phone 623-3600 after 4 p.m. 37-1 SMALL two bedroom home, 10 miles to Bowmanviîle, first and last month's rent in advance. $250 per month. Immediate possession. Phono 623-5683. 37-1 THREE room ,a partment. Ground floor, compi ete ly fur- nished, heat, utilities, T.V. $200. Reply Advertiser 720, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviîîe, LIC 3 K9. 137-1 BOWMANVILLE -modemn apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, Cable TV, parking downtown. Available now. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696- 3361. 29-tf MAIN STREET STORE LINDSAY Christian School' Bus driver seeking steady part timo work while children aro in school, hours from 9:30 f0 3: 00. Please phono Lindsay 705-324-7392 or Bowmanviîlo 623-3966. 34-4x fHave you had your Furnace-Serviced? Call HARVEY PARTNER. BOWMAN VILLE 623-2301 ORONO 983-5206 Parts and service planis available. 35-14 Custom Silo Filling with two row harvester. $33 per hour Phono: ROBERT BOULEY Newtonville 786-2650 ovonings. 35-4x WILL babysit children in my home. North-end area. Phono 623-7230. 37-lx WILL babysit in my home. 5 days per week. $35 for pre-school, $25 for schooi chiîdnen. Alonna and Roser area. Phone 623-9167. 37-1ix NURSE with 2 years expeni- once in infant cane centre, wiIi poieloving cane for infant, Monayf0Friday in rmy home. Liberty St. N. area. Phono 623-6790. 37-ix G. VAN'LONDEN MASONRY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 28-52x C & C JAN ITOR SERVICE' Carpet - Upholstery Prof essiona lly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 45-tf Anderson Insu lation- Blown Cellulose fibre. City and country homes. 1-tf Ron's Floor Care Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, walI washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-f Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor' and Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, rec rooms, garages, repairs 0f al types, etc. 25-tf Approximately 1$' montage x G R IPO 25' eep. G R IPO Washroom and smail room Phono 983-5808 at real-. Orono, Ontario Broadloom. Pitn ppy Pitn Advertiîser Box 721 P e agn The Canadian Statesman apentry P.O. Box 190 apnr BowmaviîîoRemnodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 1 -tf FREE REMOVAL O0t FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CAL L MARGWI LL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721. FR EE puppiesto give away to g ood home, mother is a Golden Lab. Phono 263-2151. 37-1 WANTED good homes for kittens and cats. Cail 623-7094. 37-1 RABBITS, Dutch breed, maies and femalos, beige, black, brown and grey. Some 8 woeks ol d and 3 weoks. F ree to good home. Phono 623-5610. EIGHT-week femnale Collie type puppy. Phono 263-2019. 37-1 PUREBRED German Shep- herd puppies, $30 each. Phono 623-2176. 37-1 DOG GROOMING Big and Smail We do them a-il. Phone ý623-7764 SHOW handt-ing class. Oshawva Obedience. October 4. Adi- vanco enrotimentf. 623-5686 or 576-1167. 37-3 TO give away f0 good homo, 31/2 month nid kittens, litter trained. Phono 725-3947. 29-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanvilie Siding - Soffit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf Bill'«s GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvîlle Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Sealed Un ifs - Storm Windows Store Fronts - F loat Mimons Patterned and Colored Glass, and Glazing. 17-tf DARLI NGTON 1MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176.- 45-ff Water Deîivery For pools, weîls, etc. Phone 623-2469 34-4 RESPONSIBLE babysittor, wiIl babysit in my homeé duning the day. Phono 623-2962. 37-lx Prof essiona 1 Ca rpet TYRONE Cîeaning -Mg AT REASONABLE RATES Trig- Welding g FREE ESTIMATES Steel -Cast Iron -Alum inum Phono Bob Smail Engines Ropaired 6328 &Tune-ups 6328 Lathe Work 37-tf 263-8849 29-tf Yeoma ns & Sons Limited Plumbing and Heating A SERVICE-SHOP ON WHEELS 24-Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating R. R. 1 Orono, 983-5624 ZENITH-, 25-fl M. Brooks CAR PENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-fl <Alil kinds of BRICKWORK, CKIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 13-tf Lawn and Garden Ca re, Grass cutting, roto tiling and iawn roîiing with a commer- cial machine. Seeding down new Iawns and aid, tnee cutting, painting, and odd jobs cieaning up. Robert Jones- 987-5222 987-4098 17 tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing FIat s hot or coîId process. Ali roof and chimney ropairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 14-ff OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Ltd. (Our fireplaces donfot smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barnes PIumlbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Ropairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27 tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Repairsof ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BIJRNERS - FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30-tf MI NER'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Ca Ils 16-tf Durham Masonry Contra ctors Ltd. Bricks.- Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 44-tf EXPERIENCED day cr teacher and mother would like to cane for childnen in my homo. Wavorley Gardons area. Phono 623-6517. 36-1 A. J. GROEN CONSTRUCTION Masonry Contractor CKIMNEYS - BRICKS - BLOCKS - FIREPLACES and MINOR or MAJOR REPAIRS Cati 623-2970 34-tf Free-Lance Editor Feature Writer, Columnist OPEN FOR ASSIGNMENTS Oshawa 579-0317 37-8 INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or air cl eaner. Combination wood and oul. Financing avail- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Call Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free estim- ates. Orono 983-5206 or Bow- manville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf RELIABLE woman wifh ex-- p eriencewill give child cane in hon home Waverley area. References availablo. Phono 623-9229. 37-1 MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANK AND TILE BED INSTALLATION TRENCHING, BASEMENTS, WATERLINES, SCREENED STONE, CRUSHED GRAVE L, SAN D, TOP SO iL PHONE BLACKSTOCK 986-4737 25-1 WHITE"S T..TOWERS Towens, U HF,V.4F AeriaîIs, Rotons Repairs Ask About Our Guarantee, - 576-5606 INSU LATION Blown Cellulose Fibre by WH ITE'S INSU LATION FREE ESTIMATES' 576-5606 ""SLI PSý" Woodwork Shop COLONIAL TABLES BRIC BRAC WOOD TURNINGS SMALL CABINETS CUSTOM WORK 4 Queon St. E. 623-7493 WILLING f0 babysit in my home, -Monday f0 Friday, central Bowmanville. Phono 623-2018. 37-ix REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditionailand Antique. Fee pickup and dolivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 37-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Weil Boning. Tele- phono 342-2030. Represonta- ive Harry L. Wade. Tele- )hono 987-4531. 16-tf Ref rigeration and App 1i a nce Serv ice Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Miik Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2t NEED a pressure systom? Waten Sottenens? Repairs tc ai makes. Harvey Pantnon, Onono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf BOOKKEEPER on bookkeep- ing machine openator noquines fulIl time on pant-time wonk. Experienced in typing, and ail office procedlunes.- Phono 623-6743. 36-2x $27,500. CAVAN VILLAGE 11/2 sfoney olden brick home, on large lot. First floon newly deçbrýted, new cupboands, oïl funrnaoe. 3 pc. bath. Imme- diato possession. Phono 705-944-5313. 37-1 x 1977 Northern Stocker and Feeder 1Sa les WIARTON - Thurs. Sept. 22 - 10: 00 a.m., 3000; TH ESSALON - Wed. Sept. 28 - 10:00 a.m., 1200; MANITOULIN (Little Current) - Thurs. Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m., 3000; SOUTH RIVER ' Fnl, Sept. 30 -10: 00 a.m., 1000;- AMOS - Mon. Oct. 3 - 12: 00 noon, 800; LA SARRE (Dupuy) - Tues. Oct. 4 - 9:30 a.m., 1500; LORRAINVILLE - ,Wed. Oct. 5 - 10:00 a.m., 800; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs. Oct. 6 '- 11:00 a.m., 1000,: WIARTON - Thurs. Oct. 13 - 10:00- a.m., 3000; RAINY RIVER (Stratton) - Mon. Oct. 1W - 11:00 a.m*, 2600; LA SARRE (Dupuyý) - Tues. Oct. 18 - 9:30 a.m. 1500; SOUTH RIVER - Thurs. Oct. 20 - 11:00 a.m., 500; EASTERN ONTARIO (Galetta) - Mon. Oct. 24 - 10:00 a.m., 1800. Advertisingý Manager S. MacDonal dBox 130, Hunts- ville, Ontario POA 1IKO. Telephone 705-789-5491. Saturday, Septembor 17, 1:00 p.m. Fail stocker and feeder sale at Liptay Livo- stock Sales, Hwy. 7, Peter- borough. Expecting several hundred head of steor and heifer calves, yearlings etc. Consig nment welcome. Regu- lar Wednesday ovening sales çire now at 7:30 p.m. A very efficient competitive market sorving youn ivestock mar- keting needs in a fniendly mannor. Auctioneer Steve Liptay, Peterborough, 745-0260. 36-2 Auction sale, Saturday, September 17 at 1: 15 p.m., at Bannisters Auction, Hall, Bewdley. Consisting of: chests of dnawers, chesterfield and chair, dini ng room chairs, smaîl tables, storage chest, chrome suite, dishes, glass- ware, lam ps, books, vacuum cleaner, odd chairs, beds, TV, and other items still being consigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 37-1 Auction sale of antiques and collectibles, Monday evenlng September 19 at 6:30 p.m. at Bannistors Auction Hall, -Bewdley consisting of 25 very fine prints, circa 1850 - 1905 from the collection of Mr. Henry Martin, Toronto. Set of ress backed chairs, side oards, blan.ket boxes, tables,- washbowl sot, oil lamps, hang- ing lamp, (shado damaged)ý, brass pieces, Victorlan chairs, dishes, glassware,' crocks, iron pots, and other items stili being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, auctioneer. 37-1 Auction Sa le Grist Mill Auction Barn Newtonviiie, Sept. l6th Friday, 7:00 p.m. Several chests of drawers, 9 drawer dresser, oak chest, double and sing le beds, Victorian hall table, trunks, bikes, 4 pc. modern pino chesterfield suite, Moffat fridge like new, good power mowen, garden tools. Fire p'lace utensils and lots more. Freview Thursday nighf. Terms cash. Stapleton Bros., auctioneers. 786-2244. 37-1 Wednesday, Septemnber 28 1:00 p.m. Hoîsteins Complote Glenwall Holstein Dispersai owned by Harris Mc Keen, R.R. 4, Cobourg, Ont, on Hwy 2 between Co bourp and Port Hope (di rectly south of railway overpass). 55 head, 45 ne- glstored, 10 N.l.P. grades. R.O.P. fested, Cîassified, alli negative for Brucellosis, 9 by Northcroft Admirai Ciation (Ex & Extra), 5 by Vigh Koyes Rocky A- (V.G. ST), 4 bySelîing Rockman (Ex & Eýxtra), 4 by Mooreville Rocket Kemp (G.P. ST). This is a herd of young cows with a lot of potential. An example of this is Gîonwal Admirai Nadene, a very sharp daughter of Admirai Citation (Ex-Extra) since March milk- ing 60 lb. out of a beautiful snug udder. Her G. P Dam by "Lassie Leader", sels with a full sister to Nadene due in November to "Rocket Kemp" and a yearling by "Emperor Evo", a quality famil y. Sale at 1 p.m. Lunch availa ble. Sale managed and sold, Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524, 37-2 Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, on Saturday evening, Sept. 17, at 7 p.m. .Large quantity of furnituro and things, practically new washer and dryor, beds, drosser,- two o Id cocks, several antique pieces, chest Of drawers, tables,fy ou namo it, we'vo got it. Ci!f Pethick, auctioneer. 37-1 Auction sale for Lakefield Power Equlp ent of com plete inventony oc new parts (over $15,000.) Yamaha, Skidoo, Can Am including 2 bikes, office oquipment, cash regis- fer, adding machiînes, -heafor, Bell and HowelI dual Ions SR111 microfiche reader, complote manuals, dozens of Skidoo, and Cari Am jackets, snowmobile boots and suits, stock includes fuel tanks, hoods, exhaust systems, hel- mets, tires, olI, clutches, boîts, batteries, etc. etc. etc. Sale held at Liptay Auction Contre, Hwy. 7 bypass and Bensfont Road, Peterborough. Abso- lut el y no reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1.-00 p. m., Thurs., Sept. 22. Preview from 9: 00 to 1: 00. Lunch available. Dealers and public welcomo. Steve Liptay Auctioneer, R.R. 6, Peter- borough. 705-745-0260. ý le Thursday evoning, Sep tember 22, 6:30 p.m. Real Estate Furniture Auction Sale including semi-, detached home for Mr. G., Graigr, at 110,Mechanic St. in Uxbridge. This home has kitchen, living room and bath on main f onr with 2 bedrooms upstairs, basement, Lot 45 x 99, low taxes. Terms $3000 down evoning of sale. Balance in 30 days. Sale subject to owners approval, Also Re- frigerator, Electric Dryer, plus many othien articles. S aie at6:30p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 37-2 Corneil's Auction Barn Friday, Sept. l6th 7 p.m. Three miles east of Little Britain'or 7 miles west ot Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Bnitain Road. Wicker rocking chair, china cabinet secrel- tariat combination, press' back chairs, china cabinet, colored T.V., wash stands,. antique dressers, crocks, mnantie cdocks,. sleigh bells,ý chesterfield andc chair, refri-. ceenator, , rocking chairs,' quantlty of hand tools, quanti-. ty ot china and glasswaro plus many more antiques, furn4- tune and househoîd items. Tuesday, Sept. 20th 7 p.m. The estate of the late Julia Lomago of Manfilla, press back chairs, chests of drawers, dressons and wash'I stands, brass bed, pine chest of drawers, parlour tables, coal ohi am ps, antique kitchen cupboard, Duncan Phyfe cof- fetable, press back high chair, Victrola, trunks, hanci made quuilts, walnut bed plus many more, antiques, fur- nituro and household items. Terms cash. Don Corneil, auctioneen at R.R. 1, Little Bnitain. 705-786-2183. 37-1 -sucs- Saturday, September 24 9:30 a. m. Furniture& Antiques Auction sale including 1956- Pontiac Car, 38,000 miles, Findlay Cook Stove, China Cabinet-Table and 6 Chairs,~ Studio Couch (good), China Cabinet with curved glass- door, Refrigerator, Electric, Stove (like new), Antique rocking chairs, Zenith T.V., Antique sewing machine, Chesterfield and Chair, 2 pc., bedroom suite, Walnut occa- sional Chair, Parlour table, coal oul lamp, Toilet set, small tables, Dresser with oval mirror, Wash stand, Antique pîcture frames, Extension table, Washing Machine, Kitchen suite, Dishes, Crocks, Silverware, Bedding, Pow.ýer Lawn Mower, gardon tools, coal, wood plus many articles. The property of Mrs. Norman Ma ye in Goodwood at 4 corners in Goodwood go south- house is between Hwy. 47 and Durham Rd. 21. Lunch Avail- able. Sale managed and soîçi by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-352,4. 37-1 Monday, September 26, 11 a. m. 2 Households Furniture and Antiques Large Auction of Furniture.' and Antiques including,: Hammond. Electric Organ-Z manual keyboard-built in Les- lie Speaker, (2-9p c. dinng, room suites, (go), Antique. Oak Hall StandLrge Oval Table, Hall Table, SmaII. Mahon gany Sîde Board, Cap- ta'in's Chair, 2 Gateleg Tables,ý Library Table, Soctional Bookç- Case, RefrJgerator, Electric Stove (good), McClary Spin' Dryer,E lectric Dryer, Cedar Chest, Hanging Lamp, Dishes, Single Bed, with Box'Springs (like new), C-hesterfield Set of 6 Pressback Chairs, Antique Settee Set including Plat form Rocker, Arm Chair and 4 Chairs, kitchen -tables, 2 folding tables, antique Par- lour table, occasional chairs, Dressers, Rugs, Several antique Chest of Drawers, plus many other items and, interosting articles. The pro p- erties of Mr. and Mrs. W.B3.- Weldon, 50 Franklin St. and. Miss Couchman, 57 Plank St.ý in Uxbridge. These homes are side by side at 'the corner of Plank and Franklin at the Couchman property. Lunch Available. A fine sale starting; at Il a.m. Sale mý,anaged and 5o1d byLlod Wilson Auctions Ltd,Uxbrî'dge 416-852-3524. Tuesday, Septem ber 27 12:30 p. m. Furniture and Antiques and. Tools Lovely quality Auction in-4 cluding: Antique Corner Cup- board-1832 beautiful piece,- Pine Blankef Box, Chest of Drawers, Antique Jars and, Bottles, India Cabinet and, Rocker, Partners Table with 4, Drawers, Oval Table, Piano, Bench, Antique folding Knee- Desk, Lamps, Broadloom, follet sets, Large. Upright, Freezer, Washer and Dryer,, HI-Fi, large quantity of Glass- ware and Dishes, many- antiques, copper ketti ,,. crocks, urns, billiard table.- Machine shop equipment: J-D 48" Riding Mower-16 H.P.,, Lawn Rouler air compressor, i- ton electric hoist, power. hacksaw, steel lathe, Acety-" lene Welder, Dril Press, Iron, Pot, Chaîns, Drills, Tools, nut- and boîts, heaters-220, plus' many items. The Property of Douglas Little, 2 miles east of' Hwy. 48 on Finch Ave., beside Morningside Golf Course. Lunch available Sale mnan- aged and sold by Lloyd WiI son Auctions Ltdi., Uxbrîdge, 416- 852-3524. 37-2 1

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