GenraiMotors Announces Prc5 Hk for '8Models General Motors of Canada Lîmited today announced that the list price for the average 1978 model base passenger car, whîch is exclusive of Federal and Provincial Taxes, will increase by $212 or 4.0 per cent over the average base car in 1977. Includîng the optional equipment which GM believes the average customer will order on his 1978 model passenger car, the average car purchased in 1978 is expected to be 5.3 per cent higher in price than the average car purchased in 1977. Donald H. McPherson, President of General Motors of Canada, said. "The adjust- ments only partially offset increased costs of raw materials, labor and the cost impact of the decline of the Canadian Dollar on imported vehiclesý and components, which occurred during the past year. Steel, aluminum, lead, glass and plastics are all up. "In 1978, GM will feature new resized and redesîgned mid-size cars and will intro- duce several new engines. Among these new engines are the 5.7 litre V8 Diesel engine produced by Oldsmobile, the 3.3 litre (200 c.i.d.) V6 produced by Chevrolet and the 3.2 litre (196 c.i.d.) V6 and 3.8 litre (231 c.i.d.) V6 turbo- charged engine produced by Buick." "The performance charac- teristics of these smaller engines will allow the discon- tinuance of some of our larger powerplants. In addition, some equipment standard in 1977 will become -optional in 1978 to provide GM customers an even greater flexibility in ordering a car suited to the individual's taste while lower- ing the overaîl price. The new resized and redesigned mid- size cars as a group will show about a three mile per gallon gain over their 1977 counter- parts. And the job done by GM engineers and designers in maintaining or improving interior dimensions in these Sinceret Sneesympathy is extend- Miss Marguerite Wright and ed to Mr. Stanley Malcolm and Mrs. Norma Bradford of family on the'death of his wife Oshawa, visited during the on Friday, September 2, in week, with the Victor Mal- Oshawa Hospital. colms. Mrs. Lawrence Cooledge Sunday evening dinner and her sister, Mrs. Florence guests were Mr. 'and Mrs. Thompson, Toronto, lef t on James Kent, Katrina and Sunday for a motor trip to the Tamara, Orono. west coast and to the northern On Saturday, September 3, United States. Bradley Malcolm was guest of Mr. and Mrs. George honour when several little Bowers, Mr. Wilford Wilson friends were guests at the and Mrs. Hazel Saulter, of home of his parents, Mr. and Omemee joined with others Mrs. Vernon Malcolm. This for a delightful bus trip to was in celebration of Brad- Hamqiltonî and Niagara Falls. ley's fourth birthday. Congrat- Going by the scenic route they ulations. visited the Royal Botanical Mr. and Mrs. Lige Langley Gardens and had tea at the and Mrs. Gladys Parrish, "'Tea House". The flowers Toronto, were Saturday over- were most beautiful and were night and Sunday luncheon at their best. They obtained guests of Mr. and Mrs. fruit at a i fruit stand. The Norman Schnavel and family, group had( dinner at the Caesarea. On Sunday morning Ponderosa, Steak bouse which they attended the United wýas a fitting climax for a Church at Nestleton when lovely day's outing. their grandchildren Kevin Mrs. Jackie Reynolds, of Leigh Schnavel and Tara Sarnia, was a Tuesday supper Dawn Schnavel were wel- guest of her uncle and aunt, comed into the church family Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowers. by baptism. On Monday, of last week, Sunday luncheon guests Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mal- with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn colm, Mr. and Mrs. James Malcolm following , the Kent of Orono returned from baptism, of their daughter three weeks' motor vacation Heather Arlene were Mr. and to the west coast. When Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, enroute they visited Mr. and Barry, Gailand Laurie, Mr. Mrs. He orerin Calgary. and MArs. David Malcolm, Reverend and Mrs. Wesley Nestieton, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hutton of Brooks' Alberta, Malcolm and Mary Lou, were Tuesday luncheon guests Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs, Stan of Mr. and Mqrs. Victor Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Malcoýlm. McKenzie and Sean, Mr. Neil LEONARD JAY B.!Sc,,D. C., D7octor of Chiropractic wishes to announice the opening of his office for thef practice of Chiropractiea ot 96 QUEEN STREET BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO LiC 1M6 i c a, TEL FP HONE 623-9297 Si G new cars is truly outstanc ing." Another area of increase( customer value for 1978 ini volves the improved warrant3 covebage on all models. Ai GM, customer satîsfactior remains the number onE objective, and the customet will appreciate this, nev warranty which extends thE service adjustments perio( from 90 days to 12 months or 20,000 kilometres so that if conforms with the current coverage on materials and workmanship., September 23rd is the announcement date for the 1978 Chevette and Acadiar models and October 6th is the date for the balance of passenger cars. The list prices are currently being sent to, dealers for ail models 'except the sub- compact Chevette and Aca- dian models, the new more fuel-efficient mid-size cars and all models of Cadillac, prices for which, will be released shortly before their scheduled introduction. News Allin, Orono, Miss Jean Per- rin, Mr. Win. Morley, New- castle,' Mrs. Alma Farrow, Marnwood Nursing Home, Bowmanville. It isn't often that four generations aereent at two christenings butthe aternai grandmother and great grand- mothers were in attendance ait the Schnavel and Malcolm baptisms. David Dickson and Brian Dickson accompanied their aunt, Mrs. Betty Roland, Dundas'for a week's camping at Lake of Two Rivers in Algonquin Park. On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vivian joined with other members of the family and attended the dance at the Lakehead. This was in honotur of bier sister, Peggy's nine- teenth birthday. Congratula- tions! Following the dance the Vîvians hosted a party and refreshments at their home. 1Mr. Fred Gordon and Tilly Zameron were Labour Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Vivian and Adam. Little Stacey Sutton, Peter- borough, visited at the week- end with his grandparents, Mir. and Mrs. Lavern Sutton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son accompanied, Mr. and vIrs. Neil Werry and Joy onl Sunday for a barbecue supper hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey at their cottage at /iewlake. Other guests were M'r. Rob Mairs and Steven, Nestleton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ego, Viewlake. On Sunday, Reverend and Mrs. Merle Thompson of Regina were luncheon guests fd his brother and sister-in- lw, Mr. and Mrs. Don 'hompson. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip accomp- ined Mr. and Mrs. Norman wine of Bowmanville on 'aturday and attended the ftieth wedding anniversary )f Mr. and Mrs. Weylie [cKeown at the, United 'hurch in Sandhill. Monday caliers with Mr. id Mrs. Grant Thompson vere Mr. and Mrs. Willard .ompson, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman id boys, Reaboro, spent aturday with Mr. and Mrs. 'rahame Fish. On Friday evening, Mr. and Colebrotd First Birthday Jeffery Daniel Wolosewich was sister Liane wiII be four-years-old one-year-old on JuIy 2nd, 1977. lis next month. Grandparents are Mr. Parents are Daniel and Pam and Mrs. Robert Behm, Oshawa. Wolosewich, R. R. 2, Blackstock. lis1 Mrs. Norman Mairs hosteci a family party in honour of their son Rob's birthday. Guests for the barbecued steak dinner were Mr. and Mrs. John Slute, Raglan, Mr. Allan Mairs, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rob 'Mairs, and Steven, Nestleton. Normr proved to be a mnost capable chef for this happy occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore of Hemet California are spend- ing a couple of weeks with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Moore, proprietors of Spring Water Trailer Park, report that they have had a very successful and busy season. A numberof new patrons have already booked for next season. Mr. Allan 'Mairs, Oshawa, spent the weekend with is parents. United Church In the United Church, Re- A prof essional 8X10 colour portrait88 Choose from our selection of eight scenic and colour backgrounds. You may select additional portraits offeredat reasonable prices, with no obligation. See our new large Decorator Portrait. Satisfaction always, or your money cheerfully refunded. One sitting per subject - $1 per subject for additional subjects, groups, or individuals in the same family. Persons under 18 must be accompanlied by parent or guardian. Thursday - Friday- Saturday Septem ber 22 - 23 - 24 Thu!.rs. &Fri. 10-8, Sat 9 -4 Food Mart KING ST. E. (8OWMANVILLE MALL) verend Victor Parsons chose "Coveniant in Creation" as the theme for his message read- ing Scripture passage Genesis 2:5-9; 15-25, Romans 14: 1-23. In a solema baptismal service Heather Arl.ene Malcolm, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn'Malcolm Tara Dawn Schnavel and Kevin Leigh were welcomed into the church family, by baptism. Miss Gail Malcolm sang the favourite "How Great Thou Art. " Reverend Parsons, in bis address, gave a resume of the Conference which he attended in, Calgary, This was a National Assembly and dele- gates were sent from the twelve conferences across Canada. Enniskillen Scott and Lisa Rekk'ar, Newcastle' were Saturday overnight guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton visited with Mrs. Edi'th Stainton, Hillsdale Manor. Miss Miram Chant, Toronto, was a weekend visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry. Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Stainton have been camping at Six Foot Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Draper attended the Gagliardi-Mc- Mahon wedding in Oshawa. Mrs. Leonard Stainton accompanied Mrs. Gail Hockin to Stratford for a, couple of days and while there enjoyed a night at the Theatre to see 'Richard the Third." Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 14, 1977 3 homes and sehools in, I S Northern Ontario, many of the N a t1u1am i R eso r1ejunior rangers have expressed t R ÎE Û r e heir interest in returning again to work with this Autumn in Provincial Parks Rangers and their supervisory Ministry. Many of us would flot like to staff. In this, the first year of admit it, but recent cool operation, the Lindsay Dis- tepratures and a few trict Cold Springs Junior _1cdn briglhtly coloured leaves indi- Ranger Camp is the winner of arI e.LLU cate that autumn is just the Safety Competition be- Iaround the corner. tween the four junior ranger - Septem ber and early Octo- camps in the Central Region. ber is an excellent time to visit The competition was a close ~ or camp in our provincial one, based upon the number of parks. Crowds and trouble- injuries versus the number of some inseets will have ail but man-days worked. The Cold disappeared. The weather is Springs Camp maintained a crisp and faîl scenery is at its perfect record, without a best. single injury requiring The Labu Da and medical attention or lost time Thanksgiving holidays are during the eight week camp traditionally busy camping period. weekends, adalo h As safety competition win- Lindsay District Provincial ners, the 24juirane,3 Parks will offer full facilities supervisory staff and cook, up to and încluding the were rewarded with a one Thanksgiving weekend. Fol- hour plane ride over the lowig Otobr 10 coderKawartha Lakes. The flights weather will force us to shut were aboard a Ministry Turbo down park water, sewage and Beaver on August 24th. electricial facilities. Still, Tepaefihssol visitors wl ewîoe Tepaefi htssol throghot te î awinter serve as a fitting highlight to thominimt alol and wanter the camp season which ends fait iesmaatiltad. on Friday, August 26th. Thciis ala n ear. at During their stay the junior Charity Conway, daughter Thre are s i evralspcal rangers have contributed to Of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice ativitie seanedr ouria the programs of Fish and Conway, Bowmanville, grad-1 arks and spuclandsf u. Wildlife, Timber and Parks uated May, 1977 as Legal park andpuble lads. Divisions, and have been Secretary from Seneca Col- Darlington Waterfowl Day introduced to the entire range lege, Toronto and is employed This year the annual Sports- of Ministry activities. As they in a law office in Toronto. men's Waterfowl Day will be prepare to return to their held at Darlington Provincial ___________________________ Park on Sunday, September This is a day for the entire4If11~ family, as aIl visitors are encouraged to learn and participate. Events include decoy carving, waterfowl indentification, retriever l » t r a trials and dock calling champ- ionships. Day-use admission Antiques and Collectables will be free.[ AnY! d Controlled Waterfowl Hunt RPIT M IO SCW Z In Darlington ProvincialPR RIOR ARNSC AZ park, six hunting blinds wiIl be available during the Septem- ber 24 to December 15 waterfowl season. The blind Don't Miss Our "Primitive Room" permits are available on a admn nqedsly fGetItrs first come, first serve basis aimn nqedsiy fGetltrs starting at 5:00 a.m. at the Store Hours:CL.OE NDY park. Hunting will be permit-C.OEMNDY ted on Monday, Wednesday, Tuesdaylo:ooa.m.-5:oop.m. Fridayl10:00a.m. -9:00OP.M Friday and Saturday. Wednesday 10:00 a.n. -5 p.m. Saturday io:0ooa.rn.- 5:00 p.m. There is a daily fee of $8.00 Thursday 10:ooa.n. -5:00 p.m. Sunday12 noon.-3:00 p.M p er blind and a maximum of Feel Free to Corne in and Browse Around Our Store i wo hunters allowed in each - blind. A boat is required to "THE PRICES WILL PLEASE YOýUi", reach five of the six blinds. Junior Rangers Win Safety 29 TEMPERANCE ST. NORTH BOWMANVI LLE Competition (Next Door to Ken's Men's Wear) Congratulatins are due to PHONE 623-2820 the Cold Springs junior »'- - . . . lil, ..... ..,, oTiario MôIOJ668-7731. SUPPOt J ANDR NiWm. F. H. McADAMS, I RD ROS I i ra COmmissioner WE'RE CELEBRATING OUR NEW OAKVILLE SHOPPE WITH A SALE FROM SEPTEMBER 8th. *~~ixtpy attenion, toTII OLD FASHIONED QUALITY AT INCREDIBLE PRICES PIOe'ýNEERAINTEmO/-*"RS The ultimate in distinctive fine furnishings ii urop St. West, Whitby. 401 east, 9 blocks north on Hwy. 12 181 Ghurch St., Oakville, 1 block nort h of Hwy 2, 1-668-4231 (Toronto 868-6317) 21/2 blocks west of Trafalgar Rd. 842-2062 Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-6, Thurs.-Fri. 10-9- Sat. 10-6. REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE- ALTERNATIVE PLANS FOR A FUTURE NORTHN SOUTH ARTERIAL ROAD TO HIGHWAY 401 IN EAST BOWMANVILLE T uesday, September 2Oth g: 00 NEWCASTLE COUNCIL CHAMBERS Police andFire Building 132 Church Street Bowmanville, Ontario T he purpose of this meeting is to present f0 the public alternative plans for *a future north - south arterial road to- Highway 401 in east Bowmanville for public input prior to the consideration of an amendiment to the Regional Officiai Plan. The Public is invited to attend the meeting and present their ideas and concerns regarding the location of the arterial road. ln addition, the public is invited to view an Information Display at the Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, on September lSth, between the hours of 9: 00 a. m. - 5: 00 p. m. Information regarding the alternatives may be obtained by calling Mr. K. Schipper, Department of Planning and Development, Ae You Planning a Coul ANN COWMAN (Canadian Travel Counsellor) in association with oger's ravel gBrea Bond Towers - Oshawa Telephone Bus. 579-2261 Homhe 576-0157