ColbradFirst Blrthdoy James "Derek" Roy Godfrey celebrated his first birthday, Sep- tember 2, 1977., Derek is the son of Bill and Karen'Godfrey of New- castle. His proud grandparents are EVIE School days! School daze! and Mrs. Fi as ail the pupils head back for and family. schooi this past week. Which Recent visit remninds us that as of Septem- Mrs. James ber 9 we have completed 23 Mrs. Ruby years of loyal, dedicated Cambridge, service as Yeiverton Corres- spent a week pondent to this paper. Wonder and Mr. HE if they (and we) can hack Kinsley Sas] another two years to complete weekend gues our silver anniversary of Jim and TI capricious correspondence. ied by their1 Editor's note: Congratula- the weddingo tions, Hope you'll keep going Miss SharonN for another 50. Guisippe Gagl Mr. and Mrs. Case Glas- on Saturday,' burgen and Jason of'Ajax On Sunday, were Sunday visitors wîth .Mr. to BqwmanvjIî Mr. and Mis. Ray Godfrey, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Watson of Newcastle. Great grand- father is Mr. Ralph Rimmer of Bowmanville. :RT 'rank Glasbergen tors with Mr. and sGray iricluded McMahon of OJntario, wbo kwith the Grays lenry Eaton of k., who- was a Bst. 'bora accompan- guests attended of Thora's niece, McMahon to Mr. hlardi in Oshawa September 3rd. Mr. Eaton went ie for a few daYs Monday, Sept. 26th, 1977 7:00 - 10:00 at Camp Samnac Lodge 1711 Simncoe St. N. - Oshawa FASHIONS BY . ..VAL'S PLACE Tickets available at: Renita's 58 Rossland Rd. W. - 579-8911 - Oshawa Pat and Mike's Sea Food and Tavern, 58 Rossland Rd.W. - 723-19SJ - Oshawa 1-Kn ,-Val S Place» 141 KngStE 72071ý0-Oshýawaý ' sponsored by Knighlts of Columbus Bowmanville Council- 6361 ~ SA ., CT. 22,j197 S.Joseph's Church Hall Alilproceeds to be dlonated to FEATURES German Band,(Edelweiss) Germnan Food Free Beer Stein Prîizes LIMITED NUMBER 0F TICKETS AT U FRANK,'S VARIETy STOR'E O-R PHONE D» MURPHY 623-4077 V. AVEER 623-4519 (Newcastle) T. MOLLOY 987-4577 PrCe - $6.50 per person Minimnum Age 18 yrs. Age OffiMa>jority Card Required, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Masters. On Sunday the Grays and Mrs. Ruby McMahon visited Mr, and Mrs. Randy Longfield and Katharin of Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray of Lotus aiso attended the Gag- liardi-McMahon wedding in Oshawa. On Tbursday, September 8 Mrs. James Gray and Mrs. Brian Gray attended a brida] shower for bride-eiect Miss Nancy Boyd who is planning an October wedding. Bail is thie name of the gamne tsWekin Yelverto)n. Vel- vertoerlsatrtraiiîng viilbrook 3-0 in the eariy inning, picked up 5 runs; in the, 5th to defeat their peers 5-3 for the second consecutive win in the Pontypool and District Girls finals this week. Further games are scheduied for the 4 out of, 7 series. In the Lake Scugog Softbali Mens League, tbere was a surprising defeat by Port Perry over Nestieton two games straight. Nestieton were winners of the Charlie McCullough Trophy in 1976. Pontypool also eliminated KÇedron this week in semi- singles. Last week in the tail end of the series Janetviiie biasted Port Perry 19-8 and in the foilowing evening last two straight to Yelverton in a doubleheader at Pontypool by scores of 3-0 and 12-2. In the semi-finals, lst place Yelverton faced 5th place Janetville in a 2 out of 3 series this week. In -the first game under lights at Nestieton, Janetville blanked Yelverton j 4-0 in a good game. Dave Milîsi pitched the winning game for Janetviile and capped thei game in the late innings, with a 1 home run. t Two nights inter at Nestie-( ton, Yelverton returned the ( favour by busting Janetville 8-2 picking up several runs in1 he ninth inning with Dale0 Stinson winning pitcher-a comedy of errors in whiîd Janetviile piayed a starring role; the fact that their coachi was 'tossed out of the game in rthe, second inning after a trivial dispute 'in th 2n inning with a hog nosed pig-headed empire, did littie for the Janetville cause (yes, it was your Yelverton Corres- pondent). On Sunday, Janetville bounced back to, defeat the Yelverton "Hot-Shots" 9-2 in errorless bail. Donnie Tîmms on the mound for Yelverton was relieved by Dale Stinson who was equally ineffective in comlating the Janetville onslaught. Dave Milis for Janetville went ail the way in winning the series 2 out of 3, having pitched ail three games. Vaughn McGill went with a home run, accounted for Yelverton's only 2 runs. Bob Gauditte clinched the game in the late inning with a home run for Janetvilie and 2 R.B. I's. Dale McQuaid was im- pressive at bat for Janetville with a 3 bagger as well. George McCullough for Yel- verton chalked up the last catch of, the day when he snapped off an almost impos- sible sizzling line drive and Dave McColm for Janetville cheated Yelverton of certain runs when he snapped- up a really hot grounder by Vaughn McGiIl off first base. A tremendous game from the prejudiced eyes of the Janet- ville coaches, Frank Glas- bergen and Harvey Malcolm. On Sunday evening a no-no game between Yelverton and Nestieton was played to estab-' lîsh top position of the league during regular season. This resulted in a win for Yelverton 7-6 which gave Yelverton top Position in the league for season. FRONTENAC COUNTY HOSTS -INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH Frontenac county will host Canada's spectacular agricul- tural event, the International Plowing Match and. Farm Machinery Show, September 27 to October 1. The match, held in a dîfferent county or region of the province each year, will be set up on the farm of the Greenlees Brothers and on1 neighbouring farms, aine miles northeast of Kingston. More than 800 acres are required for plowing competi- tions and the Tented City, according to E.A.1 Starr, secretary-manager of the Ontario Plowmen's Associa- tion. MVr- Starr says it is expected that more than 2w0,000 people will visit, the international Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show. "Two hundred contestants, including participants from other countries, wiil compete in plowing'competitions for $35,000 prize money." In addition to, the plowing cdinpetions, the 1977 show wiii feature the Tenteci City which this year is larger than ever. About 500 exhibits, ranging from outdoor displays of new farm machinery to 1976 auto- mobiles and home appliances, will be housed in. tented City. To satisfy the appetites of the thousands of visitors, more than 50 caterers will provide everything from. hot dogs to full-course meals. For the children, there will b e rides, cotton candy and candy apples, and for the adventur- ous there wîll, be helicopter rides. Parades featuring bands, steam-drivep farm mach- inery, floats and teams of oxen are scheduled daily at noon. The daiiy ladies program inciude cooking demonstra- tions, fashion shows, enter- tainment, cake deQorating, craft and fiower arranging md Farm Machinerv Show. MR. E. LOMELAND one of our representatives wiII be at Flying Dutchman Motor Inn, Hwy. No. 401, Bowmanville, Ont., on Tuesday, September 20, 1977, between 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.- Cail 623-3373 for appointment. Branch Office: 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario, Phone 576-6800, Opening new doors t0 small business. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Page and family returned -home early lt week, after their six weeks' holidaying back north, in the Otonabee area. Mrs. Winnie Elliott recently enjoyed an outing at the Karlin Hotel to hear the music of Harry Hibbs. Recent overnight guests with Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard, at the Manse, were Rev. and Mrs. James Marteli and family, from -Springhill, Nova Scotia. Sympathy is expressed to Mrs. May Burley of New- castle, on the passing of her husband, Clinton, after a lengthy illness. The funeral is being beld today .(Monday) from the Morris Funeral Chapel, in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Savage are the new owners of the former Gardner propèrty, across the road to the west, from our church. Mrs. Savagè teaches in Oshawa and Mr. Savage teaches in Peterborough. We welcome themn to our neigh- bourhood. Mr. and Mrs. F., Gilmer were among those attending the bail game in Port Hjope on Saturday afternoon when the Junior Flyers defeated the Belle River Team 1-0 in the first game of the final Play-off Series. Ken Swales pitches a splen- did game., The marriage of Marie Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Andrews, R.R. 1 if Islington, Eileen Stapleton, Orono, to Glen Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, Newtonvilie, was solemnized in United Church, here on Saturday afternoon. Congrat- ulations! Sorry to hear Rev. R.C. White is once more a patient in Oshawa General Hospital. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Jessie and Roy Best were the greeters at our church door, Sunday morning, and the baskets of lovely flowers adorning the altar, were from the Reid-Andrews weddîng, on Saturday. The choir sang "What a Friend We Have In Jesus" andi the coagregation was larger than usual with the re-opening of the Sunday School. Rev. Tizzard's theme was, "Now", stressing -the importance of our remember- ing, that each of us have ai duty to perform in carrying out God's plan, to make this a better world. Mrs. R.*S. Whittington, of Toronto, was a visitor here for1 several days recently, with Mr.a nd Mrs. Maurice O'Neill, the latter, her sister. Mr. Brian Strippe of Orilliar was a weekend visitor witht Miss Penny Webster, and herr parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.( Webster, at Port Granby. The rites of holy Baptism e were administered in Newton- ville Church, Sunday -after- noon by Rev. Aubrey TizzardE with Mrs. Amielia Lancasterh assisting, to Brian EmmersonC Jones, and Stephanie Anne o Jones. Their parents are Mr. o and rs. rian Jonemof1 NE WTON VILLE Weicome, and the godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brookiag of Newtonviiie. Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen of Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs . Harold Burley, Bridge- north were, supper guests, Sunday with Mrs. Agnes Burley and Mrs. Isabel Waters, were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Waters and family of Stouffvilie. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sonsome of Toronto were supper guests, Sunday, eith Rev. and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard. Mrs. Bea Jones attended a gathering of the Merrili family at Campbellford on Sunday and brought Miss Marilyn Etcher home with ber for a couple'of days. Monday afternoon, the two ladies accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones on a shopping spree, to the popular Oshawa Centre. Messrs. Don Vinkie and Reg Falls were out fishing at Sharbot Lake, recently. Mrs. Isabel Waters, Mrs. Winnie Elliott and Mr. Ray- mond Bruce were among those attending the enjoyable musical entertainment at Orono Fair on Thursday, Satu *rday and Sunday evenings. Our best wishes to ail the "Birthday Gang", Mr. Stan Bowne, (a splendid picture of him in the Statesman), Caroiyn Gilmer, Lynn Gilmer of Port Hope, Shirley .ilmer PADDY'S MARKET New and Used Furniture and Appliances Trade-Ins Accepted on Ap piances -Easy Credif Terms Available - Telephone 263-2241 Hampton Bea Jones and Don Stapleton. Aiso congratulations ont he Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. Clysdale and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood. Remember the Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Giadys Wood, New- castle, on Wednesday, September 21 at 2:30 p.m. Ail ladies are welcome.. O R Mob 'N %O Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie of Enniskil- len. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Qreer of Oshawa, were recent guests of Mrs. Alex Watson and Mrs. Reg Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Harris, Richard, Kim and Gien were at Orono Fair guests Saturday evening of Mrs. Geo. Morton. Miss Merle Power and Miss Hazel Power of Oshawa, Mr. MCALLIprSeTRS OPUS i from OPUS Il achieves eeac through the perfect balance of traditional design with'the flair of contemporary color. OPUS il combines the rich softness of velvets with the exciting colors of a contemporary print. And, of course, OPUS Il features ail of the qualifies cf meticulous hand craftsmanshîp that make any piece cf Barrymore furniture, one you will be proud to o'wn for years and years to corne. M Phone 576-6465 Loveseat_____ ONLY $649.00 McAL LISTER'S 70 Rossland Road West, Oshawa John Cornforzi and son John iný Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ed. Milison and daughter Cathy accomp- anied by Miss Marion Brown of Oshawa were recent week- end visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Buckiey of Willowdale at Lake Catchacoma. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross Stevens, (the former Miss Judith Hîpwell of Pickering) on their marriage on Sauday, Sept- ember lOtb, 1977 in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. Reception and dance were at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Theý newlyweds will reside on the groom's farmn that he recently purchased from the Kentý family. RED CROSS helps YOD tu 84" Sofa,_____ ONLY $899.00 Chair_______ ONLY $399.00 SectionTwo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 14,1977 5