8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 14, 1977 Section Two N OÈR2MANUS ENTERTAINMENT Zenith SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS TELEVISION - STEREO MODU LARS RECORDS and TAPES Bowmanville Mail Oshawa 623-4535 1218 Simcoe N., 579-2411 Hou rs: Mon. - Fri. 9 -9 Saturday 9- 6 -"We're Not Big.-.. Just the Best" . Yvon Duhamel, Canada's best known international class motorcycle rider will come out of retirement to race in the Molson Diamond Motorcycle Grand Prix of Canada at Mosport, September 16. 17 and 18. Thirty-seven-year-old Duhamel of Ville La Salle, Quebec is probably better known in Europe in spite of the fact that he was Canadian Champion seven times in his illustrious career. He retired last November and when he hung up his helmet and riding leathers the Canadian Motor- cycle Association retired bis familiar number 17 as a mark of respect for a popular and honoured competitor. -Duhamel will again ride with number 17 on a factory- backed Kawasaki in the Mos- port race, tenth round in the eleven race 750cc World Championship series. Looking forward to his return to competition, Duhamel who has crashed and been injured more times than he would care to remember says he's scared a littie bit but is quick to point out "The only scare I've had in seventeen years of racing is that 'm scared not to win." Duhamel's biggest problem will be getting back up to speed even though he bas only missed part of one season. ENTERTAINMENT DANCING FOOD BOMANILLE AR."C" HOCKEY ASSOC. presents SEPTEMBERFÉST' %VL el &AR4NGTON SPORTS CENTRE THURS. NITE -- AMATEUR NITE GONG SHOW M.C.'d by Ross Jackman and his Ail Star Team FRI. & SAT, NITES - HERMAN MALLINGERS GERMAN BAN D SAT. AFTERNOON - 1lp.m. BR. 178 PIPE BAND Minimum Age, 18 Years 1. D. Req ui red THOSE WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IN GONG SHOW PLEASE REGISTER AT STAGE -FROM 6:30-9p.m. TOKEN AWARDS FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS Advance Tickets $1.00 (covers ail events) or $2.00 at Door Advance tickets available at Ken's Men's Wear, Bowmanville; Singer Sewing Centre, Oshawa; Stedmarï's, Newcastle. "The pace keeps getting faster and faster and when you drop out, even briefly, while everyone else is racing, it's a handicap" For the Mosport race, Duhamel will have a new 750cc Kawasaki, prepared especially for him at the Kawasaki factory in Japan. A similar machine will be riden by Australian Gregg Hans- ford, a regular in tbe World Championship series while both Duhamel and Hansford will ride 250cc Kawasakis in the 15 lap Kawasaki Cup supporting event which pre- ceeds the Grand Prix. t is expected that the Duhamel-Hansford Kawasaki duo will be the only serious opposition to the Yamaha domination of the Formula 750 World ' Championship category. The 1977 World Championship bas already gone to American rider Steve Baker riding a Yamaha. Baker, like Duhamel is a former Canadian Champion. The last time the two former Canadian "number one plate" holders raced at Mosport was in May, 1976. Baker won the race- for Yamaba whiie Duhamel ran a close second until mechanical problems forced bis retirement. Practic and Qualifying for the Molson Diamond Motor- cycle Grand Prix of Canada starts Frîday, September 16. Final Time Trials take place Saturday, September 17 with a full day ofracing scheduled for Sunday, September 18. For further information contact F. David Stone 416-781-6626. Na--tion-al "More and more young people are finding the cadet' movement attractive' says the mnse ofnational de f encc, tbe H'onorable Barney Danson. "The oppor- tunity to wocrk with a team preparing themselves for adultbood in a structural environmentî is very appealing now. Young people are also realizing that the skills one gains as a cadet are very useful in civilian and military life. " the cadet movement will grow even larger and "reach into every community in the country . ..cadets and the armed forces contribute to the well-being of the country. " The ministerwas speaking recently following the gradua- tion of the national sea, army and air Cadet Summer Train- On Tuesday, August 3th, 1977, Lorne Adam John Cole was one-year-old. Hle is the only child of Marie and Alan Cole of Bowmanville -and his grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. John Cole of Bowmanville. ing School at Canadian Forces Base Borden. (Currentl, there are about 70 thousand cadets and the annual direct expenditure by the government on the move- ment is about $40 million, $18 million of which is spent on summer training, according to figures gîven by the dîrector general of reserves and cadets in Canada Briga- dier General Robert Ther- riault. The, figures do not include support given by department of national defence establishments). About 500 maie and female cadets from across Canada and a few wbo are children of Canadian forces personnel stationed in Germany, under- went training here since-July il. The courses were: elect- ronics, aeroengines, air- frames, phttography, music, vehicle maintenance, driving, radio communications, scuba diving, tbetcleadership and riffle mnarksmanwship coaching. pate-d in a two day e1xerucise on the nearby Nottawasaga River. The exercise included 31 miles of canoeing, por- tagîng, camping and survival techniques and other wil- derness related topics. There were also tours of several Ontario places of scenic and historic interest. The purpose of cadet train- ing is to help develop )better ~OW 299 DEAN AVE. OSHAWA 576-1220 Chargex Coming.. Friday and Saturday GEORGE KASH Oktoberfest Express 1- Septem ber 23 - 24 Dining Room open 5: 00 p.m. to j10:00 p.m. Entertainment and Supper Dancing from 8:-00 P.m. SATURDAY and SUNDAY SPECIAL' ROAST LEG of LAMB Complimentary salad bar, soup or juice, roll basket and potato, vegetable. $6.50 MOTOR INN Liberty St. S. at 401 BowmanvilIe 623-3373 RESTA URANT MONaAY -THURSDAY FRIDAY -SA URDAY 6am. - 1a.m. SUN DAY W 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. SERVING DELICIOUS CHINESE FOOD TAKE-OUT ORDERS A SPECIALTY ýFree Delîvery in Bowmanvilie on al1 Orders of $10.00 or More Fuit Course Meais In a Home-Like Atmosphere 9 King St. W. citizens and leaders who-are pbysically fit., AI] of the students of tbe Cadet Summer Training School had met certain pre- requisites in being accepted for courses here. Among them were the leadership qualities they will need to return home and assist in the specialized training of junior cadets. Commanding the 1977 cadet scbool was Lieutenant Colonel Art Pili of Rondeau Provincial Park, Ontario who bas been involved with the military continuously since joining the British Arrny in 1938. For seven years be was on the CSTS staff, the last three of which he was the officer commanding. L. Col. Pili passes over command now to bis deputy, Commander Gerald Bradley of Sudbury, Ontario. Cmdr. Bradley is the former commanding officer of the Admirai Mountbatten Sea Cadet Corps in Sudbury. He joined that corps as a cadet in 1946. Currently Cmdr. Bradley is the area cadet olficer for sea cadets in northern Ontario and L. Col. Pili is the area cadet officer for air cadets in the south west Ontario region. BUFFETJ Eery Friday, Saturday anMd Sunday Efrqm a5: 0 0 P. t:0P.m -ROAST BEEF-ROAST PORK BAKED POTATOES V5.00 Also-inludn ... STEAKS - BAR-B-QUE CHICKEN HOT SANDWICHES ~ - LICENCED- We are here to serve and welcome you 4t, Hwy. 115 South of Orono Visua ArtsCentr ofj rk l -P IN THE HISTORIC Cream of Barley Mili, off Simpson Ave. in Bowmanville Cussbegin in September, October, and j ovember in Ceramics, Paintin and 7 ViulArts Jeellry.Fn u aotalths ore Centre ArsCnronSpebr1 18(e Hw.401s NATURAL DYEING with Esther Bryant Sept. 17, 18 9 - noan, 1 - 4 p.m. bath days Fee: $20 members, $22 nonmemnbers 1 includes materials INTR BEGINNERSI WEAVING ON THE 4-HARNESS LOOM Sept. with Liz Bunton Sept. 20 - Nov. 8, 8 Tuesday evenings 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. Fee: $25 members, $28 nan-members BEG OFF LOOM WEAV ING with Laura Reid Sept. 27 Sept. 24, 25 9 - 12, 1 - 5 p. m. bath da ys Fee: $24 members, $27 nan-memnbers includes materialIs and Iaam renta is BATIK DYEING with Inla Ketyola Otb Sept. 24,25 Bath days 9:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m.Oto Fee: $15 members, $17 non-members RODUCTORY DRAWING AND PAINTING with Michael Burgess 3pm 26 -Nov. 28 10 Mondays, 7:30 p.m. -9:.m Fee:. $25 members, $28 non-members GINNE RS' POTTE RY with Sharon Brittain t- Nov, 29 10 Tuesday evenings 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Fee: $30 members, $33 non-members CHILDREN'S ART WORKSHOP with Joan Dean and Barb Kimbali 8-l14 years of age beri1- Dec. 3 10Saturday afternoons1 - 3 p.m. Fee : $18 members, $20 non-members DEÉ~ICTR-T-f-N- - - --- - ------------------------ StraVISUAL ARTS CENTRE Namneof Course _____________ Saura, September 17 Box 52 SundlaySeptember 18e______________ont.______of________ between 1 p.m. -5:00 p.m. i Bw avle nNm fSuet_______________ or any Wednesday between I Your address 1:Op.m.-4:00p.m. I Poo eeigdy________________ at the Visual1 Arts Centre Phn v igda off Simpson Ave. _______________________________ in Bow ifll e Mnlemsip Familv $10 F I nrividual $5 li 1 - n n - n .mlul b - Dufohamel Enters Molson Diartnond ai' Mos port BANDS Ole Phoîte COQQ o a 9Qpecigaîlt veiltg g0kgouk pagg ulgtenifig and ýDoîeig cPpeaSafr Introducing MIE 7ANDREW at the keyboard Saturday and Sund ay 6:00 p.m. to, 10:00 P.. REMEMBER ... If there is a Birthday or Annivers ary we have a surprise for you. PLEASE. ToQualify You MUST RESERVE! COACH & FOUR Restaurant &Tavern 1/2mie north of Kirby on Hwy. 115 and 35. PHONE 983-5560 Hours MONDAY thru SATURDAY 12:00 noon to 1:00 am. SUNDAY 10:Oa.m.tcoO:oop.mi. FRIDAY andc SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd and 24th at the FLYI 'NG DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN $2.50 Per person including a mug Contests - Prizes Germa n Food Open at 7:010 p. m. No Reservations 0~ c Fj a6 tc ~~o~cfr~t~*pc 0 623-5412 mâýïýý vAmýl ý 4t,