Hampton Girls TeamWins Softball Chompionship Recently, this girls softball team from Hampton Coach Vi Ruddy, Darlene- Mitchell, Gail defeated Tyrone to win the area championship. McLuckie, Cheryl McLuckie, Gayle Lapham, They are, front row, lef t to right, Robin Wiens, Lorraine Beavis, Terese Miller, Deanna Barnes Patti Guest (A), Barb Mitchell (Capt.), Brenda and Coach Kris Balson. McLuckie (A), Michele Simpson; back row, Hampton Boys Win Junior'Soccer Championship ORONO NEWS Reverend Basil E. Long B. Tb. and Mrs. Long returned Jast week from the Western Provinces after a very enjoy- able motor trip. Rev. Long attended the sess ions of the General Council beld over a 10 day period.' Mrs. Longwas also privileged to sit in at several of the sessions. Previous to the Council which was beld in Calgary, Alberta, the Longs' enjoyed visiting at Lake Louise and Banff, and on tbeir return motored tbrougb the United States. Rev. Long was elected last May, Preident for the Bay of Quinte Conference. The Rev. George M. Tuttle, B.A. B. Dý, 'Thd, D.D. of Aberta was elected Moderator of the United Cburch of Canada at tbe Council. Mr. and Mrs. AI Heard of Leskard Road enjoyed a trip via Toronto International Air- port to visit friends in Kam- loops BC. Mr. David Staples, a teacber at the Pines School is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. At St. Saviours Anglican Cburcb, Orono, following the 10 a.m. regular 'Sunday service, a coffee bour follows on the second Sunday of each month. Also the Sunday Scbool reopened for the fali and winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris visited bis cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Manley McGabey, R.R. 3 Li ndsay Sunday after- noon and evening. Among the out of town relatives wbo were guests at the Stevens-Hipwell wedding on Saturday afternoon, Sept- ember 1tb, in Trinity United> Cburcb, Bowmanville were Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Minion of Peterborough and ber parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, and their son Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morton of~ Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier, Douglas and Dorine of Bolton, were lhouse guests of ber parents over the Orono Fair weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Orville Challice. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Staples and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Ricbard Copping attended the MAKE YOUR YEAR-END DEAL NOW AND $AVE AT MacDONALD FORD LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE TO OUR PRICES $3716 1977 Gr-anado Specîol Edition h 2-Door Stock Number 7G 183 4 J It $5444 SIMILAR OUTSTANDUNG SAVUNGS, ON ALL NEW 1977 MODEL CARS AND TRUCKS IN STOCK STREET623-4481 EAST marriage of the former's mother Mrs. V.H. Staples to Mr. Thomas Warsley of Lindsay at the home of ber son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Staples of Ange- line Street South, Lindsay on Saturday afternoon, August 27th. Rev. Lorne A. Dorsch of Lindsay officiated. Congratu- lations. Reception and dance was held at the Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Minion of Peterborougb were weekend bouse guests of ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Morton and Sunday evening dianer guests were Mrs. George Morton, of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Kevin and Dwayne of Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken of Toronto visited his sister and brotber-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice on Monday evening. Mrs. Ron Best and children of Toronto are staying with ber motber-in-law, while Mr. Horace Best is a patient in the Oshawa General Hospital. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ashton, Oshawa, was Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Asbton, Ronald and Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family were Sunday visitors at Mr. and'Mrs. Jack Jones. Little Maureen Jones is holidaying with ber grandpar- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones. Miss Mary Potts and Andrea Bertson, Toronto, Bill Potts, Rolfton, spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Artbur Trewin and Paul and Mrs. Mildred Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lars Christensen and Mary Ellen, were Wednesday evening dine uet of Mr. and Mrs. jack Potts. The occasion Mrs. Cbristenisen's birthday. The Trewin family picnic was beld at Haydon Commun- ity Centre on Sunday. After the sports and supper were over, a sbower was held for Marilyn Reedes (a bride to be) of Pickering. Marilyn is marrying Glen Martyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander- son and Bill, Port Hope visited the A. Trewin family on Sunday and attended the Trewin family picnic at the Centre. Mr. Kenneth Graham and Mrs. H. Crossman, were guests at the Alexander- Drumm wedding at St. John Evangelist Cbunch, Wbitby, with the reception at Whitney Hall, Iroquis Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buttery, Linda and David, attended the Orono Fair. The Butterys showed their vegetables and won the prize for the' most points. Miss Linda Buttery came 2nd runner up in the beauty contest. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton, Beth, Barbara, Allan, and Grant, Mn. Kyle Graham, Mr. Frank Neilsen, were guests at the St. John-McLaùgblin wedding at Blackstock Churcb on Saturday. Decoration service was beld at Bethesda Cemetery on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ashton were dinner guests of ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Scarborough. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, Sen)tember 14. 1977 5 Newcastle Arena Construction Reaches Important Mark The Village of Newcastle has gone one step further in its efforts to accommodate the area 's skating and hockey enthusiasts. Provincial and municipal officials and representatives of the engineering and contracting firms working on the project joined with local-' fund-raisers last Thursday to take part in the sod-turning, for the future, building. Mirco Contractors, the Cobourg construction company building the arena, has been allowed 32 weeks to complete the $460,000 TYRONE, Tyrone Senior Citizen's Group met at the Community Centre on Sept. 7th at 8 o'clock with President Dick Gibbs in the chair. After the singing of 0 Canada. numerous items of business were discussed, plans were made for future bus trips and our Cbristmas party, followed by a report of "The Senior Citizens Conven- tion," held at MeMaster Uni- versity in Hamilton at which Dick and Ethel Gibbs were delegates. Dick gave a detail- ed account of the different sessions and entertainment provided. A sing song w as enjoyed by ai]. After which Jack Cook sbowed three films, "The Snow Monkeys," "Springtime in Holland" and "The Den- tist. " Meeting closed in the usual manner. Be a RED CROSS* Blood 'Donor If IT'S FIRTH'S IT'S FIRST CUSTOM CUTTINGe WRAPPING and FRIEEZINAG12lb STORE SLICED Baby Beef'Liver........... 79c ib. STORE SLICED Bacon. '................ $1.49 1lb. Rkound Steak or Roast ...... $1.59 lb.. Stew Beef................. 99c lb. THIS WEEK'S FREEZER SPECIAL A-i or B-i 250 lb. Sides of Beef Average 89C lb. F R E E Cut, Wrapped and Frozen to your Specifications. Fi r th's QualiÊty Meats Bowmanville 47 K ing St. E. LALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED or BLUE BRAND 623-5081 Established 1960 structure. Among those participating in the ceremony, shown above, from lef t to right, are fund-raisers Carol, Joe and Jennifer Burney, Ev Jenkins, Ed Majer, Mayor Garnet Rickard, MPP Sam Cureatz, Dale MacDonald of Mirco Contractors, Councillor Aif Gray, Peter Fleming of the engineering firm, Totten, Sims, Hubicki Associates and fund-raising organizers ýScott Fenneli and Marlene Rogerson. "The Model J Duesenberg wass o ctssic look bock in 1930 anac: todjy ifs still a beautiful piece ot machinery I1 appreciate things that stand the tes! of time, Thats why, I'm sa proud af the cothes in the Johnny Carson Fali Collec tion Every suit and sport coat is crafted with meticulaus attention ta dletail. The styling stands out wthout being ostentatious. Whatever suit or sport coat yau choase fits just right, Take a demo-wear soon and see for yourself. 10J0HNNV CARSON ,4PPAREL INC. Also ... co-ord-inciting Johnny CaroSh irts an.d Ties 35Temperance St. N. -Bwmnil Next Door to T-D Bank 1977 Pinto 2-Door Sedan Stock 7 Pl97 1977 Ford Custom 500 2-Door 12c ib.