THREE bedrýoom apartment in Bowmanville. Phone 623- 2371. 38-ix ONE bedroom apartment, central location, available October lst. Phone 623-3211. 38-1 Corrercia I Building FOR RENT 1870 sq. ft. downtown Bowmanvîlle. Phone 623-4406 or 623-5023 30-tf Scugog Professional Building 191 CIhurch Street Custom finished professional suites. Cal 623-2552 or 623-2565. 32-tf HOUSE to share, 6 room furnîshed home iný central Bowmanville, quiet, respect- able, young person. $160 monthly. Phone 623-2319. 38-1 FOR rent, house, 2 ponds, 2 streams, 33 acres, immediate SossessionOniy $250 monthly. hone 623-7661. Ask for Donna, 38-1 TWO bedroom apartment in Newcastle, $135 a month. For more information caîl 623-4129 or 668-4940. 38-1 OFFICE space, King St., Bowmanville, Phone 1-786- 2039 evenings. 38-1 SMALL one bedroom apart- ment, central location in Bowmanville. Phone 623-7438. 38-ix WINTER storage for boats, trailers etc. Phone 623-9145. 38-3 ONE bedroomn apartment, in Newtonville, $160 a month, available October lst., Phone 786-2676. 38-1 COMFORTABLE room. Kitchen and living roomn privileges, walk to Newcastle stores. $25 weekly. Phone 623-3857. 38-1 FURNISHED bedroom, kitchen and lvn room privi- leges, central l.cation. Fe- maIe preferredi. Phoneý 623-5527. 38-1 SINGLE car garage near downtown, Bowmanvilîe. Cal 987-5206. 138-1 FIVE room apartment (up- stairs> and four room apart- ment (downstairs) $150 per month, R. R. 3, Bowmanville, Phone 623-2160. 38-1ix SMALL two bedroomn home, 10 miles to Bowmanville, f irst and last month's, rent in advance. $250 per month. Immediate possession. Phone 623-5683. 38-1 STORAG E for Boa ts and Camnp Traiîl1ers. Phon,ýe 38-6 THREIE. r;oom apartment, fridgo, stove, ight, hoat and wator, tue floors. Availablo immediatoly. Phone 623-3197. 1 1 38-1 x BOWMANVILLE -modemn apartment, 4 rooms and bath, heated, Cable TV, parking downtown. Availablo now. Phone 623-7523 or 1-705-696, 3361. 29-f NEW three 'bedroom bunga- low $325 a month. Avalable Octobor lst. King St. New- castJe. Phone 623-2756. i 37-tf MAIN STREET' STORE Approximately 15' frontage x 25' deep. Washroomn and small roomn at rear. Broad loomn. Apply Advertiser Box 721 The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190 bowmWanville YOUNG man needs roomn and board with quiet family in home located, just east cf Bowmanvilie. Please cali 623- 5234. 38-lx RIDE needed clly te Toronto te corner of Bay and Bloor, for working heurs 9 - 5. Phono 987-5037 between 6:30 and Il p.m. 38-1 x BEAUTY SALON' Cou rîeArea An ytimn ýMonF-rFn. 38-2, e NOTICE TO CREDITORS (and aihers) IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT 0F DURHAM IN THE ESTATE 0F Reginald George Harding, late of the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Rtired Produc- tion Control Manager, Deceas- ed, who died at Bowmanville, Ontario on July lth, 1977. (His rosidonce was 12 Durham Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario) Creditors and~ others having dlaims against the said Do- ceasod or his Estato are roquired to send full particu- lars and full proof to the undersîgned on or boforo l7th October, 1977, after which date the assots of the Estate wilI be distributod having regard to the dlaims then received. Datod at Town of Newcastle this 6th day of September, 1977. L. C. Mason Q.C. 135 Wellington Street P.O. Box 129 Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3K<9 Soliitor for the Executrix (Mary Elizabeth Chaplin, of 16 Durham Street, Bowmanville, Ontario). 37-3 VA 3- ' s Learn to Drivî Tractor Trailei CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 Western Canada Schoolof Auctioneering Lt., Canada's f irst, and the only completely Canadian course offered anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Licensing Act, R.S.A. 1970, C.366. For partîculars of the next course write: Phone 403-782-6215. Box 687, Lacombe, Alberta or Phone 782-6215. 37-9 sM 100 WHITE laying hens. 75c each. Table potatoes. Phone 263-2675. 38-1 GODhÔrf>e for ridlng1 horse, aiso saddle. For information cal 1-983-5673. 38-1 PUREBRED Yorkshire boars. ROP tested, low days to market, low back fat. Tom B. Pleasance, R.R. 5, Bowman- ville. 416-263-2719. 37-2 DOG GROOMING Big and Small We do them aIl. Phone 623-7764 36-tf SHOW handling class. Oshawa Obedience. October 4. Ad- vance enroilment. 623-5686 or 576-1167. 37-3 PART Beagle pups, $10 each, four females and one maie. Aise ginger kitten, maie, f0 give away. Phono 263-8889. 38-1 TO givo a wa y te geed home, 31/2 month o Id kittens, litter trained. Phono 725-3947. 29-tf FREE REMOVAL 0F FRESH, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL MARGWILL FUR FARM Ham pton 263-2721 30-tf 1972 FORD 3/ ton Camper Secial V-8 automatic, power brakes, rear step biumper insulated panel' cap, snow tires, certified. $2,300. 1-786-2487. 38-1 '76 CHEV single axie dump truck. Excellent condition. For more information. Phone 579-5299. 38-1 1973 OLDSMOBILE Royale, 56,000 miles, 350, 2 barrel, immaculate, will certify. Phone 263-2570., 38-1 $700.00. 1972 FORD Rideau 500, 4 new tires, interior spotless, 64,000 -miles, will certify, purchased new car. Cal 623-4821. 38-2 '61 LAND Rover, 4wheel drive with electric lift snow plow. DUC813 - $895. '71 LTD 4-door hardtop, powered EYW588 - $999. 74 Dodge 3/4 pickup, radia led, p.s., p .b., A43480 - $2195. '70 Ford 1/ ton pickup, 6 cyl., std., E83843 - $1095. '69 meteor, 2 door hardtop EUR156 - $150. '76 Ford Econoline 3/, converted' to crew cab and fifth, wheel H27666 - $4295. '72 Dodge Tradesman 300 van, V-8, radio, 16.5 tires H27907 - $1295. '64 Econoline Mercury pickup T68762 - $795. '0FrEcono- line van E42738 - $495. Hoskin Garage, R.R. 1 Nestleton, 986-5517. 38-1 ns 1977 PONTIAC Parisienne Brougham, 2 door hardtop, 7,500 miles, under warranty, underceated. Many options (ne air), $5700. Phono 623-6338 38-lx after 5p.m. 38-1 '69 PONTIAC, new tires and exhaust, paint job, one new vinyl top, clean, certif ied. $1000 or best offer. Phone 1-983-9619. 38-1 '76 PONTIAC, 9 passenger wagon, fulîy equipped, air conditioned, certif led. Phone 623-2752. 38-lx 1974 BUICK LeSabre, excel- lent condition, certif ied, new tires plus snow tires, $2200 or best offer. Phone 623-5427. 38-1 1972 NOVA SS, p.s., p. b., 350, 4 barrel, extras, certified. Cal 623-5089 affer 5. 38-1 1974 DODGE Maxi-Van, V-8 automatic, 32,000 miles, com- pletely finished inside and ouf. Certitied. Best 0f fer. Phono 987-5217. 38-1 J and M TIRE Service for Michelin tires, your one-step radiai centre. 299 Dean Ave, Oshawa. 576-1220. 46-tf VITALIZING! Phono 723-1155 Sr Rustproofin g on now or used vohicles. Writton war- ranty. Durham Vitalizing, phono 723-1155. 47-tf '77 OLDS Cutlass, 350, 4 barrel, automatic, Landau roof, no air, 10,000 plus miles, immaculate condition. Asklng $5600. Ca Il Orono 983-9374. 38-1 1965 GMC hait-ton, $299. Phono 1-986-5067. 37-2 '69 DODGE Dart, four door, six, automatic, excellent. Ask- ing $825. '68 Dodge Polara, 2 door, 318, p.s. and p.b. Asking $450. Phene,623 3583. 38-1ix 72 VOLKSWAGEN, super beetle, reconditioned engine, new baIl joints, radiais and box of spare parts. $1100. Phono 987-4010. 38-ix 1969 CH EV. 327 automatic, $300 as is. Phono 623-9290. 38-1 '74 PONTIAC LeMans, 8 cylinder, autematic, power sfeering and brakes, 30,000 miles. Best effer over $2600. Phono 623-7458. i 38-1 67 CHEVELLE, will seIl as is, contains '71 Cheveile moter. Phono 623-5034. 38-lx COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Leamn ta Ride" Special Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "Horscmnanship" and "Showmanship" Opportunity te Compote in Shows. Herses Suppîied. SPEC IAL PROGRAM being offered this faîl. 4lessons per month plus 8 hours fr0e ridinq lime - $50.00. 'tel: 623-4984 1llth Lino, R. R. 3, Bawmanvi lo 34-tf CASH for gold, silver, ceins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- os, turniture, cracks, paint- In gs, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 9-tf USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf GIRL Guide outtit. Size 10. Good condition. Phono 623-4950.' 38-tf Cars, Trucks, Tractons, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wnecking Purposes, SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS ,(ard 623-5756, Residence 623-7112 45-tf WAITR~EE WAITERS COOKS DISHWASHERS BARTENDERS Please apply personally at The Heritag e House Res- ta urant and Tavern, Bowman- ville Ma il. 38-1 PLUMBER'S HELPER Between aaes of 18,and 25.' 263-2650 38-tf THE TORONTO StAR Requires person for ight rural deliveries, 2 - 3 hours per day. Earîy afternoons M-F, early morning Saturday and Sunday. Reliable transporta- tion essential. For details caîl 728-5117 37-2x School Bus Drivers Qualified school bus drivers with B license. Apply at Knox Christian Schoo , Bowman- ville. Phone 623-5871 38-2 SERVICE station attendant reuqirled. Good opportunity for energetic, reliable person. Apy Imperial Qil Service Centr, Hig hway 401 and Waverley Road, Bowman- ville. 38-2 BOYS a nd GIRLS Paper routes may be available in your area. The Toronto Star is now taking applications. Call 728-5117 37-2x EARN extra money. Show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, relatives. No ex- perience needed. Our big, colourfully illustrated cata- logue makes it easy and profitable. Start now. Write loday for free Christmas catalogue and information. Monarch Greeting' Cards, Dept. 114, 217 Cannon, Hamil- ton, L8N 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. 31-8 WORKING couple requires live-in sitter-housekeeper. Write Advertiser 723, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3K9. 38-2 SALESPE RSON General Motors dealership in the area requires a re salesperson for new and used car and truck sales. An excellent opportunity ta earn $15,000 - $25,000 per anna plus benefits and comDanv car. Worklng atmasphere extremely comfortabîe. Experlence preferred but flot a must. Appiy in writing te: Advertlserl722, c-e Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bawmanville, LiC 3K9. SI D Lancaster's Garage, R.R. Harry Voerman 2, Newcastle, will be closed Insu rance the week of September 26th 181 Church St., and re-open October 3rd. Bowmmanviiie, Ont. under new ownership. Phione 623-44,28 Res. 623-7 38-1 AUTOMOBILE AND FIR INSU RANCE 21 Registration. COUNTRY ROADS NURSERY SCHO( at SHAW'S SCHOOL - NO. 2 H IGHWAY EAST AMàand PM Classes 2 -S5Years Old For further information and registration ploase cal Mrs. Tondiff- 623-5917 or 987-4960 For Winter Maintenance Operations 1977 - 78 Season the fellowing Equipment is required: - Inquiry No. 77-7-3 Trucks -With a minimum G.V.W. 27,000 pounds (Sing le AxIe) or 34,000 pounds (Tandem AxIe); for mountin? Power Sanding Units, are roquired at he folowing Ministry Yards: - 1 Truck - Grafton, Brig hton, Port Hope 2 Trucks - Norwccd; Young's Peint; Reseneath; Coboconk; Lindsay; Fraser- ville; Codrington. 2 Trucks - Newcastle lnquiry No. 77-7-4 Trucks - With a Minimum G.V.W. 42,000 peunds (Tandem Axie), fer meunting Power Sanding Units, are required at the fol lowing Ministry Yards: - 1 Truck - Lindsay; Coboconk; Fraserville 2 Trucks - Brighton; Newcastle; Gratton; Port Hope; Lorneville; Bobcaygeon. 4 Trucks - Pontypeel Inquiry No. 77-7-5 Loaders - With 1 Cubic Yard Buckct Witheut Operater, Rubber Tired with Cab, ne Backhoe Attachments. 1 Loader - Newcastle; Gratton; Port Hope; Brighton; Codringten; Roseneath; Norwood; Young's Peint; Fraservilie; Pontypeel; Lindsay; Bobcaygeon; Lorne ville; Coboconk. Sealed Tenders on Forms suppiied by the Ministry wili be recoived by the DistrictE nginoer until 1:30 p.m. local time. 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBIER sth. 1977 Sgt pcficaions, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obained in person or by mail from the District Office, 138 Hoe Street, North, P.O. Box 150, Port Hope, Ontario, LIA 3W3, Telephone 885-6381. When requesting Tenders please s p eify Location(s). Please Note: Daily Stanc$oy Rates for Hired Trucks, as follows:- Single Axie 27,000 pounds G.V.W. or Tandem Axie 34,000 pounds G.V.W. Trucks (5.C.Y. Spreader) $15.00 peor Day. T andem Axie 42,000 _pounds G .V.W. Trucks (8 C.Y. Spreader) $19.00 per Day. Th esuccessful Bidder must hold cither a vaîid Permanent Class "R" Licence or a valid Temporary Class "R" Licence issued unider the Public Commercial Vehicles Act for the apprepriato Region(s). ,tail um, e is Refrigerationand Appi ance- Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE SERT SYER Days. -... ..........623-5774> Nights .............623-3177, Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tule. Ward's WeIl Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- ive Harry L. Wade. Tele- hone 987-4531. 16-tf SWHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs' Ask About Our Guarantee ~: -~ 576-5606 --- -COURTICE INSU LATION Blown Cellulose Fibre by WHITE'S INSU LATION FREE ESTIMATES 576-5606' NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs tc 38-1 ail makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanvilli 623-2301. 35-1l REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Foc pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES 597 PHONE tE 263-2132 8-fR. R. 1, Hampton 7t 31- Ron's Floor Ca re Commercial and household cleaning. Dry foam rug and carpet shampooing. Wax re- moval, wal washing. Ron Turcotte 38-1 623-7966 3t Don Brooks & Son GeneraI Contra ctor Sand Customn Builder Phone 723-6176 New homos, additions, alItera - tions, rec rooms, garages, repairs cf ail types, etc. 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelîing General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tf Peter Sutherland Aîuminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf BiIIý's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilîo Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Shoot and Float Glass Seaîed Units - Storm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMPNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 Yeomans & Sons Limited Plumbing and Heatîng A SERVICE-SHOP ON WHEELS 24-Heur Service New Installations Altorations - Repairs spedializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Hoating R. R. 1 Orono, 983-5624 ZENITH- 25-tl M. Brooks CARPE NTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS - VANITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 10-t' AIl kinds ef BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île 623-2756 Lawn and Garden 1Ca re Grass cutting, rota tilling and Iawn rolling w 'ith a commer- cial machine. Seeding down new lawns and aId, tree cutting, painting, and odd jobs cleaning up. Robert Jones 987-5222 987-4098 17-f ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroofing Flats hot or cold pracess. AIli roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMATES 623-5038 14-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our fireplaces do net smoke) Orone 983-5606 ï8-tf Lloyd Barnes Plumnbing Carpentry, Renovating AIliGeneral Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288" 27-tf D. Beers & Sons, CONSTRUCTION New Homs - Renovating Roc Roomfs Repairs cf a Il types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bowmanville 30-tf MIN ER'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Cails 16-tf Dunham Masonry Contractors Lt. Bricks - Legs Field Stonewark Specializing in Fireplaces Phone 839-2431 44-tf Have you had your Furnace Serviced? .Call HARVEY PARTNER BOWMAN VILLE 623-2301 ORONO 983-5206 Pa rts and service plans 35-14 WILL babysit pre-schoeler or infant in my home, Wavorley arca. Phono 623-6724. 38-lx KbLîAbLt mon-uer wiii gîve day care for one ore-schooler in own home in Liberty S. area. F-hone 623-6118. 38-1 x A. J. GROEN CONSTRUCTION Masonry Contractor CHIMNEYS- BRICKS - BLOCKS - FIREPLACES and MINOR or MAJOR REPAIRS CaîIl 623-2970 G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 28-52x C & C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Uphoîstery Prof essiona lly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-tf WILL babysit in my own home, Courtice Area. Phone 728-1358. 38-1ix TYRONE Tig- Welding -Mig, Steel - Cast Iran - Alumninumn Small Engines Repa ired Lathe Work 263-8849 29-tf Prof essiona I Ca rpet Cleaning AT REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES Phone Bob 623-2383 37-tf Free-Lance Editor Feature Writer, Columnist OPEN FOR ASSIGNMENTS Oshawa 579-0317 37-8 INSTALL an Esso furnace, boiler, humidifier, heater or. air cleanier. Combination woed and ail. Financing avail- ~able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service polîcy. Cail fHarvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free est im- ates. Orone 983-5206 or Bow-. manville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf CCsom Silo Fiîling with two row ha rvester. $33 per heur Phone: ROBERT BOULEY 'Newtohville 786-2650 evenings. 35-4x IMM= Tuesday, September 27 11:00 a.m. Furniture and Antiques and Tools Lovcly quality auction in- cluding: antique corner cup- board - 1832 beautiful pieco (came eut of old Milliken Store), pine blanket box, chest cf drawers, ant. jars and bottîes, India cabinet and rocker, partners table with 4 drawers, oval table, piano bench, ant. felding knee desk, lamps broadloem, toilet sets. large uprigh t freezer, washer and dryer, hi-fi, large quantity of g lassware and dishes, many antiques, copper kettle, crocks, urns, billiard table, electrict heaters, frunks, J uili pine chest et drawers, rep bat table, washstands, dressers, rocking chair, scat- ter rugs, gateleg table, oak hall mirror, ant. checker board table, violin, silver cruet, accordian, corner what- net inlaid, chosterfield aond chair, oval walnut table, hanging cases, amber glass cruet, goblets, coal oil lamps, ant. 5 drawer thread cabinet, china doîl, hcrring bone bana- na basket, brass kettle, P~ic- turcs, commode chair, wrought iren corner sheif, pewter tea service. Machine Shop Equipment: J-D riding mower, 16 hp., lawn roller air compressor, 1 ton eicctric hoiîst powcr hacksaw, steel lathe, Acetylene wolder, drill fpress, iron pot, chains, drills, tools, heaters - 220, sockot sets, wrench sets, many boxes of nuts and boits, motors, grinders, taps and dyes, chain holst, hundreds cf bits, saw vise, 2 large benches, pulîcys, pumps, cylinders, guages, reamers, elcctric lawn mcw- or, clamps, large number et files, large ant. iron bell, plus hundreds cf othor items. The property cf Douglas Little, 2 miles east of Hwy. 48 on Finch Ave. beside Morningside Golf Course. Lunch available. Sale managcd and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-31524. 38-1 The undersigned auctieneor has been instructed to sdil by- publicI auctien f rom the office cf the Public Trustees, Toron- to for the estate of the late Wiibur Mark, _R.R. 5, Bow- manville or two roads oast et Ha don and north second buidings on the east sideofe the road, ail his chattels, furniture and farmi machinory for sale by public auction on Sat., Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. List of articles next weekç'spa er. Laurence Harris, clerk- lift Pethick, auctioneor. 38-1 Auctien sale at Pethick's Aucticn Shed, Sat. ni ght, Sept. 24, large quantity ef furniture, oId cidor press, Jars, tables, beds, cupbeards, fridge, elec- fric steve, rocking chairs. Yes the barn isfull -comneand gct some of these articles. Aise a sale et vegetables and home-r made baking for "Club 21". Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 38-1 Auct ion sale, the property of Mrs. McCaughan, 3 milos west of Claremont, on sideline 2,4, Saturday, Sept. 214th, Il a.m. Wicker settee :and chair, chesterfield and chair, wash- stand and mirror, woode, chairs, refrigerator, copperx__ bolIers, dough box, ginger- bread dlock, shaving mug, mustache cup, odd dishes, chest of drawers, paper hold- er, riding awn mower, three sections ofI harrows, garden tractor. Farmaîll A tracter, cement mixer, '66 Chevelle car, large number of good bools. Terms cash. No reserve. Auctioneers Earl:Gauslin and Norm Faulkner. 38-1 Wednesday, Sept. 28 "1 Auction sale cf furniture and antiques, the property of Mrs. Clifford Pearson, wilïIbe heîd in the village of, Greenbank ( ust west c f the store), chrome table and chairs, chi!na cabinet, qty. cf dishes, pots, and pans, extension table, 6 dining room chairs, antique ch ina cabinet and buffet with leaded glass in door (good) French Provin- cial end t able, :chesterfield and chair, antique cabinet sewing machine, Lazy boy chair, upholsterod chair, ches- terfield, antique, rocking chairs, including, a Boston rocker, antique small square oak table wlth pedestal base, antique steeple ýtype dlock (good), Electrolux vacuum cI caner, 2 small fern tables, foot stool, 2 antique writing desks, chest of drawers, 2 Ac. antique bedroom suite (Oak), single bed, night table, chest cf drawers, 2 p c. antique bedroom suite (good), hall rack and mirror, trunks, old newspapers and farmers ad- vocates, dating back to 1901, antique dol 1, antique lvory handled pen and pnclset with ink weIl, toilet set, smaîl tables, Morse radio and re- cord player. with, tape deck (cabinet style), ceai oll lamps, numerous other articles, Pro- perty sold, terms cash, sale at 12:00 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson, auctioneers. Phone (705) 357-32 70. 38-1 Thursday Evening September 29 - 7:30 p.m. Monthîy consignimcnt sale at Malmont Sales Arena, Blackstock, proprietor - Neil Malcolm, 416-986-4246. A r-ip opf nice young cows anid Felfers due this faîl. Both grades and registered. AIl animais must be blood teste-d for t.his sale. If you ,wish to consign taà this sale please caji Lunch available at the sâ[ý. Lloyd Wilson, auctioneer- 416-852-3524. 3- Saturday, October 1 9:30 a.m. Fumnture and Antiques and, Appliances Auction sale including: Kel- Vinator frost-free 2 door re- frigerator, oîectric stove, (fri and stove matching - Harve-St Gold). Deep freezer, (Note: aIl appliances in excellent condition - approx. 1 year old>, McClary automatic washer and dryer, large ant. h&l stand with mirror, parleur stove, walI telephone, new swivel desk chair, ottoman, captain's bed, flip top desk, ant. pine bench, king-size bcd, electric blanket, ant.,cutting block, church pew, 4 chairs,'17 Century pisto 1, powder 1iorns, ant. organ pipes, set of sml ergan pipes, humidifier, -2 < chests cf drawers, ant. mi-- tary saddle, pell1et riflé, blender,, trunk, easel, ant. lights, long table, picnic table and benches, tea cup reading sign, sectional chesterf lIed, small safe, plus man y other intoresting articles. T ho pro- porty cf Rene Highway, 1 mile south of Uxbridge on Con. 7, first place east on Brookdale Road. Lunch available. Sale managcd and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524.38&2 Wednesday, September 28 1:00 p.m. Hoîsteins Complote Glenwall Holstein Dispersai owned by Harris McKeen, R. R. 4; Cobourg, Ont, on Hwyr. 2 between Cobourg and Port Hope (directly, south of raiîwa.y Alarge clearing auction of machine shcp equipment and Dol, ec. heproperty of the estate of the late Mr . R. Szep, R. R. 2, Uxbridge, Ontario. O n Con. 7, 6 miles' nerth etf lxbridge. A ver ylarge sale. Full details next week. Sale ranagod and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- Dridge, 416-852-3524., > 38-1 1