16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, September 21, 1977 Solina's 4H Homemaking Club called "Taking a look at Yourself" began on Septem- ber 12 at Solina Community Hall. Our leaders are Mrs. R. Best and Mrs. F. Watson. The meeting was opened with the 4H pledge followed by the Rol Caîl. We had to name a famous person that we admired and tell why. Jane His was elêcted presîdent and Camela Funara for Secre- tary Treasurer. No decision was made for a club name until our next meeting. Achievement Day is on November 19, 1977 and our, exhibit is entitled "General Rules for Good Storage. " Mrs. Best gave us a quick summary of the club activities which meclude grooming, care of hands, hair, skin, figure, and storage aids for good groom- ing. Several books were dis- played on, these subjects, also ideas of tote bags for our prbjects. Mrs. Watson talked to us about the importance of knowing your self image if you know what your ideals and goals are others will be able to see themn through your self image. Manners play a very important role in displaying the type -of person you are. How are your manners? There were nineteen girls registered for the club. Next meeting is on September 19. HAYDO Club 21 September meeting at the Centre on Monday night, September l2th, Rena Potts, in the chair, for Group 1. We decided to conduct our meeting a little differently. We started our craft work sitting at a long table and fini shed as far as we were able to go. Secretary and Treasur- er reports were read and approved. Our community sale of vegetables and baking, this Saturday night was discussed and other items of business. Jean Slemon gave a nice Devotional reading. Rena Potts gaye a reading. Group 1 served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family, Orono, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Boumne and Heather, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones, on Sunday. Miss Mary Potts and Miss Jean Harrimaan, Toronto, Bill Potts, Rolftoa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, and Mrs. Bert Ashton were Saturday guests of their nephew, Mr. and- Mrs. Glen Ashton, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Black- burn and Wendy were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brethour, Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black- burn and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn and Wendy motored to Brace- bridge on Saturday. KE N DAL Kendal Country Jamboree held their annual event of song and music last Saturday evening in Kendal Sehool Auditorium. Reports say it is better each time they have one. Mrs. Reg Elliott and her sister Miss Margaret Seens of Peterborough returned home sermon was -entitleëd-,--"A' Silver Lining" taken from the Book of John in his series of sermons from the Books of the Bible. We also were favoured by a solo by Mrs. Tizzard 'Out of My Bondage' which was very fitting with the sermon. Next Saturday evening the Sunday School is holding a 'raient Night beginning at 7:30 in the Sunday School. AHl interested persons are'invited to come. Bea volunteer CUT FROM CANADA GRADE 'A' BEEF BONELESS, FULL CUT ROUOND STEAmmK* SPALI LB. SPECIAL! MALING WHOLE 10 FL.c MUSHROOMS TIN I CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF SPECIAL! BON ELESS1e STEWING BEEF LB. 98 SPECIAL! SWIFT PREMIUM1LB WIENERS PG SWIFT PREMIUM SLICED BOLOGNA, DUTCH, SPECIAL! CHICKEN, P & P OR MAC & CHEESE LOAF COOKED MEATS 6 OZ.44 SWIFT-PREMIUM SLICED COOKED HAM PK.1 SWIFT'S SUGAR PLUM SPECIAL! OR LAZY MAPLE 1 B. q BACON PKG .0 SPEC lAI! MAPLE LEAF SLICED1LBe BOLOGNA PKG. 89 1 BITTNERS SMALL LINK SPECIAL! BREAKFAST SAUSAGE LB. 1.29 SPEC lAI! BEEF lONGUE L.12 TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE BURNS' PRIDE 0F CANADA SPECIAL! BON ELESS, FULLY COOKEEY DINNER HAMS LB. 1098 BURNS' PRIDE 0F CANADA SPEChML! BONE IN, VACUUM, PACKED COOKED HAMS LB.7 1.5 LITRE SPECIAL! RETURNABLE BOTTLE PLSIe m e COCA-CO~LA DEPOS IT 4 CANADA FANCY SPECIAL! HEINZ11FLOZ %e TOMATO JUICE TFIN 9 ALL VARIETIES SPEÇIAL! CADBURY MULTI PACK 42 Z 75 CANDY BARS 420Z GET YOUR FREE TICKET AT DOMINION FOR THIS WEEK'S RACES! i S PE CIlAL! CANADA CHOICE DOMINION PEAS OZ. TIN 29e ALL PURPOSE, ENRICHED SPECIAL! PRE-SIFTEDIme MONARCH FLOU-R BAGI ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL! POUCH PACK MONARCH CAKE MIX PK. /69e E. D. SMITH SPECIAL! VEGETABLE JUICE 28 FL GARDEN COCKTAIL -o' CORONATION SWEET MIXED, SPECIAL! BREAD & BUTTER, BABY DILL24F.O. A^ PICKLES JARFL i EASY JACKS FROZEN. SPECIAL! REGULAR OR BLUEBERRY 17 FL. OZ.4 lv PANCAKE BATTER CONT. % ASSORTED VARIËTIES SPECIAL! PAMPER a CAl FOODS 6TIN 5/'1 SPECIAL! MIR LIQUID 2 x 24 A1L0 DETERGENT FL OZ 1i.0 ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIAL! FACELLE ROYALE0% e FACIAL TISSUE OF60 FOR NORMAL OR OILY HAIR SPECIAL! CLAIROL SHAMPOO 40m HERBAL ESSENCECOgT' COLGATE REGULAR SPECIAL! OR WINTERFRESH drr 100Oml TOOTHPASTE TB SPECIAL! MOUTHWASH & GARGLE COLGATE-1oo0 70 mi ROBIN HOOD 6 SPECIAL! FROZEN, WHITE 64OZKG BREAD DOUGH OP 4 0 ASSORTED VARIETIES LIMIT 4 PER CUSTOMER 2 LB. ~ PKG. BANANA, ORANGE OR POUND FROZEN, SARA LEE, CAKES "P OGZ FROZEN LMT6 PER CUSTOMER SPAL! M' OZ.5 PKG. PARCHMENT WRAPPED MAYFIELD MARGARINE LIMIT: 4 POUNDS PER CUSTOMER ý jECAL! 1 LB. (:L:! PkG. 3 BLUEWATER FROZEN FUSH & CHIPS 1jA lU D SPECIAL' 1.09% SPECIAL! RICH'S FROZEN COFFEE RICH CO20Z 55 ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL! AUNT JEMIMA FROZEN WAFFLES"P KGz-6 5 0e DOMINION FROZEN SPECIAL! CANADA FANCY2LB CAULIFLOWER PK.2 MoCAIN'S FROZEN SPECIAL! ST RAW B ERRY 1.5 9 SHORICAKE P320 l5q DOMINION FROZEN SPECIAL! CANADA FANCY ONION RINGS 6 2Z 1 YORK FROZEN SPECIAL! CANADA FANCY MIXED & VEGETABLES PKG. U FLEISCHMANN'S FROZEN SPECIAL! EGG SUBSTIUTE S 2x8O .1 EGG BEATERS 2xO1lU9%à SPECIAL! FROZEN BELLISSIMO ALORO PIZZA 'P KGI. 8 8 ASSORTED FLAVOURS SPECIAL! FLAVOUR CRYSTALS QUENCH C2N. 19 ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIAL! 2 PLY BATHROOM TISSUE 4RL Rli0 ROYALE P 19 ASSORTED COLOURS SPECIAL! ROYALE,, JUMBO ROLL 1RL PAPER TOWELS IROIL 79 SPECIAL! COLD WATER DETERCENT ÀF ARCTIC POWER Bo2.4 PRODUCE 0F SOUTH VALENCIA DOZ. 8 B.C. GROWN CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 1BA RTLETT, _J! LBS. ONTARIO GROWN CANADA NO. i GRADE CA RROTS S L B' AG 8 ONTARIO GROWN PEPPER SQUASH 2/3c SPECIAL!J13 ONTARIO GROWN BLUE GRA PES SPECIALI 2 QT. BAS KE T iOle9 You dobeterat.. _qàmm- mf-amu WE RFSEPVE THE RIC-HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. DOMINION STORES LIMIJED. ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVARIN rSTANT COFFEE MAX WE"LL HOUSE 10ooz. JAR MILD CURED SUGAR EGREEK RINDLESS BREAKFAST 1i LB. PKG. 1m ai, j onob., mmih, 4UN 8 M) 103t ORANGES i SPECIALI', 1 1