Page 12 Recipe Suppement of the Canadiani Statesman, September 21, 1977 * ansonic features * * as % meaoicmcan eain sisser fat ndlcro at ve oo king t 0 b. * ths w getnwmoes onrlfrCooiglea - Cool an*efotig tiecnrilt o rstsar n n fcàigMgerNutritionsb - Economical k R -k *-- - l ý -L ý - - . - L . . - . . . I - - - - - I I 3 3 3 3 3 A A A A A 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A A A A -c ~ycle. -ooKinqlD Uv terperatu[e Wli n eiiui11 UCon i odyfo dmnsrtin0ftes ndohe determine temperature at which food stops cooking. Cmioa for ens by Panaon. Reembnert k New 'Multi-Power' features provide cooking irwv vn yPnaoi.Rmmewt ~.powers f rom warm to high, and everything in Panasonic, it's the easy features that courit!k between. Full 60-minute digital timer, Largek Paasonii 4-just slightly ahead of our lime ® k -TRK-602Ck 0- 12" screen in a sculptured cabinet tion due to fluctations in householdk design wth a selection of decorator current. Economlical ta operate withk 4_ colors. 100 per cent solid state Iow power consumption of only 36 il chassis provides cool operation watts (operating at mnaximum).k ensuring Iong-life. Automatic VHF-UH r Unipotential antenna.k Voltage Regulator helps eliminate Choice of 3 colors: antique white, picture fading, shrlnkage and distor- sunshine yellow, or crimson red.k Also . .. complete uîne ofk g.Panasonic Console and *A g.Portable Color TV's. MM.Don't forget our complete ine of* Portable Radios - Clock Radios* and Tape Units. We have a televismon to fit yourk personal needs ... at a price* you con afford.k BowmaonvilleAudio. .kso Authorized Panosonic Dealerk z 2 King St. West 623-231 2 ,q -: