Glen Jobaston,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Johnson, Lambs Lane, is attending Toronto Institute of Medîcal Technology. Recent visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pingle, Liberty Street, South, were tbeir daughter and son-in-law, Lynda and Steve Black, Fort St. James, B.C. Miss Janice Pingle, daugb- ter of Mr. an-d Mrs. Oscar Pingle, is enrolled in the Law Administration Course, at Sir Sandford Fleming College la Peterborough. Congratulations to Bey. Taylor, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Taylor, Second qfreet. wbo was chosen to be the recipient of one of 10 schiolarships awarded by the 'Youtb Bowling Counceil. Bey. is now attending Durham College. Ne would greatly appreci- ate anyone who bas a son or daughter attending university or college, to phone 623-3303 giving us the details which we will be pleased to write up and place in next week's issue. Also any other items of interest. Bei Con Engineering, Belle- ville, bas been awarded the contract for construction of Orono Arena, witb a 'bid of $799,'600, which was $21,600 lower than the next tender. The joint offices of Allan Lawrence, M.P., and Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. are located in the new Veltri complex across from the I.GA. store. Ada Frances (Greaves) Gregory, of Lindsay, the first woman to be elected warden in Victoria County,' passed away Monday, September 5tb-, 1977. Look out ladies. Women's Lib rnay be about to take a trimming. Mike Sawyer of Orono took first prize at the Orono Fair last week with bis chocolate cake. Over 'one million dollars is be ing sougbt for four projects in this area which includes Participation Hlouse, the aew indoor swimrning pool and squash courts, both la Bow- manville, the Newcastle and Orono Arenas. Another pro- ject wbicb will require addi- tional financing is the old Kirby School. The Northumnberland and Durham Federal New Derno- cratic Party Association is planning to bold a fali nomnin- ation meeting, according to Temperance at Queen S UN DAY, S EPT. 25th, 1977 8: 00 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY SERVICE SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION DAY Rector - Rev. Tom Gracie SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1977 Sunday School Classes il1a.m. -Beginners, 3years, Kindergarten - 4- 5 years Primary -6 - 7- 8years lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Topic "What's in a Na me?" Nursery Care Provided A Warm Welcorne for Everyone BAPTISM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9th Members who have chîdren ta be baptized please contact church office flot later than Oct. 2. Bowmanville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday, Services 9:55 a. m...... ... Sundlay School 11:00 a.m ........ Worship Service 7:00 p.m.. EvangelisticService Mid Week TFuesday, 7:30 p. m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church Minister: Rev. NA. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Sunday, Septem ber 25th 11:0 0 a. m. WORSHIP SERVICE Sunday SChooI 9:45 a.m. - Senior Classes - 9 years and Up' 11.00 p.m. - Prirnary Classes Children wiII attend first part of church service with thei r parents. Nursery - Modern "Play and Learn" Nursery for pre-school chi ldren every Sunday. Choirs If you like ta sing, you are invited ta corne out to- choir pr4ctice. Thursdays - 415 - Jr. Choir - Grade 3 and up 8:00 - Senior Choir COUPLES CLUB Sunday, Oct. 2d - 6:30 p.m. New Couples Welcome For further information on church programs Cali the church secretary at 623-5701 Wilf. Day, an executive rnem- ber. The place and date of the meeting hasn't yet' been selected,' but tbree potential candidates bave expressed interest in running. The new pre§ident of the federal NDP Assc. is Mrs. Margaret Wilbur of Port Perry. Newcastle Village and Dis- trict Chamber of Commerce is holding its §ixth Oktoberfest at the community bail on Saturday, September 24th with rnany events sucb as a Sidewalk Sale, bake sale, white elephant and rummage sale, farmers mnarket, dog show sponsored by the Lions Club, an Antique sale and Flea market, plus a refreshment garden,' including German food only during the evening's festivities. Mrs. Myrtie Morris, Martin. Road assisted by ber daugb- ter-in-law, Mrs. Dorotby Morris, was bostess for a luncheon in honour of their cousins, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Aiiridge, Lansing, Michigan. Dr. Allridge, wbo bas been a professor of Sociology at Michigan State University for a number of years bas accepted a similar position at Arizona State University -and will be comrnencing bis new duties in January 1978. The cousins present, who enjoyed a farewell visit with Gordon and Gladys were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Ciernence, Mrs. Louise Langrnaid Mrs., Jean Werry and Mrs. ýLaurence Savery, Oshawa, Mrs. Eiba Cryder- man, Mr. Ross Stevens, Mrs. Muriel Bizi, Mr.' and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsb, Bow- manville. Miss Irene Rietmulier, Bow- manville, bhas returned to Queen's University, Kingston. Miss 'Janice Milliken, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milliken, is attending Lakehead University, Thunder Bay. The Reverend Thomas Gracie, Rector of St. John's Anglican-Cburcb, will be one of the speakers at a'seminar, for clergy to be held at' Sparrow Lake, October 17- l9th. The tbree day conference meets eacb year to consider the special needs and benefits of the cburcb's ministry in srnaii town and country churches. Mr. Gracie is presi- dent of the Rural Worker's Fellowship, a cburcb organiz- ation especialiy concerned with this municipaiity. Mr. John Wood bas returned to studies at McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton. The Reverend Thomnas Gracie, Rector of St. John's will be the tbeme speaker at a two-day conference for clergy of the Diocese of Montreal, October 29-30. The conference will deal with the special programs of the cburch in srnaller communities as wel as the place of Praise, Prayer andi Bible study in the life of the churcb. Congratulations to Miss Elsie Rowe, forrnerly of Orono, who celebrated ber 7Oth birthday last week. Several persons from town visitedi the -Participation Miss Valerie Brownell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Browneli, is attending Toronto Medical Institute of Technol- ogy. THE BAHA'I SCRIPTU RES Witness how the world is being affîicted with a isb n f1ice -tfresh caîamnity every day. The dust of sedition hath cîouded the hearts and blinded the eyes of ma.aha'i books în Bowmanville Library. The September meeting of the Morrish Wornen's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Carlus Dickinson on Tuesday the sixth. The meeting was conducted by the president Mrs. L. Hughes and one minute silence was observed in memory of the late Cara Darke, a long time Institute member. This was followed by an appropriate reading by the president. The topic for the afternoon was an "Early History of the Children's Aid Society", given by Mrs. Foster Russell of Cobourg. This recailed that members in Port Hope were responsible for its beginning, their businesses also, local doctors atL that time, and their place of residence. t was reported that the cushion tops made by Mrs, R. Bamsey and Mrs. Percy Hoskin bave gone from the district annuai convention to compete in larger area convention to be held this fail. On Wednesday afternoon,' September 14, the Wesieyville group of the Welcome UCW met at the church for the first regular meeting since June. The meeting was calied to order by local, leader, Mrs. Clarence Nichois and business arising from minutes read by, Berniece Best was discussed. Letters of appreciation were read by Mrs. K. Dinner from Mrs. J. Gould, wbo is home from hospital with baby Amanda; also from Mrs. Wm. Ashby' wbo is home frorn bospitai following surgery. Berniece Best read a letter frorn Luk Yung Man in Hong telling of ber concera for chance of promotion in school as the end of terrn draws near. She said there was rationing of water there for this had been a particuiarly hot, dry summer. Roll cail of the 15 ladies present was a "bousebold hint". These were varied and inciuded the many uses of vinegar la the home. Tickets were available for the bus tickets to Toronto, and arrangements made for three coming events as well. Devotions were la charge of the group led by Berniece Best, who gave the cail to worship. Mrs. C. Irwin read the scripture lesson from Luke of the Parabie of the Sower, and the meditation read by Mrs. H. Best who also received, the offering. Lt mentioned the-seeds we plant which determhine our way of life, sorne of themn being friends, love and study. Study requires work and this would be a sorry world if no one put forth the effort. The programme for the day was on "Food for health", and the guest speaker, Mrs. Lorna De Witt of the Heaitb Unit, was introduced by Berniece Best. Mrs. De Witt gave each on present a Canada Food Guide and explained the variety of foods necessary for good nutrition. There were interesting questions ôn many aspects of food today wben so rnuch of it is prepared la cans or botties with rnany addi- tives. A film, "Eat, Drink and be wary" was shown, empha- sizing the many things put la food for preservatives and for eye appeal. Mrs. H. Best expressed the thanks of the group and presented Mrs. De Witt with a token of apprecia- tion. There was a very happy party at the Weicorne Churcb Sunday School on Friday evening, September l6th when over 50 ladies of the Welcome Pastoral charge gatbered there to sbower Dawn Lord with gifts and good wisbes for The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Sentember 21, 1977 7 Celebrated First Birthday Steven Robert George Fowler was one-year-old on August 29th, 1977. His parents are Robert and Debbie Fowler. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, and Mr. and WESLEYVILI ber approacbing marriage. A friendly tirne of visiting took place until tbe guest of honoiir arrived and sbe was escorted to a seat' by a long table, covered witb gaily wrapped parcels, underneath belîs and streamers of pink and white. Mrs. Eiieen Henderson pinned a corsage onber shoulder and invited ber to open ber gifts. During the couple of hours this required she was assisted by ber sister Sandra and sister- in-law, Mrs. Wm. Lord. As the brigbt bows were rernoved fromn the wrappings they were tbreaded on an apron and tbis was modelled by Dawn as she rose to thank ber friends. Lunch was served by the organ-izers AMrs . lHei-dersoni and Mirs. R. Eyman, assisted by others. Dawn bas been one of tbe regular workers at the Sunday school and enters- ber new life witb the good wishes of everyone for a long and happy married life. Dawn invited ber friends to attend a trousseau tea at ber home. Mrs. Carroll Niebols was interested to bear of the Oka Brotbers monastery comning to Mount Pleasant. Tbis farmn was June's former borne. University students are getting back to classes. Donald Nichols went to Guelph last week,'Alain Wil- son to Queen's on Tuesday, September 13 and Barry Best to Trent on September l9tb, al of tbem for tbeir second year. Blue jays bave been mi- grating tbis past week filling the air with colour and rather unmusical sounds. One group found a garden of sunflowers planted for winter feeding, stopped to bave a bite, and stripped tbe heads. Tbey finisbed tbe pea's whicb had been left on tbe trees too. Most people of tbe surrounding area attended Port Hope fair at least once during the weekend and found it an excellent show in spite of the damp weather. Service at Welcorne United Church was in charge of Rev. Melville Buttars of Coîd Springs, retired since bis last charge ln Oshawa. His message for the cbildren was contained in the story of the French Artist,' Dore', wbo when crossing a border he- tween two countries found be was rnissing bis passport. The custom officiai said if be was really Dore' he could identify hirnself by a sketch. This he did quickly and surely. So are we identified as Christians or, not by the things we say and do. The Rev. Buttar's sermon was based on the topic "Making a living, or Making a life." One of bis tbougbts concerned our active work that should be concerned in two ways, work to earn a livelibood and work for others without financial return but rnaking us rich toward God. Often the two are cornbined. The chôir's anthem was "Jesus, a Rock in a weary land" and they were assisted by the choir leader John Groenveid's sister Caty who with ber busband, Bert Suttorp, bas been on a visit here witb John, bis rnother, and family. The offering was received by John Connelly and Clarence Nichols. The induction of Rev. Wrn. Kennedy Will be heid on Friday evening, September 3tb, with Rev. Gordon Bal- lantyne as guest speaker. AdvertisMg I helps you, compare. Mrs. Robert ville.- His gr M. Pugsley great grand Coiborne. 5 King St. W. .t Spear, ail of Bowman- reat grandparent is Mrs. y, Coîborne and' great n-îother, Mrs. H. Hason, -Gou.Id Photo Shop Another siga of prepara- tions for the end of the year elections in church groups are nomination meetings, one for the Welcome UCW was held at the borne of Mrs. E. Barrow- ciough on Sunday evening, the l8th. Dear rsto the DerEditor: officiais (especially union This letter rnay be three men) allow sucb an obvious years too late ln being written, and unnecessary violation of or is it? Approximately three the law to occur? Even tbougb years ago at th e Bowrnanville both parties were found guilty, Goodyear Plant, the fan beit I feel the sole responsibility department was phased out. lies witb the union bargaining The union beld 'a special committee. meeting at which theSuper A great deal of credit mnust Seniority, Clause (a form of go to the ladies wbo with the first in, last out) was changed support of a portion of the frorn five years service back membership of local 189 and to one year. The purpose was the knowledge that they were to protect the bigh service right, fought and won against man in securing a job after the an international comipany and department was closed. an international union. As a The problern with this set up union person I stili find it was that "Nothing" was going extremnely bard to believe, to be' done to protect the even with human nature, femnale members of the union being the way it is, how sucb who worked in the depart- arrogance could be shown by ment. Subsequently, the so many officiais against company, witb the union's other peoples inherent rights. approval, indefinitely laid off Yours truly, ail female union members in L. Bate the department. It should be mentioned here that two of the fernale union members had Dear Editor and Readers; approxirnately 30 years ser- It bas been mentioned on a vice. weil known radio station that It was brought to the union's there is considerable objection and company's attention by to The Censorsbip Board the ladies and their depart- ctigprso betoal ment steward that they werescuttriats ofobetionablet in violation of the Human sx-triiborthfrt Righs At i thefor ofsex nighters have had the oppor- degscint o rmof. tunity of viewing the film in its heresuiatiof oh nonad original state. The "first coempany fter hearin tni nighters" it was stated are was the samter stino thig bette.r .educated and more was going to be done. The simopîstîae ta"rdn union members then were fim-oe irs." ato nc forced to go for outside help, es ig er educration nec- the Department of Human esaiym nagrtrtat Rights. After approxirnateîy a and toierance for material, three year investigation, weil trained censors judge and I would assume a great obscenie? deal of our. tax dollars, the Govermnent's decision was, botb Union Local 189 and T E L Bowmanville's Goodyear Canada were, guilty of sex JOHN MINqi discrimination. Not oniy were Goodyear and the union found guiity, but 'Incomn imagine, a union found guilty a n of descriminating against its own members. That must be a Related Accouîl first. We are supposedly dealing with intelligent people in this 67 King St. East - matter, but 1 stili feel 'the, Bowmanville, Onta same today as 1 did three years ago.,How could 50 .Iany Editor If this is so, educational standards have dropped from judgment of normal decency. The over-ali opinion of the Canadian Public, is that sucb material is neither edifying or entertaining. People are longing for release fron, ,tension and ugliness. People needing relaxed entertain- ment prefer laughter and beauty. 1 R. Lilley Dear Mr. Editor~ May I please take the space in your paper to offer congrat- ulations to Mario Veltri on the construction of bis beautiful looking complex on King Street East. Every time I pass by this building 1 arn reminded on the many hassies and delays that Mr. Veltri had with the Town of Newcastle before a Building Permit was issued. Had it not been for bis determination and foresight, perhaps there would ,stili be a dilapidated building on the Main Street of Bow- manville. Surely this is a reminder to our appointed and elected officiais that not every Devel- oper is out to rape or abuse the Town of Newcastle as somé of, them might tbink, but rather to create, a place where pride of ownership is in evîdence. Yours truly, Graham Dallas EPHONE 623-6555 'UEL, C.G.A. e Tax id iting Services, 'Suite 2 irlio LiC 1N4 623-5792 Bowmanville It'Se eleuntlaArym Corne fa MCGregor Drugs for ail your photography supplies: Kodak Cameras - Film - Carrying Cases Flash Cubes and Bulbs. MeGregor I.D.A. Drugs l'il , - ýIjij iý II 5off