10The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 5, 1977 Fourth- Generation of Rofarians given of those who had been remembered. Notes of thanks were read from that group, as well as one from the Whitby Senior Citi- zen group, expressing apprec- iation for the lovely dinner and nice evening they had enjoyed here, also one from Vicki Thompson for her bridal shower. An invitation to join Kendal U.C.W. at their meeting, October 5tb was read, and an expression of thanks, also from Ella Redknap, for the lunch served here after ber husband's funeral. A generous donation. of money was enclosed, also and a note of thanks has been sent her. This donation will be used to purchase a couple urns to hold flowers in the church and Acey Farrow and Bea Jones agreed to act as a committee to purchase them. If more money is needed it will be supplied from the Special Fund. The bale of clothing, etc., on hand, is to be sent very soon and anyone having any arti- cles to donate, was reminded to bring them in,, the end of this week. in new business, it was announced that 100 books of "Sing-Songs" have been made up for use on this charge, and our share of the cost will be one third of the total or $12.67, and a motion was passed that this be paid. The U.C.W. Presbytery will meet here, on October 25th at 8:45 a.m. so volunteers were requested to assist in Regis- tering and Amelia Lancaster and Bea Jones agreed to act. The theme will b e "Comfort Ye My People."' The Masonic Banquet will be held October 22nd and the Social Functions Committee will meet at Bernice Milli- gan's home, Monday night, to make the necessary plans. "One Day's Pay" ($20.00) is requested to assist the World Development and Relief Fund, and this was agreed to on motion of Marlene Stacey, seconded by Rowena Tizzard and carried. Helv was needed at Nel Gor Rest Home, where a Bazaar was held, to assist with the pricing of articles, etc. from 1: 30 to 3 p.m. and Mary Vinkle and Mary Jones agreed to go. O ur Church Anniversary will be held on October 3th and a motion was passed to give $300.00 as a donation. The date for our Annual Bazaar was set for November. Names were read of those in charge of the varlous tables and changes made, where needed. Amelia Lancaster and Phyllis Peck wifl be at the door and Mrs. Tizzard will open the affair. The latter asked for permission to use tables, dishes, etc. for the Ministerial Association Meet- ing, here on November 12 and this was given. In the absence of Unit Leader Doris Chrysler due to ber son requiring treatment la Toronto, Bernice Henderson Pr esented the Devotional, aý sisted by Marlene Stacey, "Take My Hand, Preciouis Lord," was enjoyed by alI, after which Mr. Chuck Ziets- ma gave us a very interesting and informative talk on his work as a Guidance Counsel- lor at the Ajax School, where there are about 1200 students and three full-tîme Counsel- lors, he being one of the latter. He is in hîs l5th year at'this sort of teaching and kindly answered all and sundry questions, asked him by our members. Thanks were ex- pressed and a hearty hand clap of appreciation given him, at the close, after which lunch was served, by the group to the twenty-three present. Mr'. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson with Mr. and Mrs. Moreton Henderson of Mor- rish drove over to Buffalo last Thursday morning to meet their aunt. Mrs. Joyce Gater, from Stocke-on Trent, Straf- fordshire, England. They toured Niagara Falls and drove up to St. Jacob's Mennonite district, en route home. Friday, Mrs. Moreton Hen- derson drove Mrs. Gater Up to Toronto visiting the C.N. Mrs. Edith Page of Mon- treal spent last week with ber daugbter Marilynn Dow and the Dow family. On Sunday afternoon they all visited Mrs. Page's other daughter Lois Kay at ber new home in Markham. The 25th Réunion of the 1951-52 class of Peterborough Normal School was held on Saturday and Sunday, October ist and 2nd at thé Red Oak Inn ln Peterborough. A large number of graduates were Tower and other places of interest. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson took ber out to see Peterborough's Lif t bocks, and, Lakefield and Millbrook sights. Sunday, they held a family gathering at Trueman'swhen about eîghteen sat down to supper. Besides their own family members, these in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. M. Henderson, Janice and Ed- ward, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Henderson, Shawna and David and Mrs. Brenda St. John of Whitby. Monday, Mrs. Gater is being taken to visit a Shopping Center and will leave later in the day for a couple weeks' visit to the U.S. before returning home, to England. present from such places as Baltimore' Maryland U.S.A., St. Jean, Quebec, Niagara Falls, Sarnia, Ottawa and Kingston. During the day many of the visîtors enjoyed the tour of the old Teachers' College building which is presently incorpor- ated witb the new Peterbor- ough Educational Administra- tion offices. Three of the 51-52 P.N.A. Staff were present at the dinner and brought greetings to their former students. The staff members were Mrs. (Race) McKinney and Mr. McKinney and Mr. Smith- eram all presently residing in the Peterborough area. Letters of regret were on display from Mrs. Turner and Mr. Loudervilie. The capable Master of Ceremonies, also a '51-52 Graduate was Mr.- Charlie Stoddart of the Lindsay-Wood- ville Stoddart Funeral and Furniture business. Attending from this area were Misses Ruth Gibson and Dorothy Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gracie and Mr. and Mrs. John Kîlleen all of Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Munro, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin SHAWS The induction of Paul Morris into the Bowmanville Rotary Club on Thursday, Sept. 22 marked the fourth generation of the family to enter into the service organization. His great grafidfather Frank Morris, was charter president of the club when it was formed in 1928. Presently director of the Morris Funeral Chapel, he was assistant manager of a Toronto Funeral Chapel until the death of his father, Don Morris, in 1976. Above, he is shown receiving a certificate outlin- ing the Rotary objectives from club president Morley Watson. About sixty-five, attended "'Luncheon Is Served", in our church hall last Tuesday noon This was sponsored. by the mothers of the Brownies and Cubs. Mrs. Russell Strong, of Tara, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Winnie Elliott, recently. Mrs. Bea Jones attended the Retired Teachers' Dinner, held in Brookln United Ch urch, last Thursday. Mrs. Inez Boughen accomp- anied by Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Stcliffe and Mrs. Thompson, attended the Bazaar at Port Perry, Saturday afternoon, sponsored by the Oddfellows' Ir. and Mrs. Ed Rowe were affing the guests at the Roe-Lord wedding, Saturday afternÔÔtn, in Welcomne Church and the reception followed at Bewde. Our b est wishes to Mrs. Agnes Burley, whose birtbd.ay was celebrated on Saturday. Long Sault Club 50 ladies will meet Tuesday evening October 11,, at the home of Mrs, R. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camneron visited Mrs. H. Trivett, West Hill, Sunday. Miss Grace Smith spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weaver, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker'and family, County Rd. 57, Mr. and Mrs. Keîth Goble and boys, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Baker and, Pam, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall and bisa, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker celebrating two family birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zea- land, Elizabethville, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Burley, Tina and Tracey of Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burley, Rodney and Wendy of Ennismore, visited ber Thursday and Friday. Thirty eight members of the family were with ber, on the "Big Day" as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Buriey, Adam and Michael, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley and Steven, Oshawa, Mrs. Earl McEwen, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley and Doug, Bridgenorth, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence' Gilmer, Cameron, Mary Fae Gilmer, PetrbrouhMr. and Mrs. Pat McDonïaid, Chad,Jae and Greýg and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilmer, ail of Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burley, David, Carol, Michael, Jamie and Mark, Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sexsmith, of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lane, and family of Peterborough were. visitors Saturday with Mrs. Leone Lane. Shirley and Glen Stapleton were the greeters at our church door, Sunday morning, and Rev. Tizzard's theme was entitled, "Need and Love." The choir sang "I've Got A Loving Glory", and the Sac- rament of holy communion was administered with Elders Iva Farrow, Wallace Bough- en, Jessie Best and Jack Kimbali assisting the minister. Just before the Sacrament, a quartet consisting of Mary Skelding, Marlene Stacey, Mary Vinkie and Myrtle Harris, sang "Let Us Break Bread Together." Tuesday-Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. Newtonville Church, Wednesday 5 p.m. Beavers meet ln church hall, 6:30 p.m. Brownies meet in church hall, Thursday, Girl Guides meet ln church hall, 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Jean Britton and Mrs. Betty Griffiths were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer included Mr. and Mrs. Carm Trizzino of Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Rhil Gilmer, Kim and Blaine. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hender- son, Oshawa, were Saturday evening visitors with Mýr. and Mrs. F. Henderson. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hender- son were supper guests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown, Newcastle. Mrs. Bea Jones with Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Jones, were luncheon guests Monday in Toronto with Rev. and Mrs. Eugene, Beech. Sorry to report Mr. Frank Glmer is a patient in Memor- il Hospital, Bowmanville as of Sunday evening. Newtonville U. C.W. meeting was held in the Church Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 28th and President Inez Boughen wel- comed ail, and opened with the singing of a couple verses of "Stand Up For Jesus", followed by the Lord's Prayer, in unison. Secretary Shirley Stapleton gave the report of last meeting which w4s adopted, as read. Financial statement was read by Mary Vinkie, and the, work done by the Sunshine Committee, was reported by Bernice Henderson, and a list Lunn, Orono anid Mrs. Gerald Kelly of Blackstock. Many of the neighbours attended a very fine afternoon tea party in Trinity Church Hall on Sunday afternoon when Lewis and, Margaret Wood celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Guests were also present from' Hamil- ton, Toronto, Oshawa, Port Hope, Peterborough,' Baille- boro,' Millbrook, and Ponty- pool as well as Newcastle and the rest of these surrounding communities.' Sincere congratulations to Betty Gerrits and Ken Rowe who weremarried last Satur- day at St. Joseph's church in Bowmanville. The wedding dinner was held at the Dutch Oven with a lovely family party afterwards at the home of the bride. Close frpends and, relatives were preâent from bondon, Mount Forest, Ponty- pool, Port Hope, :Newcastle and the Oshawa-Bowmanville area. Happiness RD CRO0SS volunteer. a NEWTOPý'Ilý"-MLE