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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Oct 1977, p. 11

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to the Church by the Gray Family in ,memory of their parents, Rhea and George Gray. On Wednesday, October 5, Bishop Harris of Argentina will speak at St. John's Church, Port Hope, at the Deanery Rally, starting at 8 p m. Hence, no service at St. George's Wednesday evening. Next Sunday, October 9, Rev. R.S. Mansfield, Oshawa, will t ke Services at St. George'§ at 8:30 a.m. and 11:15 arn. Lay Readers are taking the Service at 10 a.m. at St. Saviour's, Orono. New 1978 Church calendars are available from Mrs. Nell Yates, Newcastle or Mrs. Betty Tansley. Orono. The supply is limited. St. Saviour's Orono A.C.W. meet on Tuesday, October 4 at 8 p.m. at Mrs. Betty Tansley's home. St. Saviour's Bazaar will be held at the 1.0.0.F. Hall, Orono, this month. St. George's A.C.W. meet at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, October 5 at the Parish Hall. Firemen's Dance On Saturday evening, Octo- ber 1, the Newcastle Village Firemen and wives enjoyed their annual dinner and dance. Mayor Garnet Rickard and his wife and Fire Chief and Mrs. James Hayman, Bowmanville were special guests at the dinner. During the evening Mayor Rickard presented Fred Glan- ville, who has moved out of the district, with the traditional silver fire chief's hat and a watch from the Town of Newcastle. Fire Chief Fred Glanville supported by his wife Marion, served the village as a volunteer fireman for many years. Approximately three hun- dred persons turned out at the dance which was well organ- ized by the Firemen. The door prize was won by Mr. Bob Van Neste, Bewdley. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Holmes were the lucky winners of the draw. Spot dances were won by Mr. and Mrs. Ron Couvier, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. George Chard Jr. Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brickell, Oshawa. It was encouraging for the Firemen to have such a successful dance and they are grateful for all the co-opera- tion and participation. OMHA Award At the OMHA 44th Annual Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday, October 1, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brereton asked to be present, on the pretext that they were helping out. They did enjoy the convention and the meal. Mr. Gordon Hawes, Whitby, was called upon to present the Annual Honour Award, which is given in recognition, of outstanding, contribution to Minor Hockey. When Mr. Hawes called upon Sam to accept this trophy, it was the surprise of the day! A beautiful engraved tray was also presented to Sam. May we extend our congratu- lations! Newcastle Community Bowling 200 and Over Ladies B. Major 252, T. Wind224, E. Perrin 234-270, M. Pierik 217-238, L. Ellis 232-219, M. Burley 200, S. Foster 231, D. Mercer 295-229, K. Mercer 218, A. Langstaff 221, T. Langstaff 208, L. Langstaff 222. Men G. Kimball 209, W. Flintoff 207, B. Forget 200-214, B. Sutcliff 205-228, K. Cowling 251, M. Henry 315-276, G. Cowling 221-213, G. Watson 203, B. Lewis 214-202, E. Taylor 265-246. Thursday Mixed F. Lewis 208-206, W. Forget 203, K. Southern 212, R. Williams 247, J. Ritchie 226, B, Forget 226, V. Dunlop 202, B. Glanville 201, G. Forest 200. Friday Mixed T. Sluymers 249, L. Pearce 205, H. Nickolson 203, R. Good 331-205, B. Kentner 233, G. Kentner 215, R. Burley 279-206, R. Pearce 234, M. MacDonald 205, A. Vogels 303-245, P. Willems 214-220, F. Couch 203 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 5, 1977 il Miss Catherine Stewart spent a few days last week with ber niece and family, Mr, and Mrs Bryant Brown and family of London and on Thursday, they visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Lat Culbert of Ripley. Mrs. Catherine Lowery and Mrs. R. Elliott were among the superannuated teachers who attended their dinner in Brooklin last Thursday. Mrs. A. Low bas been visiting in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gould and ber mother Mrs. C. Robertson. There was a very pretty wedding in Kendal Church Saturday afternoon, when Rev. A. Tizzard united in marriage Neisha Neal and Ronald Mumby. Her attend- ants were Monica (Manning) Wilson, Marleen Brown and Cindy Neal. The best man was Mr. Ray Brown and ushers were Kenneth Neal and Terry Mumby. Rose Lynn Campbell and Trever Brown were the flower girl and ring bearer. Mrs. Everett Brown of Orono was the organist. The recep- tion was held in Tyrone Community Hall. Reg Elliott returned last Friday after a successful moose hunt north of Cochrane. At cburch on Sunday morn- you're in shape. ing, Miss Stewart greeted the friends at the door. Mrs. A. Foster played the organ, Rev. Tizzard's sermon was en- titled, "Need and Love." World Communion was obt served. Rev. Earl Nichol M.A. is to be the guest speaker at Kendal Anniversary Service. Miss Margaret Seens of Peterborough is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. At the lecture competition of the Loyal Orange Lodge of Ontario held in Owen Sound last Saturday, Mrs. Brenda Lowery and Mrs. Roberta Russel of Tyrone L.O.B.A. won two prizes in the Orange and Scarlet Degrees, also Mr. Wayne Lowery and Mrs. Frank Drinkle of Kendal L.O.L. 405 won three prizes in the Orange, Blue and Scarlet Degrees. Congratulations are extended to these people. Glad to report Mr. John McMullen of Southaven Rest Home, Newcastle, formerly from Kendal is getting along well after his second amputa- tion recently. Smile if you think .O einsae cer.c SeasonaHitems, ends of lines, old stock at low prices, limited quantities, cash and carry, no telephone or C.O.D. orders. Shop early for best choice, not all items in all stores. At the 44th convention in Toronto of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association on the weekend, Sam Brereton of Newcastle Village was called before the almost 1,000 delegates to receive this huge trophy and the engraved silver tray he is holding. The award, a highly coveted honor, was made to Mr. Brereton for his dedicated service to minor hockey over a lengthy period of time and was presented by Past Village c Mrs. Ellen Duxbury enter- tained the Ladies' Euchre Club last Monday, September 25. Miss Trudy Flonk is attend- ing Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade have returned home after a ten-day holiday. They were in Oklahoma City where Harry was representative to Sover- eign Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfellows. On Sunday afternoon, Octo- ber 2, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell entertained guests at a tea in honour of their daughter Patti, whose marriage to Mr. Fred Andrews, takes place on Saturday, October 8. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rumbles (nee Glenda Johnson) who were married in Newcastle United Church on Friday evening, September 30th. We also extend congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gray (nee Maureen Shetler) who were married in Orono United Church on Saturday, October lst. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, Keith and Kevin, visîted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sarnuel Powell, Lake Shore. Congratulations to Mrs. Marie Pedwell who is now District Commissioner of the Girl Guides here. The Open Kitchen, the restaurant formerly owned and operated by the Glan- ville's, has re-opened. Last week Bob Luxton of Papa's Pizza, opened the Open Kitchen and pizzas may be bought there along with other restaurant fare. We wish the Luxtons well in this venture. Miss Shirley Allin is a patient in Scarborough Cen- tennial Hospital. Mr. David Adams continues to progress in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Even though the weather- man did not co-operate, the tour of five Newcastle homes, sponsored by the Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club, was a success. The homes visited were those owned by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham, a four year old home on top of the hill on. King St. West, The Mill House owned by the Carveth family on the west side of Mill Street, the Hollows owned by the Russell family on King St. West, The Cooper home on Highway 2, owned formerly by Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Farrow, now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper, the Mann home, beautiful big new home, one sideroad east of the Golf Course Road in Brownsville. House guests with Rev. and Mrs. David Spivey, Simon and Neil are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sunley, Aus- tralia. We are sorry to lose our neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ellis and family who moved to Oshawa on the weekend. Mrs. Margaret Wade is convalescing at home after President Gordon Hawes"of Whitby, well-known in this area. Mr. Brereton doesn't remember how long he has been connected with minor hockey in Newcastle but feels it must bh almost 20 years. He will keep the trophy for one year. The silver tray will be retained as a prized possession. The presentation was a complete surprise for both Mr. Brereton and his wife Marg. ~f Newcastle News surgery in Peterborough Hos- pital. Mrs. Bea Jones, Newton- ville, Mrs. Bertha Touchburn, Mrs. Kate Lowery, Mrs. Mabel Elliott and Mrs. Madeleine Buckley attended the Retired Teachers' Lunch- eon at Brooklin last Thursday. The local Lions sponsored a bus trip on Sunday to see the Blue Jay Ball Game, on Appreciation Day. Some Mill- brook Lions members accom- panied the Newcastle Club No lucky ticket winners were reported in this group but all enjoyed the first lengthy game, after which they re- turned home. Mr. Harold Powell and Mr. Art Van Dolder, Toronto, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. On Saturday they visited newly- weds, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt, Pontypool. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster to the village. We wish them gpod health so they can enjoy retirement in their new home on Beaver Street South. On Sunday, October 2, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burley attended the buffet supper birthday party at Newtonville Sunday School in honour of his mother, Mrs. Agnes Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burley and Steven and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Burley, Adam and Michael, Oshawa, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley after attending their grandmother's 85th birthday party. Miss Candy Storks, Rex- dale, was home for the weekend and attended the Rumbles-Johnson wedding Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Butter- ill and Marg, Smith Falls, were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. On Tuesday evening, Octo- ber 4. Mrs. Audrey Walton, Mrs. Carolyn Garrod and Mrs. Pauline Storks attended a Fashion Show at Oshawa Golf Club. Mr. Clinton Brown returned home from hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, were Sunday after- noon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, New- tonville, were Sunday supper guests with the Browns'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited last week with friends in Kingston and Kars. Mrs. Nellie Spencer and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Floyd Thomas, Lindsay, returned last week from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bernard, Terry and Tara, Flesherton. They enjoyed the Solit Rail Celebrations at the Arena and Wilf Carter and the Whisky River Boys at the High School Auditorium. Mr. Terry Bernard and Miss Brenda Magee, Flesherton, spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs., Nellie Spencer, and attended the Gray-Shetler wedding in Orono United Church on Saturday, October lst. Birthday greetings to Mr. Samuel Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wood attended the golden wedding anniversary reception of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood at Trinity United Church, Bow- manville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe attended the wedding of his nephew, Mr. Gary Rowe to Miss Dawn Lord at Welcome United Church on Saturday, October lst. The reception followed at Bewdley Commun- ity Centre. Miss Aimee Brereton is attending Sir Sandford Flem- ing College, Peterborough, taking Business Administra- tion Computer Programme Course. Mrs. Harve Britton and Mrs. Betty Griffiths were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pater- son and Mr. and Mrs. R. Brenton Rickard spent the weekend in Ottawa visiting their daughter and sons-in- laws, Mary Grace and David Milton and Janice and David Mills. Mrs. Orena Megit is a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Miss Margaret Wind is attending Sir Sandford Flem- ing College, Peterborough, taking a Business Course. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Peterborough. Hi C News The Hi C met at the United Church on Sunday afternoon at 1:30. After a short meeting, they went to the school grounds for a baseball game against some of the congrega- tion. The congregation team members consisted of Wayne and Joan Blackburn, Francis Jose, Home-run Rickard, Ross Allin, Glenn Allin, Cecil Bowler and David Spivey. They were assisted by Geoff Bowler and Gordon Jose. The game was an exciting, see- saw battle but when the official score-keeper, Marion Allin, tallied the runs, the Hi C prevailed 18-16. The wet, cold weather kept the crowd attendance to four or five. We thank them for coming. Everyone went to the Sunday School after, for a hot drink and light snack. The Hi C would like to thank all those who helped make this such a fun event. There will be a workday for all the Hi C members on Saturday, October 8th. Please meet outside the church at 8:45 and bring your lunch. There will be no meeting on Sunday, October 9th. United Church News World-Wide Communion was observed at Newcastle United Church on Sunday, October 2nd. Why Not Think Small was the title of the UTILITY GRADE LUMBER 2 x4x8'Spruce EACH 2 x4 x8 Cedar EACH ECONOMY GRADE SPRUCE 2 x4x921/2"SPECIAL. 89 EACH 1 x 6 x 12' SPECIAL S9 EACH TRIM LINE SPRUCE 1 x 3 x 8'Strapping AEACH 1 x 2 x ' Strapping EACH PINE CRATINO Available at Courtice store only 5/ x 8" and 6" Wide FOOT PANELLING SPECIALS Huron Sand4'x8' EACH Alil Stores Carnival EIm 4' x 8' Oshawa & Courtice only Festival Pecan 4' x 8' Courtice only $ wEACH $3. EA DAMAGED PEGBOARD /B" will make into 4' x 7' $3.54AC EA CH1 SHINGLES Pre-Metric Midtone Cedar (Courtice Store Only) 100 Square Feet UNCLAIMED ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS (Oshawa & Courtice Stores) Odd Sizes, Styles, may fit your windows ½ Price SHELVING Unfinished Particle Board 5/8 x 1/4x 60" Regular 1.99 CLEARANCE e $166 EACH PINE CASING SETS PVC CORRUGATED PANELS For trimming around doors. For Fences, Dîviders, etc. 2 pcs. 7', 1 pce. 3', fingerjointed so 2' x 8, mostly Yellow, there are no knots. a few Green. Regular2.49 SPECIAL SETiEACH PINE BASEBOARDS Fingerjointed, Combination Base 2" Wide. Thin but good for any room. SPECIAL10 FOOT TRIM - SHORT LENGTHS 4' - 5',- 6' pieces, (our selection) Mahogany and Pine in various styles. Regular Price up to 21c Foot. SPECIAL!!7 FOOT CONCRETE NAILS Stock Up Now 1", 2", 3' and 31/2" 1 Lb. Pkg.- 25 5 Lb. Pkg. - DISPLAY STORAGE SHEDS Spacemaker 10' x 9' Green-White. Already assembled. CASH & CARRY Ready to Assemble 10' x 9' CASH CARRY PINE ROOF BOARDS (Courtice Store Only) 4" Wide, Random Lengths 2500 Lineal Feet Only 3 Fc ý FOOT FENCE GRADE CEDAR BOARDS 1x6-5' Long EACH $.36 1 x6-6'Long EACH CONSTRUCTION GRADE CEDAR POSTS 4x 4x 8'Specia 1 OSHAWACOURTICE ,100 Bond-)St.--West N..2 CUTC Lonst--/> j100jBondciS. %West Bloor St. E. of OSHAWA Mon. to Fn. 9:00 Mon. to Wed. to 6.00 Sat. fo 5:30 o Thurs. & Fr to 9:00m c -- -N----- Sat to 5:30 ,ýSCME ST WHITBY PORT HOPE Four Convenient Self-Serve Locations 223 arock st. N. 37 Ontariest Shop in Corplte Indoor Comfort2'3" Mon. to wed. n 6:00 Mor. to ri. to 5 30 Use your Chargex or Master Charge or[ Thurs. & Fri. to :00 Sat. to 400 open a convenient revolving charge account , °Sat. to 5:30 on_ _ DRUVEWAY SEALER Buildall AsphaLt Base Reg. 8.95 5 Gallon TO CLEAR Sakrete Tar Base Reg. 13.49 4 Gallon TO CLEA R GREEN CHAIN LINK iENCING 50' Rolls, 2' Mesh x 48" 50' Rols, 1/ "/ Mesh x 60" 44 LAWN F:ERTILZER 12-6-6 Mix 40 Lb. Bag BOND STREET STORE Gregg Cupboards 1/2 ORIGINAL PRICE Display Cupboards 20 PER CENT OFF Discontinued Vanity Tops $2.50 FOOT Amerock Cabinet Hardware 40 PER CENT OFF Garden Tools ONE THIRD OFF Damaged Medicine Cabinets ONE THIRD OFF Curtain Rods Gregg Vanities ½ ORIGINAL PRICE ALUMINUM STORM DOORS 34" x 82" Only Limited Quantity in White, Black or Plain TO CLEAR PLAIN 5COLOUR PINE OUTDOOR SHUTTERS (Courtice Store Only) Painted Blue 113" Wide x 63" - 1 Pr. 11'/4" Wide x 68" - 6 Pr. 11¾" Wide x 78" - 1 Pr. 11¾" Wide x 85" - 1 Pr. PAIR PATIO SLABS In the group, 24 x 24,. 24 x 30 and a few 12 x 24 I EACH

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