Court Venture Off içers During 2Oth Anniversary Court Venture No. L1892 Canadian Foresters Wallis; standing, High Marshall Helen Twining, will be celebrating their 2th anniversary this Inner Guard Moana Adco ck, Pianist Susie year and last week, a special birthday cake had Graham, Warden Sandra Sellers, Chaplain Faye been prepared for the occasion. Officers during Allen, Conductor Marion Alldred, District Deptuy the year are, seated, left to right, Vice President Joan Gibson and absent, Outer Guard Helen Margie Pollard, President Valerie McGarvey,, Ovenden. Past' President Dorothy Bond, Secretary Helene We are glad ta see Clîff Richardson home from Osh- awa Hospital. We hope that his health steadily improves. Lloyd Fallis is in Room 243, St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- ou2h. after being moved out of the Intensive Care Unit on Friday. We trust that LlOYU willflot be too long recovering from his major operation. A former resident, Newton Wright, passed away suddenly last Tuesday with burial in Ballyduff Cemetery on Thurs- day. The Wright failymoe from the Pontypool area 30 years a go ta make their home in Oshawa. The late Mr. Wright had worked the past 30 years in General Motors. To his widow, family and other relatives we extend aur deep- est sympathy. Sympathy is also sent to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sinclair, Ken- neth,, Jean and families on the passing of their daughter and sister, Doris Baechler of Sudbury. The deceased rested at the Mackey Funeral Home in Lindsay with burial in Fallis' Cemetery on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young- man were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jackson, Etobicoke. Grand- dauahter Holly, 6 months, returned home with Kay and Fred for a week's holiday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rafuse (nee June Hyland) who were married in Pontypool United Church on Saturday with reception and The congregation of the Bowmanville Baptist Church will celebrate Thanksgiving in a special way on Sunday when they gather in their new building for the first time. 1Although financial obstacles stood in front of the project in the initial stage, they are naw in the proce ss of movinginto their new location. t has been almost one year since the church held services ta dedicate the site of the future church. Construction on the church, located on the third conces- sion, west of Liberty St., was underway sooner than expect- ed, hawever, allowing it ta open this weekend. The new $120,000 structure provides a seating capacity for 168, making room for approximately 80 more people than the previaus building The Senior Citizens card party results are as follows: ist. Flossie Cameron, 2nd Lee Reeves, 3rd Walter Murphy, 4th Ambrose Lynwood, 5th Meta Read, Ladies low Myrtie Manns, Mens low Robin Ail- dread. 50-50 draw was won by Walter Woolley. Submitted by Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. EVRYDAY wedding dance following in Pontypool Community Centre. Mrs. Sadie Kirk and Mrs. Sid Powers enjoyed a bus trip ta Sault Ste. Marie and a scenic train ride ta the Agawa Canyon this past week. Sadie was also a Monday visitar with Mr. and Mrs. John Nimigon, Mllbrook. Ail readers are reminded of a TurkeyShoot ta be held ths coming Saturday, October 8th, 10 a.m. at the home Henry McKay, l2th concession of Manvers, shotguns only. Pro- ceeds are for Manvers Arena and Comifiunity Centre. Inci- dentally, the new building is progressing very favourably. Pontypool Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a dance with proceeds ta go towards cementing basement floors. (See Coming Events). Grant Curtis, now warking in Toronto, was home over the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Van- Dam, Jr. have moved into their beautiful new home on the Manvers-Cavan boundary. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fischer and family of Guelph spent the weekend at the Hyland home. Junior Girls Bail Banquet The Pontypool Junior Girls bail team and parents enjayed ai banquet in the Community Centre on Sunday evening. After a tasty supper of chicken, trophies were pre- sented ta, the members of the team-Laurie Armstrong, Donna Finney, Jo-Anne Fin- could hoid. It will also have improved Sunday School and nursery facilities for children. Moving from former facili- ties on Nelson St., the cangreg- ation bas met there since the church was formed in 1950. The building was used by the Advent Church in Sauina before it was transported ta, serve the Bowmanville Bap- tist Church. An officiai opening for the, new building will take place in November. N ney, Eileen Gallagher, Lori Mehew, Karen Neals, Jackie Noden, Cathy Noden, Cathy Porter, Bannie Preston, Christine Pacey and Susan Robertson. The team, coached by Marie Finey assisted by Martin Joncas, won the league championship for the season. A special trophy for most home-runs (19) was presented to Susan Robertson. The most valua ble player award was not given this year as the coach feit that ail the team members were valuable and it would be difficuit ta choose frmso many good players. Mrs. Finney presented Martin Joncas with a plaque in appreciation of his assist- ance. Martin told the girls several important facts on how ta play good bail. His suggestions wiil help the girls in the future. Christine Pacey, on the team's behaif, present- ed Mrs. Finney with a beautiful plaque with ail the players' names engraved on it in appreciation of her help and time spent with the team. She thanked the girls and re- marked on what a pleasure it was coaching the team. She was proud of their good sportsmanship and behaviaur at ail their games. She said that she would not be coaching the team next year but would be on the sidelines cheering them on. She thanked the parents for their help in transportation during the season and extended special thanks ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey for the many times they transported girls and equip- ment ta outside games. Also a special thank you was given ta Kevin Preston for umpiring home games and ta Mr. Ken Mehew wha filled in as assistant. Mrs. Dave Preston, on the parents behaîf, thanked bath Mr. and Mrs. Finney for ail the help they have been with the young people in the community. Before everyone lef t, pictures were taken of the team. Pontypool Generals defeat- ed Port Perry on Sunday 5-0 ta take a 2 ta 1 lead in the final series. Brent Fallis was the winning pitcher. The next game will be played in Nestieton on Thursday, Octo- ber 6th at 8 p.m. As the bail season draws ta a close we remember the sudden passing an October 6th last year of 52 k ing St. West Bowmanvifle 623-2453 CARLISLE AVE. - 2 storey semi in very nice condition. Modern kitchen and bath. Broadioom in living room and hall. This is one of the nicer homes on this street. Priced to seil with terms. Early possession. CALL TODAY. SILVER ST. COMMERCIAL - 5 room home suitable for smail store or dweiling and office. It is also a gaod home for a workîng famiiy. Good value. Terms can be arranged. MILL ST. S., NEWCASTLE - Cute 5 room bungalow on well treed lot 52' x 130'. Has 2 bedrooms, living room with firep lace, formai dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath and ba c kporch. Ideal starter or retirement home. Asking $42,000 with $6,000 down. Try your offer, PROPERTIES WANTED - WE NEED SEVERAL HOMES FOR EARN EST BUYERS-an older home in central location; a junior executive with 2 car garage and others. TRY OUR SERVICE. AFTER HOURS J. A. Barton 623-3098 P. Kowaî Jr. 623-5868 Charlie McCullough, Yelver- ton's outstanding second base- man. Charlie was an excellent bail player, a gaod spart, always and a fine coach as well. The Pontypool bai players remember Charlie as a true friend and. worthy opponent. We are surry ta learn that Brett Johnston is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital. 3-year-old 4 bed- room side-split home. Nicely de- corated and fuhly ca rpeted. Featu res a finished. rec room, back porch and private drive. Close to schools and shopping. Lot 60 x, 108. Full price only $46,900. Cail 623-4252 PRIVATE SALE $48,OOO. combination general store, and residence, located on one acre plus. In village of Burketon. Must seli. Will consider any reasonable offer. Cail 263-8147 affer 7 p.m. Monday tb Friday or 1-683-0761 during, day. RED CRBOSS help'styou tb help others. REALTOR i 147 King St. E.ý REALETATE Bowmonville 623-7461 or 983-9645 ITRADE - your home in on this large 3 bedroom brick ranch bungalow with double attached garage with 3 car paved drive, 5 minute drive from Bowmanvilie, large living room wîth floor to ceîling stone firepiace, large famil y room with wet bar, large games room, sliding patio doors from dining room to sundeck. Bowma nvi lie I OSO SEACJlOFL 100Phone 623-6622 Fuil Down Paymeâ"iïnt Luxury 3-bedroom townhouse in park-Iike setting. Attached garage, paved drive, Iow monthly carrying. AHOP-HOME. For further information, cail Bill Macks at 623-6677. BALLATER REALTY L-IMITrED ~ REALTY ITD. BROKER NEWCASTLE, ONT. 123 KING ST. WEST 987-4733 623-4439M REAL TOR 0 MORTGAG ES-APPRAISALS VILLAGE BACKSPLIT 3 large bedrooms, cozy fireplace, separate dining room with patio doors and full 2 level basement. Just 1/2 mile off 401 at Newtonville for easy commuting. $59,900. We can arrange f inan cing. 11 ACRES Scenic Kendal Hilis. Ail permits availabie. Excellent soil. 534,500with $5,00down. LARGE OLD BUILDING On lot 137 x 133. Suitable for storag e, antique shop, etc. Over 5,000 sq. ft. of floor area. At Newtonvi île. Listed at $30,900. Will consider aIl offers. $5,000 down. JUST LISTED 3 bedroom brick bungalow, rec room with brick fi!replace, attached garage nestled on ¾ 4acre well1 treed ravine lt.Listed $63,500. COUNTRY LIVING - 1½/ ACRES 20 miles N.E. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 2 f ire places, knotty pine rec room, 4 pc. and 3 pc. bath. A must to see' at $54,900. R. "6BUD"1 cvirtue LOVELY 3 BEDROOM - 2 storey home, has family oom with fireplace and slîding doors off kitchen ta rear yard. Living and dining room, double attached garage and rear yard is pool size. Excellent financing at 93/4 per cent,.Temms. Asking $59,900. Cail now. TEN ACRES- choice location on Liberty St. Iust below Taunton Road. This is prime praperty and about the only 10 acres left in that area. Asking,$59,000. Cal and let us show you this one. NEW HOME - under construction on 1.5 acres, only minutes from Bowmanvilîe. COver 1500 sq. ft.* living area with 3bedrooms, L. R. and D. R., tam ily room with fieplace. Attached garage. Asking anly $72,500. Caîl now and watch youm home being bu!lIt. WE HAVE - two 3 bedroom homes in Bowmanville. Piced from $33,900 to $36,900. Have a look at both and try youm of fer. REALTOR *6342 Street REAL ESTATE LIMI TED Bomnle NEWCASTLE- - 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage, finished ec room, patio, fruit cellar. On 60 x 150 lot. Close to shopping. Asking $55,900.00. BUILDING LOTS - in. Bethany from 1/2 acre to 50 acres. Priced from $12,900.00 up. Cali for details. $41,500.00 - asking price for 3 bedmoom bungalow in north Bowmanville with living-dining room combina tion plus den or extra bedroom on main f loor. Full basement. Tool shed. $44,900-00 - Attractive frame home in north end Bowmanvîlle. Lots of room for the larger family. 557,900.00 -asking price on a lovely newer home with 4 bedrooms and gara e. Good financing arrnanged. North end. ïal I us to see thraugh. THREE SEMI-DETACHED- homes rang ing in price from $41,900.OOto $43,500.00. Ail have 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. There are rec rooms in 2 of the homes. Many extras. Don't delay, cal1 today. REL STTEL IMITEDC REALTOR 623-61,21 BALLARD STRE ET - Oshawa, 3 bedroomn bric-k bungalow, rec room facilities, fridge and stove inciuded, detached garage, paved drive. Asking $44,500.00. VALLEY VIEW - Crescent, Bewdley, 2 bedrom: bungalow with aluminum siding, fireplace in the I l vi ng ron'icely treed lot 75, x 283'. Asking $32,900.0. RAILWAY STATION - Situated on approximnately one acre, building needs renovation, close to Janetville, has possibilities as a store, restaurant, antiques, etc. Phone now! 1 TRY $3,000.00 - down on this 2 year, aId 3 bedroom condominium, assume an existing 101/4 per cent f irst mortgage. 1 Close to General Motors south plant. N EW LISTING - Strike Avenue, Bowmanville, 3bedroom brick raîsed bungalow, newly decorated throughout, finished rec room, walk-out basement, attached garage. Asking $53,900.00. COURTICE - TruIl's Road North, 3 acres of land with a 2 bedroom bungalow, 3rd bedroomn in the basemeiint, detached garage, paved drive. Bomnllj -6331 BOWMANVILLE- 2 storey brick and aluminumi home with 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, separate D.R. and rec room, nicely landsca ped and fenced back yard. North end area, close to school, asking $58,500. BOWMANVILLE - new home being com pleted with 3 bedrooms, plaster walls, rec room and fireplace, attached garage, broadloom and cushion floor of your choice, close to school and church. Caîl for information, Truly a quality bulit home. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom brick and aýLumifnum2 storey side-split, 11/2 baths, electric heat, attýached gara ge, fami1yroom, importe>d I Meian inkitchenl and bathroomi walls, broadioQm andcushiioni floor, sliding patio doors and pave_-d drive. Asking $41,90e îwîth immriiediate possession. BOWMANVILLE - compact 2 bedroom frame bungalow with broadloom and garage on nicely Iandscaped 165' deep lot, close to school and park area, askîng $37,900. vendor anxious. BOWMANVILLE - 2 storey sidesplit home with11/2 baths, family room, 4 bedrooms, broadloocm and cushion floors, attached garage, pavedý drive, ,i sldng patio doors and fenced back yard on quiet niorth en area court, asking $64,500. BOWMANVILLE - 3 bedroom frame bungalow with separate D.R, (or family room) and new furnace, on large 66' x 1651 lot, quiet street close to school i and hospital, asking $44,900. TYRONE - beautiful 2 storey brick homne wiTh an abundance of perennial f lowers on the large ,74' x 15 lot. House has central hall Ian w ith spiral stairýcase and ail large rooms. daIl f or informýation;!. N EWCASTL E Country sized lot 209' deep , plus beautifully decorated raised bungalow, finished family room, single garage and lots more, $54,900. Terms. Cali Joanne Swadron. NEW SIDESPLIT IN BOWMANVILLE Lovely brick and aluminum 3 bedroom' home with extras like - oak cupboards, attach ed garage, famlly room with fireplace and walkout. Ail on quiet crescen t. Priced at only $59,900. Terms. Caîl AIlbert Kerekes. NORTH 0F ORONO Tri-level, eide-split featuring three bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, extra panelled room for den or office. Double attached gara ge and 60 x 130 barn.* Asking $89,900 with terms. Cali Bill Morrison Sr. or Phyllis Mc Robbie. ONE ACRE - NEAR BOWMANVILLE Spanish style 6 room ranch bungalow. Double attached garage. 2 openi firep laces. Asking 583,000 with terms. CalP af Yeo for showing. 8OWMANVILLE One year aid three bedroom back-split home with family roocm, fi!replace, two car garage. Asking 562,900 with terms. Ci BlIMrrison Sr. COUNTRY LIVING - 5 ACRES - ORONO $48,900 plus this beautifully renovated 4 bedroom century hom e fully carpeted and decorated in a style to enhance tfs settîng. New plumbing, heating, wirîng. The lot features privacy plus a beautiful view of Lake Ontario and surrounding country side. Cali Joanne Swadron for an appointment to inspect. BOWMANVILLE - $59,900 Attractive 3 bedroom sidesplit on quiet street, Main f loor laundry area, kîtchen overlooking family room with lovely brick fîreplace. Large treed and fully fenced back yard. Double attached garage. Terms. Cal1 Laverne Lenha rtaor Ken Brown. NEWCASTLE AREA Home must be moved. 4 bedroom aiuminumn bungalow with electrie heaters plus 100 amp service. Vendor will look at aIl offers. Cali Bi Il Morrison Jr. Coasio Coas Real Esae Service COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICES 54C Centre St. N. Guy PoIIey Richimond Centre Mortgage Broker Oshawa 576-4883 P NTYPOO Baptist Church Mokingf Move to New Chapel NATURE LOVER'S HAVEN A really super buy. lt's a gracious loaking brick 3 bedroom bon g alow. It has a fantastic family room with an Il foot fieldstone fireplace. It also cames complete with a dishwasher in its dazzîing kitchen. If also has a large detached double car2arage or workshop. Asking $63,000.00. See it today. CaIl -Mary Pike 623-2149 or 623-6622. T RAILS Horse riding or, snowimobiling on trails in the Ganaraska Forest or around t his 11/2 storey three bedraom home with waIkout basement. Onie acre lot, surrounded by bush with unfinished barn, ideal for horses. OnIy $45,900. Cali Ed Jeans 623-7152 or 623-6622. --im-