DEADLINE ,FOR CLASSIFIED Tues,,,.12noon, Phone 623-33031 u s * .0 A gÏhCnAA .L.±.. K UNI wn budIrorumuse of k-itcheni, laundry facilities, woman preforrod. Caîl after 5 p -m. 623-3802. 40-1 N AVAILABLE November lst, 2 bdroorn townhouse, Mary St. N.Oshawa. Fully broadloom- ed and somo furnishings if nipeded. Also full basement. Suitable for 2 working ladys or 2 bachelors. AIl utilitios paid. Rent $200 each. Cail 623-4821. 39-2x À'OUSE for rent, Oshawa, large three bedroom home with garage, on bus route. In immaculate condition. Avail- able immediately. $350 per month. Phono 623-3460. 39-2 HOUSE ifor rent. Orono, spacious three bedroom home with main floor family room, large lot and garage. Avail- able October îst. $325 per month. Phone 623-3460. 39-2 MAIN STREET STORE Approximately 15' frontage x 25' deep. Washroom and smnall roomn at rear. Broadloomn. Apply SThe Cenadian Statesman PO. Box 190 Bo7vranville 'fINTER storage for boafsq, fçailers etc. Phono 623-9145. 4 38-3 Commercial Building t FOR RENT 1870 sq. f t. downtown Bowmanville, Phonoe 623-4406 or 623-5023 30-tf ù XFORD PARK TOWERS 822 Glen St. Oshawa One bedroom -$216 ~t Two bedroom - $243 S Three bedroom - $275 plus hydro. ~Close f0 south GM, schools and shopping. 576-3739 39-4 N 1WE bedroom apartment wvith private back yard. Ail utiiities Paid. Asking $220 nio*nhly. iMust have references. Phone 623-7661, and ask for Donna. 40-1 ~ONE bedroom apartment. &Heated, stove and fridge. ~Suitable for adults. Phono î 0- 3303., 40-tf N CENTRAL Bowmanville - 2 5edroom: apartment. Good ~Sized living room. $170.00 rtmonthly inclIudes heat, park- .ing, fridge and stove. Posses- sion November 1. No pets. CaLI ~G. Van Dyk Realtor 623-4428. 40-1 B0WIMANVILLE -modern Fapartment, 4 rooms and bath, 7heated, Cable TV, parking c'eowntown. Available now. tPhone 623-7523 or 1-705-696- 3 361. 29-f STORAGE for Boats and SCamnp.Trallers. Phone 623-5428 l 38-6 i-O bodroom apartment, ~ ond floor, private en- ,fra0nce, large balcony, sunken living room, separate dining room, full basement. ,Avail- 4able Nov. 1. Telephone ~623-7664. 40-1 SFLORIDA, St. Petersburg. ' Furnished a partment, prn- ~vate, dcean large bedroom, ~kitchen, dinette, living room, ý)ath, air conditioned, utilities, qgarage. Large efficiency, Cbusses, parks, churches, and b)each. Phono 1-416-885-6431. 40-1 SMALL one bedroomn apart- ment, central location in SBowmanville. Phono 623-7438. 40-1ix 4THREE bedroom house, car- ~pet, drapes, utilities supplied and heat, hydro extra. $300 per Smonth, referen'ces. Cal after S6,623-7071. 40-1iN ONE bedroom apartment with Sfridge and stove, in Newton- Sville, $160 a month, available SOctober lst. Phono 786-2676. 40-1iN SFOUR room apartment, cen- Stral location. Phono 623-5784. 40-1 SBASEMENT apartment, par- tially furnished, central loca-, tion, private entrance. Al facilties, inclucted. Teacher preferred. Tel. 623-3964. 40-lxN SFREE REMOVAIL 0F S FRESHI, DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK, CA LL SMARGWILL SFUR FARM ~Hampton 263-2721 310-tf Experienced Wa itress Forum Restaurant Hwy. 35 and 11i5 987-4226 Please apply in person. 40-1 MAINTENANCE PERSON Applications wilI be'received byJ the undersigned until Wednesdlay, October 12, 1977, for the position of' Main- tenance Person for the schools in the Bowmanville- Newcastle area., Successful Applicant must have in depth background knowledge and proven ability in one or more of the folloWing maintenance skills - elec- trical, mechanical, plumbing, heating, refrigeration or car- pentry. Reply in writing stating quali- fications, address and tele- phone number to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg, K9A 4LI2. 40- 1 EXPERIENCED legal secre- tary for Newcastle I aw firm, full time, salary to commen- surate with experience. For appointment 576-3392. 40-1 N Diningroom 'Hostess Part Tim e Evenings, 5 day week. Should bDe personable, attractive, self starter. Weekend Cafeteria Cashier No experience necessary- For interview phone 623-3373. FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN 40-1 N Short'Order Cook FOR CAFETERIA Shift work, 5 day week. No experience necessa ry. For interview phone 623-3373. FLYING DUTCHMAN JMOTOR INN 40- lN 1REL1ABLE and responsiblo babysitter, live-in or out, to look affer one and f ive year oîds in my home, shift work. Phono 263-8834. 39-4N FULL or part time. Earn $5 - $6 an hour in a Fuller Brush Territory. Close f0 your homo. Showing our new fal and Christmas lino. Territory available in Bowmanville and Blackstock. For information phone 416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St. Cobourg. 39-4x CLASS "A" licensed mech- anic, wanted immediately Don-Len Motors, 33 Mill St. S., Port Hope. Contact Len Parker 885-2366. 40-1 2nd and 3rd MORTGAG E MONEY A VA ILA B LE -5 year term -0Open Mortgag os 0 N paymonfts forthe mont h s -No bonuses -No Credif Checks -No inquiry from noighbors -Confidential arrangements made in your home - Borrow as ow as $1,600 - Fast service - First Mortgages also arranged Caîl Mr. Wilks Mortgages bought and solId (Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax) 683-2611 GARAGE in centre of town for winter months. Phono 623-3303 or 623-5603. 40-tf N DUTCH rabbit. Free to young ? iris who came to Gion Rae arm and couidn't get one. Cal 623-5610. 40-1 DGGROOMING Big and Small We do themâail. Phone 623-7764 36-tf Poodle Clipping and Groom ing by professionals. PLEASE CALL: 623-6676 39-4x TO give away to good home, 31/2 mon th old kittens, litter trained. Phono 725-3947. Custom Forage Ha rvesti ng W. J. HASIUK 579-0562 623-4529 REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique. Fee pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHON E 263-2132 R. R. 1, Hampton 37-tf ALL-TYPE ROOFING Shing les new or Reroof ing Flats hot or cold process. Ali roof and chimney repairs. FREE ESTIMAT ES 623-5038 14-tf OXFORD Brick layers and Stonemasons Lt. (Our f ireplaces do not smoke) Orono 983-5606 18-tf Lloyd Barmes Pîumbing Carpentry, Renovating Ail General Repairs REASONABLE RATES 263-2288 27-tf D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Repairs 0f ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS- FURNACES CL EANE D PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON MAiML ADR ESS: P.O. Box43 -Bowmanville 30-tf MINE R'S EXCAVATI NG FOR TRENCHING, EXCAVATION AND SEPTIC TANKS. PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calîs Durham Masonry Contractors LM. Bricks - Logs Field Stonework Specializing in Fi replaces Phone 839-2431 44-tf Geddes Electric Custom Homes, Additions - Alterations Rewirig FREE ESTIMATES 623-4174 40-tf-N Yeomans & Sons Limited Plumbing and, Heating A SERVICE-SHOP ON WHEELS 24-Hour Service New Installations Alterations - Repairs specializing in Hot Water Heating eoUU L UWmII ling R. R. 1 Orono, 983-5624 ZENITH- 25-tl M. Brooks CARPENTRY REMODELLING CUPIBOARDS - VAN ITIES GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 623-5566 lo-ti Ail kinds of BRICKWORK, CHIMNEYS P. LOUWS' CONSTRUCTION 149 Scugog St. Bowmanvi île, 623-2756 13-tf Ron's Floor Care Comýmercial and household cloaning. Dry foam rug and carpot shampooing. Wax re- moval, waiI washing. Ron Turcotte 623-7966 33-tf Don Brooks & Son Genera I Contra ctor and Custom Builder Phone 723-6176 New homes, additions, altera- tions, rec rooms, garages, repairs of ail types, etc. 25-tf GORD SIMPSON Phono 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Ca rpentry Remodelling General Repairs lntericr E tfo Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Bowmanville Siding - Sof fit Fascia - Trough' Shutters - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 FOR FREE. ESTIMATE. NOW HANDLING VINYL SIDING 3-tf BiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowrnanville Ontario. Phono 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed units - Storm Windows Store F ronts - Fl1oat Mi rrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Glazing. 17-tf DARLINGTQN MASON RY Brick,,Bîock, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phne 623-2176 Ref rigeration and Appi ance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............621-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf j WHIT ES 7T.V. TOWERS Towers,U H F,VH F Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Ask About Our Guarantee - 576-5606 Also INSU LATION Bîown Cellulose Fibre by WH ITE'S INSU LATION FREE ESTIMATES 576-5606 INSTALL an Esso furnaco, boiter, humidifier, heater or air cleaner. Combination wood and oil. Financing ava il- able. Furnaces cleaned. Parts and service policy. Cal Harvey Partner, your Esso service dealer. Free estim- ates. Orono 983-5206 or Bow-' manville 623-2301. 24 hour service. 35-tf Apple Growers Again buying juice apples in largo volume, also peelers. Quick, efficient pick-up ser- vice. Cash payment. Raymond Inch 416-753-2246 39-tf A e - Auction Sale Thanksgiving Monday, October 10 11 a.m. Stouffville Sales Barn Household furniture and antiques. Gingerbread dlock, dishes, lots of antiques. Bring the famiîy and enioy the day. Terms cash. Lunch., Auc- tioneer Earl Gauslin. 40-1 N Thursda y October 2th at 1:00 p.m. Faî Stocker Sale at Hoard's Station Livestock Ex- change, R.R. 5 Campbellford, Ontario. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in truckload lots or f0- your satisfaction. For. consign- monts or further information contact Sale Barn 705-653-3660 or Carl Hickson, Proprietor and Auctioneer Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-2774 or 324-9959. 39-4 Annual Faîl Stocker Sales Wednesday, October l9th and Wodnesday, October 26th at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R. R. 2 Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, hoifers and calves sold in truckload lots or to your satisfaction. Always a g ood quality sale with excel- oent selection o? local cattle. Wednesday, October l9th and Wednesday, October, 26th. Both sales at 1:00 p.m. For further information or con- signments contact Carl Hick- son, Proprietor and Auction. eor, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 705-324-2774. 39-3 Durham County Sales Arena Orono Weekly livýestock auctions every Thursday commencing at 7:30 p.m. Charles Roid, auctioneor, 983-5914. 39-8 Saturday, Octobor lSth, auction sale of farm machinery. The property,0f John and Mae BaaI, E ast haif lot 25' and 26, Con. 1 Otonabee Twp. 12 miles east of Peter- borough on Hwy. 7 to f irst lino of Otonabee and 1/ mile south. Nuf? ield 460,diesel tractor with manure loader, M.F. 35 diesel tractor-good. Nuffield diesel tractor, Int. combine 7' hoader bin and auger PTO. M.F. 9. Baler PTO 3 pt. blade, Int. 7' power mowor, Lely type wheel rake, M.H. 16 run seed drill, Woods eiectric grinder, John Deore trail cuitivator, slush scraper 3pt. Malco 32' hay elevator, 2 drill presses, lumber, olectric motors, De Lavai BuIk Milk Tank, full lino of machinory. Bee equipmont- 12 comploe upers with hives, lids, wintor covor, smokor, nests. Mixed hay, whoat and oat straw, mnixed grain, wheat. Queboc heator, coal and wood stove, vanity and sink, 2 aquariums, skiis, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario, 705-324-9959. 40-2 fý Auction Sale Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m. City of Oshawa Ritson Rd. and Wentworth Partial List: Cars, pick-ups, 4 x 4's, garbage packer, etc. Office furnitu re, desks, typewriters, adding machines, calculators, etc. Construction equipment and tools, water pumps, A-C shouldor g rader, chain saws, etc. Lan dscapîng and grass cutting equipment: 13 20" lawn mowers,, 3 side hilI mowers, tractor and mower, weed eaters, post hole augers, etc. Hundreds of miscel- laneous itemfs from 41 olectric stovos, popcorn vendor, g arage door 10 x 13, baseba lis, toboggans, somothing for everyono. Largo sale, plan to attend. Durham Auction Ser- vices, Professional Auc- tioneers. Experienced in any type or sîze of auction. Auctionoor Marrill Mac- Donald, 263-2009 Hampton. 40-2N Saturday, October Sth 11:30a.m. Orange Hall, Cobourg Frigidaire refrigerator, Kenmore 30" range, Simplici- ty washer-spin dryer, R.c.A. color T.V., wicker settee and chair, oîd chest of drawers, dressers, 3 pc. bedroom suite, old wooden chairs, Hollywood single bed, china cabinet, walnut arm chair, extension table, f ire screen, clothes dryer, kitchen suites, Tiffany ig ht fixtures, cane bac k lounge, chesterfield suite, two swivel rockers, maple crib and mattress, Philips stereo, oak barrel, 8 track stereo, brass Iamp, jardinere, oak planter, Singer sewing ma- chine, f loor iamps, Norge wringer washer (6 mont hs old), 303 rifle, 12 g auge shot gun, Llnderwood typewriter, pictre frames, commercial hair dryer, mirrors, 12 x 15 rug, dîlshes, electrîcal a- Sliances, kitchenware, old ottî os and sealers, fishing and camping supplies, hand and power tools, doors and numerous other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Paul Lean, auctioneer. - 40-1 N Auction Sale Thursday, October 6 6 p.m. For Pine Plaza Cabins, south shore Musselman's Lake. The contents of five cabins. Terms cash. No reserve. Earl Gaus- lin, auctioneer. 40-1 Auction Sale Gris? Mili Auction Barn Newtonville Friday, Oct. 7th, 7:00 p.m. Band saw and motor, 3 table saws, hand saws, bench vice, electric sanders, bench grind- or, 2 open' front f ireplaces, vacuums, storm doors, domo trunk, Brantola gramophone, arm chair (stencilîed), spindîe rocker, antique hd, 6 Ê c dining room suite, daybed, uffet, arborite cabinet, 7 pc. kitchen sot, p lus a great varîety of othor articles. Terms cash. ýAuctioneers: Stapletan Bros. 786-2244., 40-1 N Tuesday Evening, October 11 7:30 p. m. Hoîsteins Complote Mooreville Hol- stein DispersaI owned by Donald Moore, Peterboroug followed immediately by the Kawartha Klassic Sale to be held at the Peterborough Exhibition Grounds, Peter- borough, Ontanio. This is an outstanding sale with features like: Mooreville Citation Erma (Very Good) 2 yr. 324d. 20658m. 759f. 3.6 peor cent (211-206). Her Very Good Dam has (,171-182 B CA). Erma' (V.G.) fresh in July with a "Marquis" heifer caîf and is milking up to 100 lb. as a 3 yr. old. One of the great opportu- nities in a 1977 auction. Also a 'Rockrmannustico'(Èx)" with 3 Very Good Dams wlth high ro0duction. Others by Unique, onMatt, Starlite, Count Crystan, Em peror, Citation R, E leva? ion, Prestige, Rock- man, Ned, etc. A great quality sale with foundation animaIs. Aiso a number of fresh and close cows and heifers. Don't miss this one! 1 Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. 39-2 ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Mar- Lyn Antiques Sat, Oct. 8 ,at il a.rn. the property of LANNY &MARG BRAN DON North of Junction of Hwy and 35B South of yida FURNITURE - ANTIQUES COLL ECTA B LES, Chairs - Bentwoods, early Ontario, chicken coop, rocking chairs, adult-commode chairs, pressbacks, spindie backs, cane seated, captain chair. Lamps - Approx. 20 glass hand Iamps, Gone With T ho Wind lam , banquet lamp, hanglng Alad in lamp, electric hanging lights with coloured shade, lanterns, qty. of shades and earts of lamps, finger iamps. rossed Glass - Water pitchors, goblets, comports, wine glasses, individual and master saîts, colories, creamers, vinegar cruets, plus many more pcs., some Canadian patterns. Miscellaneous - Washstands, beds, square and oblong dining tables, pine kitchen table, drop leaf table, small tables,' pine blanket boxes, church bench, foot stools, organ and piano stools,cfg qty. pcuro frames, dough boxes, stitchi ng pony," wooden pumps, chest of drawers, Quebec heaters, decoys, wall telephone, butter bowlIs (oval and round), butter prints, (round and rectangular), ladies, rolling pins, potato mashers, tin and granitewaro articles, doils and doîl cradie, sets of smoothing irons, dlocks, crocks, jardinioros, Colonial chetersfield and chair, brass and copper items, pin? beavor sealer, qty. carni- val glass, moustache cups and saucors, shaving mugs, Royal Bayreuth (tomato sugar bowl) R. S. Prussia cream, sugar, sugar shaker, Royal Crown Derby (plates in Mikado pattern), Coalport (Indian tree pattern plates), Limoge and Shelley cups and saucers, qty. Moorecroft & Gass,, lg. qty. plates and platterspcs. of toilet sets, plus very largo qty. 'of intoresting antique Terms Cash- No Reservo Lunch Available Don Corneil, Auctioneer R. R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183 Prpietor or Auctioneer WI o be responsiblo for amiy ýpublic liabil ity, property damago or injury to the public in connection with this auction sale. 40-1 Faîl Livestock Auctions af Lindsa y Community Sale Barn, R R. 2 Lindsay, Ont. Saturday evoninq, October 15 at 7:00 p. m. East C entrai Ontario Hereford Zone. Auction sale-Approximnately 60 lots. For catalogues contact Gar y Mann, Sect.-Treas. Mark ham. 416-294-4688. Wed- nesday, October 19 and Wed- nesda y, October 26th at 1:00 p.m. Annual faîl stocker sale. Approximateîy 1500 head per sale. Quantity and quaîity. For consignments contact Carl Hickson, 705-324-2774 or 324-9959. Saturday, November 5th at 1:00 p.m. Peterborough County Cattleman's Associa- tion Stocker Feeder Sale at 1:00 p.m. Approximately 1500 head. For consignments contact, Fer g Condon, R. R. 4 Lakefieeld, Ont. 705-652-7615. The above sales are ail at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R. R. 2 Lindsay, Ontario. For further information con- tact carl Hickson, Proprietor and Auctioneer, Roaboro, Ontario. 705-324-2774 or 324- 9959. Note- Our regular livo- stock sales are Monday's and Friday's at 1:00 p.m. 40-2 Saturda y, October 8th. Auction sal of farmn machin- ery and householdfurniture. The property of ,Ron Rocke, Lot 18, Con. 13, Emily Twp. 6 miles north of Toronto Domin- ion Bank Corner in Omemee to Counfy Road 17, 2 miles east, 4 miles north and 2 miles east. .19169 Ford 5000 diesel tractor with cab, power sfeoring, complote, good '1972 Ford 3-16's trip beam pîough, 1976 New Holland 273 Baler PTO, long tong, like new. 1969 New .Holland 460 hay bine PTO. 1976 Agretec automatic stooker. New Idea 130 bus. manure spreader. 1976 Allied 5 section drag harrows with evenor. 5 sections Dia mond harrows wlth ovener. Lely 3 Pt. side rake, M.F. 81/2 cuitivator 3 pt. 1970 int. 1810 truck-new mriotor and trans- mission in 1976 with stock racks. Certified. 1970 Datson 1/2 ton truck. Int. hay condi- tioner PTO. Meat saw-band s aw te 3 phase motor, Tole- do meat rne phase motor Rotocon phase converter, meat hook, cutting table 6' x 7', full une of machinerv. Large quantity of fireplace wood. 8 yr. old Pinto Mare with 5 month old colt bv side, 2 geese Log Barn 16' x 40'. Ping1 pong table, 3 tables, dining room table and 4 chairs, 4 occasional chairs, 22-cu. ft. General deep frooze, small electric appl iancos. Kindor- garton set, adding machine, portable typewriter, choque protoctor, pump shot gun, 12 vacuums, 3 cupboard units, antique iron bod, 2 oil stoves, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Furniture sale at 12 noon. Machine sale at 1:'00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959. 39-2 Stocker and feeder sales, at the Liptay Livostock Centre, Hwy. 7, Peterborough, Satur- day, October 8, Saturday, October 15, Saturday, October 22 at 1:00 p.m. A good selection of local cattie sold in convenient lots. Auctioneer, Steve 'Liptay, R. R. 6 Peterbor- ough, 705-745-0260. 39-4 Auction sale, Saturday, October 8 et Bannister's Auction Hall in Bewvdley. Consisiing of chests o? drawers, wash stand, tables, side board, kitchen round table, 2 chairs, Silvertone B & W T.V., hi-fi, dishes, glassware, 64 pioces Copoland Spodo, (wicker lane pattern), oîl lam ps, chesterfîeld and chair, M c CIary hoavy duty stove, washing machine, and other items stil?, bein g consign- ed. Roger Bannîster, auc- tioneer. 40-1 N Saturday, October 8 12.30 p. m. Furniture and Antiques Woods 8 ft. freezer (new), 9 pc. oak dinfing room suite, AdmiraI T.V., chesterfield and 2 chairs, wicker planter, 2 wicker chairs, ant. china dol , record playor, cuckoo dlock, organ stool, 6 press back chairs, set o? 3 wicker tables, pino blankef box, 3 wash- stands, 2 dressers, 2 beds, sewing machine, ant. chest of drawors, coal oil Iamps, rugs, lamps, small tables, washing machine, cookware, dishes, chrome table and 4 chairs, 2 stop Iadders, gardon tools, 2 r wrlawn mowers, 28' ade ools, plus many other items. The property of Mr.' and Mrs. William, Stearman, 35 Main St. South in lJxbridge. Lunch available. Sale manag- ed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416- 852-3524. 39-2 Annual Faîl Stocker Sales Wednesday, October 19th Wednosday, October 26th At Lindsay Comm unity Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, heifers and calvos sold in truck load lots or to your satisfaction. Always a good quality sale with excellent, solection of local cattie. Wednesday, October l9th and Wodnesday, October 26th. Both sales at 1:00 p.m. For further information or consignments contact Carl. Hickson. Proprietor and auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ont. 705- 324-9959 or 705-324-2774. 38-5 Free-LanceEditor Feature Writer, Co lu mn ist OPEN FOR ASSIGNMgNTS Oshawa 579-0317 37-8 TYRONE ig- Welding -mig Steel - Cast Iron - Aluminum SmallEngines Repairod &Tune-ups Lathe Work 263-8849 29-tf WAý ERP Wells bored, 30" 1ilue. War's Woll Boing. Tele- phono 342-2030. Represonia- ve Harry L. Wade. Tele- hone 987-4531. 16 t? NEED a pressure systom? Water Soffoners? Repairs to. all makes. Harvey Partnier, Orono 983-5206, Bowmanville 623-2301. 35-tf 623-2301 ORONO 983-5206 Parts ahd service plans available. 35-14 WILL babysit i n my own home, Memorial Park area. Phono 623-2484. 40-1 G. VAN LONDEN MASON RY BRICK, BLOCK, STONE AND FIREPLACES. Phone 623-5114 - 28-52x C & C JANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMAN VILLE 45-tf A. J. GROEN CONSTRUCTION Ma son ry, Contra ctor for CHIMNEYS - BRICKS - BLOCKS- FIREPLACES and - MINOR.or MAJOR REPAIRS CaîIl 623-2970 M:= 8 USED Furnifure and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- os, furniture, crocks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King WeÈt, 725-9783. 9-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME! 2 or 3 Bedroom Homne in Bowmanville. Price range $40,000 - $45,000 Willing to assume srailîf irst mortgîýge. No agents. Write Advertîser 727, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. LiC 3K9. Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS' HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 62 3-5756 Residence 6371 45-tf COLONIAL STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTRE "Learn f0 Ride" Special1 Courses in Equitation, Jumping and Dressage. "Horsemanship"l and "Showmanship" Opportunity to Compoe' in Shows. Horses SuppIied. SPECIAL PROGRAM being offered thiS fai. 4 lessons per month plus 8 hours free riding time - $50.00. Tel: 623-4984 llth Lino, R. R. 3, Bowmanviî le 34-tf Prof essiona If Ca rpet 45-tf Cleaning Have you had your AT REASONABLE RATES FuncSrved FREE ESTIMATES uncSeved Phone Bob Cail 623-2383 HARVEY 37-tf PARTNER -ROWAAVILLIE Corneil's Auction Barn Frida y, October 7th a? 7 p.m. 3 miles east of Little Bitain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Rd. 5 matching pressback chairs, round wicker table, wicker fern stand, wicker rocking chairs, Duncan Phyfe drop- leaf table, Morris chair, quantity' of Flô-Blue dishes, ant.que scales, 2 antique Bowmanville chairs (signed), bullseye lamp, quantity of antique rugs (hooked), an- tique churn, old for ge, wagon wheels, antique bedi, harvest table, old toys, china cabinet,' quantity of picture frames, quantity of brass and -silver, quantity of china and glass, 1968 Chev. car, certified. Plus many more antiques, furni- turo and household items. Terms cash. Don Corneil, auctioneer. R. R. 1 Little- Britain. 705-786-2183. 40-1 Farm Sold Auction Sale Saturctay, Oct.'15 at 12:30 p.m. Auction sale includin g 26 cattle mostly Hereford X Charolais, 12 cows rebred for April and May. 4 yearling steers, 18 mos. 3/ Charolais bull, Hereford heifer, cow due Novom ber. 1973 Dodge 1 ton truck with 11 ' platform and stock racks (certified), '69 GMC 3/4 truck (as is), 1972 GMC½2ton (as is), 102 Massey tractor, M-H 2 furrow pIow, N.1. mower, M-H no. il side rake, Int. 6' disc, cultivator, M-H seed drill, J-D manure spreader, steel roller, Case baler, Case rake, rubber tired wagon, 100 cedar fence posts, steel posts, rails, qu. of lumber, barn beams, chains, 2800 bales hay, 300 second cut alfalfa, 600 bales oat straw, 900 bu. mixed gra inr, many small items. Funiture: 2 Hoosier antique kitchen cabi- nets, walnut bedroom suite, painted bedroom suite, dining room suite, side table, wasg stand, antique port able gramophone, rocking chair, p icture frames, lnen cup- board, 5 Bontwood chairs, rocker, parlour chairs, collec- tibles. F urniture selîs first. Sale a? 12:30 p,m. The property of KenMitchell, Lot 9, on. 8, 1/4 mile south of Mount Albert on Centre Road. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524, 40-2 Auction sale for Durham Christian Hig h School on atra, October 8th at 1 p.m. Things selling at Knox Christian Schoo , Scugog St. N., Bowmanvillo. 5 portable schools with lights and heat- ers, '64 Ran-bIer car, electric organ, service bonches, elec- fric motors, g as stove, 48" electric stove, horse, lum ber 2 x 12 and 2 x 6, doors, windows, Iockers, other articles. Lunch. Craft sale at 12 - 1 p.m. No reserve. Cliff Pethick, auc- tioneer. 40-1 Auction sale at Pethick's Barn,' Haydon, October 8th and lth, one mile east of Enniskillen. On Saturday evening October 8th at 7 p.m., then again on Monday, October lOth (Thanksgiving Day) at 1 p.*M. A large quantity of furniture and tools from t he Rowe home, from View Lake. Please note theso two sales for this weekend, Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 40-1 N U, C,0w, The Bay of Quinte Confer- once United Church Womep met at Quin-Mo-Lac Camp on Mo ira Lake for a weekend retreat September 9th, lOth, llth. The theme speakers were the Rev. Mac Freeman and Mr. Ron Kennedy. They led' 245 women in a sharing experience on the subject: "Understanding our Faith." Together they brought us to a realization of wha t it means ta be human, their very working and sharing together brought us dloser to the humnaness we al need. Mrs. B.J. Kiassen led us in early morning worship on the subject,: "Risking our Faith; to Believe and to Doubt." This worship set well the mood for our' speakers to share their faith., This was the first time for haîf the ladies present to attend this annual school for leaders. By presbyterials the attendance was: Belleville 63, Cobourg 34, Kingston 53j, Lindsay 24, Oshawa 30, Peter- borough 27, Renfrew 15, total 250. The offerings amnounted to $347.50 and was given ta, six concerns of the United Church. This work was well presented by the different presbyterial groups in skits on Friday evening. Book sales amounted to $1,800> Our Dean, Mrs. Glen Howes of Parham, kept the school at a high level of spiritual awareness. Mrs. Ceci] Brown of Belleville led us well in sangs bath new and' old. The counsellors of the Sumimer Camps assembled Friday evening to share with us what camp had meant to them during the Summer. In the evening they entertained the school with a delightful camp fire program. Sunday afternoon t'ývo hundred and fifty womren of the church made their way to their respective homes, with renewed faith and a new; understanding of their humran- ness. Many were resolved to return ta next year's school under the new dea'n, Mrs. Marion Wellman. The next event for!Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. will be the 2 Regional meetings at Brooklin United Church, October 17th, 19771 and New- tonviLlle tJnited Churcli, Octo- ber 25th, 1977 with Rev. R. Maggs as guýest speaker who is Oshawa Hospital Chaplain. 1Rural Bowling Solina 6182, 7, Town Boys 6024, 7, Enniskillen 5767, '6, Salem 4391, 6, Maple Grave 6111, 4, Tyrone 6058, 4, Hi C's 5626, 4, Farm Boys 527.5, 1, Rurals 4926, 1, Combines 2318, 0., Top 10,Averages K. McGill 285, (3), B. Martin 238, Ralph Davey 241, M. Smelt 220, Ron Broome 217, C. Mills 214, John Coombes 213, Tom Barrie 210, Don Taylor 201, D. Wood 200. High single Hon Broome 303, Ralph Davey 291-269, B. Martin 269. High Triple, Ralph Davey 826-269, 266, 291, Tom Barrie 704-202, 257, 245, F. Wotten 690-245, 22t, '2.19. OVVVIVIANVILLL