Out for Swîffts Semi Boneless SUGAR PLUM'HAMS 12 lb avo size Iess m'el your'r ParchmentWrapc 1 IL pkg. Mira Mari Frozen Concentrated Unsweetened 12-112 fi1. OZ. tin VaIIey Farm FmROZmEN FRENCH FRIES;,39 21lb. bag Champlain WHm"1uITE S LICE CD BREAD 3 24 oz. batf Chcken Noodle LIPTON SOUP MIX Pkg. of 2 env SOFTMARGARINE59 i lb tub Steinberg's Condensed TOMATO SOUP U CefORN FLAKES 675 g box98 15 oz pkg.1 8 Campbell 's Condensed N MUSHROOM SOUP l 1011 o.tin r AlIlVegeable Shoiieninci CRISCO 1 lb. pkg. Fresh tram the Tropics LA RG E S IZE BANANAS Ontario Grown- Canada Fancy Grade MacINTOSH APPLES 3lb bag9 8 Produci of USA HONEY DEW MELONS g8C Large Size 6 Onaro Grown. Canada No. 1 Grade CARROTS - 5 LB. Poly bag Mariboro Pink or White BATH ROOM TISSU E 5C 4 roll pkg. i ply 5 Mira Mari 128fl.ozjug8 1 OntaioGrown- Canada No. 1 Grade TABLE PO TA TO E S5 C Ontario Hot House Grown Canada No. 1 Grade English SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS 4 Produc of USA. RED EMPEROR GRAPESf5 Canada No. 1 Grade Large Size SPANISH TYvPE ONIONS 1lb. bag 1398 Frozen Eviscerated Utility Grade Tau RKm\rEYS 10-16 IL size Section Two 'The Canadian Statesman, Bowmnanville, October 5, 1977 7 _ Van.8Belleon C LB.' BEST BUY Frozen Young Eviscerated CANADAGRDAC TURKEYS LB.78 Ail sizes BEST BUY Frozen Young Eviscerated Canada Grade A Deep Basted TU RKEYSl Ail sizesBEST BUY Picnic Style SMOKED PO'RK SHOi' 0U L D ERS 4-6 IL size ýC LB. [BEST BUY opare .a1*O8U -..-,1BESTBUY- Back Strap Removed PRIME RIB ROASTS 14 Cul from nada "GRADEA" Beef LB.34 RglR IB TEKS B .5 PRIME RIB STEAKS 1 1 CuttromCanada "GRADE A" Beef L B. PROUNDRISTEAKS- CuffromCanada "GRADE A" Beet LB. Boneless Top Round w STEAK ROASTS Cut f rom Canada "GRADE A" Beef LB.l.5 Cul f rom the Loin SIRLOIN STEAKS Cul f rom Canada "G RADE A" Beef LB.178 Frozen Eviscerated GradeA YOU NG DUCKLINGS 3-5 IL. size insu BESTBRUY - - Empire or Pioneer SLICEDSIDE BACON 1 L pkg. BEST BUY Mary Miles1% SLICED SIDE BACON- 1 IL pkg. SCHNEIDER'S MINI DELI 8 oz chub BESTBUY 9 TOURTIERE P 1.2 16 ozpkg. BESTBUY New Season Frozen, Pacifie 2-4 lb. whole or haîIf LB. 14 Thaw, Clean and Enjoy, Nomwegian . COOKED PRAWNS L3.19 PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE BOWMANVILLE AREA UNTIL OCT. 11, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIG'HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Church in Peterborough, A beautiful anniversa ry cak e centered the table. Members from Bethany, who attended were: Mrs. Marion Wood, Mrs. Ren Smeit, Mrs. Debbie Wood, Mrs. Belle Smith and Mrs. Lillian Failis fromn the Marsh Church. Join the Canadian minority group. 1The Fit. seci at iraci ecc lec Yes...,Mralei ng ,on Gardening Fail Planting of Nursery Stock Fall is probably the best time of the year to plant evergreens and'some varie- ties of trees. It bas a 10 to 12 week period in which you can safely plant, before winter sets in. The advantages are that the tree or evergreen wilI become well established before winter and you will gain a. full season of growth, otherwise when planting in the spring it will be mid summer before the new roots are established and the new growth begins. Another good reasn is the fact that almost al the Garden Centres in the area are having some sort of a s aie on plants and trees, which p they like to sel before the winter sets in, and which will save them the extra work to bring the plants inside or to store themn outside and pro- vide some protection. Planting evergreens in the fall differs slightly from the spring, in that you shouid make sure that the soul is good where you plant them, so that N the roots can get started right àaway. In the case of planting in the new subdivision you will F likely have to remove the soul and bring in fresh black topsoil, or you can dig the hole where the evergreen has to be planted, and place -the sou > at the side of the hole and mix peatýmoss and manure through the soul. I would like to see about a third each of the soul you dig out and a third peatmoss and a third manure mi xed together ito get that perfect pianting mix. After you have mixed this together take a shovel full of this mix and place at the bottom of the F hole, then place the plant on top of this mixture, if the evergreen bas a burlap bag around the soit bail, just cut the top and tuck it around the roots at the botto M' and it will rot in a vears time, or if the evergreen is planted in a plastic or steel can, just tip the can and tap the bottomn and the evergreen will siide out, then fi in around the root bal witlÊ the mix up to 3 or 4 inches frmthe top, then tap this mix itight so that there are no air holes left in the soul, then take F the gardenhose and fuI up the hole with water, and let this away, if this drains away very fast it shouid be repeated two more times, totoog1 soak the root hall and the soil around the evergreen, then fill in the rest of the hole with the mix and you could not have a better planting job done by a professional. Evergreens shoulci be watered very heavily right up until frost, even as late as Christmas if the soul is not frozen, because the evergreen wiil depend on that water that you supplied throughout the whole winter, h even established evergreen planting that are severai1 years will benefit greatly f rom a good soaking in the f ail. Trees and shrubs can be planted in the sable manner,, trees shouid be stalked for the winter to protect them from' biowing over, to tie the tree to the stake'use a piece of wire inserted through a Piece of hose and twist thie arounýd the stake and then around the tree, sa, that the tree wili not rub against the stake with the, wind * Pruning should neyer be - done in the fali season on any " evergreen or tree, with the exception of just very light trimming, or to remove a broken branch. Damage couid resuit if you prune in the faîl, since when you make a eut, then you4 have an open wound wich can cause damage with the frost freezing the sap Obest lime to trim or prune trees is.in the early spring or