18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octoben 5. 1977 Section Two ORONOg NEuWS (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs. Jim Major, Mrs. Lance Plain, and Mrs. Ken Gamsby en- joyed a four day motor trip to Western Ontario and attended the Stratford Shakespearean Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Les Hrebicek of Toronto spent the weekend with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bail and other relatives ini Oruno anïd Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power were Sunday evening dinnen 0F NEWCASTLE NOT ICE 0 F NHIGH W AY CLOSING, TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday the llth day of October, 1977, at the hour of 1:15 o'cîock in the afternoon, proposes to pass a by-law to stop up and close those portions of road allowances in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, and more particularly described in Schedule ""A" annexed hereto. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Council intends to authorize the conveyance thereof to abutting owners. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law the Council, or a Committee of Council, shail hear in person, or by bis counsel, solicitor, or agent, any person who dlaims that bis Iand wilI be preludically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATE D at the Town of Newcastle, this 21st' day of September A.D., 1977. J. M. McILROY,, A.M.C.T. Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR those certain parcels or tracts, of land and premises situate Iying and being in the' Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed Of FIRSTLY Alil that portion of the original sideline Road Allowance between Lots 18 and 19 in the Broken Front Concession of the Geographic Township of Darington, formerly in the County of Durham, more particu îarîy designated as Part 4 on a reference plan deposited in the Land Registry Office for the Reistry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) as Plan 10 R 343, and Parts 5, 8 and 9 on a reference p Ian depositedi in the said Land Registry Office as Pan10 R 342; S ECON DLY Al that portion of the original sideline Road Allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in the Broken Front Concession of the aforesaid Geographic Township of Darlington more particularly desig nated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in t he aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 10 R 398, Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 10 R 343, and Parts 3 and 7 on a reference plIan deposited in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 10 R 342; THIRDLY 1i that portion of the original sideline Road Allowance between Lots 22 and 21 in the Broken Front Concesion of the aforesaid Geographic Township of Darlin gton more particularly designated as Parts 3, 4 and 5 on a reference plan deposited in the aforesald Land Registry Office as Plan 10 R 553; FOU RTHLY Al of First Avenue, Second Avenue, Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Ninth Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Twelfth Avenue, Thirteenth Avenue, Fourteenth Avenue, Fifteenth Avenue, Sixteenth Avenue and Station Road, aIl according to a plan of subdivision of parts of Lots 22 and 23 in the Broken Front Concession of the aforesaid Geographic Town- ship of Darlington, registered in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 97; FIFTMLY Al that portion of Lots 131, 132, 133, 181 and 182 according to a plIan of subdivision of part of Lot 22 in the Broken Front Concession of the aforesaid Geographic Township of Darlington, registered in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 97, more particularlv desianated as Part 1 on a réference plan deposited in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as Plan 10 R 553; S IXT H L AIl that portion of Lots 907, 908, 909, 910, 911 and 912 accordingt a Ilan of subdivision of part of Lot 23 in the Broken Front Concession of the aforesaid Geographic Township of Darlington, reg istered in the aforesaid Land Registry Office as PlIan 97, more particularly desi gnated as Part 2 on a reference plan deposited in the a foresaid Land Registry Office as Plan lOR 553; .Veq-ntriloquist Delights Chidren at Lions FarniIy Night It was clear by the expressions on some of the children's faces that they beartily approved of the antics of ventriloquist Cy Leonard and bis sidekick when they performied for the Lions Club last week. The family night had ail the ingredients guests of his sisters, Miss Merle Power and Miss Hazel ]iIÂ V 1i Power of Oshawa. ±P YYleYAiniA Mr. and Mrs. Carman Patton of Ridgeway Street, Oshawa visited his brother, 'S .1705 Mn. Roy B. Patton, last weekç. Mr. Bruce Hancock has been a patient in the Bowman- There are none. 50 handi- ville Hospital for the past capped as those who believe week. tbey are; whether it bea Mr. Clifford Bruton of Cobb starimering tongue, a shaking Hill who was a patient in the hand, colour blindness, fear of Memoial ospial, as tans-the dark or fear of the future. ferred to the Oshawa General Hospital and had surgeny on Monday. Mr. Bruton has been living with his daughten and son-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Oliver Knapp Jr., and their four sons on the 4th line. Mrs. R.A. MeMillin of Main Street spent Sunday with Mr. and Mns. Lawrence Harris and Charles of 8th line. Mrs. Cliff Cooper has been a patient in the Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville for the past 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean and her sister Mrs. Lance Plain spent Tuesday in Peter- borough. L. C.-O. Phillip Tnofimuch and Mrs. Tnofimuch and their four cbjîdren, Mary Anne, Michael and the twins, Mel- anie and Michelle, recently were posted to the National Defence Depatment at St. Lawrence Park, Edmonton, Aberta, from the Trenton Air Base. Mrs. Tnofimuch was the former Miss Joan Bruton, Reg. Nurse of Orono and clauglbter ot Mn. Clifforcl AIMC is prou( Bruton and late Mrs. Bruton. Mr. and Mrs. Murray dollar for dollar val Brown, Debbie and Cindy of Peterborough spent Sunday smalle; more effici< with Mr. and Mrs. Orville rnaneuverabîlit3ý pe Chailice and Denise. My sincere thanks to every- For 1978, the, one who assisted me at the the wide-body Pace: time and since my nasty fal, backw.ands, at 4 a.m. Sunday, srnaflý, appointed à September l8th and I arn stili 50 full of misery, as ail the extra damp weather we have By liad for oven the past ten days did not help me. So trust morestn news next week. Thanks again to everyone. AC Amerc ~ O l e ! ~tires, for ever cornes first, if the part is def normal use and service. And ifG M issin governighî, a Loaner Car will be your AMC Dealer Sec your AM( Dealer for full parniculars. A collection of old coins and bis worth $1000 has been reponted missing fnorn a Bowmanville home. The money was stoned in a metal cash box owned by Robert Cook Jr., of 4 George st. Durham Regionai Police were told that his basement bedroomn was broken into during the past three weeks and the contents of the box were nemoved. that go into an evening of fun, including ail the bot dogs, hamburgers, cake and ice cream that they could consume. Topping the program off was Mr. Leonard's show, which some of the cblidren may have already known from the Unele Bobby Show on television. ster to Deaf tas Challenge Only in these beliefs are we in any way disabied. Hevereno J. Kent Clayton, who bas recently been appointed Min- ister to the deaf, does not see bis new ministry in any way different frorn bis past large suburban 'Toronto Congrega- tional one. Simplya widening of his scope and an opportun- ity to better live the Gospel. He feels the greatest need lies ad to present its 1978 car âne. Cars that represent the kind of real lue Canadian drivers are looking for. Cars that meet today's need for ýnt: vehicles. The newAMC cars offe4 as always, a combination of erformance, room and comlibrt. >AMC model line-up features a new luxur compact ... the Concord DI,~ =r with a fresh new look, the sporty but roomy Gremnlin and the Matador.i' And, of course, ai '78 AMC cars are backed by AMCs exclusive 19 78 ler Protection Plan, the complete Guarantee that continues to set a idard for the automotive industry ____________ in the edueation of a hearing society to a world of silence, for deafness can befaîl any one of us from birth to death frorn something as simple as an car infection or as serious, as an accident. "I do not wish to be sirnply a link between the sounçi and the silence. I expect equal oppor- tunities in education and employment and other areas to corne naturally and easily to the deaf, and there is no reason why thîs cannot be. In fact, he added, "most of my time wilI be spent dispelling out-moded ideas about the deaf in the hearing commun- ity." And what about Jesus Christ in al this? "Why He is love, He is concern and 11e will be in each home I visi t for the proof of the Christian is in the doing."~ Rev. Clayton brings with hirn a vast amount of experi- ence in dealing with the social problerns in today's world. He bas, youtb and vision and is bound by a love of God and people. "Today," he says, "is a world of quick-witted adver- tising slogans and clever jargon and if I had to sum my feelings up in a 'one-liner', I suppose it would go something like this. .. 'The five, worldly sense of hearing, seeing, touching, smeiling, tasting- they are ail nothing without the knowiedge of Christ-The Love That Makes Sense." If you are deaf and require assistance in any area of living, or if a friend or relative could benefit from' this ser- vice, or if you would simply like more information on the type of help 'offered contact Rev. J. Kent Clayton, B.A., M. Div.,:. Post Office Box 1365 Belleville, Ontario. This is an outreacb Ministry sponsored by the United Cburch of Canada, but is freely available to ail faiths. lhevaueCanadians ward 'Me78 MCindvuua rcciningfroisaîs Concord D/L's elegant exterior features a stylish vinyl Landau roof accented by opera wmndows, colour- keyed grille accents and wheel covers, plus whitewall tires. Insid, .* the D/L offers reclining seats, woodgrain instrument ,. panel and digital clock And best of all, these and rn any other luxury features are standard equipment onthe Concord D/L. WhXether you choose the 2-door or 4-door Sedan or %Xgon, we! feel Concord D/L is one of the best values in the Canadian car market today Itfs priced about the same as you'd expect to pay for a standard North American compact ,(Based on published competitive- prices as at -Sept 1, 1977.) And it' backed by AMCIs 1978 Buyer Protection Plan, making it a value that' hard to beat W e invite you, to corne in and see the complete line-up of '78 AMC's on display at Wkitby When you support the work of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind you support a realistic program of Rehabilitation, Recreatio:n, Residential Care, and Sight Conservation Campaign will be conductod the fuli month of October Pie se be Generous The Canadian National Insttut.ý for, the Blind A nn'ouncementw Mr. William Brown, Barrister and Solicitor, successor to the practice of McComiskey and Associates, formerly located ot 233 King Street East,, Bowmanville, is pleased to onnounce that he is located at 68 King Street East, Bowmanville, Ontario. (Veltri Complex) Telephone Number (416) 623-3305: Intmducing a neu lumny compact. ihe>78AMC CG»oivDIL. Grént enzius 1250 Dundas St, East 728-2822 li- re a Motors Ltd