12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 5, 1977 Section Two, Winners of Jr. erwnnis Tournamenf At the Bowmanville Tennis Club's Junior Tournament on Sept. 10 - 11, Itese were the winners, from left to rigt , girls' singles winner Daphne Lobb; boys' singles runner-up andi 7-7 7 1, PUBLIC AUCTUONýi 0F USEDI CARS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS, MOWERS, CHAIN SAWS AND MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT TO BE HELD 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER l3th, 1977 AT THE MIN ISTRY 0F TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YARD 138 HOPE STREET NORTH, PORT HOPE, ONTARIO 4-1973 to 1974 Automobiles - 4 door sedans, 8 cyi., auto, P-B and P-S (Ambassa- dor, Chevrolet,' Dodge, Ford) 1-1974 Vetga 2 door Station Wagon - 4 cyl., auto 4-1972 and 1973,1à Ton Express Trucks, 6 or 8 cyl., (some are auto) 2-1973 BQdge ¾V Ton Express w-5 man cabs 1-1970 G.M.C. 3/ Ton Panel -8 cv 1 1-1972 Dodge 1/2 Ton Panel-6 cvi. 1-1970 Ford and 1-1968 Dodge 3 Ton Cab and Chassis - 8 cyl. (Dodge is non- operaIve) 1-1968 Ford 3 Ton w-dump box and hoist - 8 cyl. 1-1968 Chev. 2 Ton w-stake body - 8 cyl., non-operative) 2-1969 Ford 5 Ton w-dump box and hoist - 8 cyl. 3-1967 Fargo 5 Ton w-dump boDx, holt, plow push jr4ý and yruicwing' 1-1968 5 Ton w-stake body, hif and Hiab Crane - 8 cyl. 1-1967 Ford 6 Ton w-fixed box - 8 cyl., (non-operatlve) 1-1971 G.M.C. 40 Passenger Bus - 8 cyl., (non-operative) 1-1957 Schramm-self-propelled air compressor - 105 C.F.M. 2-1961 Massey-Ferguson Trac- tors - Mode! MF35 (1 equipped with ' sickle bar mower) 1-1959 Case Tractor - Model 2108L w-51 sickle bat' mowei- 1-1971 Ford Hamme[ knife mower - 5 1-1969 Liliston rotary mowïer - 90", 1-1972 Mott rotary mower - 22" 1-1968 Jacobsen reel type mower - 21" 1-1958 Ferguson sickle bar Mow- er- 5 5-1970 Lawn Boy rotary lawn Mowers - 21" 2- Homemade Snowmoblie Type Trailers accident damaged) 1-1962 Myers Weed sprayer - 250 gai. cap., traiter mounted 1- 150 Gai. Fue! storage tank - traiter mounted 1-1969 Friand wead sprayer - 1,000 qat. cap., w-pump and motor 6- Snow Wings 2- Monarch electric hyd. snow plow pu mps 2- Sennett fuel dispensing pumps 2- Jack HaMmers <l4olman and Thocr) FU- feýi 01sae etr re- qiýre repairsr 1-19W7 Ruemrelin sand blast generator (requires re- pairs) 1- Air operated power grind- er 20- Chain Saws - 20" <Home- lite, Pioneer, Remington, 511hi) -1 5- One way piows 2-1967 Swenson hydraulic sand spreaders - 5 cu. yd. (Iess engines) Iems mnay be lnspected at the above location from 9:00 a.m. ta 4:0P.m. on October ilth, 12th and Thursday, October 131h, 1977 until time of sale. Further information may be obtained from: Distrïct Sup ly sUpeyvi sor Field Review & Disposai Port Hope, Ontarlo Office (416) 885-6381 Downsview, Ontario (416) 248-3725 TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Each item ii be soId on an 'As Is- Where ls"bas$ Vehicles Witl ce soid wîtbool a SAFETY STANDARDS CERTIFICATE and wihout licence plates, A deposit Of $100 00.or fllu payment in the amournl of the bict. whichever is less, must Se pad on, each item a1it he time of sale. Payment muaI be completed and items remoeed wîlhin ive (5) working days Failare t0 rompiy wili resait in forfaiture of depositl Ali Paymenls must be cash. certîied cheque, moniey order, or baik draft madte payable to the "Treasure, ot Ontario. Vehictes can oniy be removed wth (a) a Deaer s Licence Plate (b) another Province s Licence Plate (c) proper towing or car transporter Al othEr lemà and conditions as posled aI pace of sale doubles champion, Paul, Cooke; boys' singles winner, Ken Werry, and in the foreground Steve Ashurst, boys' doubles champion. Trinity U.C.W. The General Meeting cf Trinity U.C.W. was held on Tuesday, Sept. 12th at 2 p.m. in the Sunday School Hall. President Mrs. A. Blair wel- comed all present. Hymn 488 was sung followed by prayer. 1Mrs. A. Strike leader cf Unit 7 then led in the worship and program. The theme cf the devotional was "Let us love one another". Mrs. T., Rehder gave the scripture I Corinth- ians 13:4-7 and Mrs. Strike read a poem "A Listener". A very thought-provoking skit entitled "Boy and Wolf" was portrayed by Mrs. L. Allen and Mrs. J. Peters. The lonely boy wanted te tame the wolf for friendship and the wolf needed the boy's company. Al cf us need each other in some way te make our lives complete. Hymn 373 was then sung and Mrs. Strike closed with prayer. Tables and chairs had been previously arranged in groups cf four to facilitate the program which' was led by Mrs. J. Peters. With the use cf the overhead projector she enabled us to make up our own personal "Coat cf Arms" by drawing answers te the quest- ions appearîng on the screen. Using diagrams only, we we re instruc'ted to answer the followin- quesionrs and theni share thèem vith each other. 1. What is something you are very good at? 2. What is one thing in your life you would like to improve? 3. What would you do if you had one year te live and were guaran- teed success in whatever you attempted? 4. What three qWities would you like te have associated with you? The drawings on our "lshields" proved te be very interesting but made us realize how much we rely on words to commuai- cate. Mrs. Peters closed her program with the poem "Side by side with a friend". Mrs. A. Blair conducted the business and, asked Mrs. D. Austin for a report on her recent weekend at "Quin-Mo- Lac", School for U.C.W. She urged more te take advantage, cf this inspiring retreat. The Treasurers report was given by Mrs. A. Harris showing a fair balance. Mrs. F. Jamieson read the minutes of the Faîl Executive meeting te make us aware cf plans for the remainder cf the year. Volunteers were receivred te make posters for the Nov. 5 supper. Mrs. G. Beech reported on the poorer attendance at our Friendship Club meetings but after discussion it was decided to continue as usual 'till the end of 1977. A letter from the Leprosy Mission concerning, used stamps was read and we were urged to continue saving them as well as Dominion Store Tapes. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Tait will look afeter the stamps and tapes respectively. Mrs.' R. Coomibes reported on the refinishiing cf two tekels for the parlour. Mrs. C. Trewin read us part of a letter from Rev. A. Banks in Jam-aica. We sponsor his work there, as ore of our "Live Love' proJýcts. He said the people of Jamaica need to express themnselves better and find thait the church is most helpfL!for this to be achieved, Roll cail wý,as taken and tickets given to the units for the Nov. 5 supper. Announcements were: Oct- ober 18 at 2 p.m. - Thankoffer- ing Tea and General Meeting with Rev. John Peters as our speaker. Ot ober 21 at 2:30 p.m. Friendship Club, in Church Hall. October 26 at 9:30 arn. Oshawa Presbyter- ial U.C.W. Regional Meeting, at Newtonville with Rev. J. Maggs of the Oshawa Chap- laincy Service as speaker. Articles for the Jack Frost project to be taken to this meeting. November 5 at 5 p.m. and 6:ý30 p.m. Trinity Fal Buffet and Country Store. The meeting closed by the singing of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds". Repairs For Orono cS>,,CndpÉîpe A tender of approxirnately $12,000 bas been awarded by the Durham Region for the cleaning and painting cf the water tank in Orono. Harrison Muir Ltd. was the lowest cf four bidders on the project. The company turned in a low bid cf, $11,893. Its quotation was just one dollar below the quotation submitted by the next highest bidder. volunteer CATCH TED WATSON'S STRAWBERRY EXPRESS PICK YOUR OWN à 9,l L P LE00 BOWMAN VILLE J1ok4~ £~ 11e7/t4cûad'4 . w 4 k64/&ec&ve g~{ <4,4 ac#e C~16~C6ft aie «5'ý 4me. HOU RS: Saturday and Thanksgivig Monday 9:00 -5:30 Sun. 10 - 5:30 SmaII trees. No Iadders. NEW CROP REPORTS phone 623-7252 24 hrs. a day and get a prerecorded crop starting date and picking conditions, plus other crop information ALL TO SERVE YOU BETTER! FREE WAGON RIDES Have a wagon ride with Dixie and Babe when available, for your convenience and enjoyment. KIDS PLAYGROUND We have a playground just for the kids so bring them along, for some fun. -DýUALfTY FARM FRESH PRODUCE LiC 3K3 Tel0416)623-725? MRS. DONNA FAIREY, BRANCH CO-ORDINATOR Telephone WORLD 12 Silver Street 623-4200 WIDE AFFILIATIONS N-e (ýp ' CI-Z ý- /ê, e4 eewmaffl- me «ýî£îùY* a 0 ÀL m«t4eé aww/ - - 11%n anmi )re