Home Improvement, Supplement of The Canadian Statesman, October 5, 1977 HIELP PROTECT YOUR FAMILY and your home with the Hlome e ty~Smoke Alrm from Genteral E-ce- t rie. One small addition of live-saving value Improvements or addi- tions to your home are usu- ally much more than cosme- tic. You m1ay need more room for a growing family, or extra storage space or simply modernize an outdated kitchen or bath. However, a small addition to, your home imPprovemient plan can m1ake a lot of differ- ence in your famnily's safety and protecting the financial investment you're making in your home. No home is immune to the danger of ire, and is particui- larly vuinerable if anysi- nificant construction is tak- ing place. Wood chips, sawidust, exý- posed wviring and lectrical tools can ait contribute to -a potential fire hazard. To guard against ire tragedy, onie of the frst im- provements you consider should be the installation of a smoke aarmi-one like the Home Sentry " Smoke AMarnfromn General Electric. The Homie Sentry Smoke AMarin sniffs, the surrounding air 24 hours a day. souniding a louid alarmn if it detects the presence of combustion par- tîcles that are so small as to be barely viible. Three models are avajil- able.: atr-pwrd wired-in and corded to suit miost household require- mnents. Mlore than one mnay be needed depending upon the size of your home. FOR EMERGENCY USE DURING PO<WER fal- ures or as a convenient, portable fiashight for use around the home and as a handy night light whien plugged int the wall, Homne Seiitry0D' Secqârity Light by Genieral Electrie helps you ami your family. K àISER0*Windows ALUJMINvuM *0Awning BU/LOINC7 OOLCT 20 YR. GUARANTEE. Thecrtical factor in energy saving Proper insulation is the outside temperature abo' critical homne improvemient de(grees, a well-inisulated to effectivec energy-saving in should register about 65 miost Amnerican homes, ac- grees. If it's much lower' cordling to the National 65, the wall is in A probz Homne Improvemnent Coun- ity flot insulated. cil. Insulation is rated bý Save 5(K- resistance to heat flow., It pints out the Amier- is called its R value (P ican homeowner can save up resiîstance). The higher t to 50%1 of his fuel costs wvith rating, the more satisfaë t he r ig ht k i ndîo f is resistance. insultio-haîf his energyRaig consumaption. A thickness of about 3 Caulking-, weatherstrip- inches of blanketed1 ping and storin windows can glass or rock wool is, save an additional 113%. sified as R-1, imeaning tl Insulation prvides a bar- resists heat transfer as w( rier of tiny air pockets t hat 9 i nc h es of u mbe r or 4 fe slow the movement of heat bri ck. toward unheated space. The National Bureia W'ays and nanms Standards recomnmends There is a variety of types insulation in exterior of insulation and a nu mber of and floors and R-19 in ways to instaîl themn. In wide ceiling. The insulation ir, uise throughout the country try dlaimns a house mne are fiber gas rock wool, these standards needs vermiculite and cellulose. than 50% of the energ, These products are set in quired to heat a Il place, poured, or blown by insuilated house. machine into walls, under !tepays floors, orabove orbelow ceil- Even though insulE ings. represents an ïinitîiloutl When the homecowner is substantial funds, the checkinig for proper mnIa- age insulating job sh tion in his home, he should save enough to pay for place a thermnometer on the in four or five years, ac( Wall inside the house. With ing to the National E the room at 68 degrees and Improvement Council. )ut 50 cwall i5de- than babil- ýy its This R. for the R i:tory fiber ,-las- hat it ret of au of R-il1 watls ýn the, idus-' eting SIess gy re- non- ltion tlay of aver- hould itself cord- Home CARPENTRY REMODELLING CUPBOARDS VANITIES and GENERAL REPAIRS L BOWMANV I LEÀ r Don" tet cold feet. Get carpeting -Warm, Wonderful, Wýigg Ie-between-your-toes carpeting f rom Bownianvi lie Broadloom FIRST QUALITY FIRST QUALITY NAME BRAND NAME BRAND HUGE SELECTION HARDTWIST PRINT KITCHEN CARPET il COLOURS Reg. $7.95 sq.* y .$L .66 Reg. $11.95 sq. yd. $088 SPECIALV sq. yd. SPECIAL Osq. yd. FIRST QUALITY FIRST QUALITY NAME BRAND SHORT SAXONT SHAG CUSIIION FLOORING 12 COLOURS 34 COLOURS Reg. $14.95 sq. vd. $I 33 Reg. $5.95 sq. yd. $J.66 SPCIL 1 sq. yd. SPECIAL 9 sq.yd ALL INSTALLATION GUARANTEED FOR THE LIFE 0F THE PRODUCT. 'île roudl-O-I 170 CHURCH STREET PHONE 623-5054 CA LL US! Cet An EarIy Stort On Wlnter! M. BROOKS at 623-5566