Home Iniprovement, Supplement of Tbe Canadian Statesman, October 5, 19775 Bestwayto energy-savinig wall insulatsion Encrgy is fast becaming a scarce and expensive re- sIource. And p'eo-ple arebe coming more and mo-1reaae of the nleed ta conserve. Buit perhaps one of the larges't areas of enerIgywae is being ignored. 11he wals of mnost privalte homes have li- tle or no inslaition, even thoulgh they repr-esent anl opý:- portunity for signîficant enl- ergy savings. Crtaup, a wau! is ane of the mare difficult areas in your home ta inslate. It is relatively easy to aidd insufla- lion in the attic, or- beneath the hause in the crawlspace or basemn. You cant take the same approach with ai wwll. There are ýtwa wysta in- sulate a wall. Onie is ta bow insulation inta the wali caýv- hly But thosmeans driig hales through the outde wall of yur homne, which later must be patched ta matcýh teexteriorfish Also, the insLationt often dentfil the vwaU Icam- pletely, because of obstruc- tiens in the internaI fraewok.And many in- sulating nmateriialswvil! settle in the wall cavity, which re- duces their insulaing value. Finally, this me-thod docesn't insulate the entire walls in ce thlere i 0isoinsuila- tion ove2r the studs. The oher altrnative is ta apply anmsatn layer ta the outsid- of a a use, then caver it wîth siding. But what materials 'Should be used for the job? First off, standard insula- tion, such as;u beglas bt- ting, won't work býcaýuse of space lmttos If it's applied ta thie wall, thent compressed by the siding, it Jases nearly ail af its insula- tion valuie. AMso, it mnay trap moistur. Manycntatr are turni- iAg ta an insuation board of one farm or another. Trhese atriasusually ene-haîf inh thikk or greater, Provi de h unae Yn sulati'on value as au much tbiic:ker layer of' standard in- sultio, dpeningon the compositionLet the bad A new aluminum )foil- cvrdinsulating board sold by Reynolds Mtl~Com- panry, called Cimate Guard, can reduce heat lass through uninsulated walls by as much asý 59 per cent, (dependinîrg uponl the type of siding in- stalld aver it.And sînceth e badis lightweight andi eas'y ta'tpply, !lbCo cats are low. Which Iings you ta the nex,ýt dciin-ha hould you caver the insuaion withi? 0f aIl the available types af siding", aluiminum siding is the mest pr-eferrecd material, at pastjudgin huom hisorlsale. Rt hasbeen on the market for ams 40 years and cav- ers marle ithan 10 million houses in the United States., Teday, six tmsas, m-uch tdlum.inum siding issoda compared ta any"other nmate- rial. A lumlinum is the lighItcst of any of the metýal skiing mate- riIs hich imakes , it easier ta intLcutinlg ilaber costs. It cames inu ka wide rneof col- ors aind syeandireduce.s mainenance by eliinatng the need for constant repait- Depending on the indi- vidual produict, it catrries a limited, warranty u p ta 40 years. Specimecn warranty certifiates are available, throughnindividuald Liý,iers. Also, the sidingwmill not red rustIn important considra- tian in many areas; and soffitsý, shujtters and do-wn- spouts nmade ofili-inumir can be couor coordiated Io ad characer ta a home. Steel sidinig, slightly more ex-pensive thatn alumrinum, is also available in a widernge of corsand styles. Because of' its heavier- weight, steel aise costs more fo r instala- tian. The main dabakto steLi s its suswceptibiiity ta red rust. Vinyl plastic siig ised fornventional residing wvork, but in some cases, its application aver plastic fa insuflation board is prohib- ited. TraditianalîS' it's only been aalbeini white and pastel colors, andJ in Iimited Since viny1,ýS expansion!/ coiti action iratio Lunder km- perature ne is higher thanI- any other coniventional, iding rnateril, ithas ta be installed more c:arefully, and vinyl, like most plastics, is susceptible to brittleness in cold temperatiures and after prolonged exposuire ta Sun- light.1 Alsa, vinyl plastic can burn. Regardleýss, the flrst thîn-tg ta do when ch(oosing siding is ta ignore tihe rumnors youi've heard. -Manlypepetiktt metal sidinii attract light- ning, for example. Nat true, lýightninig has 1no preference for atiymaeiaThe deter- mining factor is height. The tlet betui n ,area -will attractlightnng, regrd- less of cmoito.If tis weýren't the case, lightniing waufld neyer sriketrees. Anlother false ruinnor about mietal siditig concerns V and radio reception, proba- bly started whn OmïeOne najticed their carradafading whenpassng ver a bridJge wîbametal framnework. Ac- cdigta inde-penident mectai sdig auises less TV suirondngtrees. 1 nteiferenlte essentially is a function of mass, and it's ridiculous to compare the amount of aluminum or steel used in a siding job wÏtth the thousands of tons of steel needed to bu.ild a bridge., In choosing a siditig mate- rial, also tink in terms of maintenance savings-it will make a big difference in your budget. Aluminum siding is the easiest ta maintain. And when you remember thati most bouses bave to *be repain1ted ev'ery five year-s, the longer youir sdigjob rrmaîns intact, the more maoney you Save. Tat's somrethiing most people don't realizeC. Assuming professional painting on a five year cycle, in mQst cases insulated aluminum sîding can pay for itseclf in I ess thani 10 years through savinrgs, in mainte- nance, paintiýng and energy. Sa think ab-out insulating your wallsiths iding. It can be a way ta cut increasingly expensive fuel bill!s-and through maintenance sav- ings, can mkelife a lot eýasier. but dlo it withsye Thiese days, ~on-t screyhanig apicture 10 yeas'go today tak'e on do1- it-ourselfimprovement Or of the prýice of oniga homne. Manufacturer s are- sponding ithprodutshat ma,ýke doing.-it ousefas For example, General ElecIcM offer S thîe: designedta simpifyte jobi trica! connections. The CE installatioînjmod- ue s cnneCcd(ot0-!th ouse plmigandeltrals- tems hforethe driwash1er is puit intiopoiin frdg MUCh mÉore 1r000m1tawork Atrthe initial connec- tion have been imade and the dishwaýsher slid ïinto place, the mondule is easily accessi- blefor the final hook-ups. The dswshrmodels GSD870, GSD970 and GSDI07, feure GU'Sex- cuvePermaTtf" interiori m'aterial that will not1chip. crak, eelor ustin normal use. mpore Juggied upper acand door anlswhch rovid selecting-any five of The Avocado, Cffee and the allnew Almond. Almond is ight beiige that sneraenoug2htami', oi kithe deorand eîtn applancecolosad cm plmnt oday's rn t h us'e cf ntrlmtrasin hoedecorating. Aioavaîjlble in! an op- tional kit is tlihOnx hîgh-goss blck thuatsere ta hîglîght and act aýs dia- kchndemc. ,een te oeiilt f instaillation offered by the moueand the flexibility cf kitchen decor affoded by The New Nattalscoos Git ofFers the chance ta do it yoursef . . . and do itwith stîyle. Water - saving habits well worth learnrling Water canservation is fast býecoming, a necessity. The e x Perts, at Eljer- Plum-b- ingware, a, leading f xture mllanuacturer, haveshw that wtrsaigfixtures an)d clttings can s-igzliflcantly redluce water wate-and atrbills. In addition, Eljer suggests somne water-saving ha'bits around tfeh ouse: In Ltht kitchcn You cuan stop squandering wate whe wasingdishes by had od ahwater in one arne water in the'other, 0or a paný. Use anyln et scrubber to remolve sik od.Ti If yuhave ain automlatie dswhemake every load counLt. FilI the rck.Yen doni't have to pernedse wîth mosýt unitscihr I yo 'must rmv tcysb tance, d tb saigutenl s;in ietergenit, înot îunining water. Rcad your operatin-g mani- uiai. Some machines, use Alorter wash l)c ycles lor ,omle typs c lods.'lhal imeans FilI your gariibage disposaI before nig Don't run this wateri-guzzier separately fer every s-crap. Don'twat water by run- ning the tapï until the water cools; keep a bottle in your refi igeratoir for those cool drinks. Keep a pan of sudsy water on a kitchen counter for rins- ing your hands-as you go from one household chore te another. This rînse can sanitarily be used many times during the day, avoiding the need for turninig on a fauicet over and over. Li ithe laundry Wash ilfuHl lads. If youi mutdo muiJl oad, use the wate saer eývel switch which sýaves As much as 12 glosacycle. Chck ýïita eq-uiPPing your machine with a suds saver whlich sorswash watr f re-use ,duing !-the ecndcy- cile. It could save literally thausands of gallons a year. Be sure you-r machine i-.n't leaking water down the draiin awi, filling.. jBeat thle Winter Blues with a : REDHOT ireplace I Ie IZ ýtI IC C I i I e SOLI CAS 1 RN SLID AST RI I 0"FAKI opeewih26à RNLNCmlt îe MF Im 1 El Dampr ad Grte 221vDamier nd raI *LS I IOFR In IO TVSadFIELC CESRE blcIrclrdisuae tv ie * iM-GAD * Y I.. LAZ 5010CS*PT IRNG THE NCST IRON u~~BAT 3"RNKNCpO t ý'e wIth2"FANLNCmle.wt UTHElrM foGr AE LAie I -u a witho CereFrewtu l es i u ptisudDwsor